Hakuna Matata-Happy April

Good morning everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend! It's a rainy morning in Toronto. I'm glad it rained today because Mondays are my training days so I'm indoors :)

I picked up a pair of running shoes for my fiancé on the weekend. Apparently, running is contagious ... it will be nice to have a running buddy since most of my friends are allergic to sweat and exercise.

I'm getting nervous about the Minnie! I'm worried that I've undertrained and about the humidity too. But I'm definitely looking forward to a vacation at Disney!

Take care and have a great day everyone!
Hi Team.

Erica is healing nicely and should be back to work in about 2 and a half weeks.

We went to Nashville for her appointment and by the time we got back to Bowling Green a cold front had moved in. It has beeen cold and pouring rain all afternoon. It's forcasted to be 38 degrees in the morning so it will be the treadbeast in the morning for me again.

I'm actually making friends with the tready, I can closely monitor my speed and no one tries to run over me. The music videos on the TVs are nice also. I think tomorrow I'll go up a notch in speed again.

Have a super evening y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
It's a chilly morning here in Toronto. Needed to scrap the frost off the car windows. BRRRRR. Might even need the long tights for tonights run. Got spoiled wearing shorts for the last few runs.

Why do you have to work twice as hard at work before going on vacation? Busy. Busy.

Must get back to work.....happy Tuesday training....take care...Sue
On the road for work and I got in a three mile run this morning, warm and no wind, yes very nice, ran in shorts and a LS T.

Lynn is holding down the home front and getting stuff together for our trip to WDW.

Might get home tonight or tomorrow, we will see, Thrusday starts the trek to WDW. YEAH!!!!!!
Good Morning Team!

Yesterday I did not get much done, but we now have carpet in the exercise room! I did get out for a short walk in the evening, but wind was really blowing (35mph) and neither the dogs nor I wanted to fight it!

Today I got in 5 miles early before the landscapers showed up. It was very nice out (although it was not warm enough here to run in shorts, I know Scott is in a different part of the state, but I'm surprised it was warm enough where he is to run in shorts!). Today I will also try to get in the pilates tape that I skipped yesterday.

It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, then Thurs it turns ugly, more snow forecast!

Erica - good to hear that the toes are healing well!

Dave - you are doing great on your workouts, you are an inspiration to us all!

Have a great day!
Hi guys.

I did my walk on the tready this morning with most at a 12 mpm pace. Then to shake things up a little I did some sprints in the pool. I haven't done that for a while so it was a good shock to the system. I stretched a bit in the pool but I still need to do a good stretching routine tonight.

I get the dumb bunny award. I use an iPod mini. This morning I clipped it on the back of my shorts like I always do and then plugged my head phones into the TVs instead. I would normally plug in the iPod when I'm done walking so I can listen to it while doing the cals and stretching. Well when I went to the pool I stopped at the locker and stripped of my shirt shoes and head phones. Then went to the pool. After the pool fun I was showering and when I took off my shorts guess what was still clipped on the back?

I went home ate some fish and veggies and push mowed my yard and the neighbors yard, about 1.5 acres total.

I'm tired now. But some where along the way today my hip flexor finally stopped being sore. My achillies is a bit tender though.

Tired Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Team!

Woke up to a chilly but beautiful Wednesday morning. My life has been a a bit of a whirlwind so I haven't been on much lately. Between planning a bridal shower, DD turning 14, working on grades, participating in activites at church, and cleaning the house there hasn't been a lot of down time. Thankfully the kids finished school last Friday. Whoohoo! They have their final day of SAT testing today so things will slow down a bit. My DH is due to be home this Monday -- he's already begun moving this way (there are no direct flights from Baghdad ;) ). Of course all this means my working out schedule has taken a beating. I'm not sure if I'll have any miles to post this week. Sorry about that! I may not be around for a bit but I promise to not return to couch potato status!

Best wishes to all of you participating in the Minnie this weekend! Prayers for safe travel, good health, and lots of PRs! Go Team!!!! :cheer2:

Wow, Kristen, I am in Alabama but mine don't finish school until the third week in May or so! I am thrilled for your good news about DH!!:goodvibes
Good Morning!

The mad work rush is on. 6 hours to go before heading to the airport.:woohoo:

Cold and windy run last night. Next stop warm sunny run at SSR.

Best wishes to all Minnie participants.....safe travels.....and remember to enjoy the day(s)........Sue
Ok I'm officially jealous of the group going to the Minnie. Someone please drink a beer this evening in honor of your friends left at home while you guys are having Disney fun.

I walked 4 strong miles on the tready this morning. Then a short stretching routine. Last mile at 10:54 pace. I feft really good this morning.

Have a wonderfull day everyone.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Team!

Another beautiful day here in Wyoming, I was warm walking/running in tights and long sleeved shirt at 7am. No wind yet! Of course, it is supposed to snow tonight - tomorrow's high will be 35 degrees! Scott has taken tomorrow off, and we were going down to Denver early to play, but if the weather is bad, we might as well stay here and do some more trim work on the basement exercise room! We will spend tomorrow night in Denver before flying out Friday AM for WDW.

Yesterday I did get a Pilates tape in that I missed on Monday. Got in another 5 miles this morning.

We are really looking forward to our vacation at WDW! I will not be posting, Scott never gives me a chance to get on the computer while on vacation, but I am sure that Scott will be posting (He does not sleep, so he has more time on the computer than I do, as I do sleep!).

Have a great day, and have a great week!

I need everyone's time from April 19th through the April 30! This will be considered one entire reporting week. IF you gave me the usual week, just forward the last few days, I can easily make any changes to that.

Our next week will be May 1st through May 8th. I know this makes it a little more difficult for everyone, but the months will be accurate.

I haven't posted any pics, yet. It's been a hectic couple of weeks. I will do a race report and post the pics, asap. For the time being, I am just taking care of miles and minutes and catching up with you talkative folks! I missed you while I was gone. But did get to spend some time with Escape (Susie) and her hubby at OKC. It was great meeting them!

Yea Team!!! :cheer2:
Connie, I PM'd mine & Erica's Time and Miles for the 26th - 30th.

:cheer2: :cheer2: For those going to The Minnie...Enjoy!!!!:cheer2: :cheer2:

Great Workout, Panda :goodvibes

Tonight I did my gym workout...not a lot of energy left, I guess that is good.
Connie, I PM'd mine & Erica's Time and Miles for the 26th - 30th.

:cheer2: :cheer2: For those going to The Minnie...Enjoy!!!!:cheer2: :cheer2:

Great Workout, Panda :goodvibes

Tonight I did my gym workout...not a lot of energy left, I guess that is good.

Thank you for Erica's miles, you are a sweetheart. Yes a workout that leaves you drained is good for you ever once in a while.

I'm still holding right at 165 lbs. That is what I weighed in high school, or I guess that might be a good thing.

Today is national day of prayer. I'm not a church goer but living your life as though you are being judged is not a bad idea and asking a higher power to guide your thoughts can't hurt either.

Along with that, today is also a good day to evaluate yourself and see what needs tweeking. Not just physicly but mentally also.

Ok time to head off to the gym and take care of business. Today I will be strong and powerfull. I have learned that you have to keep your attitude positive when you are working out, dwelling on a negitive doesn't work. Your mind and your heart needs positive vibes.

Have a super day everyone.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Sorry to make a green with envey, Dave.

Up early getting ready to print the boarding passes, I think we are all ready, not sure when we will be leaving for Denver.

Cold and snow expected, had thunder storms last night, wierd weather.

Later kids we will keep ya informed from the road.
I will make this short and sweet. My computer at home is giving me fits so I can’t catch up with all of you as often as I’d like. I'm at work at the moment.

Will PM my miles/hours.

Did PT last night for my knee then 3 miles with Miranda last night. It was cold but not raining and we’re used to the cold so it wasn’t a big deal.

Gee if I have no home computer, I’ll be getting a lot of work done at home – sewing too.

I have to get back to work but will lurk before I leave today, just to make sure I haven’t missed anything important.

Keep training, safe flights for those on their way to Minnie - good luck!

Good Morning Team (it is still morning here!)

I thought we would be on the road by now, but we decided to wait for our eye2eye shirts, which are on the delivery truck, and are supposed to be at our door by 1pm. As it is really ugly out, and I'm sure, just as ugly in Denver, we decided we did not need to leave early to play in Denver. The Zoo would not be much fun today! The dogs are at the kennel. The landscapers are still working on the rock work, but they have been paid. So, as soon as the shirts arrive, we will be on our way.

Have a great week team!
Went for a short 3.3 mile walk with my little Hagen. Thunder Storms are coming in so I decided to get on home before he got wet or the stroller became a lightening rod! :scared1:

Am hoping to get back out for a few more miles depending on the weather (?)

Hope you got your shirts okay, Lynn :goodvibes

Congratulations on your weight accomplishment, Dave!

Eager to hear all the Minnie Reports...Enjoy all the moments, have FUN, and be ready to share with those of us who could not go with you! :cheer2: :cheer2:
I leave for Minnie on Saturday morning - can't wait but not even packed yet :rolleyes1

I hope y'all got those shirts too, Lynn, I want to see one of them as I plan to order as well :goodvibes

Gonna try hard to get in a decent workout tomorrow morning - missed yesterday and today :headache:


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