Hakuna Matata -Spring-ing into Action for Race Season

Vicky I haven't had any in years. I learnt how to cope with my pain and now only take morphine when it's really bad.

I had had the spinal cord and thumb pad done, for the spinal cord one you have to have someone else come in and hold you down. I have had the needles all over my body, face, arms, hand, fingers, chest tummy, legs, keenes, feet even ears.

The needles used are as fine it really will not hurt, just lie down and go to sleep for the hour. If you need cupping they will put a small amount of moxa? on you and set it alight and then put a cup over it, you will feel the heat, its nice.

Gerry Thanks for the link to the london marathon, I do not know how people can run dressed like that. I like the shark.
I'm in cookie heven. Thanks to the fedex man.

I only eat Laura's Wholesome Junk Food bite-lettes.

I have been in contact with Dr.Laura, last week she surprised me with an offer I could not refuse ...... I now have 65lbs of cookies and all I had to pay was shipping and send in a photo of me racing!!!!!

My only problem will be not to eat them all at once!!
Kirsty, I'm a Doctor Who fan too, but I like the new doctor. I don't if we can be friends any more. lol
I once told my boyfriend while drunk, if I ever disappeared he should check for the TARDIS.

Vicky, I never caught on to lost. I started trying to watch it too far into the series to be able to understand.

AFM, 7.5 miles in 1 hour 5minutes. Gorgeous weather.

Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Partly cloudy-overcast, high 68° and still windy-15 to 25 mph.

Connie- What’s the update on the new mules? :upsidedow
Any pictures? New Saddles come in? Have you ridden them?

Dave- PTL that Sally recovered so quickly! :flower3:
Hope she has a good 1st day back to work.
Did you have a great training walk with Team Panda?

Gerry- Thanks-that crazy Marathon is for Charity!
36,000 runners-Some of the costumes were cute, some outrageous,
and some looked huge and bulky. And they set several records.

They did not show the 34-person human chain (caterpillar) of runners
tied together. They finished the full Marathon in 5:15:57.

Also included 60 yrs old runner, 1st time marathoner, Richard Branson.
He finished in just over five hours.

Jennifer- WTG-another really nice run! :goodvibes
Kristie- I checked out those links.
I hit pause so I could really see you ... Kwel! :goodvibes
Hope Tinkerbell is even better today!
Oh My, goodness what was the reason for such extreme acupuncture-
Did you have a spinal cord injury?
I am sorry if you have answered all ready these questions
& I missed seeing them.
But when did you start the chair racing?
Did you know someone that got you interested in it?

Mike- Working long hours this week?

Regina- WTG that was a nice run! :goodvibes

Sue- :upsidedow

Vicky-:hug: when is your acupuncture scheduled?
I always have my feet out and on top of the bedding…:upsidedow
It’s work keeping the little ones busy- 3 of them today.

pixiedust: Connie (foot), Dave (Achilles), Jennifer (runners knees)
Kim (foot), Kristie (arm), Lynn (cold/flu/knees), and Vicky (ankle)

AFM:Need to get out the door-

Enjoy all the moments today might bring! :wave:
Connie, Dave, Denise, Eva, Gerry, Hope, Jack, Jennifer,
Kim, Kristie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina, Robert,
Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, and Vicky-

Hey Team!

Just a quick drive-by today. I am off to Melissa's house. She is taking some down time and I am staying with the kids tonight and then bringing them home with me over the weekend. Should be exciting!

The weather is miserable! We have been having 50 mph winds with 80 mph gusts. The wind is taking the same pattern as it did back in the dust bowl days.

See ya- Connie
Good Morning Team!

Sunny skies this morning but another cool (cold) one with major wind.

The last 2 nights the wind has been very strong & it looks like it will continue for the weekend for my last long run.

Vicky, Race anxiety has already started. I'm not sure how Miss. will go.
We were away last weekend in Niagara. I ran from Niagara on the Lake to St Catharines & back. It seems every other farm is now a winery. To bad I couln't have stopped in for a little tasting along the way.

Margie, I'm still here. I was being good & following DD's example of no tv/ computers etc for the week. Then so far this week, work has be crazy with no time to post.

Jen, Any updates on triathalon training? Did you get a new bike?

It sounds like everyone is doing fantastic with their training.
Keep up the great work everyone.
Have a great day............Sue
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:
They did not show the 34-person human chain (caterpillar) of runners
tied together. They finished the full Marathon in 5:15:57. A member of that caterpillar was Princess Beatrice became the first member of the British Royal Family to complete the London Marathon..

Hope Tinkerbell is even better today! Yes she is thank you, stilla little stiff, but was able to run away form a friends cats last night.

Oh My, goodness what was the reason for such extreme acupuncture-
Did you have a spinal cord injury?I have leasons on my spianl cord, through my illness, not an injury. I did not know it at the time, I was living on pain and other meds meds from the Dr. and was not happy about it.
Acupuncture turned off my pain each time I had it and then it would come back after a couple of days, this was done every week until I learnt to cope with my pain, so now I only take my morphine when I really need to.

I am sorry if you have answered all ready these questions
& I missed seeing them.

But when did you start the chair racing? I first did the Minnie marathon weekend in a normal wheelchair (like the ones you see at WDW parks) then Disney said that you could not race unless it was in a racing type chair, so I started looking for ways to get one. I found a compeny to buy me one and received it the end of feb 2009.
I then did the ESPN 5K and the Princess 1/2. around march / april I flip 1 1/2 times sideways at 30mph and wrote of my chair, it took me until the end of sept to be able to get back on the road. So I have only been racing really since sept 2009.
I was not happy when Disney said that only racing chairs could take part, so we started contacting the senior VP of sports and told him that he was discriminating, the rule soon got changed.

Did you know someone that got you interested in it? No, I had always watched the London marathon on tv as a kid and had always wanted to do it. When I found out what was wrong and that it was terminal I thought that I had better get on and do something about it!!!!!
Kristie-I am so sorry.
You are an awesome inspiration of what one can do to over come adversity! :grouphug:

I am not certain but is it anything like my SIL's-
My son-in-law, Rodney has Transverse Myelitis-
That is caused by lesions on the spine and brain.
He takes medication for nerve pain, but nothing like what you are taking.

Rodney's has not progressed to MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
About 3-yrs ago he suddenly - no noticeable signs-he went numb from the waist down on his right side and he drove himself to ER.

He still has no feeling on his right side from his waist to his toes.
Since the diagnosis he has had only a minute change - no improvement.
Has to have full body MRI every 6-months.

He is working full time, taking classes at the local college, and does most of my summer yard work.
Hi Team,

Not much going on here today, really windy though. Warm and sunny otherwise. It's my last of eleven nights of working and I'm looking forward to getting some sleep and spending time with Liz and our Robert. (and our Sunday race!)

Margie~ For TV time, I'm happy if I can catch the news! If I really have time to sit down and veg out I'll watch alot of CSI or any old monster or horror movie. Old school stuff seems to be what I like, Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Godzilla, or any old sci-fi. (One of my favorite restaurants at WDW is the Sci-Fi Dine In) I am also a Dr. Who fan! Tom Baker was my favorite. If there aren't any interesting movies on, I'll watch Pawn Stars or pop in a Disney DVD. Also, I have ALL the Muppets DVDs and episodes that I have been able to get my hands on! Oh, and we always have Sunday football on during the season. GO PATS!

Dave~ I'm really happy that Sally has recovered so quickly! That's great!

Hope~ Even though I'm a guy, I love reading about your excitment for your wedding plans. It brings me back to our WDW honeymoon a couple of years ago. Keep us informed! pirate: :bride:

Jennifer~ Great job for your team and the regional qualifying! Do you have alot of fun at coaching?

Kirstie~ People can be so dense sometimes, I'm glad your Tinkerbell is doing better! Enjoy the cookies! If you have too many, I can send you my address!

Sue~ How many marathons have you done? How long have you trained?

Scott & Lynn ~ We got all your windy weather here today! We keep having branches come off our old maple trees! One came down on Liz while she was mowing the lawn! (She's okay)

Vicky~ I hear acupuncture works great, one of my old bosses had arthritis in his spine and he said it helped alot.

Hoping for a fun and relaxing weekend! -MIke :cool2:
Hi team! I survived my acupuncture treatment :laughing: It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - I had one needle in my foot, one in my ankle and two higher on my calf. My chiro put the needles into my foot and calf first - I only felt a slight prick when he did the one on my foot. The ankle was a different story - it had to go into the ligament and I definitely noticed that one - especially when he had to turn the needle. Ouch! I kept my eyes closed the whole time 'cause I'm a big baby. The needles only stayed in for a few minutes and then they were out. My chiro also did a little ART on my ankle before and after and that seemed to hurt more than the needles.

Kristie - Wow! What can I say - you are one tough cookie! Speaking of ... so there is such a thing as wholesome junk food :laughing: They sound interesting!

Mike - Good luck with your race this weekend! Are both you and Liz racing or just you? I love the Muppets - takes me right back to elementary school! Did you watch The Fraggles?

Hope - That's a gorgeous location for a wedding ceremony. Are you having a Disney planner work with you?

Margie - I'm going to try not putting the sheets at all on top of my legs. While the acupuncture was okay, I don't really want to get the one in my ankle again :) I think I have to practice sleeping on my back.

Sue - Yes there are wineries all over Niagara now. Do you have a favourite? I'm hoping you get a rain free weekend - it seems we've been getting rain every weekend now.

Jennifer - I sat down and watched the first season of Lost in one weekend. I really loved it but the more recently seasons have become confusing and I don't think are as good as season 1.

Connie - Have fun this weekend! Any plans for the kids?

Dave - Hope things work out with the ex and nothing gets too messy.

Have a great evening everyone! :wave2:
I don't have a planner yet, I have to wait until a year out until I start doing the official plans. But Nick and I can look into different things. Our focus at the moment is really awesome food. And cake. We'll do a planning session when we're down there later this year, to finalize some ideas.

I'm glad you guys are enjoying this since I have met some of you and consider you guys friends. I was worried someone was going to tell me "Um, there are wedding boards for this. Take your crazy bridal stuff there."

We're also thinking monsters instead of pirates after finding the Bride of Frankenstein and Frankenstein with "Bride" and "Groom" on them, just finding additional monsters for the different people. We're having a hard time finding a few more female monsters. All I can think of for classic females monsters are the daughters of Dracula... It would be a bit more fitting since Nick and I love movies, I bought him a movie set with something like 200 horror films, and he's into special effects and creates creatures.

Syko- It's cool we'll have the same anniversary.
Vicky, I may have to get it from netflix.

Mike, I enjoy coaching because all the kids WANT to be there (not always true in the classroom). Thanks for the congrats! They deserve it considering how hard they work.

Margie, Thanks for you support

Yesterday took it easy. 45 minutes on the elliptical.

Hi Everyone,

DH, Sydney (dog) and I ran 4 miles today…furthest I’ve run so far. My time was 39:45. I enjoyed the run and felt pretty good at the end. It was a little windy and cool, but perfect for our run.

I have lots of TV guilty pleasures! They are NCIS, NCIS Los Angeles, Grey’s Anatomy, The Mentalist, Private Practice, Psych, and White Collar. In my defense though, we just turned off our DirecTV (which makes me very sad!), so I am now having to watch the shows I can online. I think it was a healthy decision so I’m ok with it, but it will just take some time to get over the end of our relationship :rolleyes: (me and Tivo! :lmao:). What is this Dr. Who everyone is mentioning?

Kirstie- How’s Tinkerbell doing? The cookies sound delicious! Sounds like you are a very strong, determined person!

Jennifer- Congrats on the track meet!

Gerry- Thanks for sharing the pics! I can’t imagine wearing some of those costumes while running for 26 miles!

Vicky- That still doesn’t make much sense to me… I hope you are included on the invite! If your ankle is getting messed up while you sleep, have you thought about putting a brace on it while you’re sleeping and taking it off in the morning so it doesn’t continue to get all twisted up? I’m glad acupuncture went well for you. I watched the Fraggles!

Hope- That is coming up very fast! Sounds like it will be beautiful! December sounds like a great time for a wedding in FL. Is there any particular reason you picked 12/1/11?

Connie- Those are some pretty strong winds!

Mike- Good luck this weekend!! :cheer2:

BTW, What does everyone use to avoid chaffing, rubbing of skin on skin?

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!
Very nice run Regina.

My day has been one of rest. We are slow at work so I was able to take an extra day off. Started with an hour of pool work and then just resting and ice for my achillies tendon. I'll be using my stick for a massage later and then more ice.

I did a blog for my training partner Robert the horse ferrier, he is doing the Tenn state trials for the national Senior Olympics tomorrow.


I wish him speed and strength of heart. It's a big event for him and for me since we train together. We plan to go together to Houston for the competition.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Hi Everyone,

Hope- That is coming up very fast! Sounds like it will be beautiful! December sounds like a great time for a wedding in FL. Is there any particular reason you picked 12/1/11?

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

I choose it because Nick proposed at MGM on 12/1/09, and 2011 we'll be our tenth year together.
Way too busy!!!

Margie: Let's say a week from now I will be the BIG 45 :thumbsup2 I don't feel that as I have lost 28 pounds since the Goofy in Jan! Leaner and meaner :sad2:
Hakuna Matata Team 2010 Race Calendar

Racing tomorrow!

Kristie is not racing due to chair repairs not completed and serious arm injury.
May 2nd Kristie- Pittsburgh Marathon / Full Marathon

May 2nd Mike/Liz - Aztec Assault 5K & Obstacle / 5K


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