Hakuna Matata -Spring-ing into Action for Race Season

Good morning team.

The question the coming week is a bit of an opinion question. We just had a disaster in the Gulf with that oil leak, should we build more oil rigs and do more drilling or is it time to rethink our habits. In a lot of the world walking and biking to work is very common, as individuals can we make ourselves less dependent on oil? Let's assume your answer is to make yourself less dependent, what would you change for yourself?

I'm working another 12 today so I won't be around today. Off to the pool now then to work.

Have a magical day y'all.

Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Thunderstorms all night-

Jennifer, Thanks for asking, 'The Guilty Television Question.'
I did not even recognize most of the shows listed :blush:

Connie- enjoy the Grand Kids! :goodvibes

Dave- Let us know how Robert does!
'Robert the horse ferrier, he is doing the Tenn state trials for the national Senior Olympics tomorrow.'

Hope-Oh, Yes, we interested. :bride:
Please share your wedding plans with us!

Kristie- Is your chair fixed?
How is Tinkerbell this morning?
I still have questions when my brain cells return-
I saw a picture of her Mom, Fergie hugging Princess Beatrice at the Finish Line! She was in the 34-person human chain (caterpillar) of runners
tied together. Her finish time for the full Marathon was the 5:15:57.

Jennifer- I am thinking your easy would be a 'Tough' workout for me!
Easy 45 minutes on the elliptical. Do you do manual or the set workouts?

Mike- Jennifer asked the 'Guilty Television Question.' ::yes::
Relaxing Weekend (?) eager to hear your race report and pictures Please!

Regina- WTG that was a very nice run! :goodvibes

Robert- It was really great to hear from you! :goodvibes
Congratulations on 28# weight loss! WTG :worship:
Oh, you were a Special Mother’s day Gift!
I will put your 45th birthday down for May 8th!

Sue- Whew-wondered where you were! :rolleyes1
Yes we all want to know the answer to Vicky's question:
Yes there are wineries all over Niagara now. Do you have a favorite?

Vicky-:hug: how's the ankle?

pixiedust: Connie (foot), Dave (Achilles), Jennifer (runners knees)
Kim (foot), Kristie (arm), Lynn (cold/flu/knees), and Vicky (ankle)

AFM: Feeling a bit better this morning…I am dehydrated, but that fear of what does down might come back up is limiting me!

Enjoy all the moments today might bring! :wave:
Connie, Dave, Denise, Eva, Gerry, Hope, Jack, Jennifer,
Kim, Kristie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina, Robert,
Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, and Vicky-

You posted just inbetween mine so I almost missed this one. :goodvibes

Yikes - that is a Way complicated issue!

I could make a generalized statement that anyone could rip apart.

The number of people on earth and all the items we use oil for is huge.
If interested this is a good listing of items we produce with crude oil.

Oh Margie say it ain't so, tech Shirts and shorts are made from oil!!!!:scared1:

That ranks right up there with Charleston Heston saying, 'Solent Green is People".

Who else is old enough to remember that?

Good Morning Team!

Dave – good job on the race!

Kirstie – we share a birthday! Sorry to hear about your arm, pixie dust for a fast recovery! More pixie dust for Tinkerbell!

Margie – I am afraid the weather has been just as bad, we have woken up to snow 2 days this week (it melts by afternoon) and high winds all week. Temps have been in the 40’s all week! Where is Spring?!?!

Scott and I are signing up for the Denver Marathon (or half marathon) – now associated with the Rock and Roll series – October 17th. If we wait until the 13th of the month, we will save $13! Anyone else joining us? If anyone wants to adjust to the high altitude before the race – let us know, we could provide a room at a slightly higher elevation than Denver.

Connie – congrats on finishing the race in spite of your foot!

Margie – my birthday is Dec 1st, Scott’s is Oct. 28.

Vicki – I hate needles also, but acupuncture performs miracles!

Good Luck to Kirstie, Mike and Liz on the races today!

I have been getting back into the routine since my cold – I have made it outside for walks daily (almost) and downstairs to the bike several times this last week. I am looking forward to only 2 more weeks of work! Then I have a week off before we leave for our trip to Europe.

Have a great week all!
Oh Margie say it ain't so, tech Shirts and shorts are made from oil!!!!:scared1:

That ranks right up there with Charleston Heston saying, 'Solent Green is People".

Who else is old enough to remember that?

While I didn't see the movie "Soylent Green," I do remember getting the book through the Scholastic book order. I think I was in 8th or 9th grade.

Not so much to reduce oil consumption, but more for my own health, about two weeks ago I made the resolution to walk anywhere that I could that was within walking distance. Because I live in a small town, this means I can walk to the library, grocery store, my chiro's office, CVS, the health food store, dry cleaners, etc. Since I started doing that, I have dropped 2 lbs.

I didn't get much sleep Thursday night, and on Friday I walked to the grocery (one of the longer trips.) Abouth halfway I felt more tired than usual, but pushed on through and I'm glad I did. I know this will get more difficult when the cold weather rolls around again, but I know I will see many benefits in the meantime.
We keep looking in to a couple of convershion kits for our car to make it more "green", but it comes down to price every time.
If gas goes to $4+ again we will have to do it.

Margie My chair fixed. :lmao:
I think my arm will be fixed first!!!! I will be having a waterproof full arm cast put on the end of next week. I had too much swelling for it this week, so it was splinted and wraped, I am sooooo lokking forward to the cast.

Tinkerbeel is back to normal, thank you, so is lokking forward to getting back to MK, she loves the tea cups and dumbo.......mad dog.
Hi everyone! Hope the weekend is going well so far! I got out this morning for a run - I mean to get out around 8AM but hit the snooze button one too many times and slept in until 8 :laughing: I did a quick 3 miler and set my Garmin to 10/1 intervals in case I needed it but decided I was going to run the whole thing! It got hard around 2.5 miles but I pushed through and finished. I guess you do lose a little something after taking a month off. The ankle is so-so - will make sure it stays in a brace and keep icing it today.

Dave - I don't have a car - I have to borrow everyone else's :) Haha!! Walking and biking to work would be tough because I live about 15K from work. If I were to move closer, the rent or purchase price of a house/condo etc. goes up a lot. I wish that our city would improve the transit system - as it is, it's difficult to use and is always very crowded :( I think European and Asian cities are designed differently so that walking and cycling is easier. When I visited my cousins in Amsterdam, everything (grocery, bakery, shopping) were all within a 5 minute walk of their house. In the part of Toronto that I live in, the closest grocery is a 10-15 minute walk but I know for others it can be as long as 15-25 minutes.

Kirstie - Glad to hear that Tinkerbelle is on the mend! That's really cute that she likes Dumbo and the tea cups - those are my favourites too! pixiedust: for your arm - I hope it heals quickly!

MaryJ - I only remember Soylent Green from a reference in The Simpsons :)

Margie - I think it's probably good that you don't recognize most of those shows. The TV is a real time burglar :sad2: Put me down for another 1.1 lb loss! Yay!

Robert - Congrats on the 25lb loss! That's fantastic! Are you RDing any upcoming races?

Mike - How did you do on your race today?

Lynn - I forgot about your upcoming trip! Boy does time fly! The Denver race sounds like fun - I need to win the lottery so I can travel to all these races. It's just not in my budget to do so :( Hope you recover from your cold before your trip pixiedust:

Regina - I use Body Glide for chafing on my legs and thighs and I've got running rocks (Smart Wool) for my feet. I've found for longer distances, I get chafing in the weirdest places - so sometimes it's just a matter of not wearing a particular shirt or shorts for a really long run. I also tried using the brace at night but sometimes it gets too tight and I end up taking it off after a couple hours.

Hope - Disney does some wonderful cakes. Have you seen the cake thread on the dining board? What kind of cake are you going for?

Phew! That's a long post - have a great day everyone! :wave2:
On another Thread Dave asked the question about what we eat-
I do not usually post on another thread but being sick, not doing anything constructive I did :rolleyes1

Dave, using the canned Salmon making your own patties would have been a bit tastier -

Robert- do you make your own veggie soup?

Vicky- is your Tuna spicy?

These are some of my all time favorites.

Whole Wheat Toast with melted Provolone cheese, topped with a slice to tomato and basil.

Open-faced sandwich on lettuce topped with mixture
Or eat right from the bowl

Tuna-White Albacore
Add chopped celery, green onion, apple, and walnuts
Hellmann’s Mayonnaise diluted with 1% milk

The Best on Fresh Consonants
I used the canned White meat Chicken
Add chopped celery, green onion, grapes, and walnuts
Hellmann’s Mayonnaise diluted with 1% milk

Fried Fresh Asparagus
Heat skillet with a little Olive Oil
Add Asparagus spears cook until tender –not soft
Kristie- Oh My gosh! :grouphug:

I am so sorry :flower3:

-"I will be having a waterproof full arm cast put on the end of next week. I had too much swelling for it this week, so it was splinted and wrapped, I am sooooo looking forward to the cast."

How long will the cast be on?
Okay when do you expect to be able to race again?

Your Chair Repairs? :confused3
What happened, beside nothing, with them getting the correct parts?
After driving to Maine the company that sold me the chair are refusing to fix it.

At Boston one of the exc. of Invacare, the company that owens the company that makes the chair promised me that he would get it fixed. He was ment to call last monday but didn't. My Dh is going to call him on monday and ask him what is going to happen.

I think my cast is going to be put on fri, might be sonner. I think it will be on between 6 - 9 weeks. I decided I would go waterproof so that I could still go to TL with my family.

As for racing, I have a 5 miler on the 15th witch I will take my old chair too and stay at the back and go slow with one arm. The team need people to show up, so I have to go.
As for real racing, I have nothing now until Air Force in september. (I could race every month if I had the $$$$) I wonder if my new chair will be fixed by then!!!!!!
Hi everyone!

Hope - Disney does some wonderful cakes. Have you seen the cake thread on the dining board? What kind of cake are you going for?

Phew! That's a long post - have a great day everyone! :wave2:

Yes, I've seen some of them. I don't know about the flavors (chocolate chocolate and more chocolate...), but I know I don't want fruit in it. Fruit is healthy, wedding cake should be decadent. Nick can pick whatever he wants for his groom cake. So if he wants fruit in that, he can have it. I'll skip it for a Mickey pop :mickeybar

We had another family BBQ. We grilled lamb, shrimp, chicken, and corn.

Dave-no beans not from the can this time.
Margie, I set the elliptical on random and then cover it up with a magazine, so I just work as hard as I need to rather than getting psyched out over it being on a hill or taking it easy on a flat.

Kirsty, Take care of your self!

Oh and whoever started the conversation about tuna, I now use the sandwich ready mix that Starkist makes.

I did 6.25 miles in 55 minutes on the treadmill. Was supposed to have a track meet, but it was cancelled due to rain. (we'll now have it on tuesday. they got in some trouble for not cancelling last weekend in tornado weather.)

Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Rain –Thunderstorms again today; 68° but not as windy.

Connie- enjoy the Grand Kids!

Hakuna Matata Team 2010 Race Calendar
Racing today!
May 2nd Mike/Liz - Aztec Assault 5K & Obstacle / 5K

Dave- How did Sally do her first week back to work? :flower3:
How did Robert do at the Tennessee State trials for the
National Senior Olympics Saturday?

Jennifer- Okay, I did not know that ellipticals had random settings.
I think the ones I use you have to choose a program or go manual.
So I will check that out. :goodvibes
What is in the Tuna Sandwich mix-I have not seen it?

Kim- Goodness-what’s happened to you? :confused3

Kristie- Glad to hear Tinkerbell is okay and no
lingering after effects. :hug:

Mary- Do you walk to the grocery store daily? :goodvibes
I am about 3-miles from the grocery store
and no way could I carry all the groceries home!

Mike-have fun today! Eager to hear your race report.
I wish I could track you guys! :upsidedow

Regina- WTG that was a nice run! :goodvibes

Robert- we need your special recipe for Veggie Soup!
What else do you eat with it? Is it for one meal a day?

Sue- Hummmm…taper does not mean no posting! :rolleyes1

Vicky-Congratulations you have now lost 5# WTG! :cheer2:
WTG on your first run following injury. How is your ankle this morning?

pixiedust: Connie (foot), Dave (Achilles), Jennifer (runners knees)
Kim (foot), Kristie (arm), Lynn (cold/flu/knees), and Vicky (ankle)


Enjoy all the moments today might bring! :wave:
Connie, Dave, Denise, Eva, Gerry, Hope, Jack, Jennifer,
Kim, Kristie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina, Robert,
Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, and Vicky-

Good morning y'all.

Margie, Robert's state trials were postponed till next week because of the raging rain storms that we have had for 3 days here and in Nashville. Sally decided to take another week off to rest.

I'm still having issues with my achillies, I have a renewed determination to be more regular with the stretching and icing. It's so much easier to just come home and relax in the evening than to come home and stretch.

Ok time to quit yapping and head off to the mall for some miles, it's storming so the roads is out of the question.

Have a magical day.

Margie...no, I don't walk to the grocery daily. Only when I need to pick up a few things. On Friday, I found a new recipe that I wanted to try for supper that night, and there were 3 or 4 items that I needed to fix it, so off I went. I guess the rule of thumb is if it can't all fit in one reusable grocery bag, then I'll take the car! :thumbsup2


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