Has anyone ever had an altercation with another guest and/or family while at WDW?

Disclaimer: I promise that I actually love kids and I'm not a grinch lol

I was at MK with my friends during peak school trip time, and we had the pleasure of riding Haunted Mansion right beside some of the poorest behaved 5th graders to ever grace the park. They took flash pictures every 15 seconds and screamed on top of their lungs. No, I don't mean they were loud. I mean literal ear-peircing screams. Every scream louder than the other.

I couldn't do it, I had a migraine coming on and I yelled back at them "you better sit down and be quiet or I'll report you once all we get off" ....which is just about the WORST thing to say to 11 year olds. I realize that now. It only made them worse lol.

Well, I was true to my promise. Once we got off, I pointed them out to a cast member. Apparently their teacher was on the ride, too! Just a few buggies behind us. I spoke with the teacher and said that she needed to keep a better eye on them. And then she said it's harder than it looks, which I replied "well, not letting a bunch of children sit alone on a ride 10 cars away from you is a good start" -- then a cast member came over and asked to speak with the teacher.

I think the migraine was making me mean spirited. I'm usually not like that, not a complainer in the slightest. They even offered to let us ride again, but I passed it up to go watch the parade instead. I'm sorry, but those kids were demons.
I am not a confrontational person at all, but I have definitely been annoyed by inconsiderate people.

At Enchanted Tales with Belle, there was a woman who was taking pictures of her daughter from every conceivable angle and, in doing so, was heavily invading my two year old's personal space. Like standing in front of him, crouching down so that her bottom's bumping his face and almost knocking him down. I pulled him back toward me and put my arms on his shoulders so I could provide some sort of physical barrier between them. I get the desire to photograph what might be a once in a lifetime experience for your kid, but it's not okay to be so inconsiderate of those around you, especially a little toddler.

Also, not at Disney World (or in Florida), I was once screamed at by a woman in the grocery store. It was 45 degrees outside and my son (about 14 months at the time) was not wearing his coat. I had left it in the car because it seemed to make more sense to spend 60 seconds walking in the 45 degree weather than to spend that time trying to bundle him up, and then have to remove his coat again in the store, and put it back on before leaving, and then take it back off to put him in his car seat. So I put my son, wearing long pants, long sleeves, shoes, and socks, into the grocery cart and this woman came up to me just absolutely going off on me, "Where that baby's coat at?" She just repeatedly yelled that and I ignored her. She followed me around the grocery store, screaming about how my baby was going to get pneumonia and she worked in a hospital and saw kids with pneumonia all the time, and that she was going to call child protective services. She berated me for wearing my own coat (which was really a light jacket that I was wearing in the car - kids can't/shouldn't wear coats in car seats). He's almost six now and somehow still alive and thriving in my care. He's also never had pneumonia, go figure.

These are two people that a more confrontational me would have had it out with. I really hope that my Disney trip goes smoothly and peacefully. I'm kind of worried some nosy people are going to get on my case about Zika when they see my baby bump, but I'll worry when my OB worries.
This did not happen to me personally but this spring break the line was horrendous to get through security at the Magic Kingdom. There was a lady nearly knocking ppl down to get past them. I mean seriously it took us an hour or more to get through the line and ppl were overall handling it well. This man right in front of us stopped her and told her that it was a line and she needed to be patient. And she went off on him about how her ENTIRE FAMILY WAS SEATED in a restaurant waiting for her. And the man politely said "You are not anymore important than anyone else here... we are all waiting to go in and we ALL have places to be" She was NOT happy and continued going at it with him.... ultimately the wife pulled the man to the side so she could get around him and the lady was STILL turning around yelling at him lol

We did have an experience at Univeral once where my kids were waiting to meet the grinch. Of course it was like 100 degrees and right when we got to the front of the line he had to go in and they told us to stay put and wait while he took a break. Well we stood there with maybe one or two other families until he finally came back and this "housewives of New Jersey" type rushed right up to him.... I said "umm excuse me we were actually waiting here in line" And boy was she cranky. She was seriously yelling "we are ALL on vacation here" and "You don't have to be so rude" and other random phrases. Like sorry lady but you're crazy lol I was so mad but didn't say a single word to her. My 10 year old at the time said as we were walking away "Wow! She is gonna have a heart attack about the grinch!"
Wow, some of these stories are terrifying. And I would not have been inclined to believe more than a few EXCEPT:

A few years ago a lady tried to run me down with her stroller because I had the nerve to go ahead of her on the escalators in Disneyland parking garage. Yup. The same escalators with the "no strollers allowed" signs. I put my hand out to stop the stroller and smiled pleasantly at her. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. I see a lot of stuff on here about tour groups and the mobility scooters, but people with the strollers always seem extra angry and entitled. When I went to WDW this time, it was the lady with the 6 year old who threw his heavy water bottle on my foot. 5 feet away from him. Because he was bored. The mother did apologize and eventually took the water bottle away, but if your kid is big enough to throw an adult thermos that far? Yeah, why the heck did you bring that stroller?
reading some of these, its pretty shocking the way some people treat others, fortunately we haven't been on the receiving end of anything like this, just makes you wonder whats happened to courtesy and common decency.

my only issue i have ever found there is a sense of entitlement that some people have at WDW, as i do recall one occurrence when waiting for a table a certain gentleman complaining that he should have priority as he spent a fortune on deluxe accommodation to get a table despite not having a ADR, thank fully the CM didn't oblige.
when we were at ak in april the grandkids adn i found a table and sat down to wait whiel mama,dada and pawpaw got food for all 6 of us and flametree bbq...whiel we are sitting there by the lake enjoyig the view of everest and the baby gator who's alongside the terraced off eatinga rea., a man coem over and ask if we are using all 6 chairs..i say yes,he storms off and yells at me " you souldn't do that,you should get your food and then a table" i was shocked at how rude he was and shot back wit " well when you own disney world you can make the rules' { i swear the lady next to us applauded thi s..hehe..j/k] then i see his wife holding a tray full of their food! i wish i'd of siad " well at lest my man is man enough to get our food for us" but i ws being nice sicne the grandchildren had seen/heard all this,they told there parents a.s.a.p. that some man was rude to us.... i am sure that thi swas the same sorta man who would of blown a gasket if the kids and i were standing in line near hima nd them with ants in their pants...hehe,,,oh well can't please them all...this ws the only rudeness we saw,well except for soem spring break kids playing with a wheelchair someone had left at the epcotbus stop. and to make it worse one guy actually got on the bud with help form the driver,in the chair..and he wa a healthy teenager adn thought it was funny...his friend on the other hand was wanting to crawl under the seats...

Were there other tables open with empty chairs, or was it full? If it was full, then you were in the wrong, and the other person was right. Disney does have a policy of getting food first, then sitting down, to the point where they guard some areas with CMs and won't let you in without food. I would have just taken the empty chairs myself, if i was standing there with my food and had no place else to sit. Not sure why it is "manly" to get the food either.

BTW--Disney isn't a public place...its private property. If you standing on a public road, you can take pictures of pretty much anything you want. (There are some exceptions, like if someone suggests you are taking inappropriate pics of a child). But WDW wouldn't fall into this. I had to learn this as a news reporter (was for about 9 months). We couldn't walk onto people's property (unless owners invited us) to take pics of fires or crime scenes or whatever, but if you stood in the street there was no legal issue.

It's public as in the public is allowed to purchase entry - not a private club, etc. There are laws that pertain to businesses that are not in line with what they taught you as a news reporter.

Really, you should have sat down. I can't imagine why anyone would stand so close to the castle much less for 90 minutes! How could you enjoy the fireworks knowing how you were upsetting so many families?

I agree. I'm not sure I could just stand knowing I was blocking so many peoples view. I don't think it matters that a CM said you could..Its common courtesy. You could of sat next to your friends wheelchair. I always look behind me to make sure I'm not blocking a kid or something.

You both need to go back and read the original post about this - there was no place to sit except behind the chair, and that would have blocked the view for the OP. It's the other families' fault for either not getting there early enough to get a good seat or not moving to another place once they were told she meant to stand.
You both need to go back and read the original post about this - there was no place to sit except behind the chair, and that would have blocked the view for the OP. It's the other families' fault for either not getting there early enough to get a good seat or not moving to another place once they were told she meant to stand.

I’m guessing they’re probably not going to go back and read something that was posted a decade ago...
Not at WDW but my husband was on a flight and a man got extremely volatile with the flight attendant. He wouldn't sit back down and was yelling at her and my hubby stood up, put his arm around her shoulders protectively and said, "Ma'am...is there ANYTHING I can do for you?". My husband is a bit of a cowboy and intimidating. The guy looked at hubby, grunted and sat back down. He had to take a cab to the hotel instead of renting a car because all the flight attendants kept bringing him free drinks. :rolleyes:
Not at WDW but my husband was on a flight and a man got extremely volatile with the flight attendant. He wouldn't sit back down and was yelling at her and my hubby stood up, put his arm around her shoulders protectively and said, "Ma'am...is there ANYTHING I can do for you?". My husband is a bit of a cowboy and intimidating. The guy looked at hubby, grunted and sat back down. He had to take a cab to the hotel instead of renting a car because all the flight attendants kept bringing him free drinks. :rolleyes:
You hear about so many people getting arrested and/or removed from the flight for that kind of behavior nowadays.
We were at AK just DH and I... There were alot of cheer squads in the parks, for competitions at wide world of sports. We had seem them off and on the whole time. So DH and I were just walking and there was a group behind us screaming, cheering and horse playing around pushing and shoving each other into other guest when they would walk by, and using language that would get them kicked off the team if the coach would have heard them. Then all of a sudden this girl slams into the back of my husband almost knocking him down, and my DH is a big guy. So the girl that was pushed into my DH goes running back to the group, they are all laughing and jumping all over still horse playing around, so I glance over my shoulder and as I am turning back one of the girls said " You better turn around -----... what a -----, It just hit me just the wrong way. I stopped and turned around, and casual walked up to them. The look on their faces was priceless... I said in a very quite mom voice.... "I'm a -----" what will your coaches and other chaperones think... hearing what you call me, on top of your conduct which will get suspended or kicked off your team. As well this is how you represent your school and team. Did you stop and think what would have happened if you would have knocked down a little kid or a mom with a baby or a elderly person.... I looked at the school name on their shirts and was like I am going to report you to Disney and your school will mostly likely be not be asked back to complete, or maybe you will be sent home, try explaining that to your parents... I said... I'm a team mom and I know that you each sign code of conducts and I'm sure that this complaint will be taken seriously. By the time I was finished they were all crying and apologizing, then one of the girls said are you going to report us? I never answered we just walked away... I was a team mom, room mother, girl scout leader, and chaperoned everything and anything. From the time my DD's entered Pre-K till they graduated from high school, so I was not lying to the girls.

Over in Epcot during F&W, we have witnessed several times people on the brink of fighting, or pushing and shoving... and security shows up...

Once when my DD and I and we were staying a CBR we were getting ready for bed, it was around 11:00pm we heard a bunch of yelling... in the court yard... I called security and they were like please stay in your room, security is on the way... Apparently the Dad had locked the Mom out of the room. Security was there and handled it.
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About 5 years ago my dad (about 45 at the time) almost got into an altercation with a guy in his 30s in the waiting area for the Hibachi restaurant in Japan at EPCOT. The guy ran into my dad in the bathroom and said something about it being my dad’s fault but my dad brushed it off and ignored him, as it was clear he was drunk. Then after coming back into the lobby the guy purposefully ran into my dad again and began yelling “f*** you man” to my dad, so my dad ended up getting into it with him a little bit. I believe a CM just asked the guy to leave the restaurant after my family explained the situation to her.
Out of 5 trips we have taken the only incident that had the potential to turn ugly was during our 2015 trip. We were leaving MK at closing and most of you know what a madhouse that is. To my right was a small very pregnant woman and behind her a Pooh shaped woman on an ECV. Well the ECV kept nudging up against the pregnant woman and after the 3 time (that I saw) she stopped turned around and told the woman to stop hitting her. Well the lady on the ECV yelled at her to move it or lose it. At that moment the pregnant ladies husband walked in front of her and he was huge. He picked up the front of the ECV (with the woman on it) and asked her in a rather pleasant tone of voice if she wanted to meet Jesus soon? At this point even if we wanted to move everyone stopped to watch. The Pooh shaped lady said put me and down and asked him what he meant. His reply Touch my wife again and you will be having breakfast with Jesus. To her credit the woman stayed right where she was until the married couple was out of sight.
Okay, I'm not totally innocent in the story I'm about to share, but wow...

We were on our last night at WDW and we were at Magic Kingdom. My oldest son had been in a wheelchair or crutches the entire trip because he badly sprained his ankle the day before we left. We had dealt with his pain, a lot more rain than was normal, just a totally different trip than what I had planned and it was the last night, so I was a little tired, but having fun. For Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, we had been directed before to go to the exit for wheelchair access/transfer. So we go there and we wait. No cast member comes out. I peek around the rock wall and can see three people standing there who are not cast members, so we waited a few more minutes. Then I took my son's Guest Service Card regarding his disability and walked around those people to the painted line on the sidewalk. My sons stayed back. I was holding the card up in front of me so that when the cast member on the platform saw it, he would know that we were there waiting, since we weren't visible around the wall. The person closest to me of the three standing there spoke up and said, "We're already in line" in a really snotty tone. I said I understand, I'm just letting the cast member know that we are here with someone in a wheelchair. She looked at me, rolled her eyes, and said "whatever". I should have let it go, I know. But it just irked me at that moment, so I said Okay, if it's "whatever", so be it. I had never intended to go ahead of them, and if had been given a choice prior to that little word I would have pointed out to the cast member that they should go first if they were supposed to. But when she said that it just changed for me. The cast member was walking towards us at that moment and saw me. My son in the wheelchair had rolled forward a little bit, so the cast member could see him, so he motioned him and my 6 year old son forward. While we were waiting for the train I told my son what had happened. We then watched them as they showed the cast member a little white card about the size of a business card. Don't know what it was, but here's where I was bad...

As the train left the station, we were in the front two rows. My son and I looked at each other and as we passed her scowling face, we both yelled "Whatever"! Unfortunately for everyone on the train behind us, she yelled F*** You! I felt bad for any parents with children behind us on the train. My son and I talked about it later. At what point did her friends point out to her or did she realize that she screamed those words as Disney World?
She was a real class act.
During our last family trip I had just put my family on the Figment ride as my middle child loves it, I decided to take the time while waiting getting some scenic shots of the flowers, the park in general for some of my family video as well as some b-roll for any reviews. Randomly, while just filming around the entrance the following happened:

We witnessed 2 other physical altercations at Epcot while there, not sure what it is with that park, I know some people feel the accessibility of alcohol doesn't help, but it's just a funny old park!

What was shocking about the ordeal, not that it happened, that was bad enough in the first place. But if it weren't for a father and son beefy duo that man handled the pair of them and pinned them down, this could've been a very serious incident. You can see one CM shouting 'stop, stop, cut it out' to no avail. IT took around 5-10 minutes for security to arrive and when they did it was a 75 year old guy by himself. If that was a serious incident and that is all they sent, then it would've ended badly for everyone. Eventually the Florida Sheriff showed up. The reason I kept the camera rolling was a way to protect the people that stopped the fight, it would've been very easy for the people fighting to accuse the men of assault. I followed up with Disney security and they weren't that interested in the event, just saying they would 'look into it'.

Oh, and just so you know, this turned out to be brothers...... go figure?!
I am not a confrontational person at all, but I have definitely been annoyed by inconsiderate people.

At Enchanted Tales with Belle, there was a woman who was taking pictures of her daughter from every conceivable angle and, in doing so, was heavily invading my two year old's personal space. Like standing in front of him, crouching down so that her bottom's bumping his face and almost knocking him down. I pulled him back toward me and put my arms on his shoulders so I could provide some sort of physical barrier between them. I get the desire to photograph what might be a once in a lifetime experience for your kid, but it's not okay to be so inconsiderate of those around you, especially a little toddler.

Also, not at Disney World (or in Florida), I was once screamed at by a woman in the grocery store. It was 45 degrees outside and my son (about 14 months at the time) was not wearing his coat. I had left it in the car because it seemed to make more sense to spend 60 seconds walking in the 45 degree weather than to spend that time trying to bundle him up, and then have to remove his coat again in the store, and put it back on before leaving, and then take it back off to put him in his car seat. So I put my son, wearing long pants, long sleeves, shoes, and socks, into the grocery cart and this woman came up to me just absolutely going off on me, "Where that baby's coat at?" She just repeatedly yelled that and I ignored her. She followed me around the grocery store, screaming about how my baby was going to get pneumonia and she worked in a hospital and saw kids with pneumonia all the time, and that she was going to call child protective services. She berated me for wearing my own coat (which was really a light jacket that I was wearing in the car - kids can't/shouldn't wear coats in car seats). He's almost six now and somehow still alive and thriving in my care. He's also never had pneumonia, go figure.

These are two people that a more confrontational me would have had it out with. I really hope that my Disney trip goes smoothly and peacefully. I'm kind of worried some nosy people are going to get on my case about Zika when they see my baby bump, but I'll worry when my OB worries.

I once had a woman scream at me when I was walking my son (he was @6 months) in 50-degree weather. She told me he needed to be wearing a hat or he’d get arthritis when he was older. She then tried to ask my name, other personal details and attempted to follow me home so she could “make sure I was taking proper care of the baby”. It was borderline creepy. My son is now 4 and while I’m sure arthritis is inevitable, he is perfectly healthy and thriving at the moment. He also hates to wear hats, no matter the weather!
Of course I've never gotten irritated enough to resort to get physical, I've never really even gotten verbal. I just try my best to suck it up and keep going. Two things that really rubbed me the wrong way this past visit was 1) during a ride on the Voyage under the Sea, this boy, who looked old enough to know better, was singing and mocking the music in a condescending way. It felt almost as if his family made him go on, so this mockery was his way of "sticking it to them", if that makes sense. Now I had been on this attraction before, so I know how it goes, but I couldn't help but think, "jeez, some little girl who loves all things Ariel is riding this for the first time and this jacka** is rudely mocking it. I thought it was incredibly rude and selfish. And 2) there were a lot of travel groups visiting the parks, and one group in particular was very rude and kept cutting people off, was very unaware of how much space they were taking us, kept bumping into people, and the worst was while walking behind them they randomly started singing and dancing in unison. This was in the middle of the day at animal kindgom. I couldn't believe the adult tour guides were LEADING the dancing and singing. I'm not a grinch, I swear, but to the do that in the middle of where people are walking, was very inconvenient and rude. Again, i just try to grin and bear it because it's not worth getting upset.
Of course I've never gotten irritated enough to resort to get physical, I've never really even gotten verbal. I just try my best to suck it up and keep going. Two things that really rubbed me the wrong way this past visit was 1) during a ride on the Voyage under the Sea, this boy, who looked old enough to know better, was singing and mocking the music in a condescending way. It felt almost as if his family made him go on, so this mockery was his way of "sticking it to them", if that makes sense. Now I had been on this attraction before, so I know how it goes, but I couldn't help but think, "jeez, some little girl who loves all things Ariel is riding this for the first time and this jacka** is rudely mocking it. I thought it was incredibly rude and selfish. And 2) there were a lot of travel groups visiting the parks, and one group in particular was very rude and kept cutting people off, was very unaware of how much space they were taking us, kept bumping into people, and the worst was while walking behind them they randomly started singing and dancing in unison. This was in the middle of the day at animal kindgom. I couldn't believe the adult tour guides were LEADING the dancing and singing. I'm not a grinch, I swear, but to the do that in the middle of where people are walking, was very inconvenient and rude. Again, i just try to grin and bear it because it's not worth getting upset.
If you run into tour groups on future trips remember this. Most of the groups and Brazilian and English is required in almost all of the middle class and above schools. They just pretend to not speak English so they can do whatever they want. I am a retired Marine, I am more direct I will get in the face of the tour groups leaders. I never let anyone line cut in front of me. I am not talking about a mother taking her kid to the bathroom, I am referring to the cheerful ones who get one person in line and "save a space" for 10 to 20 of their best friends (another popular tour groups stunt).
If you run into tour groups on future trips remember this. Most of the groups and Brazilian and English is required in almost all of the middle class and above schools. They just pretend to not speak English so they can do whatever they want. I am a retired Marine, I am more direct I will get in the face of the tour groups leaders. I never let anyone line cut in front of me. I am not talking about a mother taking her kid to the bathroom, I am referring to the cheerful ones who get one person in line and "save a space" for 10 to 20 of their best friends (another popular tour groups stunt).

Oh yes, during festival of the lion king, my sister and I (a group of 2) were trying to walk up to grab a seat, and rudely, a group of 15+ people (in a tour group) jumped in front of us and took up the remaining seats...my jaw dropped. They really couldn't let the 2 of us grab a seat? They surely would have had to wait much less time versus my sister and I having to wait for their entire group to walk up. We just walked over to another area. It was just very inconsiderate. But I came to expect that type of behavior towards the end of my trip.
On our very first Disney trip we stayed at All Stars Movies and had just driven in from North Carolina. We went to the food court for lunch and it was practically empty. We found a seat and a few minutes later another couple with two small kids sat a few tables away. The mother picked up her youngest and placed him on the table next to them and proceeded to change his diaper!!! My husband and I both almost flipped out and they started yelling at us, now mind you we didn't say a word but if looks could kill...


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