has anyone heard from DA...?


DIS Veteran
Mar 29, 2001
I got the second quarter email to cashout the end of Oct and then saw my name on the list that my prize would be sent out the next week which would make it around Nov 11 to this date nothing and from the post on the DA no updates:confused: has anyone gotten their prize or heard anything?!!! I though for sure by now Id hear something!

I emailed Kris twice and didn't get an answer

anyone else?

I was so excited to cahout for the first time
I don't know what is going on at DA have not seen Kris online or talked with her in weeks.We really do all need an update.

Wish I knew some answers for you but afraid I am in the dark on this one.

I too am waiting for my 2nd quarter payout. It is *supposed* to be in the mail or so she said. I am so dissapointed with this program. And the boards are supposed to be a *community* but no one knows what is happening! I think this one is gone. I am not putting any more money into this until I get my DD. I think she is going to loose people over this. No one will trust her anymore.
And I am sick and tired of people telling me to have faith!!!
I agree with you Tantor! There have been no updates from Kris since Nov. 9. She hasn't sent the Disney Dollars to members who cashed out in July and people who were supposed to get PayPal payments b/c they were quicker didn't those either.

There are too many broken links in the daily and weekly points sections and there is no set opening date for the new site. I've stopped clicking entirely.

I'm not sure if Kris bit off more than she could chew but the lack of response from her right now does not look good. Even if just a few people got their rewards each week, it would be a show of good faith. Right now, no one's been paid and it appears that we never will.

I think that I've been very patient up to this point. It has been one excuse after another and in the meantime, I've got nothing but promises. I certainly would not recommend this program to anyright now.
I stopped clicking on this one when everyone's points ended up missing. I DID get my missing points replaces, but I'm not just going to keep earning her money when she isn't paying out to the people that are ready to cash out.

I'll be perfectly honest, IMO this program absolutely reeks of SuzyKats. It was pretty much the same thing, the owner just faded away, with everyone's points!
If you look back at her dated posts you will see she has done this many times before, In Aug., Sept, Oct, & now, where she hasnt posted, for a long time. Then she will post, & everyone is happy & clicking again. What I was wondering is, how many people have been paid since the site open? Did she just finish paying the 1st. year rewards a few months ago? I havent been paid from the 2,or 3 quarter, & I think pretty soon we will be in the 4 th quarter. 13 people according to the post are waiting for there prize, only 1 that I read received it. So that is 12 envelopes, & 12 prizes, what, are around 10, or 20 $ each, I dont know what the wait is all about? These 12 people that are waitng must have had there accounts added & points given back to be told that there prizes are in the mail??? Diswife
I am one of the ones that was supposed to have DD send out the following Monday (way back at the beginning of Nov) Nothing yet and no missing points as well as was told by Kris that for waiting I would get 500 extra points added to my account. NOTHING............
I was paid for 1st and 2nd quarter and i know that several other people were as well. But,like you all i have heard nothing about my 3rd quarter pay out which should be at least 10 DD`s , but since i still don`t have my missing points back i can`t tell for sure if i had enough for 20 DD`s but i know i was close.

I wonder why some of us were paid for 1st and 2nd quarter and others weren`t?

I too have just about given up on DA. I stopped clicking quite a while ago, but I am still enjoying visiting the Rewarding Your Way Thread over there on the boards every day. It is very frusterating and a little suspicious not to have any updates from Kris.
Back on 11/9 Kris put out a list saying 1 group was pd, another going out in a few days & another to be contacted. Im the 3rd group. In 3 wks i havent heard anything or seen any point. Ive quit clicking because i really dont think we will be seeing any more payouts from this site. Hope im wrong but I dont think so.Just how much time does it take to take care of about 35 payouts. Not 3 wks.
:mad: :mad:
I was one of the one she supposedly had to contact I have never heard from her she does not answer my e mails matter of fact I received 1 email in 7/02 saying I had enough to cash out never received my DD I agree this definately sounds like Suzykats to me. Also when she does post its always about something new and exciting instead of fixing the problems from before or mailing people their dd I would say fix your previous problems instead of making new ones and at least have the curteosy to respond to people or at least all these new people she hired to respond to people.
Add me to the list of non-clickers. I'll admit when I joined the site it was primarily to earn rewards for my Disney trip since we thought we were going to be on a tight budget (by the way, I got home last night). Luckily, I didn't need to count on the DD for backup $. I enjoy the boards and will continue to post without collecting any points. If and when we get paid, I will start clicking and earning points again, but for now, it's not worth my time, emotionally or physically.

I tried to give Kris the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but my patience is wearing thin. It does seems she's juggling quite a few things at one time (as we all are), but (please don't take this the wrong way) that's not my problem. I know she meant to build a community and I think she has succeeded in doing that, but she's not keeping up her end of the bargain. I'd gladly wait for my rewards if she would just post once a week or so and keep us up to date. I realize this is a learning experience for her, but I am quickly becoming a frustrated member.
I hope you trip was magicial. ;)


I am not defending Kris far from it beleive me I am just as frustrated as all of you.She still owes me $20-25 DD it has been so long I forget which it is!

But I need to correct one statement you made

at least all these new people she hired to respond to people.

I do not know of anyone that has been "HIRED" by Kris or DA for anything. I just want everyone to know that the moderators on the boards are all volunteers we get no compensation of any kind from Kris or DA.Just wanted that cleared up.

And I agree with you totally about fixing the old problems first and have said that all along.

I hope I am wrong but I feel DA days are numbered which is a shame it is a great idea and I really wish Kris could/can make it work.

who keeps the Trivia going?? Someone must be around.
I have been reading alot about not clicking anymore, but everytime you go on her site to even check your balance, which I do 2 times a day we get popups, which brings income to the site. When you go to the new site you get hit with popups, which again brings income in. So even if she didnt get paid from some sponsers, she should be ok with all this extra we do everyday. Now she sent an email saying that she is looking for a place to live, that also confuses me, if thats the case why tell us your sending the DD??? & are we waiting for her to find a place, fix the PC..... There is always so much confusion with this site, I hope all works out well for all of us, & Kris can get her site up soon, she put so much work into it. Diswife :confused: :confused: :confused:
Originally posted by dtuleya

I tried to give Kris the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but my patience is wearing thin. It does seems she's juggling quite a few things at one time (as we all are), but (please don't take this the wrong way) that's not my problem.

EXACTLY!!!! There seems to be a pattern to her responses... she won't post for a while, people will start complaining, and then she will have a 'snippy' reply that she cannot get everything fixed if she is having to answer a ton of emails, she is working day and night, she is only one person, etc... etc... etc... not my problem. I held up my end of the deal. I clicked, I earned money for the site, now she needs to hold up her end of the deal. I don't complain to her about my faimly, my financial problems, nor my living situations, etc.. and I really don't want to hear about her's.

If she can't make a go of the site, then shut it down and quit stringing people along.
I think I can answer the one about the trivia.

As far as I know the trivia is all done by Barb(Mistletoes)and is automated.She puts a load of it in and the program picks the questions to be used for that day.That is what I understand it to be anyway.

I stopped clicking when I lost over 1200 points. I still haven't gotten them back and I'm not waiting for them either. I check about once every two weeks to see if I can cash out. I doubt I ever will be able too.

Waste of time.
I to am getting frustrated with no updates at all. I really hate to give up hope, because I could really use the DD, but....
I am also tired of everyone replying to anyone who posts a question on the forums about what is going on being told to be patient and have faith. Grr.... that really bugs me. I have seen the coming and going of many reward programs and patiences is something I have definatly learned to have. Would just like to know if anyone has any info already.
Hope things somehow turnaround for the site
I agree with dtuleya. I'm still clicking away but I'm really starting to slow down since we haven't heard anything recently. Its really discouraging to hear of people who are still owed rewards from the second quarter of this year... Before the points disappeared, I had enough for $30 DD... but its doubtful that I'll get them in time for my trip. I'm hoping that things turn around for DA as well.


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