Having a GRAND time - The Official GF Chat Thread PART 3


DIS Veteran
Dec 30, 2007
Hi all, I see Part 2 has exceeded the number of pages allowed, hence starts Part 3! "We're so addicted, we have to have a Part 3"
I'm here too. I saw a couple of threads over 250 pages. Did they change the rules again?:confused3
Hi! I made it over here, too.:flower3:

Shel your family is so cute.:goodvibes Forget Cinderella. She's a poser. :rotfl2: You guys rock.:thumbsup2

OK...I have to go....we have early soccer in the morning.....Fridays always leave me fried.:upsidedow

Have a great night, all.:goodvibes

B-Day cake at 1900 Park Faire, Grand Floridian
8 inch, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Buttercream frosting, Peanut butter Mousse Filling, Pink Fondant topping.




We quickly had 2 step-sisters eyeing the cake LOL:

We LOVED the step sisters and sent them each a piece of cake!!!
Welcome all!

Maxie86, Glad to see you over here.

Lives4Disney, nice to see you also.

Tinker, Great cake pics, I know what you mean about the step sisters, they spent the better part of a hour and a half at our table.
I'm here, I'm here!

Wow that cake looks yummy! What a great way to celebrate a little princess' b-day...the pictures are great! And I agree cindy is a poser...you guys make the photo :thumbsup2
Shel...nice pics of the fam....em is a doll in the pictures...like Chan said a poser!!!!:goodvibes

That cake is to die for!!! BEAUTIFUL!
Great pictures. That cake looks great. I was thinking of ordering that in October. Thanks for sharing
Hi guys!

Shel~ Very cute pic of the family and boy do I love that cake!

Anyone heard about Kelly's trip? I need to go back and read the old thread.

Hi Channing, Dawn and K:wave2: .

Have a good day everyone. We have a wedding tonight. My husband is the best man. We are at the age where everyone is now getting married again for the second time. So more weddings and more gifts. Poor Ron even has to give a speech which we have not written yet. It is gonna be a LONG day!

Talk with ya all later! V
Sheli - LOVE the cake! Looks like the GF bakery may be making a comeback!?!? How did it taste? Emi is adorable!! Great family pic,too!!

Vanessa - hope you all come up with a good speech! I hate speeches!
Morning Gals.....:surfweb: I am recovering from my first week...good thing we have a 3 day weekend!

Vanessa...have a good time at the wedding, thats funny about all the remarriages....all i seem to be doing lately is going to funerals..ugh..its that time in our lives.

have a good one all....
Good morning everyone~ Happy Saturday!

Thanks Supersmart for starting the new thread:)

Am still trying to catch up on a weeks worth on the old one...

Maxie I'll be back to multi quoting as soon as I can...

Mickeynut my multi quote pal~ HI

Tinker*Shell*Bell the pics of your DD in the stroller are too funny:rotfl:

PrincessPaczi glad you & DH had a good stay (saw a couple in a cabana one day -with no kids- looking nice and relaxed-thought it might be you but didnt want to intrude)

Kristin the photo session went pretty well-thanks for the tips about going indoors (it wasnt raining but ours was during a very windy day...I'm not at my best when my hair is standing straight up on end:rotfl: )

Vanessa ~I know you switched your BBB from the one in the castle to DTD, good move, Dniece had her appt in the castle and the pace there was pretty hectic...(and this is supposed to be a slower time of year..) Also have fun at the wedding..

Dawn-I did quite a bit of Basin shopping they had the most adorable fall soaps-pumpkins and leaves-my bathrooms will be nicely decorated...and they all smell soooo good:)

SKJJ hope every thing works out for your trip:)

Channing-my surprise birthday party was amazing!!!! THANKS for giving tips to Dniece for it:goodvibes

When I post my mini trip report I'll put in all the details:flower3:

I'm getting very long winded here and not even multi quoting...think I'm running out of space:rotfl:

I missed chatting with you all....have to go start to unpack (or atleast try)

I hate :laundy: !!! I'll be trying to catch up for days...Wish I was back at the GF:flower3:
Good Morning Everyone :). A little late, but I finally made it over :laughing:.

Yesterday was a crazy day :crazy:. I had DS home for the 3rd day in a row with allergies :sick:. He's MUCH better today :). I had a few errands to run and picked up DS's homework.....lots to do this weekend on that :eek:. Then by the time I knew it, it was 3:00 and my other DS was getting home, I had to quick fast make dinner, then out of the house by 4:30 to head to a HS football game and didn't get home until 11:00 :faint:.......WHEW....and I'm just now getting caught up here :rolleyes:.

TinkerShell ~ LOVE the cake....it looks sooo yummy!!!!! Great family picture....your daughter is adorable :goodvibes.

vbarry ~ Have fun at the wedding tonight.

MommyGina ~ WELCOME :).

And Hello to everyone else as well :wave2:. Hope everyone has a great day today and enjoys the holiday weekend :banana: :banana:.



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