Guests spreading Disney Magic

We just got home yesterday from Disney and my DS spread some pixiedust: .... His magical moment started by boarding the SOG bus at AK. There was a lady in a wheelchair whom we learned had had a brain anyurism. While waiting for the bus to leave it broke down and wouldn't start. We were waiting and my middle son Justin took off his YOAMD hat he won and gave it to her. Her eyes lit up like a little girl getting her first set of Mickey ears... I got all teary eyed seeing how he gave something special away to help make her day a little more magical...

Next thing I give KUDOS to is to my Hubby and all my sons. We had just entered AK and a man was trying to get on a wheelchair. He fainted and my kids and husband ran over to help him. He was rather a large man but they worked together and got him in his wheelchair.

I tried to give away fast passes one time but had no takers!! I ended up leaving them on te fast pass machine!
I have about 12 plush Lion King animals that I got from Toys R Us on clearance. I am bringing them with us on our trip and going to carry around 2 or 3 a day to give out to kids. Hubby actually thought we may be better off giving them to a dream team member and sit back and watch... What do you think??
I tried to give away fast passes one time but had no takers!! I ended up leaving them on te fast pass machine!
I have about 12 plush Lion King animals that I got from Toys R Us on clearance. I am bringing them with us on our trip and going to carry around 2 or 3 a day to give out to kids. Hubby actually thought we may be better off giving them to a dream team member and sit back and watch... What do you think??

You may be better off giving them to a Dream Team. You don't want to get bombarded by children or questioned by parents as to why you're doing it. They'll take them more in the spirit of Disney, I think, from the Dream Team. popcorn:: I think watching would be fun.
We are going in a couple of weeks and have bought a dozen glow necklaces and retainers that light up in rainbow lights!! I'm goin to let DD4 hand them out the night we stay late for the parade. Hoping to get in on the magic! Heck, maybe even some characters will be enticed to come over to a group of a dozen kids with rainbow flashing teeth!

We also buy the 50 pack of glow sticks! My DD's love to give them away to other kids! Also have given fast passes. I like the idea of giving canada pins to deserving cms!! We are going agin this May and will be bringing the glow sticks again!

Great thread:thumbsup2
I have also given away FP when we decided not to use them, but my DS really made someone's day recently:

We were staying at Fort Wilderness in December and each day there are activities at the pool, on this one day there was BINGO. This really nice lady came in with her 2 teenage sons, one of them was blind with multiple disabilities and couldn't play bingo so she laid him down on one of the pool lounge chairs to take a nap. Well this happened to be a very breezy day and the sky was overcast so it was kind of chilly outside, the boy was just curled up in a little ball trying to get warm, my DS14 just kept looking at him and saying how cold he looked. Next thing I knew, DS asked me to watch his bingo cards and left, he came back 5 minutes later with one of the blankets from our camper and covered the boy up with it. The boy's mother was so grateful, she looked at us with tears in her eyes and said that my DS was an angel and he deserved to win at bingo, and wouldn't you know, he WON that game!
That shows 'it is more blessed to give than receive.' Obviously you are certainly raising your kids right! It is amazing how small things can bring so much light into a persons day, and it doesn't take $$$ or stuff, just human kindness. Your son has a good heart!
I am so touched by all your stories! I had tears welling up in my eyes.
Will try to do something great this time around!:wizard:
Last trip on our last dinner at Boma, two of our party had stayed at the hotel. Well, that left us with 2 TS credits left. I had a hard time finding 2 people who were NOT on the DDP. I finally found a couple and it happened to be their first trip EVER to WDW. The lady was so overwhelmed, she kept hugging me, and thanking me and saying, "I just can't believe this!" I'm hoping the rest of her stay was as happy as she was at that moment. What a way to end a wonderful vacation. pixiedust:
My daughter gave away two of her trading pins to a brother and sister during our December trip. They had shown interest after seeing her exchange with a cast member. A few days later I saw the little girl walking through Epcot looking at her lanyard with a few extra pins. I'm sure we made the child's day but what about the parent having to fork out $$ for the pin trading addiction!!
On our most recent trip we stayed at AKL and went down to the Mara to get something to eat, it was Me my DW and two boys so we bought quite a bit a young couple was leaving that night and paid for our meals with the Dining meals they had left over from their plan. :thumbsup2

We also purchased about 50 green and 50 Red glow bracelets and handed them out to kids passing by while waiting for MVMCP parade.
For our trip in July we had bought a carriage at a second hand store to use for my DD4--It was a decent carriage and I had cleaned it up to use and on our last day i seen a woman walking with a little one and offered her the carriage,she accepted it and was very happy.

For this trip we bought another carriage at the second hand store(it ended up being the same exact one) I cleaned it up and we used it for our entire trip--The last day we were waiting for the ME bus at ASMO and I walked around all the lines of people waiting for buses to each park and I couldn't give it away!! No one wanted it!! I finally grabbed one of the girls coloring pages from a suitcase and a pen and made up a sign that said ""free"" stuck it on the carriage and left it up against the wall---A family that had mom,dad,gmom,gpop and a few kids came out and seen it and gmom grabbed it and everyone was looking because they weren't sure if it was right or not but they took it and I was glad someone could use it!!
We have used TS credits to buy other people dinner, have given away our Kilimanjaro fast passes after a Sunrise Safari and last year while staying at Universal (transferred some Disney Magic) we had 2 free Children passes while on an adult only trip - so we walked up to a large family going to the ticket window and gave them our passes.
I cannot even tell you how many times I held someone's baby on the bus back to the resort! When DS was 1 and 2 people gave up seats for me and then inevitably there would be a woman trying to hold her baby swaying back and forth standing. I usually offered to switch and usually got a "no" so I would offer to take the baby, which they would greatfully give over.

One time I held two babies and DD held DS!
A few years ago we were fortunate enough to be able to ride in the front of the monorail on our very first day. This was the first time my 2 DDs got a monorail "pilots" license and they loved it.

A few days later we were again getting on the monorail and asked if anyone was riding up front yet - the CM said no and put us in line for it.

Moments later a small family (mom, dad and son - about 10) came up and asked if they could ride. They were told we had asked first. The look on theirs sons face broke my heart. So I looked at my DDs and my husband and asked them if it would be OK to let them go instead of us. Everyone agreed and off I went to get them.

They were so happy. It turns out it was their last day at WDW and they had been trying since they arrived to ride in the front with no luck. The best part about it - it was their sons birthday.

We have had so many magical moments at Disney. It was really a great feeling to make a little magic happen for someone else.
I love this thread. On our first visit to WDW in 2005 we stayed VWL , BCV and OKW . At each new location feralpeg had gone to an immense amount of trouble over some gifts I had ordered for DD6 ( you need to understand that I believed this to be a once in a life time, blow out deal, how was I to know Disney is addictive?!) Each gift was accompanied by a cluster of helium balloons and a note from Tinkerbell instructing DD that when she moved on to the next hotel she needed to pass on the balloons , because " princesses share you know!". She loved doing this and the other kids seemed happy to receive them.
We gave away Winnie The Pooh fast passes to the last trio in a long line, they were thrilled but the cast member didn't look happy and I wondered if I'd broken a rule !
Finally DH was really tired and decided not to attend MNSSHP . I didn't think a refund was likely so I gave the ticket away near the ticket window at MK. The lady I gave it seemed pretty suspicious , she kept saying "what's wrong with it ?" I was wickedly tempted to give a Maleficent cackle and tell her it was a dreaded poison ticket of doom or some such nonsense. She took it in the end but still seemed frightened it would bite her ! It didn't put me off though. I think we need to keep going until every day kindnesses are so common that we don't find them embarassing to give or receive :goodvibes
We just got back last Friday from a 12 day stay at WDW. We used the dining plan option for the first time and in our last couple days it became apparent we had an extra table service meal we weren't going to use.

So on our last day while having breakfast at Crystal Palace we asked our server to find a family of 4 and told her we would like to buy them breakfast. It made for a really special start to one family's day! :yay:
That is so great that ya'll have given out moments to people, I definately saw a lot of them while I worked there between guests and whanot.. strollers was definately a good one.. and glowsticks too! Keep up the awesome work, you all are definately a big part of making Disney what it is, and little dreams as well as big ones even by random everyday acts of kindness are absolutely awesome!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
we had a few nive things happen to us curtesy of other guests.

1. My DH was given a fast pass for Soaring while he was in the MS play area with our DD3. We have been on the giving end of spare fastpasses but 1st time on the receiving end. My DH was really happy!

2. Everytime I rode the bus or boat, some nice person always gave up their seats so that my dd3 and I could sit.

3. The nicest was on the plane coming home. My dd and I had the aisle and middle seat so, I gave my dd the middle seat, then the lady who has window seat comes up. She was wearing a really nice all white pant suit. I was stressed out that my dd3 would spill something or touch the lady with dirty hands... Ends up the lady was so nice. She offered my dd the window seat, helped me get her toys out, lifted the arm rest so she'd have more room and when my dd fell asleep, I noticed that her feet were on the lady, she didn't let me move them! insisting that the important thing was that my dd was comfortable! Having somebody extra nice made such a diference for me!!


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