** Getting to know you ** please post!

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<font color=orange>I've got Saratoga Springs - mak
Aug 13, 2003
Hi everyone!

I thought it would be nice to start a thread to try and get to know everyone a little better :)

Please post and let us know a little about you, your family, trips to DLP and likes / dislikes :)

I'll start:

I am Karen and I live in a village outside Exeter in Devon with my DH and two DDs who are ages 5 & 8. Jon (my DH) posts occasionally on the Dis as Disney_Jedi_ Jon (can you tell his two biggest loves, LOL)

I do lots of exciting things with numbers :rolleyes: for my job in Customer Service.

I first went to DLP last February for my 30th birthday. I wasn't sure what to expect as I have been to WDW a few times and I had heard lots of mixed reviews about the Paris park. Well, what can I say? I fell in love with it. The park is so beautiful and has so many lovely touches (which I think Disney does in every park) that I find unique to DLP. I read somewhere once that European art & architecture served as inspiration when the Imagineers planned the park and I find this so true. My next trip will be February coming and I am really looking forward to it.

My likes? Disney :teeth: but I also love reading, doing fun stuff with my family and lots of other things :)

Dislikes? Exercise :teeth: unless it involves walking around a Disney themepark ;) though I am currently in a "Fit Club" at work (ahem! We are not celebrities, though ;) ) and have started going to the gym so trying to move this area into "likes" from "dislikes" LOL

Who's next?
:wave2: hello. I am Verity and I live in mansfield, Notts with my DH Simon. I'm 27 years old and am a Primary school teacher, which some days I love and other days I don't!!!!

I've been going to WDW since i was a teenager and have now been 7 times, 3 times with DH, including our honeymoon! :bride:
We have also been to DLP 3 times in the last couple of years and LOVE it!! We have been on the eurostar each time as it is so convinient. My ultimate trip was for my birthday when we stayed in the DLP Hotel...Bliss!!!! (I won't mention that we also got stuck on the eurostar in the station in paris, on the way home and had to sleep on the train floor!!! I'll leave that for another time!!!LOL)

No trips planned for the future, YET!!!!

My major passion is obviously Disney!! However I LOVE the US and we've been to Vegas and NY recently and hope to visit other places in the near future. I am season ticket holder at Notts County and go to some away matches as well. I love reading, Will& Grace and Friends.

Love verity.xxx :earsgirl:
good idea :flower:

guess I´m one of the oldest here on the board :cool1:

We (DH 42 and I nearly 47) live at Dortmund/Germany. My DS 21 and DD 24 have their own flats. So its only we two and two cats.

We first went to DLRP in 1996 for 3 nights and then again in 1997 for one night on our way to Spain.
1999 was our first time at WDW...we stayed 7 nights at the ASM.
2000 another trip to DLRP and 2002 our honeymoon at the NPBC.
At this time I started to read and post at a DLRP-Forum and we met the first ppl from the board.
In March 2003 we bought our first AP´s and since that time we are at DLRP almost 10 times a year. Mostly for a weekend and over christmas.
Last weekend was our 25th stay at DLRP :Pinkbounc

I have now three jobs....dancing teacher, travel agent and selling FLP-stuff :flower:
Sure that I sell DLRP and WDW-Vacantions.
In january we have been to WDW for the second time and stayed 10 nights at the PC.

We love the rides, the parks and the atmosphere, taking pictures at the parks and meeting people from all over the world.

Greets Renate :wizard:
My name's Becky and I live in Chester in Cheshire with DH Oliver (Ol) and our two DDs - Amy who is 4 and Zoe who is 18 months. At the moment I'm a stay at home mum.

I first visited DLP in 1992 and, apart from one days visit to the Magic Kingdom during a holiday in Florida back in 1983, this was first proper experience of a Disney park. Though I knew just about everything about them from constant reading of the guide books!!! I've since been back to DLP five times and to WDW three times, and I'm planning a very quick DLP trip with Amy in November. I love both the resorts, though they are such very different Disney experiences. Though I think I will always have a soft spot for DLP!!

I love (apart from the obvious) anything gadgety, computer games, internet shopping and, for some strange reason, these boards!!!

Oh yes, and I forgot to mention that I'm only 36!! So despite what you might think from my tag, I haven't had to cope with any middle age crisis just yet!! I just wanted to clarify that!! :teeth:

Love the photo idea, so edited to add the only decent one of the whole family - sorry it's so fuzzy!!


DH and I live in Hawaii. We're 30-something. I'm an attorney. No kids, but we do have a great big spoiled basset hound.

We're planning our first trip to DLP this fall and would like to thank everyone on this board for being so helpful. Yes, we're flying half-way around the world to do this - from Honolulu to San Francisco to London to Paris! Well, the actual trip is to England but we're doing a three day detour to DLP.

We take yearly trips to WDW, and have also been to Disneyland in California a half-dozen times or so. We also made our first trip to Tokyo Disneyland a couple of years ago.
What a great thread:teeth:

I'm Tina and I have just moved out of London to Cambridgeshire(must remember to change my profile details!) with DH and DSs age 9 and 7.
DH and I started secondary school together.We began dating when we were 16 and have been together ever since:love:.We are both 32.

Have been to WDW with my mum just over 10 years ago and am desperate to go back with DH and kids.DH isn't overly keen on Disney so it's a struggle to convince him but I'm slowly wearing him down. ;)

Needless to say it can be a bit hard going when we visit DLRP but the Stunt Show on our last trip helped alot ;) and DH insisted on seeing it 3 times.
Have been to DLRP 3 times-the first was a competition win and without children.Have taken the boys twice and am preparing for a visit in May with my mum and without DH.The thought of mother-in-law and Disney together was too much for him to cope with :rotfl:

Worked for the John Lewis Partnership in the Toys department-got to test all the merchandise :teeth: for 13 years.Gave up work for a couple of years to concentrate on kids and have just this week returned to work as a midday supervisor at my oldest DS's school.

Likes- chocolate,Disney,rollercoasters,reading and being with my family.:)
Dislikes-getting up in the morning,any form of exercise and rudeness-you can imagine what I'm like with queue jumpers at DLRP:mad:;)
Well, so far I'm the oldest- 50. (anyone familiar with the "Red Hat Society"?) My DH humors me when it comes to my love of Disney (he thinks I'm possessed) :love: . I have two DS's....ages 17 and 9. They love Disney, especially the 9 year oid who collects disney porcelain statues. He saves up birthday and holiday money to buy them.

I am a High School Orchestra Director and I also direct the theater club in my school. Needless to say, I love the theater, and living just outside of New York City, I get to see alot of broadway shows. That is one of my biggest likes. Aside from that, I love to travel, collect antiques, and make scrapbooks. Reading is a pleasure that I try to make time for. I'm also a violinist and do some playing in some local orchestras. :charac2: But most of all, just being with my family and friends is what delights me the most. :grouphug:

My dislikes would be rude, insensitive people (certainly none to be found here) and exercise (which I really need to get better out now that I'm at "that age".

I've been to WDW 5 times and a very abbreviated day at DL about 23 years ago. We are going to DLP next week for the 1st time and I can barely contain my excitement. :jumping1:

Sorry for such a long post
Karen- just wanted to tell you that my DH and DS17 are both big Star Wars fans, especially my DS.
Hmmm, about us....ok

I am 24 and dh is 28, we have two DDs 3&1 with one more coming. We are from florida but are living in Germany right now due to dh's job. So to get our disney fix we visit dlp. We've been every year since 03 and will go every year till we leave.

We can't wait to get back to Fl because then we can go ALL the time!!!! We are also DVC members, best thing we ever bought! :)

My favorite thing about DLP is Auberge de Cendrillon....... mmm, yummy! Just can't have that at WDW. And I do think that pirates and space mountain and RnR coaster is better at DLP than at WDW.
Great idea for a thread! It's nice to read about everyone. :)

I'm 23 years old and I live in Hull, East Yorkshire with my girlfriend Claire, 25. We've been together for just over four years now and are in the process of renovating the house we bought in 2003. It's a time-consuming job - we couldn't manage it in eight weeks like they always do on those property development programmes!

I'm a final year student at Hull University and I'm studying towards a BA Honours degree in French and German. I'm bang in the middle of the exam period at the moment and I have fifteen exams and three projects (have already done seven of the exams, though!) so it's a bit of a stressful time at the moment. Scratch that, it's now May 23rd and I'm done! Wooo!

I finish my exams on May 18th and then on June 9th it's off to DLP for me and my girlfriend! It's an "end of university" treat as the last couple of years have been very difficult for me and there was a time when I was going to drop out of uni, so this is my way of rewarding myself for sticking with it. I can't WAIT because the last time I went was 1998. We'll be staying at Sequoia Lodge for four nights and travelling First Class on Eurostar. :wizard:

Then I'll be graduating on July 14th. :earsboy: (Okay so the caps aren't quite like that. But maybe I can get away with Mickey ears instead!)

Here's a photo of me and my girlfriend. I'm the blonde with glasses. :)

I am 32 ive in Newquay in Cornwall with DH(33), DD(3) & 3 mischeivous kitties.
DH & I have visited WDW twice, once as a couple & the second time we took our 10 year old nephews with us. This was before DD came along.
We will be visiting DLP for the first time in June & we are all very excited as this will also be DD's first trip to another country.
Since my previous trips I have developed rheumatoid arthritis & I have to use a walking stick when walking a lot. I think DLP qualifies as 'walking a lot'! I will be interested to see how I manage getting around & on & off rides.

DD has a calender on which she has been putting a sticker a day on to count down the days to DLP. She also has told everyone including the postman that she is going to Disneyland! :goodvibes
Some women say that they are football widows. I am a Star Wars widow. DH is completely Star Wars bonkers. Don't get me wrong i love it too...but not to the point of having tattoos of some of the characters... :earseek:
My name's Diana though most people call me Di. I used to be a teacher of German and French :teacher: but took early retirement last year and am loving every minute of it. :lovestruc There's so much to do or if I'm feeling lazy (!) I can spend hours on the DISboard!! :rotfl: My DH is Dave and is a head teacher. He absolutely adores his job (mad???) so he works and I spend - bliss!!! :rotfl2: We're both in our 50s but VERY young at heart and remarkably silly for such aged folks!! :Pinkbounc :jumping3: We celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this year (he must be a saint!!!!) We have 2 "children" - Martin is 26 and lives in Norwich :earsboy: and Rhiannon is 23 and lives over the other side of Nottingham :earsgirl: .

We had our first Disney family holiday in 1996 in WDW and have been complete Disney nuts ever since!! :earboy2: DH and I have been going to Orlando every summer since 2001 (when the kids were financially independent and we could afford to go every year!!! :rotfl: ) and Rhiannon and I started going to DLP last Easter and have been 3 times so far. We both spend a lot of time on the DISboard!! DH and I are going to Anaheim for the first time this summer - can't wait!!!!! :cloud9:
I LOVE these boards - such nice people!! :disrocks:
Hi I'm Helen and am 31 (32 next month) and live in Manchester. I got married in February to my DH Ric who unfortunately does not love Disney as much as I do but puts up with me and my obsession (and secretly loves Disney really I'm sure)

I'm a travel agent and have been since I left school. I love booking people to both DLP and WDW almost as much as I love planning my own trips.

I went to DLP about 8 or 9 years ago and am going back for my second visit in around 3 hours time, staying at the Newport Bay :cheer2:

I also love WDW and have been 5 times, twice with work and 3 times for my own holidays (currently planning visit no 6 :earsboy: )

My favourite rides are Rock N Rollercoaster (looking forward to checking out the DLP version) and Tower of Terror, so can't wait until the DLP version is built.

tmp said:
What a great thread:teeth:

I'm Tina and I have just moved out of London to Cambridgeshire(must remember to change my profile details!) with DH and DSs age 9 and 7.
DH and I started secondary school together.We began dating when we were 16 and have been together ever since:love:.We are both 32.

Well blow me tmp, you don't live that far from me. I live in Peterborough, my name is Nikki. I'm single no kiddies but am a devoted 'Mum' to my huge and stroppy 1/2 maine coon cat Bella and my sweet natured but total wimp of a Jack Russell Daisy. [we keep telling her she's supposed to be bold and fearless, even showed her the book but she is a complete coward] :rolleyes: I am a civil servant

Ive been to DLP twice now - loved it both times and am hoping to go back in November 2006. Having to wait so long because I am saving for a new PC :hourglass :hourglass :hourglass It's taking forever.

I particularly like the Disney Village at night and I don't think anything can beat the atmsphere when you are standing watching the parades go by. My favourite Disney film is Beauty and the Beast and I heartily wish they would do some better merchandise for it! I also have enjoyed some of the older Disney films - particular favourite is Snow White but I did enjoy the screening of Mulan that we had over Easter.
30 years old and living in Exeter, Devon with my DW, Denise.

Work as a Web Content Manager for a DVD production company specialising in pro wrestling and mixed martial arts. I work from home but travel up to the offices in North London once every week or two.

My Dad lives in Cyprus but may be moving back this year - yay! My Mum lives locally but spent 7 years living in Japan before they moved back 18 months ago.

Triple to DLRP:

July 2002 - booked the holiday as a treat for DW as she's a huge Disney fan. Within 30 minutes of beintg in DLRP I was hooked!

November 2002 - DW cried when we were at the station coming away from our first trip to DLRP the previous July so I promised her we'd come back and booked this trip when we got back! Loved the Christmas theming but was a bit gutted we left just 2 days before the FULL Crimbo season started.

December 2003 - honeymoon! Had the Bridal Suite of the Sequoia Lodge - free upgrade from a regular room for visiting regularly! Huge huge room - maybe a bit too big, but you can't complain :) The full Christmas season was great - loved the Bavarian Village in Disney Village with all the arts and crafts and nice foods - something to keep us occupied when the parks closed.

July 2004 - there for my Birthday and the days around it. Great trip - 3rd visit to The Blue Lagoon which is our favourite restaurant in the world! Had a fab table near the water of....our favourite ride; Pirates of the Caribbean.

July 2005 - had planned to go for the DW's birthday but the park late opening starts 1 day after we would have left so we delayed our visit by a week - we NEED those extra 3 hours!

Likes - Disney, DLRP, Star Wars and films in genral, wrestling and mixed martial arts, going to the gym, reading, collecting far too many DVDs and spending money!

Dislikes - ignorance, arrogance, queues, roller coasters (even Disney ones!), Last of the Summer Wine

Photo time:


DW - Denise
I'm Jill from Abergavenny, in South Wales and a Dental Practice Manager.

From the time DLRP opened I wanted to visit but DH wasn't keen, finally got there last March (Cheyenne) for the first time as a birthday treat for the 2 DS's birthdays We all loved it so much including DH we couldn't wait to go back, so we went back in October (Santa Fe), which was even more fantastic, the pumpkin men, face painting, everything.

I was planning our next trip in Nov/Dec this year ( I have to see the christmas decorations ) until I had my last (39th) birthday, and all my friends and family seemed concerned about was the fact that I'll be 40 next year. I don't relish the idea of being 40 and I can't think of anywhere better where I won't have to think about it at all. All hols have been put on hold this year and I'm saving like mad to treat us to 5 days in the Disneyland Hotel next March, just wish they'd hurry up and get the brochures out - the waiting is killing me. :earsgirl:
Jill, I spent my 30th in DLP. Had a fantastic time! (Not that that will surprise you, LOL)
Hi Nikki :wave:
Wow its a small world isn't it?:teeth:
Haven't visited Peterborough yet-only been as far as Huntingdon.
BTW my favourite film is Beauty and the Beast too.:sunny:
I live in London with my partner Jane and our cat Oscar. I grew up in South Wales and came to London when I was 18 to do my degree, and have been here ever since. I work in education, currently as a programme director at a university and before that as a policy adviser in the House of Commons.

My two favourite pastimes are skiing and Disney. Jane and I recently had a conversation about whether we would prefer to be in Disneyworld or skiing (we were sitting in the jacuzzi in our rented Orlando villa at the time) and I had to confess I would rather be freezing cold up a mountain! Before I get boo'ed off this board I should point out that Disney comes a very close second

We first visited DLP in 1996, not long after I saw a programme on the TV about the making of Space Mountain. Thought it looked like fun and decided to give it a try. Before then I thought Disney was just for kids - boy, was I wrong! Was completely captivated by the place, and will never forget the experience of first walking down Main Street on a hot and sunny August afternoon...

Since 1997 we have been annual passholders for DLP more or less continuously, visiting two, three or sometimes four times a year. Fortunately DLP is very easy for us to get to, either driving via Eurotunnel or taking the train via Eurostar. We've also bought a few shares in EuroDisney so that we can join the Shareholders' Club (the perks are good for frequent visitors, which is generally a good thing because I can't imagine them ever making money for us!).

Having been well and truly converted by DLP we have also been to Disneyworld and Disneyland a few times, and I'm working out a cunning plan to get to Tokyo as well (although having about as much success with my cunning plan as Baldrick did with his).

Pictures of my ugly mug and Jane's fair features can be seen on my website: just follow the link in my signature if you're nosey ;)

I'm really glad to be back on the DLP Board!


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