Good ole Dupont Schedule.. worked it for many years.. nice for money and the week off, but hell on your body..especially the short turn around. Our company finally got rid of it due to the built in overtime being so much. I stopped shift work before it happened, but sure a lot of my health issues are result of working it.
Yeah, that short change is rough. He’s been doing it since he was 19/20 years old so it’s really all he knows. They tried going to 4/10s awhile back and they were ALL miserable. It made me fear retirement. 🤣
2000+ in Louisiana today! :sad2:

Baton Rouge mayor mandated masks finally. The lunatics are out on Facebook. Good times.
Data shows that Florida should shut-down. Add another 6,500+ cases from yesterday.
Our local Orlando Publix grocery stores are now, consistently, reporting positive cases for the employees.
Given the current situation, there is no way we are driving over to WDW, Universal or any other theme park at this time.

It's terrible timing for Disney. When they announced their opening dates, the numbers in Florida were pretty good and the governor was crowing about the fabulous job he had done.... just incredulous that he was being treated so poorly by the media.

Well, here we are. And because states like Florida, Texas and Arizona are only taking half measures, the numbers will stay high. I don't think we'll see a big increase and a big drop like we had in the Northeast. We shut down completely, for months, and when we had to go out we all wore masks. We're not seeing that in the south. Seems like their numbers will go way up, maybe come down a bit, but then stay at a persistent high level of virus.

Scott Gottlieb estimates that we have more like 200,000 to 300,000 infected in the US on a daily basis, not 50,000. If that's true, then Florida has more like 25,000 to 35,000 daily cases. They're just not testing enough to find and isolate all of the asymptotic spreaders. But make no mistake, Florida is a hot zone for this virus right now, and if you are indoors anywhere, including indoor restaurants with unmasked're at a much higher risk of getting the virus. Same goes for flights, especially the flight back to your home.
But make no mistake, Florida is a hot zone for this virus right now, and if you are indoors anywhere, including indoor restaurants with unmasked're at a much higher risk of getting the virus.

We have still to go out and have a meal at a sit down restaurant in Orlando. I see these numbers front-and-center everyday, almost every couple hours. That being said, it is a personal decision for each person/family.
When is Disney going to start selling tickets for its COVID-19 after hours party? :)

That will have to wait until after the NBA leaves- gotta save those after hours for private events. But, they might as well. What could it hurt?
So what do you suggest since a percentage of people are asymptomatic? The problem with this virus is there is no good way to find out what percentage of the population truly has it. Unless you test everyone.

My county is strongly encouraging people to get tested even if they don't have symptoms. Our local county and department of health have been pushing testing since the beginning and have done everything they can to get test supplies. So you might not test everyone, but if you have enough tests and make the testing process simple enough, you'll get a lot better info.
Over 10k cases reported today, near 19% percentage of positive. Under 70k tested, so not as many tests as they did when they were hitting the 8-9k range.

Wow...this virus is just absolutely raging down there. Governor at the helm...."full speed ahead!!" I know how hard it would be for Disney to put on the brakes at this point, but with rampant community spread in Orange County, and likely many young CMs heading back to work as asymptotic spreaders, they need to do the right thing. Wait until it's safe, or risk disaster.
Wow...this virus is just absolutely raging down there. Governor at the helm...."full speed ahead!!" I know how hard it would be for Disney to put on the brakes at this point, but with rampant community spread in Orange County, and likely many young CMs heading back to work as asymptotic spreaders, they need to do the right thing. Wait until it's safe, or risk disaster.
It’s no harder to put the brakes on now than it was when they closed in March. I’m absolutely astounded they are apparently going to ignore what’s going on and open regardless. So much for the safety of workers and guests being their priority.
It’s no harder to put the brakes on now than it was when they closed in March. I’m absolutely astounded they are apparently going to ignore what’s going on and open regardless. So much for the safety of workers and guests being their priority.

Yeah at some point, I'd think Disney may have to make the decision separately from the incompetent Florida state government. Its one thing to make people sign waivers, but they're still knowingly putting guests and employees at risk, and I feel like that may come back to bite them.
It’s no harder to put the brakes on now than it was when they closed in March. I’m absolutely astounded they are apparently going to ignore what’s going on and open regardless. So much for the safety of workers and guests being their priority.

Well, let's see. I'm hearing that DeSantis is deferring to mayors and heads of counties. If Orange County pulls the plug....Disney (and universal) will have no choice.

But you're right, it's no different now than it was in March. Opening up now, when the virus is *way* more prevalent than it was back in March, and more dangerous because the heat will drive people indoors, where you catch the disease. It's just crazy, and a terrible look for a company like Disney.

I just really feel for allllll of the travel agents and CMs and vacationers who have put sooooo much time into re-booking these trips. It's a huge bummer.
Wow...this virus is just absolutely raging down there. Governor at the helm...."full speed ahead!!" I know how hard it would be for Disney to put on the brakes at this point, but with rampant community spread in Orange County, and likely many young CMs heading back to work as asymptotic spreaders, they need to do the right thing. Wait until it's safe, or risk disaster.

I think, Universal did this much better. They opened before the cases spiked, and they have done a good job of making people feel safe visiting.

Now, Disney gets to open as cases spike.
It’s no harder to put the brakes on now than it was when they closed in March. I’m absolutely astounded they are apparently going to ignore what’s going on and open regardless. So much for the safety of workers and guests being their priority.
Lots of magical thinking by leaders.
I heard again today covid is going to disappear. Cue wand! Poof!
Well, let's see. I'm hearing that DeSantis is deferring to mayors and heads of counties. If Orange County pulls the plug....Disney (and universal) will have no choice.

But you're right, it's no different now than it was in March. Opening up now, when the virus is *way* more prevalent than it was back in March, and more dangerous because the heat will drive people indoors, where you catch the disease. It's just crazy, and a terrible look for a company like Disney.

I just really feel for allllll of the travel agents and CMs and vacationers who have put sooooo much time into re-booking these trips. It's a huge bummer.
We had our original trip cancelled on March, several after that and then cancelled our last one that would’ve include the AP preview ourselves when the numbers headed south.
It’s been so depressing, but I feel most for those who recognize how bad this is and have no choice but to head back to work, right in the middle of it.


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