Guardasil Vax For 12 Year Old Boy?

I'll wait until my 5 year old is old enough to decide. There is a 100% natural way to prevent HPV, and I'm hoping she will choose that, but if she doesn't, then I will let her decide if she wants a vaccine. By then it will have better research behind it.

Did you wait for her to be old enough to decide for other vaccines?
My hope is that she will wait until she is with someone who is also 100% sure they don't have it.
Nice fantasy.

That response had me scratching my head (the one you replied to). The only way is abstinence or male contraception (not sure I can say the c word LOL)

Condoms are not 100% effective because they do prevent all direct skin to skin contact. They are however the best way & only way to help reduce the spread (other than vaccination).
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Nice fantasy.

Condoms are not 100% effective because they do prevent all direct skin to skin contact. They are however the best way & only way to help reduce the spread (other than vaccination).

I can't find the quote you quoted but I agree with you. Since males can't be tested how can you be sure someone is 100% clean? Even if you ask all his previous partners if they have it you can't guarantee if it did or didn't come from him. Also, the guy might not have passed it on to anyone. I hope the quotee (is that a thing?) doesn't think that being a virgin means they can't have it.
I can't find the quote you quoted but I agree with you. Since males can't be tested how can you be sure someone is 100% clean? Even if you ask all his previous partners if they have it you can't guarantee if it did or didn't come from him. Also, the guy might not have passed it on to anyone. I hope the quotee (is that a thing?) doesn't think that being a virgin means they can't have it.
I must be misunderstanding you. Never having had any sexual activity should be a pretty good guarantee against any type of STD, if I still remember how all that works. ;)
Never having had any sexual activity should be a pretty good guarantee against any type of STD, if I still remember how all that works. ;)
But NO sexual activity includes no kissing, touching, oral, anal etc. Any skin to skin contact can transmit the virus. A guy touching himself before touch his partner can transmit the virus.
But NO sexual activity includes no kissing, touching, oral, anal etc. Any skin to skin contact can transmit the virus. A guy touching himself before touch his partner can transmit the virus.
Not sure how many actual cases have been documented to have been transmitted by holding hands, but personally, I wouldn't consider anybody who had engaged in hand-to-genital foreplay or oral or anal sex to be particularly virginal.
I must be misunderstanding you. Never having had any sexual activity should be a pretty good guarantee against any type of STD, if I still remember how all that works. ;)

Depends on a person's definition of virgin. If your definition is no penetration, then HPV can still be spread. If your definition is no sexual activity what so ever, then HPV will not be an issue. However, the likely hood of no sexual contact in teenagers is slim.
Depends on a person's definition of virgin. If your definition is no penetration, then HPV can still be spread. If your definition is no sexual activity what so ever, then HPV will not be an issue. However, the likely hood of no sexual contact in teenagers is slim.
I didn't even use the word virgin. I said "not having had any sexual activity". And yes, I know it's a long-shot. But I also disagree wholeheartedly with anybody who would say "all" kids are sexually active in their teens. They're not.
Not sure how many actual cases have been documented to have been transmitted by holding hands, but personally, I wouldn't consider anybody who had engaged in hand-to-genital foreplay or oral or anal sex to be particularly virginal.
Simple hand holding no. The contact as to be with the infected area (genitals). As for the other, the line of "being a virgin" seems to get blurred more and more. I agree oral, anal are sex. But would disagree with the hand-to-genital foreplay. Others may say as long as it is no P in V it doesn't count.
I must be misunderstanding you. Never having had any sexual activity should be a pretty good guarantee against any type of STD, if I still remember how all that works. ;)

A guy can be a carrier of HPV and still be a virgin.

ETA- for this conversation, virgin means no penetrative sex of any kind.
My oldest ds is 16 and my younger one is 13. I am leaving the decision up to them.
It was a new vaccine when it was recommended for my dd, I did not give it to her.
She made the decision herself when she turned 18. My sons can do the same, they know they need to do it before becoming sexually active so for them it may be before that age.
Did you wait for her to be old enough to decide for other vaccines?

No, the other vaccines protect her from known threats that have killed millions of people.They are long used, long studied vaccines. They also aren't huge money makers for the pharmaceutical companies like guardasil is. I don't see a need to vaccinate a child that is not active, uaing a very new vaccine, that has been marketed with bit of a twist on words as to what it actually does. "Gardasil protects against cancer." No, gardasil protects against a few strains of hpv which might cause cancer on a small number of people. When they have to mislead in their marketing, it makes me question their motives.

When she's old enough and mature enough to be active, she can make the decision to get vaccinated.
I don't see a need to vaccinate a child that is not active. When she's old enough and mature enough to be active, she can make the decision to get vaccinated.
But just like the other diseases she needs to be vaccinated BEFORE she is exposed. If you (or she) waits until she is ready for sex then she is likely to have sex before she is protected by the vaccine. Which is the reasoning to vaccinate at 12 (or I guess 9 now).

If this was a vaccine that protected against a virus that was transmitted any other way would you be so against it?
Not sure how many actual cases have been documented to have been transmitted by holding hands, but personally, I wouldn't consider anybody who had engaged in hand-to-genital foreplay or oral or anal sex to be particularly virginal.

Tell that to some of the nice private school girls I went to school with. ;)

Most everyone I knew would insist that you were still a virgin as long as you'd never had "sex-sex". ie, the kind that can lead to babies.
OK, stipulated. Based on a few other posts, it seems like lot of people define it that way.

:sad1: True.

I had a whole answer typed out and then I did some googling and I just learned something.

I thought (incorrectly) that males got HPV by it just being made naturally in their body. Maybe that's just me being naive or something. Turns out, guys get it by being with someone who has HPV which means I got it third person. That's really gross lol

im pretty sure I know who I got it from because I was only unprotected with one person..drum roll ex husband.

No wonder I don't like him.


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