Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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I wasn't meaning it to be specific just calling them "Hollywood etc. friends". Meant more like famous people who went to their wedding, who promoted them etc, who hosted them, there are enough of them. I don't see H&M mingling among commoners, I think their goal is to be part of the rich & famous crowd. All I meant is that the famous people might find them more a risk than worth it to be friends with them. I don't follow them so I didn't know that their social circle was already shrinking, and that was before all this.
I think they still have some friends, but the really famous haven't been reporting yet.

I did some digging, but nothing really recent. As H&M are followed closely by the paparazzi there were usually pictures when they went out for lunch or dinner with their friends.
Harry has his polo buddies in the US, but he doesn't seem to hang out with them regularly outside the field. David Foster, a music producer, was dubbed one of Harry's mentors in the California and helped them settle.

I think Tyler Perry is the most famous and recent friend that is still in the picture.

While I was digging, I found another name drop. Last year when Harry was on Dax Shepherd's podcast he casually mentioned that he and Orlando Bloom kept each other up to date about paparazzi whereabouts.

Apparently Harry released a text exchange between Meghan and Kate. Visualized by the Daily Mail.

text 1.png

Harry writes: 'Meg asked if Kate was aware of what was going on right now. With her father. Kate said she was well aware, but the dresses. And the wedding is in four days!'

'Yes, Kate, I know....' his fiancée replied sharply.
Harry states that he arrived home a short time later, which suggests that he and his ghost writer were given an account of the actual conversation by Meghan, to find his fiancée 'on the floor sobbing'.

While he says he was 'horrified' to see her so upset, he didn't think it a catastrophe as emotions were understandably high. He told Meghan that 'Kate hadn't meant any harm'.
He suggests his point was proved when the then Duchess of Cambridge came round the next morning with flowers and a card to say sorry.
Harry makes a point of writing that Meghan's best friend, Lindsay, was in the kitchen when she turned up as if to suggest he can prove his version of events.
I did some digging, but nothing really recent. As H&M are followed closely by the paparazzi there were usually pictures when they went out for lunch or dinner with their friends.
Harry has his polo buddies in the US, but he doesn't seem to hang out with them regularly outside the field. David Foster, a music producer, was dubbed one of Harry's mentors in the California and helped them settle.

I think Tyler Perry is the most famous and recent friend that is still in the picture.

they made tyler perry (who they never met prior to taking up residency in his home) godfather to their daughter so that may encourage (at least on his part) staying connected. david foster?:crazy2: i don't know that a 73 year old with a reputation for marrying much younger women and them divorcing them to upgrade to a newer younger 'edition' (he's on wife #5 currently) is the best mentor. he came off as incredibly cold, arrogant and elitist during his time on the real housewives of beverly hills (at that point married to wife #4 yolanda hadid).
Going back to Charlotte and Louis - I would hope they are having a stable enough upbringing to overcome any of these issues Harry is predicting. Also, Miss Charlotte sassy pants - can you imagine anyone being able to walk all over her?!

I can't imagine the strain this is putting on all the royal family. Regardless of their fame, status and wealth, they are, after all human and a family. It must be awful. And if you've not been given a special mention yet by Harry and Meghan you'd be wracking your brains to recall any incidents or conversations that might put you in the firing line in the next book / interview!
According to what I'm gleaning from articles about the ongoing circus he has (some understandable/some not) issues relating back to the loss of his mother and is apparently using that to spin up a whole cyclone of delusion surrounding his wife. Hopefully he is indeed deeply in love with her in a healthy way at a fundamental level, and vice versa. It would be wonderful if she eventually came to a factual understanding of the real situation and was able to guide him back to reality, but it's unclear if she's both savvy enough and mentally solid enough in her own right to reach that point and decide to move in that direction, particularly dragging a delusional overgrown preteen manchild.

I do wonder what happens if reality ever starts to seep into his altered reality? Could their marriage withstand him discovering that she's not a living, breathing embodiment of all of the mythological qualities he's assigned to his mother, plus all the achievements, attributes and struggles overcome he credits to Megan herself? Hopefully Meghan's self view is much more grounded in reality than the one her husband is desperately pedaling, because their children need at least one parent with feet on the ground.

Apparently Harry released a text exchange between Meghan and Kate. Visualized by the Daily Mail.

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Harry writes: 'Meg asked if Kate was aware of what was going on right now. With her father. Kate said she was well aware, but the dresses. And the wedding is in four days!'

'Yes, Kate, I know....' his fiancée replied sharply.
Harry states that he arrived home a short time later, which suggests that he and his ghost writer were given an account of the actual conversation by Meghan, to find his fiancée 'on the floor sobbing'.

While he says he was 'horrified' to see her so upset, he didn't think it a catastrophe as emotions were understandably high. He told Meghan that 'Kate hadn't meant any harm'.
He suggests his point was proved when the then Duchess of Cambridge came round the next morning with flowers and a card to say sorry.
Harry makes a point of writing that Meghan's best friend, Lindsay, was in the kitchen when she turned up as if to suggest he can prove his version of events.
First, this looks totally photoshopped with such a pretty font too. :rolleyes: I mean it could be real but where is the real text message? But here is an example of a problem with context. As I am reading Meghan's are very aggressive, especially the first one. And honestly Kate has every reason to be upset. She is a Mom, her child is upset, the bride's tailors did not make the dress properly and we have a global event her child is going to be in.

Even for the average commoner these dresses should have been done and altered weeks before the wedding. WHY were they just received four days prior? Was the whole event rushed? This is a lot of stress to put on all these mothers to be running around doing and if I am understanding Kate is (correction) just a few weeks out from giving birth, and her child is crying and looks silly and there is a good chance if Charlotte is not happy ~ she will refuse to participate day of (been there). This whole thing goes back to the bride and her consultants because dresses should have been done and perfect weeks prior. And if not, where were her consultants, why weren't they handling?

Almost comical because he keeps throwing stories out there that just put mud on their faces.

they made tyler perry (who they never met prior to taking up residency in his home) godfather to their daughter so that may encourage (at least on his part) staying connected. david foster?:crazy2: i don't know that a 73 year old with a reputation for marrying much younger women and them divorcing them to upgrade to a newer younger 'edition' (he's on wife #5 currently) is the best mentor. he came off as incredibly cold, arrogant and elitist during his time on the real housewives of beverly hills (at that point married to wife #4 yolanda hadid).
I was just going to say FOSTER? The man as old as his Dad, always on the hunt for the next wife. 😂
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Kate was not pregnant, but she had only has Louis a few weeks before, so may have still been in an emotional state.
And yes, the bridesmaids dresses should have been completed more than four days before the wedding, even allowing for them not being made until almost the last minute to allow if the children had a sudden growth spurt!
WTH is a "physiopsychologist"?!

and an "energy practitioner"? OMG, this is such a CA/Hollywood thing. It's probably some quack who charges an arm and a leg to wave their hands over you while they burn essential oil candles and chant a mantra.
Sounds like he went to someone who does reiki. I attended a reiki session once at the university that I work as part of student wellness week. Oils, scents, hands hovering near you to channel energy. It was interesting... Mumbo-jumbo is what I call it.
OMG, men go bald all the time. It's no big deal. It's not "alarming" whatsoever.
He's one to talk. He can complain about William embracing his baldness, when he who casts stones has a comb over of sorts in an attempt to cover his baldness.
He is digging his hole deeper and deeper - I see him having a nervous breakdown soon. We might not know about it and drugs will start again - he has done it in the past to cope. I can't see him come back from all of this. I hope, maybe after 20 years of silence/never mention the Royal family again and apologize to his family, he can find some peace with them.
He'll be waiting a long time for an apology. He's dragging others through the mud, that there's bound to come a point where relationships cannot be fixed. I can see them cutting him off. Telling him to take his inheritance and scram. I do wonder if Maegan is there for the long haul or will his fixation on anger towards others drive a wedge between them too?
This is worth a read, about The Sussexes history and the British Press - more hypocrisy.

Good article. One descriptive word about Harry used in the article-spiteful-rang true for me. When I read about Harry’s words and expressions in the interviews band various news sources about the book, I picture a boy/man stomping his feet when he doesn’t get what he wants as soon as he wants. Most effective parents handle this behavior by ignoring it. I hope the royal family continue to do just that. Not easy when the news coverage on H&M is literally everywhere.
The more I see of these two, the more I like them. They both seem to have their heads on their shoulders- very down to earth. England's loss is our gain.

And they’ve said in every one of their TV specials and books and interviews and documentaries that they want to be left alone, so why can’t people just do that???
Sounds like he went to someone who does reiki. I attended a reiki session once at the university that I work as part of student wellness week. Oils, scents, hands hovering near you to channel energy. It was interesting... Mumbo-jumbo is what I call it.

He's one to talk. He can complain about William embracing his baldness, when he who casts stones has a comb over of sorts in an attempt to cover his baldness.

He'll be waiting a long time for an apology. He's dragging others through the mud, that there's bound to come a point where relationships cannot be fixed. I can see them cutting him off. Telling him to take his inheritance and scram. I do wonder if Maegan is there for the long haul or will his fixation on anger towards others drive a wedge between them too?
I have been noticing Harry’s thinning hair for awhile, and I think he may have had some “augmentation“ or transplant or whatever they call it. When I see someone fiddling with their receding hair line, I wonder why they don’t just either shave it or wear a baseball cap? We all have bad hair days. You draw more attention to it when you mess with it.
Good article. One descriptive word about Harry used in the article-spiteful-rang true for me. When I read about Harry’s words and expressions in the interviews band various news sources about the book, I picture a boy/man stomping his feet when he doesn’t get what he wants as soon as he wants. Most effective parents handle this behavior by ignoring it. I hope the royal family continue to do just that. Not easy when the news coverage on H&M is literally everywhere.
Thanks. I thought this rang very true, too.

”If Harry and Meghan claim briefing the tabloid Press is some sort of unforgivable 'crime' undertaken by Charles, Camilla, William and Kate, then they are just as guilty.

I've had enough of media figures tiptoeing around what we all know are falsehoods. How do I know? Well, I was on the receiving end of such briefings by the Sussexes' own communications team during my years covering Meghan's time in the Royal Family as I broke a series of now infamous scoops, from Tiaragate, the bitter rivalry between Kate and Meghan, and, ultimately, Megxit.

That won't surprise anyone in the media; it's literally the job of some courtiers to work with journalists who have discovered legitimate stories in the public interest about the monarchy, a publicly funded institution that should be held accountable by the fourth estate.

In fact, this shouldn't even be a story.

But Harry has criminalised these so-called 'briefings and leaks' – in his words 'getting in bed with the devil' – to such an extent that he's prepared to blow up his own relationship with his loyal brother in such a vicious fashion that it feels highly relevant that he was just as 'guilty'.

I had loads of phone conversations with staff of the Sussexes, where I was provided with their side of the story in order to balance revelations that, let's be honest about it, usually made them look bad.”

Once again, calling people out for doing the same things he’s doing himself. Completely hypocritical.
The more I see of these two, the more I like them. They both seem to have their heads on their shoulders- very down to earth. England's loss is our gain.

And they’ve said in every one of their TV specials and books and interviews and documentaries that they want to be left alone, so why can’t people just do that???

The problem was - and I said yelled this out loud last night when I was watching the interview - was that Harry’s people had put out a statement saying that he and Meghan would be traveling to Balmoral after announcement that the Queen was suddenly quite ill. Well, Meghan was not wanted there, and then-Prince Charles called Harry and told him not to bring her. Even Catherine did not go. Not sure what type of conversations took place then, but the rest of the family took off, because time was of the essence, and Harry was left having to find his own way up to Balmoral while he sorted out the issues with Meghan not going. Funny he didn’t mention this part in the interview, just that they left without him, when the Meghan issue was a big part of the disagreement. It makes me wonder how many other of Harry’s stories are being told in this one-way manner.

Who knows what the truth is, but if it is "they" asked for Meghan not to attend I can see why. Would she sneak a phone in and video the Queen dead in Her bed? How do you trust her? Are they not both not guilty of what they are accusing others of? Is nothing off limits? He even says the Queen had passed and she was laying in her bed. I feel like more respect would be given if certain things were off limits! I would be in big trouble if every single thing I did was judged. Oh the mistakes I have made. Like all of us.
Kate was not pregnant, but she had only has Louis a few weeks before, so may have still been in an emotional state.
And yes, the bridesmaids dresses should have been completed more than four days before the wedding, even allowing for them not being made until almost the last minute to allow if the children had a sudden growth spurt!
Too many do not realize that postpartum recovery takes more than a minute. It can take weeks or months especially for a Mom of advance maternal age. Although Meghan was insensitive to snap at Catherine...referring to pregnancy brain and hormones.
What exactly do Harry and Meghan want? If Harry and Meghan want resolve, what does that look like. I guess a bigger and better house with better furniture (but William is jealous?) a new lip gloss, for Kate to have made her own flower girl dress (the text messages released seem weird with Meghan's response like something is missing), for William to not question his brothers choices, to control the media to only speak positive of Meghan, amongst other stupid stuff.

Most people take what the media says with a grain of salt. Who knows what is true and what isn't. Them writing the book and doing all this whining just makes the media more involved. It isn't a good look. This is probably why the rules are to not respond. I am sure there is some truth to leaked stories from the Palace but who cares. Are we to believe Harry and Meghan are not leaking stories too?

I really haven't seen anything released that seems abusive in nature. Family is family. We all have issues and unfortunately he was born into a family that is part of a institution. You can't change that. If it is his feeling he has been treated poorly, he should go away quietly and why wouldn't he renounce his titles. It is an oxymoron to say I have issues with this institution, but I deserve the titles so I can make millions off of it.

If they had left quietly, and lived their quiet life, I'm sure the institution would be fine with that, and the family could have some peace within the disagreements. The media would have bored of it and things could find a normalcy. How in the world do you ever trust anything with them again? I believe Meghan is bad for Harry. Harry should know better. They are both co dependent on drama. They make their own truth. At some point the money will run out, the press will lose interest and what will they be left with?

I hope this goes away and the family can move on. All of them. In a sad way, I'm glad the Queen isn't watching this all unfold.
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