Give a day volunteer search showing only American places?????

It seems everyone has gotten their vouchers relatively quick after sending their blankets. I sent mine Canada Post, guaranteed 3 day delivery. I checked my tracking # and it says it was delivered Jan 28th (a day early even). I have not received any notification...should I have something by now?:confused3
I made sure I did everything right by including the paperwork, pics, etc...I e-mailed the address they gave in the original e-mail yesterday but haven't heard anything.
Anyone else have this problem? From what I read, most people got their vouchers within a week. :confused:

Mine were delivered to the Ottawa office on Monday Feb 1st, per my Canada Post tracking. On Thurs this week, my status had changed to the "your time is up. Verification can take up to 2 weeks" blurb. This status was the same last night, but when I got up this morning, I had an email ... went back into the "manage my account" and the vouchers were there, ready for printing. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

So yours were received 2 days earlier than mine, but like others have said, they probably have a stack of them coming in now! I'd give it til Wed of this week, and if your status still says that you need to still volunteer, I'd email the coordinator listed on your original email again and see how backlogged they are.

Good luck! :goodvibes

And it's so bitter cold out these days, I hope those blankets are being distributed quickly across the country ... I'd love to know that all of our blankets are being put to good use quickly. :thumbsup2
Thanks "dancin Disney style"... that's what I thought. They're probably starting to get back-logged. I'm glad we did this early enough. We are going in March so hopefully will have the vouchers in time.:surfweb:

I'm sure you will have them in the next week.
Hello! I just printed our GAD vouchers for our Disneyland trip and wanted to say thank you very much to everyone who gave me information and advice relating to making fleece blankets for Volunteer Canada!! It was a great volunteer project for our family.
Does anyone know if we can do the Haiti Care kits from Canada? I noticed you are suppossed to have US Post office boxes for mailing.
I'm signed up for the blankets. Excited about that. I have a lot of crochet squares which a friend's mom gave to me and I am putting them into blankets. Our church makes blankets (crochet or knitted) to go to orphans overseas, so she knew I was involved in that and gave me a bunch of squares for me to do whatever with, so I will use those for volunteer Canada. They have been sitting in a bag in my basement and now I am motivated to put those squares into a blanket.
From what I read the blankets can be any size. Is that right? I finished the first one last night with all the pinks she had and it is quite pretty. Now I am doing the greens and it looks smart. Next the browns and then a multicoloured one. I'll have to show them to my friend before I send them in. Some squares were made by her mom and others by her grandmother she thinks. When she first gave them to me I asked her if she wanted me to make them into afghans for her kids, but she said they already have afghans from grandma. Anyway, I'm giving myself a week to finish this because we are off to Florida for March Break. I'll make at least three with the blocks I have and then might have DH and the DS do some fleece ones.
We did the Haiti Care Kits. Sent them off on Saturday.

They were easy to do - got most of the supplies at the Dollar Store. Had a hard time finding shampoo that would fit into the ziploc bag and the wide tooth combs were hard to find, so we just put in regular ones.

The only problem was that they do have to be sent to Kansas and each box can only contain 10 kids, so we had to mail 4 boxes. I didn't even check to see what the cost would be from Canada. We went to Buffalo to mail them.

Another problem was that they said 10 kits would fit into a large flat rate box, but they didn't - not even close, so we had to purchase 4 boxes (about $3.50 each) from the post office om BUF. If you are going to do this, make sure you find boxes the size that 10 kits would fit. It was a little expensive to do 40 kits, but the cause was more than worth it. I can't imagine living out of a tent and not even having soap or a tooth brush.

I'll let you know how long it takes to get my verification. I suspect they should arrive in Kansas sometime next week. I didn't pay for tracking because each box was almost $13. to send.
Does anyone know if we can do the Haiti Care kits from Canada? I noticed you are suppossed to have US Post office boxes for mailing.

Sorry Calena - I don't think I answered your question.

The US Post office boxes they are referring to are the Flat Rate boxes. You put as much stuff into the box and it is a flat rate. However, as mentioned above, 10 kits in a large ziploc doesn't fit into the largest flat rate box they have available. Not even close!

You can do them and mail them from here in any box I'm sure, just be careful of the postage required because as I mentioned you can only send 10 per box, so you'll have multiple boxes.
Thanks for the info! I liked the Haiti kits idea a lot. We do the Operation Christmas Child boxes and that is a similar idea.
I'm doing the blankets though since I was able to sign up and I was worried if I did not sign up quick they would be inundated by blankets! I know it says they will take any size blanket but I don't want to be too off. :confused3What size blankets did people make? Thanks. Calena
Ours were approximately 1.5 metres by 1.5 metres, before we cut into them and tied them. :) And they were a really nice size. :goodvibes
Woo hoo! :banana:

I finally got our vouchers. It took almost 3 weeks from the time my blankets were delivered for my account to be updated. I didn't actually get an e-mail saying that my vouchers were ready.:confused3

Does anyone know how long you have to print the vouchers. I have to go buy more printer ink first.

Does anyone know if we can do the Haiti Care kits from Canada? I noticed you are suppossed to have US Post office boxes for mailing.

Hi There,

To further elaborate, we did do the Haiti Care Kits for our family of four, packed and sent them down in boxes from Toronto via UPS Ground(came out cheapest of all the Canadian options: Canada post, Purolator, etc.) $95 inc CAA discount for the shipping alone. Yes it would have been cheaper to send if driving to the US and through USPS but time and gas to drive to Buffalo in my case wouldn't make it worth my while. UPS was about 4-5 days with tracking online. Once received, they verified within a week, albeit with one name in my party missing which we are still trying to resolve.
Wow, the blanket making volunteer program sounds like it would be fun! Unfortunately I did not see that option yesterday or even read this post until this morning.

In any case I'm pleased with what I signed our family up for! We will be selling daffodils for Cancer in March. Something even our 6 year old can participate in!

The only thing is I did not receive an e-mail back in response, but rather a phone call confirming a date & time & location for us to show up at. I can hardly wait! It's a month away however.

Hey, the blankets really do sound fun. Can someone send me a copy of the instructions on how to make them that you received? I'd like to show my kids this.

For those of you who did blankets, how much did it cost to send them and how did you send them??? We have crocheted four good-size blankets (bit bigger than infant size, more for toddler), and I have my own box to package them in. Just need to budget for mailing them (hoping it's under $20!). I live in Southern Ontario, and have access to Purolator, UPS and Canada Post. Best suggestion????
I did 4 fleece blankets which I'm sure weighed less than crocheted blankets and we live in Port Hope which is closer to ottawa than you but ours were 12.00 to mail and I sent regular canada post. I mailed mine on a monday and by that saturday I had my vouchers emailed to me.

I sent 4 fleece blankets...that were the size on the directions (48X60 I think) and I put them inside a really heavy duty plastic bag then wrapped them with brown craft paper and put a ton of packing tape on the package. I sent them via Canada Post expresspost. The cost was $12.88 from Oakville. The expresspost was only about $1.50 more than regular mail.
Our family of 6 received our vouchers. We did a "health basket" and delivered it to the Yellow Brick House Foundation at Richmond Hill. Basically I just filled a basket with fruits and vegetables. All in 2 weeks time and I now have our vouchers! Goingin June..can't wait!
Our family of 6 received our vouchers. We did a "health basket" and delivered it to the Yellow Brick House Foundation at Richmond Hill. Basically I just filled a basket with fruits and vegetables. All in 2 weeks time and I now have our vouchers! Goingin June..can't wait!

That's an awesome volunteer opportunity. I would have liked to do that one but 1) It wasn't offered at the time that I looked and 2) the time I contacted them twice for another opportunity, they never got back to me.
Before I did the blankets I sent enquires about another activity. The organization is walking distance from my house and it had something to do with the foodbank. I got the first email back within about 36 hours. I responded and said what my availablity was. Then a few days later I discovered the blanket project and got started on that. Well eventually the first person coordinating the foodbank thing got back to me with some details. I replied immediately stating that I had found another project to do that was a better fit for my family and sorry we would not be woking with her. I thought that was the end of it. Several weeks later she emails me again and it had a very snotty tone to it. She told me that I never got back to her and I was delaying numerous other people from participating. She at that time had very limited times left and I would not have my pick I would have to take what was assigned to me. There seemed to be an 'or else' attached to it.

So the funny part of this is that this woman is someone that I know of through work. I have meet her once but she would have no idea who I am. She likes to throw around the old 'do you know who my husband is?' Which that in itself is really funny since the town I live in is over flowing with well known athletes, television personalities, publicly know business people etc. Her husband is only know in where else....and he is not well like or respected.

Not very Disney like IMO. :lmao:
Just got back from mailing my four crocheted blankets - only cost a little over $12 by Canada Post - said it takes about 3 business days. That was fun even though it took more than a day if I had just volunteered at some place. But we got to do it in the comfort of our home while watching the Olympics each night! :goodvibes


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