Half Marathon Results


DIS Veteran
Sep 12, 2002
It appears I'm the first one back from the half, all cleaned up and on line, so I'll start the result thread. Everyone please post your results, I'm looking forward to seeing them.

If you aren't here, the weather was COLD and pretty darn windy from the north and west. Some areas really strong wind, others not so bad. It was 43 when we woke up and about 40 at the start I'd guess. The sad part is the forecast for tomorrow is colder, but thankfully no wind.

Anyway, here we are:

Craig 2:05:26 Felt loose and easy most of the way only the last 2 miles a bit of a fight. Hopefully tomorrow's full will be pleasant.

Martha 2:27:17 6 minutes faster than her time last year. She's pretty much hurting everywhere, but did very well indeed.

Again, let us know how you came out.

Oh Craig thank you so much for posting!!!!!!!!


:wizard: to you on your Goofy Challenge!!!!!!!!
Congrats Craig! (and Martha too!) It is darn cold down here right now. I can't decide if that's a good thing or bad thing for tomorrow.

Hope to hear from some more folks soon!

Solotraveler :earsboy:
Thanks for the post. I was there last year :). Could not make this year :sad:. I would love to do it again sometime in the near future. :wizard:

Congratulations to all W.I.S.H.ers. :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

ADisneyMom :goodvibes
My chip time was 3:11:32! Woo hoo! :banana: It was cold, but so much fun! I loved meeting all my WISH friends last night at Trail's End and after the 1/2 in the family reunion tent. Everyone did great. I can't wait to cheer on everyone doing the full tomorrow and those going for the Goofy. See you on Main Street . . . :cool1:
Craig, Heather, Martha, GREAT JOB!!!!!

Thanks for posting your results. Craig, have a great run tomorrow in the full. Can't wait to see a picture of your Goofy medal!

Any news from any of the other halfers?
Congratulations everyone! I can't wait for all the trip reports! :cool1:
I think since Craig was kind enough to get us started, I won't post an additional race report thread. Look for the new 2007 WISH Walking/Running Club thread for next year's WDW marathon and other event training!

My chip time was 3:09:19! For anyone using the McMillan pacing calculator, it predicted my finish around 3:09 based on my 10-mile time. I did take a potty break around mile 4 though. And wow...it was crowded on the course! I had some points during my running intervals where I had to slow to a walk because of people in front of me that I couldn't pass.

I don't know if anyone checked, but you can look up John Bingham's results. I finished about 1 minute after he did...if I hadn't taken that darn potty break, I would've been ahead of him! :teeth:

I may also forever be known as the person who forgot their chip. I got on the bus with Cam and Howard around 3:40 am. We got to EPCOT and Cam said that Howard had noticed I didn't have my chip on my shoe. It was back in my room :scared1: :scared1: Bit of a nightmare getting back to BCV, but I called DH at 4am and he was kind enough to get up and out in the cold to bring my chip to the bus so I wouldn't have to get off and wait in line for the bus again. I can definitely say my race was a team effort. Many thanks to Cam, Howard and DH for saving it for me :hug:

One of the coolest parts was cheering on the full runners this morning. My WISH shirt was in no condition to be worn again so soon after the half, so if anyone is wondering who the weirdo was in the blue sweatshirt outside Yacht and Beach Club that was yelling your name....
Next year I'll bring the WISH team sign with me.
I got to see Sunny, Leigh Ann, Craig (was that your hand I shook with Cam and Howard?), Carrie and Scott, Helen, Lynne, I think Christa, Bree, Lily (nice photo!), Lynnda and Terri!

Trail's End was great, though they may have been less than happy to see so many of us. :confused3 We may want to look at a different restaurant that's a bit more able to accomodate large parties next year.
But...it was wonderful to have a chance to meet so many of you! There should be a pretty fabulous group photo coming out of that! For those of you that got one, would anyone mind sending it on to those of us that didn't?

The whole weekend was a really wonderful experience! I'm definitely looking forward to the Minnie and the 2007 Half. Just printed out the registration form for next year's half!

Congratultaions to all the WISHers that competed in the half yesterday! It sounds like you guys had alot of fun! Reading this thread is bringing back all the great memories of all the fun we WISHers had last year at the half and it has pretty much convinced me that I DO want to do the 1/2 again in 2007!

chimera Great report on your experience! Glad you were able to get your chip! What time this morning did the full runners go by the Yacht and Beach Club? It would be fun to be there to cheer them on next year and then I am even thinking that maybe in 2008 I'll try the full if I do OK again on the half next year and stick with the training afterward this time.

Chimera, congrats on a great finish time! Glad you made it to the start - with your chip! And I don't care if you didn't beat John Bingham, you still did great im my book.
I do have pics from Trails End, but unfortunately they are still on the film in my camera and I still have about a half roll of pictures to take. I'll send them to you if you still need them as soon as I get the film developed. Maybe soon we will reach the 21st century and get a digital camera so we won't have to wait for pictures. :teeth:
Well I'm back & I survived. My chip time was 3:30:06. I wasn't happy with the pace but my goal was to finish & not get swept & I did! My mistake was not getting out of the corral before the start & going potty again. I started the race having to go & by mile 3 had to stop to be able to continue. And I waited almost 10 min for that stupid potty. There were tons of people behind me & mom. It was so cool to finally cross that finish line after the months of planning, training & preparation.

I loved meeting you guys at TE. I got there late so I didnt have the time before we went in to meet everyone, but it was still great.

The cold threw everyone for a loop. But I didnt think it was as cold as they said it was going to be.

Another mistake we made was being on my feet all week. We got there Monday so Tue we toured resorts, DTD & outlets. Wed MK all day. Thur more shopping & Expo. My feet were hurting early in the race & they had never done that on any of my LR. Legs were fine, feet were mad at me!

I am so glad I did this & can't wait until the Minnie in May. (wont have to worry about brining ls shirt for that one :sunny: ) I hated leaving yesterday. For anyone that is considering this-DO IT! It is a great experience, there are all types of people there & everyone is supportive and it is great wearing that "bling" afterwards!

DH & DS had fun at the 5k. There was a huge delay in the start so the crowd was getting angry but they had fun & got to high 5 characters as they crossed the finish.
TiffJ said:
Well I'm back & I survived. My chip time was 3:30:06. I wasn't happy with the pace but my goal was to finish & not get swept & I did! My mistake was not getting out of the corral before the start & going potty again. I started the race having to go & by mile 3 had to stop to be able to continue. And I waited almost 10 min for that stupid potty. There were tons of people behind me & mom. It was so cool to finally cross that finish line after the months of planning, training & preparation.

CONGRATS ON FINISHING!!! That si still a great time!! You finished a half-marathon!!! That is so much more than so many people in this world can say!

Great job!!

Everyone-- you are such an inspiration to all of us for next year!!!
Congrats to all the 2006 WISHWalkers that had the courage to go and do the races this year! You're all bringing back the memeories from last year for me! Way to go with the efforts and training you all made happen!
Congratulations Mel, Tiff, and Heather

You (1) finished (2) ahead of the sweepers and (3) got the medal to prove it. You should be pleased with all of that.

Yes, that was a very tired and rough looking me who stopped for about 6 seconds to hug Cam and shake Howard's and Mel's hand. It was great to see you out there. For about 1 mile I had been thinking/hoping to see you in front of the Beach Club. I appreciate your support, because by then I wasn't in very good shape.

Good form to everyone.

My results (PR is ~2:15--AND I had knee surgery--so I must say--this about means I won the event if I do say so myself!).

6:17:59 AM EST
10 Mile: 2:17:40
Finish: 2:38:25
TIME Chip Time: 2:38:25
Clock: 2:54:52
Pace: 12:05
Placement Overall: 7022 Gender: 3718 Division: 636

Hubby was the same exact as me--except they let him place ahead of me---that stinker! ;)

Wow--what to say. I will self admit--that I think I have a chip on my shoulder or something (no pun intended!) b/c I have seen so many negatives this weekend despite all the good moments...but to make up--at the end of the post--TWO REALLY REALLY COOL STORIES that show what this whole marathon thing is TRULY about!

Trails End was awesome--but the event coordinator in me just couldn't relax and enjoy the scenery. It was great meeting everyone--sorry if I didn't remember names and faces--but I did see TXBelle's hubby at the contemporary along the half course (would have hollered--but that whole name thing--just couldn't remember). And I saw Stitch Lover Sith someplace--either at the TTC or at the Entrance to epcot--but it was somewhere with a huge structure. Very excited to be recognized since I didn't have on any WISH gear.

Saw a bunch of WISHERs while cheering for the full--a "goofy" couple (I think at the Boardwalk victory breakfast this a.m.) and a few others--but the only one I "knew" was Lily--gave her a big hug at mile 9 and saw her at her "goofy" finish. Cheered on a few wishers at the finish line--but I think they were wondering either "who is that crazy person" or "where the heck is that finish already!".

Overall the weekend was great--but I did get an overall impression both as a TNT participant--and just as a regular participant as though Disney is tiring of the event. I dropped my sister off at the airport today. We ate lunch at Chick Fil A and met a Canadian woman. Her first marathon and she finished 5th in her age group at 3:29. She was VERY disappointed in the awards ceremony as the announcer seemed to be a chauvinist and was saying repeatedly how he was tired and wanted to get off the stage or something like that. The event has kind of soured for me. It's getting too big for its britches IMHO. The half took over 30 minutes to get the entire field across the start. I don't think they treated the half participants as respectfully as they did the full participants--very much a lack of toilet paper at 4am is a prime example. As well as the big cattle call in the name of profits--I don't mind all the corrals--but what on earth made them think it was wise to not have two starts like the full is beyond me. We zigzagged for about 6 miles and it was not until mile 8 that I found a port o potty without a line but that was the only set (funny enough--this was 10 potties...a couple hundred yards up the road was a line 6 deep for 2 potties. OOPS!). I could write a whole separate thread on the kid's races, but I digress.

Now onto the good stuff!!!!

After Trails End, I headed to my TNT Pasta Party where none other than John Bingham was our speaker (major celeb moment for me). He was VERY funny. And for all those worried about PR's at the race---he says it like this (or better than this--but this is what I remember): You're on vacation! It's Disney! It's the most magical place on earth. You trained for months for this moment--WHAT'S THE RUSH?? I did see him at our victory party as well and got a picture with him and with Coach Jenny (his co-author of MFM) as well.

Race morning was cold--the paper outfit people lied! They said those puppies would keep you warm down to ~37 degrees. I think he pulled a number out of the cold air--b/c I had on layers underneath it and a layer above it--and while I was not shivering--I was cold. I did shed down to my running outfit with just the paper jacket. It served its purpose throughout the run. My outfit consited of: 3/4 sleeve shirt (wicking material), Team in Training Singlet, running shorts (needed my pockets), and running pants (standard line/windbreaker matl from wal-mart). I'm not too incredibly big--but I had an XL paper jacket and a M pant. My paper pants tore while sitting on the ground before the race. And b/c of the pre-race potty visits...very oddly, the seam on my running pants ripped as I discovered post-race.

I called Transportation the night before to get the scoop on road closures and how my sister could drive the van (vent warning). They gave me the whole shabang--which turned out to be the wrong shabang. The route she travel was still closed at the time she was told to travel--she was directed to CM parking behind World Showcase for spectator parking--only to be told--"never mind--leave NOW!". She didn't know what to do and ended up using the regular entrance to park. Later I found out from a teammate that despite signs saying that the auto plaza would be closed at a certain time frame--that she drove right on in and there was nobody blocking her entry. So I had my sister have special instructions for nothing.

The race itself--PACKED! No offense to our walkers here--b/c we know you were trained properly ;)--but it seemed that all the walkers were on the left---and runners had no choice but to pass to the right. Hubby and I followed the rules for every single walk break and I know we must have peeved some runners when we did walk on the right. And we had several instances of walkers blocking the entire road as they lined up--so we passed a lot in the grass. We showed ~13.5 miles at race finish--so the zigzagging accounted for nearly half a mile extra. During the race--the water was properly spaced (YEAH!!!)--it was every two miles for a good bit and at some point it became every mile. The goodies offered: Bananas & Hershey kisses. They also offered clif shots--which from what I hear--were DISGUSTING! I didn't try it as I already had my gu and was all set. I thought they said we would have oranges--but I didn't see any.

We saw LOTS of characters--didn't stop for pictures as there were runners doing that at every stop--so we just took pictures of them with the characters :).

I was really dragging LAST year--so I was AMAZED--just floored with all the cheers---Magic Kingdom was packed! (It was full last year as well--but it seemed thinned out by the time I had arrived a year ago). There was no photog coming directly out of the castle--but there were 2 or 3 coming down the ramp. A wisher said that for the full--they had one inside the castle and another said that for the half when she went through--there was a pile of bags on one side and a pile of bags and camera on the other--but no photographer. :confused3 (again--another sign of how I think the half got a bit of the shaft!).

The hardest part of the race (for us anyway)--was coming up the ramp to get to EPCOT CENTER DRIVE and head on into EPCOT. It got very drafty and very cold in the shade. Had to put the jacket back on even. Then we got to mile 12 and it was like WOW--only one more mile...we're going to beat our 2:45 goal (Which I thought was incredibly optimistic). The path inside EPCOT was thankfully short--for some reason--it seems so long when your there as a day guest--but it was to the Christmas tree and loop around for the return route to the finish line. We had a Gospel Choir--I think they were singing "Oh Beautiful for Spacious skies..." I think "America the Beautiful" (so bad for not knowing, aren't I? :confused: ). Hubby and I held hands to come in and it was soooooo cool.....amazing that we finished at a good time and the crowd was just jam packed! We went right past my sister and my girls--OOPS! We should have paused for a moment to take it in--but had "good time" on the brain (despite "The Penguin's" advice 2 nights before). At the finish line--we checked for anyone behind us--and it was clear--so we kissed at the finish line. No idea if the photogs got it--it was a quickie as we didn't want to get run over. I finished in one heck of an awesome time! Felt really great during the race (the 11 hours of cheering on Sunday was responsible for my severe limping on Monday :().

I was a bit miffed that there was NO water for participants until after the photos. They had water by the Goofy tent we were refused which ticked me off--I respect the GOOFY participants for a race well done--but after the half--I just didn't understand what made them any more special to receive water at that point and to not have anything for anyone else until later (which when finising in the middle of the pack meant about 10 minutes from the time you finished until you got your photo and could head to water--early finishers and late finishers--probably not too big of a deal).

Sunday we cheered---I apologize for whomever said you can access the race course from the Polynesian. I said that was impossible---but it is not. Their parking lot does touch the course. We walked from TTC through the TTC parking lot to a crossover bridge to access mile 12. After seeing all we had to see--we stopped at Poly to get a sandwich and headed to the EPCOT monorail. At this point I had a SEVERE pain in my foot making it difficult to walk and my knee was swelling. We stayed after our county had finished racing and our last participant crossed. I remember how it sucked last year to have such a small crowd left cheering those who were feeling like crap and just trudging along to get to that finish line. We cheered for EVERYONE who finished over regulation time and they appreciated it big time (a few had that "just shut up and get this darn thing over with" look on their faces--but most had tears of joy to finally finished what they set out to do when they got to the start 10 hours earlier). One was a new mom with a 4-6 month old baby. Her hubby was waiting for her at EPCOT and he walked her in. We cheered for her--and then I suggested that when she gets to the finish line--to turn the stroller around and pull it and she and her baby could finish together and get a photo of it.

COOL STORY #1--what it means to be in this race.

At mile 9 on Sunday--my friend and I were cheering our TNT and anyone else we could figure out a name or an organization or some other way to identify them and give them a push. This lady comes up--a TNT person not from our chapter--she had been looking for a TNT person for a little bit to take her picture. To keep her warm that morning, she had her chemotherapy cap. She wanted us to take a picture of her tossing it away. Not sure if I got a good picture--but she tossed that thing in the air, took her camera and went on her merry way---no more chemo and on her way to a Mickey medal. We never saw her again.

COOL STORY #2--we stayed until the very last person cross the finish line on Sunday. There were long gaps as it came down to the very end between people. We kept asking a CM how would we know. They told us what to look for and we would know. So we see coaches in swarms walking in one participant from various groups--mostly TNT. We stayed to cheer. Some looked beaten too death, others just looked plain exhausted. They had heard many times that it was just around the corner. BUt from personal experience--you get so sick of hearing it that you just will not believe it until you see it. We had THE perfect spot. We were positioned at the VERY location that when the participant rounds the corner--we were where they would first see that FINISH line. VERY cool---one lady earlier on (finished on time)--I guess she had heard it--we all pointed and said look there it is and she looked up and got this huge smile on her face and FLEW to the finish line.

It was the end of the race--clock time passed 7:40 and around the corner comes a Train to End Stroke participant. A coach or TTES staff member of some sort was walking with her. She was beat. She was tired. She had 5 or 6 bicycles circling behind her. And a cast member had a hand truck holding a clock and was walking behind her. She rounded the corner and what handful of us were left started cheering her. She came around that bend and we pointed at the line and said there it is. She put her hand to her face beginning to cry b/c she made it. Right next to the finish line--half the grand stand was filled with Team in Training members. Now--she was walking slow--but in my pain I was going to walk along side her from the spectator area and I just couldn't keep up with her. The Announcer went crazy---he played her the theme from Rocky--chip and dale and pluto went up to her and grabbed her hands and escorted her across the finish line. She had a GRAND finish and made it! And right then we knew--that is the coolest part about this whole distance thing.
Oh my gosh ... I'm sitting here CRYING as I'm reading Lisa's "cool stories"! That last person to cross the finish ... WOW !

Thank you everyone for your reports. I can only say that I had a great time this weekend from TE to finishing the 1/2 and getting to cheer some of the full participants on Sunday. My chip time this year was 3:29:26 and I am very pleased with that time. Last year they cut the mat off before I crossed so I never got my "official time". I did thankfully have the picture that my DH took as I crossed that had the time in it. So I accomplished this year what I had hoped and that was to finish better than last year. I also don't have as much foot pain this year. I did develop blisters under both of my big toes but no where else, I have to figure that one out.

Another great thing that came out of the weekend is that DH wants to start walking with me. We made it a family walk this afternoon and it was wonderful.

Thanks again for all the wonderful information that everyone shared prior to the race weekend.
Just to thank everyone for their posts! I too "grabbed for the kleenex" by the end of Lisa's post! I was wondering if the crowds were less this year for the 1/2 - guess that answer is "no". At least, if one knows that going into the event then it is not a surprise.

TammyNC - okay - now you have a walking partner - so who will be "keeping an eye" on those kids next year while both you and Jimmy participate ;)

Great job to all who participated and once again - thanks for the posts......... they do seem to get my interest going in that 2007 reunion!!!


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