Goofy Support Group (AKA Goofy Challenge 2010)

You will not be able to miss the sea of lime green either before after or during the races!!
I'm sure that meets will be set up......just keep looking for updates nearer the time.
This is my third G:):)fy

Half time 2:15
Full time 5:00

Happy training everyone!!!:thumbsup2
Updated to here Everyone!

My training has been pretty constant for about a month now. 3 miler one day a week, 3 to 4 miles another and on my "Long Run" I've been doing 5 Milers. This past weekend I did 6. Going to add to my long runs as much as possible. Mile here and there.

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!
Chris you over looked me :sad: I even managed to get in on the first page....
Hi Goofys!

I have my plan in place. Basically it is the MfM full plan with additional strength training thrown in, and mileage on Fridays instead of time. Part of my strategy to guarantee that I get in all the necessary steps is to schedule halfs in the fall. I will be doing one in August, Sept, Oct, Nov, and two in Dec. And, I hope we can organize a virtual training group for the 20 miler Dec 19th (per the MfM schedule).

Another thing I am committing to that has been hard for me in the past is cross-training. I've joined a gym and have been taking a tough 60 minute aqua-fit class with my DD. I am going to continue with that and I also plan to look using the gym's bikes on another night.

Something else I will need to get better at is nutrition. I am eating better in general, but during a race I just randomly pop a sports bean along the way. I think Goofy will probably demand a little more respect than that.

So, what is everyone else going to do?
I'm going with the MfM full training. It has worked for me in the past. I'm not certain if I'll add back to backs in on the longer weekends or not yet. I'll have to see how I'm feeling before I will push beyond reason.

I'm not going for a PR here--that seems to be an impossible idea to me.

Wendy, I think you are onto something. I so know your pain with Achilles and IT issues. Not something to ever want to revisit for sure.

Pat I like your halfs in the fall idea too.
I'm in and I need all the help I can get! This will be my first Goofy! No time expectation...just want to finish! :-)
I'm in and I need all the help I can get! This will be my first Goofy! No time expectation...just want to finish! :-)

Michelle and Bill, I'll push you to the finish, or drag you if you so choose.:thumbsup2

3rd Goofy (thanks to Marcia, all her fault).

No time expectations, just have fun and take pictures of all my Goofy friends.
I'm in and I need all the help I can get! This will be my first Goofy! No time expectation...just want to finish! :-)

Yaaa Michelle, I am right there with you. I just want to finish upright, feeling good and surrounded by lots of friends!!!!
I'm updated to here everyone!

I'll help Jeff Pull, Drag, Push, Carry anyone I can. Of course Jeff may need to be doing one of those to me so..........
Me, araishin-Chet Scott, and my father rKyDeX-Chester Scott, will be running our 3rd Goofy in 2010.
Yay! More Goofy peeps!!

Thanks for getting me added Chris.

I'll be using MfM full as well but will toss in long distance biking instead of doing back-to-back walks. This way I still get the cardio but not the impact. Used that last year when training for the full and it worked great.

Will keep up my weight/core work and try to drop some pounds along the way.

I've also got some races (bike and run) in the fall - half in Oct and Nov and century rides - so figure that'll help.

Pat- like the idea of a virtual 20 miler for those of us on the same plan.
Alright, y'all convinced me. I'm in. I mailed off my "upgrade" registration from the Mickey to the Goofy yesterday, so hopefully it'll arrive and get processed by the time it fills up. But, it took 3 weeks to go from 80% to 85% so I'm not too concerned. I figure I'll need SOMETHING to do once I'm a dependent on my husband's US working visa and I can't work after next month! And I'm really looking forward to taking like an hour longer than usual for my half and taking pictures with/of everything! That was my biggest regret when I did the half this year, that I didn't slow down and take any pictures, so I'm doing it "right" this time. :rotfl:

I googled around and I think I'm going to use Hal Higdon's Intermediate II marathon plan for it, but likely switching out one of running days for crosstraining. I find if I run more than 4 days a week I have shin pain in my left leg, no matter what the mileage is. :confused3 Anyway, I've been using modified versions of Hal Higdon's plans for a couple years now, and they're always worked well for me?

I haven't managed to track down a copy of MfM in our local bookstores and want to check it out before I order it; what kind of training does John advocate in the book? For my latest half, I sort of combined a John Bingman half plan that I found online with Hal's Intermediate half plan, and it seems to have worked well for me, so I'm curious about the book now.

Anyway, my times are 3:00 for the half and 5:30 for the full!

Yay! Sarah, I love your attitude. Take lots of pics. You'll be finished with your full while I'll be working those last lovely 6 miles. (6:58 finish prediction.)
I am also doing Hal Higdons Intermediate, think I will need to modify it someway but haven't quite figured out how yet, since this will be my first time actually training for a race properly (I know I know I am useless!!! :goodvibes) I need to figure out how much running my body can take a week:worship: so far I am running 5 times a week just building up my base and I am feeling good, so we will see how it goes, I would like to put some roller blading in there too, but only time will tell how it will all sort out :thumbsup2

I was just researching Ice Baths, now that sounds like fun, I can't wait to give it a try! although my friend, who is very over dramatic has informed me that I could die in an ice bath of a heart attack, I told her at 21 it was unlikely but I will be careful :rotfl2:

If anyone has any helpful Goofy hints they are very welcome over here, I will take anything you guys give me :)

Also do you all change you diet while changing? or do you eat pretty much the same, I live in a house with a 3yr old who is allergic to eggs, dairy and wheat so we dont eat a regular diet, we eat very healthy, but no bread, bagels, pasta etc. Do you think I will have to bring in different foods to help with all these miles or should I be OK with my regular diet, I am not allergic to these things so can eat them we just dont have them around so she cant get her hands on them :(

OH yeah I keep explaining what Goofy is to everyone I know and they think I am well.... GOOFY!

I cant wait to see you all at the finish lines :wizard:

Kirsty, I don't run, so I can't help with info for what you should be eating......but I can not eat (allergic): gluten, wheat, dairy, eggs, meat, fish, bananns, peanuts and honey!!!! So I know what its like!!!!!!
For racing I eat a lot of gluten free pasta, but apart form that I eat the same.
Lily...I really think you need to lock this thread.

I'm innocently sitting here reading about everyone's training plans and the special 5th anniversary medal and find myself thinking...

Gee, maybe I could upgrade my half registration and try Goofy :scared1:
Wow! Lots of WISHers going goofy! :goofy: :crazy:

Pat - I like your idea of a virtual 20-miler. I wish we could all meet some place. I'll probably go to Dallas to meet with a friend who is also doing the Goofy for the first time. There are some good running trails in that area and the temperature is usually cool, not cold during that time of year. I just don't want to run the distance by myself. I'm a wimp, what can I say. I'm going to try to convince Connie (steffwalks) to join us. If anyone else is in the area and wants to join us, let me know. The more, the merrier.

Liz- I'll probably do a lot of long-distance biking as part of my training as well. I don't have any century rides planned, though. Good for you for going that distance. My longest ride will probably be a 100K. I have found that cycling is a really great cross-training tool for the half and full marathons. I'm just glad that I enjoy it.

My plan for the Goofy is a lot like Pat's plan. I'll probably bike for most of cross-training and I will plan on incorporating some strenth-training. I'm also planning a few half-marathons this fall to help with my training efforts.

Now here's a question for you Goofy experts and soon to be experts:

If I am due to run 16 miles one day, is it OK to run a half-marathon at an event and add on more miles later in the day? In other words, will this be sufficient enough or do I need to do all the miles at the same time?


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