Girls Trip Take 2 - Labor Day Weekend 2021 and Christmas 2021 Trip

Today was the dreaded "Last Park Day". I hate saying it, but we can't avoid it.
Ugh... the worst.
There should be a way to avoid it!
"Congratulations! You never have to leave!"
We had had a very late night so we weren't rushing to get up.
But... but... but... It's Disney!
We had a breakfast ADR for 10:20 am at Ale & Compass.
I've heard good things. But I too have never been.
Dennis doesn't like doing breakfast so I have to get these in when he isn't with me.
Make hay while the sun shines. :)
The breakfast buffet was not included as part of the meal.
So... you didn't eat?
Okay, okay.
But are you saying that the buffet wasn't offered because of covid? Or it wasn't available with Danielle's discount?
Danielle had the Salted Caramel-Apple French Toast with bacon. She also had a side of Shrimp and Grits with a Latte.
I don't care for salted sweet things... so I'll pass. But otherwise, it sounds pretty good.
I had the Crab Cake Benedict with potatoes and a side of fruit.
You had me at "Benedict"
Leah had the Blueberry-Bacon Pancakes with bacon and a side of fruit.
That sounds good too!
once again part of it went home with Danielle. Her fridge was very full with leftovers.
Danielle: "Come visit anytime!"
We used one of Danielle's Holiday Coupons and got 40% off the meal.
They are given a 50%, 40% and 30% off coupon. They are also given a few snack coupons for water, cokes, pretzels, popcorn and Mickey bars.
Really nice perk. :)
I guess she was really happy to see us.
When she shows her ID and/or coupon the question always comes up "Where do you make Magic?". It's nice to visit with fellow Cast Members.
Leah and I headed to the front of the Yacht Club to catch a bus to a park. Can you guess what park?
I didn't have to read ahead to guess that!
Look how empty Main Street was. I really miss the lower crowds.
But... I'd prefer not to have Covid ruining everything.
We went straight back to Fantasyland. Our first stop was the Tangled bathrooms. This was my first time to look up and I'm so glad I did. I love the painting from Rapunzel on the ceilings, another example of the details.
Huh. Obviously I've never been in there, but that's the first I've heard of that.
It really makes me wonder what the Men's bathroom looks like.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I usually focus on the frying pans.
Can you guess what ride we did? Only my favorite Fantasyland ride ever, Peter Pan.
Leah offered to ride with me since no one else would do it earlier in the trip.
No. One. Else....

She was my favorite on this day.
I think both Peter Pan and Pooh were a first for her.
What were her thoughts?
We had a great time with her and I'm so glad she came. She fit right in with all our craziness and we loved sharing "our Disney" with her.
Glad I popped over when I did! I thought I was going to be way behind but not too bad!

I'm sorry, but I'm moving really slow. Glad you're still with me.

I have yet to go to Ale and Compass even though we stay at Yacht Club all the time! I think I need to at least to take out this next trip!

Yes, you do. The breakfast is even better now that the buffet is included too.

Do you remember what room you were in!! Way back when, we were able to see fireworks from our room. It was magical!

We were on the 4th floor in room 4016. We loved it!!

Have Grumpy take a pick next time! The men's room sounds better than the womens!

I can ask him but he's not as good at taking photos. I wonder how the setup is in there. In the lady's bathroom it's all stalls so there is no worry to get people in your pictures if your taking ceiling photos.
Ugh... the worst.
There should be a way to avoid it!
"Congratulations! You never have to leave!"

I often debate this. No, I don't want to leave but I do like visiting.

But... but... but... It's Disney!

But. . but... but.. we were so tired.

I've heard good things. But I too have never been.

You need to add it to your list to try.

So... you didn't eat?
Okay, okay.
But are you saying that the buffet wasn't offered because of covid? Or it wasn't available with Danielle's discount?

The normal breakfast has a buffet that is added as part of your entre. They have since gone back to this.

You order an entre and get the buffet too.

Not having the buffet was part of their Covid protocols.

I don't care for salted sweet things... so I'll pass. But otherwise, it sounds pretty good.

At least it didn't have coconut.

You had me at "Benedict"

I thought you would like this.

That sounds good too!

It was! I almost got this too. I really liked that we all got something different so we could all taste everything.

Danielle: "Come visit anytime!"

She likes the leftovers and us paying for the meals.

I didn't have to read ahead to guess that!

You know me so well.

But... I'd prefer not to have Covid ruining everything.

This is true. Give and take.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I usually focus on the frying pans.

I was hoping you would have some insight into this.

No. One. Else....


I know, it was really sad. They wouldn't ride Peter Pan with me last month either.

What were her thoughts?

She enjoyed them both. She was really burnt out on the thrill rides by this point.
I often debate this. No, I don't want to leave but I do like visiting.
Good point. At what point would you grow tired of going every day??
But. . but... but.. we were so tired.
You need to add it to your list to try.
Yes I do!
At least it didn't have coconut.
I thought you would like this.
She likes the leftovers and us paying for the meals.
:laughing: Imagine that!
I know, it was really sad. They wouldn't ride Peter Pan with me last month either.
We need to meet up and ride it back to back to back.... to back.
I've heard a lot of really great things about Ale & Compass. The French Toast looks delicious. And it's always a plus when there's leftovers someone can take home and eat later.
I'm happy to hear CMs get those discounts and coupons. They work so hard, they've earned them!

The Tangled bathrooms are so fun to see. I think I asked Alex once what was in his bathroom but I don't remember his answer. I'll have to make him tell me again in April. :laughing:

Glad you were able to ride PPF and Pooh! I mean, PPF is such a classic, it would have been disappointing to miss!
Aw you really did have a great last day! Peter Pan and Pooh are both my favourites too. I always have a hard time persuading the men in my life to spend more time in MK. My youngest will happily do a day there and loves it, but he hates buses and we usually stay within walking distance to HS and EPCOT so spend most of our trips there.
I love Ale & Compass for both breakfast and dinner. The main/ buffet deal is amazing value and soooo good.
Sounds like Leah fit right in with you all and it's always great to share the magic with someone who hasn't been before. Makes it more fun for everyone I think.
I'm happy to hear CMs get those discounts and coupons. They work so hard, they've earned them!

Yes they do. I think it's also to keep them happy by having family visit. Very few people are from Florida, they are all from somewhere else.

I know when Danielle was doing the College Program there were always lots of CPs self terming around Christmas because they work so hard during that time and they miss being home for the holidays.

The Tangled bathrooms are so fun to see. I think I asked Alex once what was in his bathroom but I don't remember his answer. I'll have to make him tell me again in April. :laughing:

I'm expecting a detail report.

Glad you were able to ride PPF and Pooh! I mean, PPF is such a classic, it would have been disappointing to miss!

Totally agree.
Aw you really did have a great last day! Peter Pan and Pooh are both my favourites too. I always have a hard time persuading the men in my life to spend more time in MK. My youngest will happily do a day there and loves it, but he hates buses and we usually stay within walking distance to HS and EPCOT so spend most of our trips there.

Another PP lover!

I can see why MK would be hard for your men, at least you have one family on your side.

MK is the hardest park to get to for many. Danielle's CM friends don't go much because they have to park and then take the boat or monorail into the park. It really eats up time. I found it hard when I went in September and stayed off site. When you stay so close to 2 parks, going to Mk or AK must seem like such a pain.

I love Ale & Compass for both breakfast and dinner. The main/ buffet deal is amazing value and soooo good.

I still need to try dinner.

Sounds like Leah fit right in with you all and it's always great to share the magic with someone who hasn't been before. Makes it more fun for everyone I think.

She was a great fit. Showing someone new to the parks is always fun.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021-More Food and Wine

I left off with Leah and I returning to Movies so she could catch her ME. I did grab a few photos as we made the walk back to the front of the resort.

Pongo and Perdita were so cute.

Can you see the dark clouds forming?

No too long after Leah was picked up, Danielle pulled up to Movies. She was ready for some one on one time with her Mom. She did a great job showing us all around but was ready to just have her Mom. We made a Target run and then took her haul back to Flamingo Crossing to her room. I was finally able to get a good look around in the daylight. It was really a nice set up for the College Program kids. Lots of entertainment areas, a great common area green space. And more dark clouds.


After putting away her groceries we headed to Epcot to get some more from Food and Wine. Cast members get 20% off festival food Monday-Thursday. Our dinner was going to be Festival Food. I know I sound so cheap but I'm going to save at Disney whenever I can. It cost a lot to go to Disney more that once a year.

The sky was getting darker and darker. The rain started just as we were entering World Showcase. We made a dash into the Odyssey building to avoid the worst of it. We took some time to look at The Epcot Experience while we waited out the worst of the rain.

We put on our ponchos and headed out after the rain slacked off. Our first stop was a brand new booth The Swanky Saucy Swine. I'm from South Louisiana so I love pork rinds. We got the Crispy BBQ Pork Rinds with Pimento Cheese. I really liked this. It also went towards Emile's Fromage Montage.

The rain had helped to clear the park some more so we actually found a place to sit and eat.

We passed Mexico and Norway. We didn't stop in China either but I did get a few photos.


We did stop in Germany.

Danielle wanted the Schinkennudein-Pasta Gratin with Ham, Onions & Cheese. It was part of Emile's Fromage Montage too. I had a taste and it was okay, but just now my thing.

Continued in next post.

It was getting later and the lights were staring to come on. Epcot was really starting to glow.
We passed Italy, The American Adventure and Japan. I did get some lovely glowing photos.

We stopped in Morocco for some more food. I got in line here while Danielle went to Greece. I got the Grilled Kebabs with couscous, tomato-onion salad and garlic aioli. We had the Harisa-marinated Beef Tenderloin tips. I also got the Stone-baked Moroccan Bread with hummus, Zaalouk, and Zhoug Dips.
Danielle came back with the Griddled Cheese.
We were able to sit down inside and enjoy our food. It was all really good. The griddled cheese also helped us to complete the Formage Montage.
We headed to Shimmering Sips to get our Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream for our desert. It was really good. It also started to rain again and we had to take cover in one of the merch booths.

We had met up with Danielle's old roommate Meredith and two of her new roommates. Once the rain let up a little we all made a dash to the replacement shopping area for Mouse Gear. This was during the time that the old Mouse Gear was closed and Creations had not opened yet.

This trip had allowed me to really enjoy Food and Wine for the first time. I have not spent near as much time at the festival since this trip but would really like to try again. Getting to visit Epcot 3 times was really great.

I honestly can't remember if we stayed for Epcot Forever or not. I do know Danielle drove me back to Movies so we could say our final goodbyes. I would be getting up early to drive back home the next morning. It's always sad to tell her goodbye but we had a trip planned for Thanksgiving week to come back to see her.
We didn't have much time to rest and change, but we did dress in costume for the party. My first photo of the night was taken at Movies waiting for the bus. My costume was Boo from Monsters Inc and I lucked out in meeting a fellow Boo. She was so cute! Her mother did give me permission to take a selfie with her. This was taken right before 7 pm and as you can see the bus was there.
Great costume!
I truly enjoyed seeing HEA! It's a favorite of mine. "Ready to Begin"
I love it too!
We stayed in the same area and got in line for Haunted Mansion. I experience one of the biggest treat for me of the night. We got to watch Carlotta & Butler Broome while we went through the line. She was such a hoot! I could have listened to her all night. HM was also so spooky looking. I'm sad to say I did not get to see Carlotta or Rinatta when I went to the Party. They had left before we made it to HM.
That's awesome that you got to see Carlotta!
We made a special stop in Monster's Inc. This was a treat spot but also a place to sit down and cool off. There was a running show going on with the Monster's interacting with the guests for laughs. I did get called out for my Boo costume. It was all great fun.
Love that!
We had had a very late night so we weren't rushing to get up. We did have a breakfast to get too so we did have to get moving. We had a breakfast ADR for 10:20 am at Ale & Compass. This was a first for all of us. I know this was our second day in a row with a breakfast, but Dennis doesn't like doing breakfast so I have to get these in when he isn't with me.
Mmmmmmm, love Ale and Compass!
Can you guess what ride we did? Only my favorite Fantasyland ride ever, Peter Pan.

Leah offered to ride with me since no one else would do it earlier in the trip. She was my favorite on this day.
I am another member of the Peter Pan fan club!
No too long after Leah was picked up, Danielle pulled up to Movies. She was ready for some one on one time with her Mom. She did a great job showing us all around but was ready to just have her Mom. We made a Target run and then took her haul back to Flamingo Crossing to her room. I was finally able to get a good look around in the daylight. It was really a nice set up for the College Program kids. Lots of entertainment areas, a great common area green space. And more dark clouds.
So nice to have time with Danielle. :goodvibes
After putting away her groceries we headed to Epcot to get some more from Food and Wine. Cast members get 20% off festival food Monday-Thursday. Our dinner was going to be Festival Food. I know I sound so cheap but I'm going to save at Disney whenever I can. It cost a lot to go to Disney more that once a year.
Ummm, no. Not cheap at all. You sound smart and frugal which makes it possible to go to Disney more than once a year.
Danielle wanted the Schinkennudein-Pasta Gratin with Ham, Onions & Cheese. It was part of Emile's Fromage Montage too. I had a taste and it was okay, but just now my thing.
I've tried that dish and it is so rich and heavy.
Great costume!
Thank you! It was great for not getting too hot.

I love it too!

I have the song on my phone. Love listening to it.

That's awesome that you got to see Carlotta!

She was soooo good.

I am another member of the Peter Pan fan club!

Welcome to the Club!

So nice to have time with Danielle. :goodvibes

It really was. It's hard when I have both girls together and they both want my attention. Michelle has gotten too use to being the only child here. It was really hard this trip since she was pregnant and more needy than usual.

Ummm, no. Not cheap at all. You sound smart and frugal which makes it possible to go to Disney more than once a year.

So happy someone else understands. Disney gets our money in so many different ways so it's nice to keep some of it.
She did a great job showing us all around but was ready to just have her Mom
It is always nice to still feel wanted and needed like that!

ast members get 20% off festival food Monday-Thursday. Our dinner was going to be Festival Food. I know I sound so cheap but I'm going to save at Disney whenever I can
I don't blame you at all!!!!

We got the Crispy BBQ Pork Rinds with Pimento Cheese. I really liked this. It also went towards Emile's Fromage Montage.
Yes, this. I want it to remain special
You have a deal.
Pongo and Perdita were so cute.
I do not want to pick up after them. Look at their size! :faint:
Can you see the dark clouds forming?
Uh oh…
She did a great job showing us all around but was ready to just have her Mom.
Awww. :)
Cast members get 20% off festival food Monday-Thursday.
I know I sound so cheap but I'm going to save at Disney whenever I can. It cost a lot to go to Disney more that once a year.
You don’t sound cheap. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t jump at the chance to save a few bucks.
And it costs a lot just going once.
We took some time to look at The Epcot Experience while we waited out the worst of the rain.
Not sure if I’ve seen this.
I'm from South Louisiana so I love pork rinds. We got the Crispy BBQ Pork Rinds with Pimento Cheese. I really liked this.
I’d try that.
The rain had helped to clear the park some more so we actually found a place to sit and eat.
Rain can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.
It was getting later and the lights were staring to come on. Epcot was really starting to glow.
Love Epcot at night.
I did get some lovely glowing photos.
Yes you did!
We headed to Shimmering Sips to get our Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream for our desert. It was really good.
This trip had allowed me to really enjoy Food and Wine for the first time.
I do know Danielle drove me back to Movies so we could say our final goodbyes.
Awwww. Always hard to say goodbye.
Ummm, no. Not cheap at all. You sound smart and frugal which makes it possible to go to Disney more than once a year.

So happy someone else understands. Disney gets our money in so many different ways so it's nice to keep some of it.
Totally with you both in trying to cut costs where I can so I can get to Disney. I order drinks and breakfast type things for our room on trips so we can eat there a few times and now do what Susan does and use my everyday grocery loyalty scheme savings/ bargains at home to put money aside for Disney treats. Believe me when I say if I had a castmember daughter with 20% off coupons we would absolutely be using them. Disney trips are expensive 😱

ETA my youngest turned 17 yesterday and I’m working on him to see if he fancies applying to work at WDW during his university years. I am not being successful as yet but I’ve got 4 years of university holidays so I’m planting seeds and hoping 🤣🤣🤣
She was ready for some one on one time with her Mom. She did a great job showing us all around but was ready to just have her Mom.

I'm happy you two got some time together.

It was really a nice set up for the College Program kids.

It does look like a nice setup.

Our dinner was going to be Festival Food. I know I sound so cheap but I'm going to save at Disney whenever I can. It cost a lot to go to Disney more that once a year.

Absolutely on utilizing the discounts! Every little bit helps.
When I became a passholder last summer, I only ate at restaurants that offered the AP discount.

Happy to hear you were able to really enjoy the festival and try several different dishes.
Your photo of the Epcot globe in the Japan pavilion was beautiful! At least the rain allowed for some pretty views around the World Showcase.
I do not want to pick up after them. Look at their size! :faint:

Oh, the mental image I have now!

You don’t sound cheap. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t jump at the chance to save a few bucks.
And it costs a lot just going once.

Thanks for the support for my cheapness.

Not sure if I’ve seen this.

And it's gone. I don't remember when they pulled it but it didn't last long.

I’d try that.

It was good but if you want a really good dip with pork rinds you have to get


from Elsie's Plate & Pie here in Baton Rouge. The pork rinds are still popping when they bring them out and the dip is fabulous.

Rain can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.

Yes it can.

Love Epcot at night.

Me too!

Yes you did!

Thank you!

Awwww. Always hard to say goodbye.

It really is. She will be here in 7 days!

Totally with you both in trying to cut costs where I can so I can get to Disney.

Another supporter!

ETA my youngest turned 17 yesterday and I’m working on him to see if he fancies applying to work at WDW during his university years. I am not being successful as yet but I’ve got 4 years of university holidays so I’m planting seeds and hoping

I behind you 100%! I think he would enjoy the International Program. He would most likely be in Epcot.

I'm happy you two got some time together.

I was too!

Absolutely on utilizing the discounts! Every little bit helps.
When I became a passholder last summer, I only ate at restaurants that offered the AP discount.

More support for my cheapness. I use my AP discount when I can, but hers is so much better.

Happy to hear you were able to really enjoy the festival and try several different dishes.
Your photo of the Epcot globe in the Japan pavilion was beautiful! At least the rain allowed for some pretty views around the World Showcase.
Thank you!


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