Government Turning Over UFO Knowledge to Senate June 1st


DIS Veteran
Aug 30, 2016
Theres been A LOT of talk about UFOs lately. I mean more than usual. With the documentary Unacknowledged and Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. And now leaked footage by the Navy showing a UFO going underwater. The government is set to hand over its knowledge to the senate June 1st and there's an announcement that will be shared with us.

As someone whose seen not one but, two UFO in my life. One when I was a little child outside our church along with the entire congregation and the other that was witnessed throughout the entire northwest in 2000. I BELIEVE.

I for one am anxious to hear what they are going to release to the public.

What are your thoughts. One of mine was don't abduct me until after my Disney trip.🤣... But, seriously, don't.
Do I believe in UFO's? Sure, of course. I just don't necessarily believe that they are extraterrestrial in origin. They're just unknown objects or phenomona - could be anything. I do 100% believe that there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe besides here, but I don't really think they've been visiting in secret. Chances are, they are a lot like us, not so much more advanced that they can travel here. I mean, it would be cool if it were true, but I just don't think it is.
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I think they are more likely to find out it was some kind of test of secret military aircraft versus aliens from another planet........LOL. Sure the conspiracy wackos will have a field day with this one.
It would have to be a really well guarded secret when not even the military knows about it. The Pentagon just confirmed thier knowledge that UFOS real.
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Do I believe in UFO's? Sure, of course. I jsut don't necessarily believe that they are extraterrestrial in origin. They're just unknown objects or phenomona - could be anything. I do 100% believe that there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe besides here, but I don't really think they've been visiting in secret. Chances are, they are a lot like us, not so much more advanced that they can travel here. I mean, it would be cool if it were true, but I just don't think it is.
In order to understand it you'd have to have some kind of understanding of quantum physics, Dimensions and how time travel can happen. Everything has energy and a rhythm, you can feel it. To time travel you'd have to slip in between the rhythm. Its pretty mind blowing actually.
I’m definitely a believer!
Its kind of hard to deny when you see it with your own eyes. Planes don't zig zag and then zip off and disappear. They certainly don't silently fly overhead 300 feet off the ground and are the size of a football field. I saw both. One is searchable online the other happened after church and our congregation all saw it.
Lots of older supposed UFO's have turned out to be light reflected off of clouds or various naturally occurring phenomenon. Even if time travel is theoretically possible, most things you see in a sci-fi movie are not.

I guess we all will have to revisit this thread after June 1st.
There is life on other planets for sure but they are so far away from us that there is no way they could ever travel here.
Anyone who believes that all ufos/Uaps have totally prosaic explanations is either totally ignorant of the subject or just too brainwashed by the mainstream belief system to be able to understand. The cia has created this “ufo believers are crazy” idea to discourage people from openly speaking about them. Lue Elizondo (former head of ATIP) has even said this. Fighter pilots were seeing ufos during WW2 (foo fighters) and the government has known about them since then. Multiple high level government officials have done interviews on the subject, and if all ufos are government secret weapons many of them would be in the know. There is a HUGE amount of reliable data out there about this subject that intelligent, free thinking people have been researching for decades. A person can be put to death with two witnesses saying they saw them kill someone but millions of people see ufos and they’re not believed? So all the people who have laughed at those who believe in ufos are victims of government propaganda and the media who can’t think for themselves and need to be told what to believe. And some are too far gone to ever believe in them even when presented with overwhelming and convincing evidence.
I think it only (to quote one of my favorite alien life forms) logical that there be life on other planets. There are millions of planets out there in other solar systems we have yet to develop the technology to explore. Do I believe they've visited us? Maybe. Will all be revealed June 1st? I personally don't think so.

It's fun to imagine there is some highly advanced civilization out there, with the capability to traverse the universe only to end up here and proceed to randomly fly around. It's also interesting that the influx of sightings started in the 1940s after WWII. After which military technology started to quickly advance, including ongoing numerous "top secret" projects that have continued to this day.

Back to the first part... why the heck would an advanced alien race really care enough to come here? Sure maybe at some point they stopped by just out of curiosity. But it seems like the majority of reports center around "flying objects", most of which have been flying around at random for the past 80 years. You would think after 80+ years of heightened activity that they would've been satisfied joy riding around doing whatever they do. Also if people were abducted, I assume they could've learned all of the information about the human anatomy from one person. I mean these are aliens that are able to traverse the universe, I would think they would have some pretty impressive medical technology.

But yet... they keep doing it. And to be honest I wonder why they don't do it covertly, why do their craft have lights anyways? You don't need lights when flying, perhaps when they land? I also have a feeling they wouldn't need lights to check out their surroundings if they do. AFAIK when people find crafts that land they are just hovering there. No one has ever report aliens with mag light's hiking through the woods. So why are they hovering there with bright lights? I would "assume" that their advanced, universe traversing craft would have night vision / sensors in order to land safely and not require flood lights.

Anyways, I don't believe obviously any extratresstrial lifeform has bothered to come here. We would be fairly primitive to them and nothing special.
It’s not aliens.

It’s at best foreign experimental aircraft, manned or drone.

I just know too much to agree with you. Several decades of info. Too much to share on this board. A UFO was caught on video by the Navy going into the ocean. The Pentegon confirms its real footage and they don't know what it is.


It's fun to imagine there is some highly advanced civilization out there, with the capability to traverse the universe only to end up here and proceed to randomly fly around. It's also interesting that the influx of sightings started in the 1940s after WWII. After which military technology started to quickly advance, including ongoing numerous "top secret" projects that have continued to this day.

Back to the first part... why the heck would an advanced alien race really care enough to come here? Sure maybe at some point they stopped by just out of curiosity. But it seems like the majority of reports center around "flying objects", most of which have been flying around at random for the past 80 years. You would think after 80+ years of heightened activity that they would've been satisfied joy riding around doing whatever they do. Also if people were abducted, I assume they could've learned all of the information about the human anatomy from one person. I mean these are aliens that are able to traverse the universe, I would think they would have some pretty impressive medical technology.

But yet... they keep doing it. And to be honest I wonder why they don't do it covertly, why do their craft have lights anyways? You don't need lights when flying, perhaps when they land? I also have a feeling they wouldn't need lights to check out their surroundings if they do. AFAIK when people find crafts that land they are just hovering there. No one has ever report aliens with mag light's hiking through the woods. So why are they hovering there with bright lights? I would "assume" that their advanced, universe traversing craft would have night vision / sensors in order to land safely and not require flood lights.

Anyways, I don't believe obviously any extratresstrial lifeform has bothered to come here. We would be fairly primitive to them and nothing special.
It is said they are concerned about us destroying our beautiful planet.
There is life on other planets for sure but they are so far away from us that there is no way they could ever travel here.
Its not about taking a long trip. Time travel is not about going to somewhere, its about drawing somewhere to you. Quantum Physics explains this. If a craft zigzagged the occupants guts would come out thier sides. Traveling light years is about drawing your destination to you. If you watch Star Wars movies you'll see the scene where suddenly crafts appear. That best explains the theory visually.
I think it only (to quote one of my favorite alien life forms) logical that there be life on other planets. There are millions of planets out there in other solar systems we have yet to develop the technology to explore. Do I believe they've visited us? Maybe. Will all be revealed June 1st? I personally don't think so.

But I’m fairly certain they don’t speak English.
Its not about taking a long trip. Time travel is not about going to somewhere, its about drawing somewhere to you. Quantum Physics explains this. If a craft zigzagged the occupants guts would come out thier sides. Traveling light years is about drawing your destination to you. If you watch Star Wars movies you'll see the scene where suddenly crafts appear. That best explains the theory visually.
Once something becomes identified it loses its aura of being unidentified. So to believe in UFOs means that one believes that something has not been identified until it has indeed been identified.


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