Guardians - Cosmic Rewind


Earning My Ears
Mar 25, 2019
I am sitting in my hotel room after an emergency Lyft ride back from Epcot feeling absolutely awful because I made the mistake of reading a review about Guardians saying it was not that bad on motion sickness.

To be clear, I get bad motion sickness. I think the author of the review has only read about motion sickness :-)

Guardians almost killed me. DO NOT ride this ride if you suffer from motion sickness. I even took motion sickness pills “to be safe” - and it still crushed me.

What a terrible mistake on my part! It was an absolute nightmare. I was praying it would end - it felt like the ride lasted 3 hours :-)

Almost everyone else leaving the ride had a big smile and thought it was great. So - again - this is coming from a person that actually gets bad motion sickness. For many, this ride appears just fine.
Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry! I heard conflicting reports, too, and I think this explains it: there are really two kinds of motion sickness, i.e. (1) people who feel sick from dropping (like at Tower of Terror), and (2) people who feel sick from spinning (like the Teacups). Guardians is definitely the latter. It's like if the Teacups and Space Mountain had a baby. It must be that the folks who keep writing that they aren't having any motion sickness trouble are from category #1. I hope you feel better soon!
Just saying I am sorry that you went through this. Hope the rest of your trip is uneventful and appreciate you sharing your experience to help other who are on the fence.

I can’t do things like Mission space or TOT but tried this with a pill.

Managed okay but won’t do again.
I’m sorry— I agree that GoG affects some ppl poorly; other ppl who get motion sick from planes/cars are fine.

My son throws up on every plan ride despite Dramamine and car rides within 45 minutes but rode GoG many times without incidence.

I’m sorry.
I feel your pain! My one and only foray into the GotG adventure did not end well for me. Never to be repeated.
Thank you for posting this. I have tried to reiterate this point as well and there are others here and elsewhere who immediately chime in with the "oh it's no big deal" line. You make the point with personal experience that I try to make as well: if you get queasy on certain rides and you're at all worried about this one (trust that you know yourself), then don't risk it. It's not worth the potential aftermath -- exactly what you have experienced. For those who do not have any issues with any rides, then sit back and enjoy, but for those on the fence because of past experiences, trust your gut. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the replies!

Quick update - I am feeling much better.

I love the “tea cups and space mountain had a baby”!

For some, motion sickness is mostly getting very nauseous. That happens to me too. However, I also get a very elevated pulse and I sweat like crazy for hours after because my body will just not “wind down” from the experience. It is like my body just gets overloaded and goes nuts. It is an awful feeling being “stuck” at a park when our body starts spiraling like this.

This happened to me years ago when I was foolish enough to try Mission Space when it was just released - prior to some adjustments they made to it (it is still absolutely awful but the original was crazy bad).

GoG triggered the “go nuts” for 2+ hours. The original Mission Space did it for 6+ hours - so, I guess I improved!

My daughter got nauseous. However, she recovered in about 30 minutes.

If you have the “body go nuts” overload response - just take a pass on this one. I am sure it is great - I can’t remember a single thing that was said or song and I closed my eyes after about 5 seconds and one large “holy hell” spontaneously exploded from me at the start - but again - I am sure it was great for lots of people :-)

Recovery options: They have a bench at the exit of the ride - but in a cruel gesture - they make you climb a set of stairs to get to it. The bench gave me 5-10 minutes to get the nausea from immediately becoming a top janitorial concern and my wonderful wife took over and somehow got me to a Lyft and back to the hotel. A few hours later - my body decided I was not about to die a terrible death and finally canceled the self destruct sequence.

So - bench to save the janitor some time - Lyft to get back home. Last step, tell yourself you don’t have to learn this lesson again - if you are not sure - skip it.
Sorry you went through that, it sounds awful! I’m not nearly as sensitive as you, only rides that spin in a tight circle usually get me. If I even watch the teacups for more than a few seconds I start getting queasy. But mission space, Everest, tower of terror etc that some people have issues with I'm fine on.

We are doing a day at Epcot specifically to try out Guardians before our cruise next month. I'm looking forward to it I love rides like this! I really hope I'm not one of the unlucky ones.

It's a strange one, usually rides are either a problem for people sensitive to motion sickness or they're not. So many people who never get sick on rides are having issues, and others who get sick on everything but not this one. I'm a little apprehensive but still can't wait to ride.

Also I appreciate your perspective on this. In spite of having an awful experience you're able to realize many people love it and you are just unusually sensitive to it, and giving a heads up to others who might be. So many posts would be super dramatic claiming it's a terrible ride, completely flawed design built by morons, nobody should ever go near it, etc
So I was given this tip from a few people who work there and some friends who also get motion sickness. Ask to sit in the front seat so you can focus on the track, that seems to really help most people.
I’d compare it to Expedition Everest combined with a Tilt-a-Whirl. I think a lot of it (as in Mission Space) is dependent on whether you move your head (or even eyes) around.

The absolute worst for me was IncrediCoaster and, specifically, it’s violent brake runs. The stops and starts almost did me in, in a way that California Screamin’ never even came close to doing.

Tower of Terror (and worse, GOTG Mission Breakout) make me queasy with their ups and downs, but maybe because I’m usually riding those early in the day on a mostly empty stomach.
Sorry this happened for you. I promise to never tell anybody it is worth it cause you never know.
I used to be terrified of the Pirates drops at DL .( age 16 )
I have ridden Cosmic Rewind 5 times since the preview open, etc. , but noticed I did not want to go again after “ feeling “ on last time . So ya never know . I was looking forward to the holidays version recently announced . Hope the awesome mix is shared .
I feel for you. I, too, suffer from motion sickness & just let everyone else in my group enjoy the ride & I enjoy the 80's music that is played & wait for them at the top of the stairs. I can't risk it! Glad you are feeling better!!!
I think people just need to try it once and see how you react. If you have motion sickness, take a pill before (my preference is Bonine). I also went on about an 90 mins after having lunch.

The only ride that has ever been a one and done for me is Mission Space Orange. Everest, I can go 2-3 times in a row - but then I'm pushing it, there is one part that always like clockwork I feel in my stomach. Teacups ... I just don't do it. Last time I did - I tried to make it not spin 🤣

GOTG I was fine - we were in Row 9 - which becomes Row 1. I was only able to go on once due to AP Preview. Going again in September, so I'll know for sure if I'm really OK after going on it more.
I am sitting in my hotel room after an emergency Lyft ride back from Epcot feeling absolutely awful because I made the mistake of reading a review about Guardians saying it was not that bad on motion sickness.

To be clear, I get bad motion sickness. I think the author of the review has only read about motion sickness :-)

Guardians almost killed me. DO NOT ride this ride if you suffer from motion sickness. I even took motion sickness pills “to be safe” - and it still crushed me.

What a terrible mistake on my part! It was an absolute nightmare. I was praying it would end - it felt like the ride lasted 3 hours :-)

Almost everyone else leaving the ride had a big smile and thought it was great. So - again - this is coming from a person that actually gets bad motion sickness. For many, this ride appears just fine.

This is exactly how I felt. I also get motion sickness and have been on every ride in WDW, Universal, Busch Gardens, Sea World, and every little unsafe, podunk, fair ride ever. However, nothing has ever come close to this. (Love the theme, pre-show, and even the que area though)

The rest of our group of 12 loved it. I could barely exit the ride and leave the facility. I sat for 2 hours in the restaurant next door just to be able to leave the park.
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So, have not been to WDW since last Labor Day, and Epcot even longer than that, but I had heard that this ride was similar to Crush's Coaster at DL Paris. That one, I had the same feelings as you mentioned above (though for only about 45 minutes). I could not wait for that ride to end and I had to keep my eyes closed the whole time. I still had issues. I may give GOTG a pass...
Thanks for the warning!
I also can't do spinning rides, and the worst are the spinning rides that incorporate screens (I'm looking at you harry potter).
I take a loading dose of meclizine (bonine) the day prior to trip, then daily dose (in AM) when traveling. That helps when cruising too!
Omg TYSM for your honest and detailed review!!
I am a chicken who has recently worked my way up to Everest!!!

I’m curious can you do Avatar? I loved that ride and it actually gave me courage to ride Everest.
Also can you do star tours?

I won’t do space mountain , RNR, TOT, mission space.

Not a fan of spinning. Does closing your eyes help if I hate it?
Not a fan of spinning. Does closing your eyes help if I hate it?
In general I find it better to follow medical advice I received years ago to affix your gaze down inside the ride car.

I used the non drowsy dramamine. First trip took one and felt green enough afterwards I had to sit down for five minutes when outside. I reluctantly skipped the repeat ride during evening hours, sigh.

last trip, i took 2 of the pills, more than I’ve ever dosed and only an hour pre riding. Also, just had a package of peanut butter crackers for breakfast and tea

also, after the spinning part early on in the ride, made sure to look at the actual track ahead of the car vs the screens when I started to feel weird. It also seemed to help greatly.

Rode it a 2nd time that week when seated further back. Found as long as i was able to look at that track even from side view when twisting, it really helped Make the ride doable. YMMV

I’m guessing it’s akin to the advice when sailing to look far ahead, out to the horizon to steady your brain.

OP sorry you felt so yucky. I was alarmed seeing how somebody became ill and fell down the exit steps. Had thot it was a situation waiting to happen TBH, a lot of steps and seems steep IMO


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