Has anyone ever had an altercation with another guest and/or family while at WDW?

We were going into Muppets 3D, and some guy behind us was refusing to file all the way across. He was a very large guy and just stopped in the middle of the row and sat down, refusing to move to let anyone past. The CM is making announcement after announcement very everyone to keep moving, and motioning to this poor woman who was stuck in the row. She kept arguing with the guy that he needed to move, and he kept telling her to "f*&^ off" and calling her a "b*&^#". He was one row behind my 4 children, and we're clamping our hands over DD5's ears so she couldn't hear.

Finally the lady screams out "HE WON'T FREAKING MOVE". The CM came over and asked him to move and he refused, saying he already had his stuff sat down and his family was comfortable and wanted to be able to see the show, so she called security. They eventually asked everyone in the theater to file out back through the doors into the lobby, and 5 minutes later let us all back in and the guy and the security people were gone.

We had this happen to us at the Candlelight Processional of all places! The latest show had ended and we (my mom, sister and myself- there for moms bday) got up to leave. We were in the farthest section over to the right. A lady had a sleeping child in her lap and an elderly man sitting by her at the end of our row. At the other end of the row, the CM's were directing people to go out the other way (where the woman was sitting)-they weren't letting us out the other side for some reason. I don't know why and since we were on end closest to the woman we couldn't get over to ask them. So basically everyone was sort of just standing there looking at each other wondering when these people were going to move. They had a lot of stuff with them and weren't even attempting to get up and mind you we gave her plenty of time to start moving since we also have small children and know what a chore it is to get around with them. Well-the woman's dh seemed embarrassed and tried to urge them to get up and she shouted -"Let them stand there!!! I'm NOT MOVING!!! Ok- so basically we're trapped. My sister and I made a big deal out of climbing over the seats hoping she'd get the message- I mean there were 10 to 12 people behind us that needed past including people that COULDN'T climb over the seats (like my Mom) but the woman didn't budge. Finally someone at the other end persuaded the CMs to let them out and my dMOm followed. I wonder how long the woman sat there before the Cms MADE her leave. What, did she plan to stay until her child finished his nap. I got the feeling the DH was well trained by this woman because he didn't put up a bit of fight when she yelled at him..... Well, sorry the CP was ruined for her family but in spite of that weird little incident, my dfamily had a great time :goodvibes
Never have, the closest I came to being irritated was when a group of about 500 Brazilian kids waiting in line made a racket for 2 hours, I wasn't about to take them on, lol.

Generally speaking I find the crowds at WDW better behaved than at other parks like Six Flags where I have witnessed fist fights more than once.
Yeah, darn those rude disabled people who want to post about an issue pertinent to their lives...

Um, I didn't say THEY were rude; I said THEY post how it's rude if parents with little ones use the handicapped stall. I've seen it time and time again on threads.
This is simply not true. If you bothered to read what folks from the Disablities post, all they ask is that you consider your choices wisely. The stall you are running to get for your convience MAYBE the ONLY stall they can use. Sue the moderator has written some very well worded posts on the subject.

Yes, I get that. Which is why I certainly would never have used the handicapped stall if there were anyone else waiting to use it. And although things haven't gotten heated on this thread, I've seen it very "hot" on other threads, on other boards.

Moot point for me now anyway, since my kids are old enough to go in their own stalls, thank goodness.
I did not have anything to terribly bad happen and I also didn't react too badly to what did happen. I was on my honeymoon and DW and I were in line for space mountain. It was late I would say about midnight there wasn't much of a line and we walked almost all the way to where the switchbacks begin. There was a Dad and his son (a young teen, 16 or under) in front of us. I noticed that the dad was pointing and leering at attractive woman and saying things to his son about them and they would look at each other and laugh. It seemed a little inappropriate but it didn't really effect me so no big deal.

I wasn't paying attention just waiting and watching the chocolate chip cookie asteroids fly overhead. I looked over at my wife of a few days and she looked very uncomfortable. I turned toward the father and son and they were staring at my wife checking her out and whispering to each other right in front of me! I could tell my wife was very creeped out and uncomfortable and I wanted to grind there bones to dust, but hey this is Disney World. They had not seen that I noticed what they were doing so I positioned myself between my wife and them with a menacing glare on my face. They turned pale and spun around like tops. I moved so I was right behind the father my nose was about five inches from the back of his head. I did not say a word but for the next 15-20 minutes we were in that line I remained in that position. We were separated right before boarding but I can tell you they did not look at me, my wife or any other woman inappropriately or even out of the corner of there eye and they did not make a peep.

After we had separated and were in our boarding stall my wife thanked me and let me know that she was glad she married me because she always feels safe with me. She also thanked me for not doing anything to them.

I could have handled it better and just said to they guy, "hey buddy put your eyes back in your head". But I also didn't escalate the situation after all we were there to have fun. I just had my wife read this and she said "I will never forget that. We didn't have to say a word to each other you just knew."

Does anyone think I over reacted?
This thread has really made me sad. Sad to see what a self centered world we live in. It's sad that in the Happiest place on earth innocent people get accosted. Let this be a lesson to us all. Remember your mother's teachings. Don't hit, don't swear, and don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say. Oh and the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. I am truly sorry to all of you who had bad experiences!:worried: :worried:
I did not have anything to terribly bad happen and I also didn't react too badly to what did happen. I was on my honeymoon and DW and I were in line for space mountain. It was late I would say about midnight there wasn't much of a line and we walked almost all the way to where the switchbacks begin. There was a Dad and his son (a young teen, 16 or under) in front of us. I noticed that the dad was pointing and leering at attractive woman and saying things to his son about them and they would look at each other and laugh. It seemed a little inappropriate but it didn't really effect me so no big deal.

I wasn't paying attention just waiting and watching the chocolate chip cookie asteroids fly overhead. I looked over at my wife of a few days and she looked very uncomfortable. I turned toward the father and son and they were staring at my wife checking her out and whispering to each other right in front of me! I could tell my wife was very creeped out and uncomfortable and I wanted to grind there bones to dust, but hey this is Disney World. They had not seen that I noticed what they were doing so I positioned myself between my wife and them with a menacing glare on my face. They turned pale and spun around like tops. I moved so I was right behind the father my nose was about five inches from the back of his head. I did not say a word but for the next 15-20 minutes we were in that line I remained in that position. We were separated right before boarding but I can tell you they did not look at me, my wife or any other woman inappropriately or even out of the corner of there eye and they did not make a peep.

After we had separated and were in our boarding stall my wife thanked me and let me know that she was glad she married me because she always feels safe with me. She also thanked me for not doing anything to them.

I could have handled it better and just said to they guy, "hey buddy put your eyes back in your head". But I also didn't escalate the situation after all we were there to have fun. I just had my wife read this and she said "I will never forget that. We didn't have to say a word to each other you just knew."

Does anyone think I over reacted?

Not at all!!! My husband would have done the same thing!! Maybe more!!
I did not have anything to terribly bad happen and I also didn't react too badly to what did happen. I was on my honeymoon and DW and I were in line for space mountain. It was late I would say about midnight there wasn't much of a line and we walked almost all the way to where the switchbacks begin. There was a Dad and his son (a young teen, 16 or under) in front of us. I noticed that the dad was pointing and leering at attractive woman and saying things to his son about them and they would look at each other and laugh. It seemed a little inappropriate but it didn't really effect me so no big deal.

I wasn't paying attention just waiting and watching the chocolate chip cookie asteroids fly overhead. I looked over at my wife of a few days and she looked very uncomfortable. I turned toward the father and son and they were staring at my wife checking her out and whispering to each other right in front of me! I could tell my wife was very creeped out and uncomfortable and I wanted to grind there bones to dust, but hey this is Disney World. They had not seen that I noticed what they were doing so I positioned myself between my wife and them with a menacing glare on my face. They turned pale and spun around like tops. I moved so I was right behind the father my nose was about five inches from the back of his head. I did not say a word but for the next 15-20 minutes we were in that line I remained in that position. We were separated right before boarding but I can tell you they did not look at me, my wife or any other woman inappropriately or even out of the corner of there eye and they did not make a peep.

After we had separated and were in our boarding stall my wife thanked me and let me know that she was glad she married me because she always feels safe with me. She also thanked me for not doing anything to them.

I could have handled it better and just said to they guy, "hey buddy put your eyes back in your head". But I also didn't escalate the situation after all we were there to have fun. I just had my wife read this and she said "I will never forget that. We didn't have to say a word to each other you just knew."

Does anyone think I over reacted?

No, you did not overreact. If more people did the right thing, these creeps would crawl back into their holes and leave us alone.
I'm afraid I was probably the "bad guy" on our last trip. We'd just finished CRT and made our way down the front of the castle when it was time for Wishes. There was a mass of people sitting on the ground and we could NOT get through. I had a cast-boot on my left leg and finally told DDs to just stop and we'd watch from the middle of the ocean of people. Well, the people behind us didn't like that too much, but I'm sorry, where the HECK am I supposed to go when you are all sitting on your hineys to watch fireworks and NO, I am NOT going to sit down (I also had a back injury) and not be able to get back up again. They were POed, oh well (probably not the best attitude). So they moved and one of them sat ON my boot! I made a point of trying to get it out from under her the whole time and it was majorly uncomfortable for both of us (had I yanked it, I'd have kicked other people who moved in to sit behind me). They were calling me all kinds of names in Spanish (I took a year or two in school). Wishes was completely NOT enjoyable. When it was over, the idiot had to have someone lift her off my boot (seriously!). It was EMH night and all those people sitting on the ground grossly impeded the traffic...it took FOREVER to clear the castle forecourt.

I don't understand why people feel the need to sit on the hard concrete and make it impossible for anyone to move. Had everyone been standing, it would have been easier to make a path for people who might want to exit, not to mention the safety hazard! If there had been an emergency, there would have been LOTS of people trampled. The fireworks are WAAAAYYYY up high, you have a better view if you're standing anyway.
We were walking through Adventureland and DH said where to next? I said lets skip Fantasyland there are too many kids right now, we would go later that night since we had MNSSHP tickets.

Well this woman that was near us turned her head and said "If you dont like kids dont come to WDW!"

Ok I was floored and DH said to her "Mind your own business"

I never said that I didnt like kids, DH knew I was saying that we would hit it later when it wasnt that crowded but this lady took it completely out of context.

whoa people are too much! good for your DH :lol:
I was on the receiving line of things about 5 or 6 years ago. At the time my son was on the mend from some significant medical issues and remained under a doctor's care.

I'll share with you that we're really lucky, today, he's a healthy 10 year old child who has fully recovered from his early medical issues. We had come close to losing him several months before that Disney trip and we were celebrating that things were looking up while still cognizant of the fact that he had a long way to go and we wanted to take him back to Disney "just in case." Anyway, here's what happened.

We entered the bathroom (the one near Peter Pan) and the only stall open was an accessible stall. I took my son in there because he needed lots of extra help with several medical devices that were hidden by his clothing and a bag he carried. Anyway, we weren't in there long...just long enough to address his needs, get everything secure, wash our hands and leave.

This woman on a scooter comes over to the stall as we are leaving with her 2 daughters (both teens or older) and begins yelling at me for taking my "able bodied" son into a handicapped stall that is reserved for the use of people in a wheelchair! She and her daughters who are yelling at us at the top of their lungs then begin to follow us out as I pushed our way through outside and then another of her relations...a man...tells my son and I that he's a police officer and that he should arrest us and throw us both in jail while the rest of the family has kinda circled around us!

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a CM (one that tends to the restrooms) standing right there and never once did she help us, even as I was standing there yelling for someone to please help me that I was scared these people were going to hurt us and yelling for the family to leave us alone and stop threatening us. I finally picked up my son and ran through the circle of the family to get away. We were both terrified and kept on moving to get out of the park, and I was praying they weren't following us as they were clearly not rational people!

When we got out of the park, I sat on a bench and cried while trying to console a terrified child that thought the "police man" would take me away from him. What's really sad is that a man in a "uniform" who was a Disney employee came up to us and my son started screaming at him "don't take my mommy." I explained to the man what had happened and he was kind enough to get someone to escort us back to our hotel room to make sure we didn't have any problems. For that, I am forever grateful!

What I learned from my experience with my son is that not all "disabilities" are visible and I never question someone who appears to be "able bodied" who parks in a handicapped space or uses a handicapped bathroom stall. I'm sure they have their reasons and it's up to them to make sure they are valid because I'm only responsible for my actions and the actions of my child.

What I also learned is that there are people who aren't very nice everywhere you go and when you're in a bad situation, get out of it! If no one will help, do everything you can to get away from it!

Finally, the last thing I learned is that "bad" people come in all shapes, sizes and abilities and they can be anywhere so it's important to remain aware of your surroundings so you can navigate a pathway to safety.

Let me also add this, I was really lucky that I was able to get away and that no one physically harmed us in any significant way. They pushed us, yelled at us and cornered us...but we escaped!

I will tell you that we have been back to Disney several times and have met some truly wonderful people.

To this day, I'm glad my mom taught me to get away by any means possible when you find yourself in a bad situation...and I'm doing my best to teach my son that as well.

For a while the "magic" of the Magic Kingdom was lost for us, but I decided about a year after this incident that the "magic" was still there and that bad people could never take it away from me or my son unless I allowed them to do so. I also realized about this same time that the reason the CM (the restroom attendant person) didn't help was because she didn't know how to and that was OK since I really didn't either.

how horrible!!!! :hug:
We are going in April and I feel my anxiety rising already.:scared1: It is sad that this world has so many angry people but I do agree it is a wonder there are not more stories out there. But our incident was with the bus drivers and after reading some other stories we must have had the same driver. I remember one time my DH was wheeling the strollers to the back door and the driver keeps yelling at my DH to fold them up and he won't open the door until the strollers are folded. My DH is trying as quickly as he can but the driver is just going bezerk.

Next day we get on the bus, long lines behind us waiting for the next bus we are packed like sardines and there is basically no room left but the driver keeps yelling for everyone to move down. When no one is moving he finally says "What's the problem is it those stupid strollers taking up room?" Everyone is staring at us and yelling YES but thankfully people are giving us smiles like this driver is crazy. But the thought of taking the buses after that was turning my stomache. :sick: We eventually started using the taxis.

I couldn't believe here I am in Disney and they are shocked that I had strollers for my DD3 and DS10mths. It really turned me off to Disney for a while and just thinking about it is bringing back all those nasty feelings.
I don't understand why people feel the need to sit on the hard concrete and make it impossible for anyone to move.

Not everyone can (or wants to) stand on concrete for an hour. Your back injury made sitting a poor option but for a lot of people it is the exact opposite.
Not everyone can (or wants to) stand on concrete for an hour. Your back injury made sitting a poor option but for a lot of people it is the exact opposite.

I do understand that, but this was a mass of bodies sitting down filling the entire castle forecourt. There was NO ROOM to walk without trying to step over and step on fingers, etc. No one tried to get out of our way at all. Because of the fireworks, we had nowhere else to go to exit the area. If you're tired, fine, take a load off, but not in the middle of the walkways and once the show starts, STAND UP, for pity's sake, so that the exit doesn't become a pushing, shoving, trying not to trample people thing.
I do understand that, but this was a mass of bodies sitting down filling the entire castle forecourt. There was NO ROOM to walk without trying to step over and step on fingers, etc. No one tried to get out of our way at all. Because of the fireworks, we had nowhere else to go to exit the area. If you're tired, fine, take a load off, but not in the middle of the walkways and once the show starts, STAND UP, for pity's sake, so that the exit doesn't become a pushing, shoving, trying not to trample people thing.

While I recognize that that is how you would like it done, the fact that there was a "mass of people" suggests that this was one of the generally accepted viewing areas and that if the huge crowd wanted it one way and you wanted it another... well, Disney is very firm about keeping required safety/fire lanes clear. Sometimes you just get stuck somewhere for a little while.
Not an altercation, but after it was over I thought of several things I should have said/done.

I took a solo trip to WDW in May 05. I was in the last row of the log boat riding SM. In front of me were two kids... 9 and 11 maybe? If front of them was an adult I presume to be the father and another kid, teenage girl. All during the ride they were splashing each other with the water - keep your hands and arms in the boat folks! I was just waiting for thier fingers to get pinched. Then, as they are splashing each other, one kid in front of me ducks so who do you think gets hit? ME! I think there was a mumbled apology but it didn't stop the splashing. Where are the secret camers when you need them?

As we get ready to go down the big drop I scoot into the middle, one advantage to riding solo is I don't have to be on the edge and get really wet. WELL - the "adult" in front decides it would be funny to open his bottled water and hold it up over his left shoulder (he was sitting on the right) so as we descend the water comes out - now where do you think it went? RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOAT! Completely missing his children, which I assume was his goal, and getting me!

I was so TICKED I didn't know what to say. Clearly I can see why the kids behave the way they do - they learned it from Dad! I was just praying someone would be waiting for them at the end of the ride having seen all this on camera, but no luck. So I was wet and fuming and out of comments - I went about my way.

The only thing I can take away from that is to teach my children better than that. To obey the rules of the rides and be respectful to others.

Wow!!! That's horrible!!! I'm soo sorry that happened to you!! I'll admit I am guilty of using the handicaped bathroom when I am by myself with the two kids and my dd needs to go. I roll the stroller with ds into the stall so I can help my dd, and my ds is still in my sight. I'd hate to think someone would get crazy mad over that!! Personally I feel that if you need more than one person in the stall than you should be allowed to use the larger stall.

Man, I don't even know what I would do if someone did that to me. You did the right thing though by just getting out of there!! Not worth getting into a fight over!!

We are going in April and I feel my anxiety rising already.:scared1: It is sad that this world has so many angry people but I do agree it is a wonder there are not more stories out there. But our incident was with the bus drivers and after reading some other stories we must have had the same driver. I remember one time my DH was wheeling the strollers to the back door and the driver keeps yelling at my DH to fold them up and he won't open the door until the strollers are folded. My DH is trying as quickly as he can but the driver is just going bezerk.

Next day we get on the bus, long lines behind us waiting for the next bus we are packed like sardines and there is basically no room left but the driver keeps yelling for everyone to move down. When no one is moving he finally says "What's the problem is it those stupid strollers taking up room?" Everyone is staring at us and yelling YES but thankfully people are giving us smiles like this driver is crazy. But the thought of taking the buses after that was turning my stomache. :sick: We eventually started using the taxis.

I couldn't believe here I am in Disney and they are shocked that I had strollers for my DD3 and DS10mths. It really turned me off to Disney for a while and just thinking about it is bringing back all those nasty feelings.

I don't blame you. You certainly have a right to be there with your stroller. If something like that happens again I'd definitely complain to guest relations during your trip (I find in person gets a lot more done than later on the phone).
No, you did not overreact. If more people did the right thing, these creeps would crawl back into their holes and leave us alone.

Not at all!!! My husband would have done the same thing!! Maybe more!!

I am glad that the general consensus is that I handled that well and my methods were not considered too extreme for Disney. I don't know if any people noticed maybe they did if they were close to me in line. I do know that no kids heard any foul language or saw violent confrontations.


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