Hakuna Matata Happy New Year!

Heeellllooooo Hakuna Matata!!! :simba:

I'm waking up and starting my day. I have been busy, but I just read something that says "Somebody that is busier than you is running right now" and it snapped me into gear. I ran two days last week...once on the TM and once outside. It was nice outside, but there are no clear sidewalks as many of you have mentioned. So...I was battling the traffic during morning rush hour. :scared:

I think until the sidewalks clear up I'll stick to the TM as boring as it is.

Denise - Forehead headache? Gives a new meaning to "brain freeze" eh? :rotfl:

Scott - Now you got me looking at the DL half...geesh this really is an addiction isn't it?!

Vivky - FEEL BETTER!! Sleep as much as you can and drink lots of water! Well..on the plus side at least you don't have to worry about your training suffering right now.

Connie - Glad to hear that your shoulder is better! You probably healed up faster than somebody who is not conscience of health and fitness! Go WISH! :thumbsup2

Uh oh spaghettis-o...Jordan just came downstairs and says he has a stomach issue going on. I'm going to head to the store to buy some pepto or something. Hope all of you have a great day!!
Good morning, Everyone!!!

Forehead headaches, I get them, but it's usually because my hat's pulled down on my forehead! Makes it hard to wear hats, caps, and beanies!

Eva, Thanks. I am embarking this week into allowing my shoulder to begin holding my body weight. Wall push ups and things like that! Tell Jordan to get well quick!

Vickie, you get well too!

Margie, are you doing better?

Kathy, where did you go? Rpsemont? Maroo? Everyone else?? Where are you???

I love that quote! "Somebody busier than you, is running right now!"
Imodium, don't forget the imodum.....

I did get in 1.5 on the TM, snowing and temps are 0-1, roads closed, school closed, etc etc.

Lazy day yesterday. Got a few things done around the house.

Given the weather I hope we don't travel this week, but ya never know.

EVA YOU KNOPW YOU WANT TO DL 1/2, addiction - I can quit any time I just don't want to. LOL well it is a good addiction
Good Monday Morning to All!

The weekend flew by as usual. Hope everyone had a great one.

Please send some warmer weather this way. It was -15F this morning. On the positive side I noticed the days are getting alittle bit longer. Nice to leave work & it's still light outside.

Saw Hotel for Dogs. They were all sooooo cute. I wanted to take them all home.

Went to pilates class on Sunday. Will run tonight. Hopefully outside?

Denise, Another request for the BS cake. Sounds delish.

Have a great day, Sue
Good Morning Team!

Dave - my knee did not hurt during the marathon, it did not hurt for a week afterwards running around the parks, I spent a day traveling (sitting), then a day at home just putsing around - then it REALLY started to HURT! I am thinking it was the INactivity, not the activity that caused the pain! I am diligently doing my leg routine, (which is a mix of what Lisa gave me and what the PT gave me) and getting in some walking (nothing yesterday). It is doing better, but it still hurts more than it has hurt since before I went to Orthopod because of the pain! I am wearing the knee brace on that knee all the time - usually I only wear them while out on a walk.

pixiedust: for Jordan and Vicki!

We did not go outside yesterday, other than to fill the birdfeeder - today is even colder - 0 degrees right now and snowing. We got about 6-8 inches of snow over the weekend, and it looks like it will be on the ground for another day - the wind is not supposed to kick up until tomorrow - then all the snow will be gone - to Nebraska! My exercise, other than shoveling snow, will be inside today - the dogs will just have to suffer!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi TEAM! :wave2:

Winter walking is a challenge – our weather has not improved so it is DM or not…I am having a tough time recovering from this cold – and my training is suffering. No energy or motivation to get back on schedule. DM tonight & Gym in the morning-:confused3

pixiedust: pixiedust: Hope everyone is feeling at least a bit better today- Vicky, Lynn, & Jordan pixiedust: pixiedust:

Denise the Banana Split cake sound yummy! It seems everything I eat loves stay around and is very clingy…no kidding! :rolleyes2

Question: Warm/Hot Weather Tights & Recovery Tights – Anyone have favorites? I tried a pair of the Skins Recovery Tights– have to return them, as there is too much material for a person 5’ 2-inches-bunches at the knees and the ankles. Same problem with the cute CW-X warm weather ventilator tights ... they kept sliding down, bunching behind the knees, etc

Margie, you won't believe this....but I HAD the same problem with those CW-X ventilator looking Halloween pants, too!!! :rotfl:

I love the Skins Travel and Recover. I bet a smaller size would work for you!

I may try some Skins tights, in a cool version if I can find some!::yes:: So I will have the added support that they offer.
Thanks, Connie!

It is nice to hear from others who have tried things and share their thoughts! They are a bit pricey just to order-try-return! Please let me know what you decide to order. :scared:

BTW - my little Hagen likes your Little 'Blues Clues' paw prints on your signature
::yes:: He was a bit clingy after his nap today - hope he is not getting sick.

I was out doing errands - it is 18 degrees but feels like 10 degrees. My body is starting to warm up and I have that feeling we used to get snuggling up to the old wood stove. I was on a quest to find a 'boys' scarf to wrap around little Hagen neck - did find one at the 4th store. Geez, it would be nice if I could knit of something.

Thanks for the all the PD everyone! I've never slept so much as I have over the past few days. I still feel less than 50% :( I think I've lost some of the post trip weight as a result of the chicken noodle soup and cracker diet. Heh! Just trying to look for the silver lining :)

Sue - I was thinking the same thing about the daylight too. Perfect if I can make it out of the office by 4PM. The cold weather however ... on the plus side, I noticed that some of the slush has disappeared from the streets.

Margie - pixiedust: for your cold!

Eva - I've been thinking about the DL half too! That Coast to Coast medal is too cool! Airfare to LA is pricey from Toronto though so I might have to pass on that one. pixiedust: for Jordan too! I hope he's feeling better!

Denise - I've under-dressed on sunny days too. It's usually my fingers and face that suffer.

Dave - Group yoga with the team ... there's an idea!

Lynn - That's a lot of snow! I'll bet you're ready for Spring as well :goodvibes

Jen, Anne, Kathy, Maroo, Kim, Erica - :wave2:

Take care and keep warm everyone!
Hi guys.

I had a nice workout this morning 4 miles on the tready and a quarter mile in the pool, then stretching of course.

We went to see marley and me today and it reminded me a lot of the puppy from H*ll that lives with us. My hands are starting to heal from the maulings though.

We are supposed to get an ice storm tonight and could get up to a half inch of ice. YUCK!

I have tried tights and I can't handle the way they feel, I can't do anything restrictive at all. I like the loose running pants like I wore in the marathon though.

Everyone have a restful evening.

Resting Panda:)
Good Morning Team!

On cold days this is what I wear:

Sport bra, Insulated Shirt – Nike, Quilted nylon vest, Running jacket , scarf
Knit hat for my head with straps to tie it down – another layer around my neck.

Underwear, stretch pants, Nylon outer pants with flannel lining, socks, sneakers

leather gloves with flannel lining
orange vest with flashing light if dark out

I look like an Eskimo but I’m not cold.

It does take a while to get it all on and even longer to take it off since by the time I’m done 5-6 miles I’ve sweat through to the vest!

Banana Split Cake – for Miranda I did cut this in ½ and it worked just fine in an 8x8 square dish.

Layer graham crackers in the bottom of a 9 x 13 dish.
Beat on high until smooth:
2 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese
1 c sugar
½ container of (16 oz) cool whip
Spread on graham crackers.

Then layer:
1 (20 oz) can of crushed pineapple (drained)
3 bananas (peeled and sliced)

Mix together in a medium bowl:
2 (3.4 oz) pkg of instant vanilla pudding
2 c milk
Then add:
½ container of (16 oz) cool whip
Layer over bananas and pineapple. Cover and chill in the refrigerator overnight. Garnish each serving with chocolate syrup, nuts, cool whip, and a maraschino cherry
Denise, we wouldn't be able to see tiny little you in all that. I bet yo do stay warm though.

Today is going to have to be a rest day for me since we are having an ice storm and it's still raining and freezing on contact. We have about a half inch on the trees and power lines so lots of power outages, YUCK!

Lynn, if you remember I had fits with my left achillies tendon for years, then last year as a extra benefit of push mowing the yard instead of using the rider I stretched and strengthened my tendons to the point that I don't have more than a little minor soreness now after a hard workout. Maybe your knee will respond to what your doing with the weight training also.

Everyone have an awesome day.

Resting Panda:goodvibes
I think that Margie is asking, because I am asking too, what do you wear in the heat that will support your muscles?

I actually bought the CW-X warm weather tight to try. They didn't fit me, so I sent them to Margie. They didn't work for her either. Because we are doing the Goofy, we are looking for ways to keep the pain away.

I love the Skins Travel and Recovery pants. I was wondering if anyone else had tried Skins (Particularly the She Skins and how they fit).

Didn't accomplish much yesterday. No biggie. I tried some wall push ups. I did 5 before I could feel it in the shoulder. But I will get there!

Has anyone tried the "Perfect Pushup" device?

See ya!
Good Morning Team!

Thanks for the recipe!

I have the skins - not the recovery ones, but the ones without the foot strap, I wore them as recovery tights last year after the DL half when we were taking the red eye flight to Orlando to get on a cruise ship! I also wore them for the 5K race at WDW as it was rather cool. They fit me fine, but I am not short. I also have a pair of the regular CW-X tights, but they are pretty warm for hot weather walking.

Dave - the knee definately feels better after a workout, it felt really good after yesterdays workout. I think I just have to keep working it! It could be like your achilles tendon problems that you solved with the lawn mowing!

pixiedust: for all those colds out there!

It is currently 8 below 0 out, and the TV news said the wind chill was 19 below - our wind thing is frozen, so we are not getting a wind reading on our weather station. It does not look windy out now, but it is supposed to pick up this afternoon, and we have a blowing snow advisory for this afternoon.

I did get out for a quick loop with the dogs, 1.28 miles, it was about all I could handle in the cold, I also got out to shovel snow for 35 min, that was all I could handle also! It should get a little warmer today, and if the wind does not kick in, I might get out for a good dog walk. The streets are snow covered, but it is still too cold for them to be slick.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning, Hakuna Matata! Just popping over to say "hello" to all you guys since Connie was kind enough to come and visit Ohana. I see that Connie is signed up for Goofy 2010......:worship::worship::worship:
I am actually considering going Goofy myself next year.......then I REALLY think about what it entails and know I must be going NUTS!
Still not sure what to do. Part of me wants to sign up for the half and take it easy - relatively speaking - and the other part of me is always up for a new challenge. What to do....what to do.....

Wanted to also give a shout-out to Lynn who walked almost the first 10 miles of the marathon with me. Congrats on your great success! So are you ready to give it another go in 2010?

Well, that's it for now.......greetings to Dave, Scott and all the other HM teammates....have a great day!
Hi everyone! I'm glad to say that I'm feeling better today - I still have a sore throat and stuffy nose but at least my head doesn't feel like it's the size of a beach ball!

Connie/Margie - Hmm... usually in warm weather I just wear a running skirt and a tank top. I've never really tried compression clothing outside of winter weather.

Denise - The recipe sounds delish!! Now I need an occasion to bake for!

Lynn - Sounds super cold where you are! Hope it warms up soon!

Jeanne - I'll have to pop by Team 'Ohana and say hello since you and Maria have already been by here!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi kids, just busy at work.

Didn't sleep well last night so hope to feel up to some TM tonight when I get home.
Hello All!
A quick fly by. Really busy at work.

Denise. I just love desserts like that. mmmmmmmmm. Sounds like something to make for Valentine's Day.

Ran outside last night. A bit cold but not too too bad. Another snow storm tonight into tomorrow. Hope to make it home from work before it starts for another run outside.

Glad to hear that all the sickies are starting to feel better.

Got to get back to work.....Sue
Good evening team,

Well this week is the beginning of my training program for my first half at the end of May. I was suppose to go for a 5 miles this morning but I was called yesterday to work overtime from midnight to 8 am and I just didn't feel like running after a couple of hours of sleep. Instead I went for a 30 minutes walk with the dogs. When I was younger it seems so easy to do a graveyard shift; not anymore. I guess I'll go tomorrow morning before the snowstorm and the 6 to 12 inches of snow.
Tomorrow afternoon I will be either shoveling snow or having fun with the snowblower: I just love this machine, the power, the snow in your face because you forgot to think about the wind. Call me Diane the toolwoman :upsidedow
Sorry, have to leave to take care of the dogs. They are back from the stable. My quiet time is over.

Hi everyone!

Stopping in quickly while waiting for DH and DD to get home so we can have dinner ....at 9PM!!!!

I could have posted more, but I've spent the last 45 minutes trying to get online. I must have a virus or spyware or something because my computer keeps freezing when I try to visit any websites. I'm thinking about taking it to staples for a "tune up" this week. Maybe they can find something.

Well, I began exercising again finally. Did about 6.75 miles last week over 3 different days. Not much, but it's a start. Hard to believe I was probably doing close to 20 miles a week in the weeks for the Half. It's all been on the TM or eliptical, - too cold outside for me. I'm REALLY looiking forward to ging back to FLA during Pres week and being able to do some long walks outside!

French lady, I can empathize about that graveyard shift. While I never worked that shift, there have been times recently with some work projects I've told myself "just stay up until it's done. After all, you used to all nighters in college all the time!" Then about 3AM I am literally nodding off, totally unable to focus

Gotta go


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