Hello! Live from the World!

Great updates :thumbsup2

Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip and your photos are great :goodvibes

I am really going to try and tour at a slower pace on our next trip (well I will try :rotfl:)
I've just read through all of your updates, and you've gotten me very giddy for my flight out tomorrow! Some great performer pics from MK!:thumbsup2 I agree that they are one of the best things about the park, and something that truly seperates the likes of Disney from places like Alton Towers etc.
I hope you continue to have a great time.
I have SO gotta get me some of those Oreo cakes by the by... ;)
Glad the TS Nicole didn't cause too much disruption. Lovely pictures, you sound like you are having a great time!:cool1:

Did the carrot cake cookie contain any nuts do you think? DH is allergic to walnuts and pecans so we have to be careful!
I am really going to try and tour at a slower pace on our next trip (well I will try :rotfl:)

*grin* it's hard to start off with but once you get past that mental barrier where you feel like you're missing out then it's really nice to just kick back a bit and enjoy the atmosphere and small details a bit more - promising yourself that you can just 'do it next trip' helps a lot and of course, it's always important to make sure you've established plenty of good reasons to come back ;)

I've just read through all of your updates, and you've gotten me very giddy for my flight out tomorrow! Some great performer pics from MK!:thumbsup2 I agree that they are one of the best things about the park, and something that truly seperates the likes of Disney from places like Alton Towers etc.
I hope you continue to have a great time.
I have SO gotta get me some of those Oreo cakes by the by... ;)

Ooooh yes, I forgot you were heading out imminently - I hope you have a great trip too! :) I agree, it's the small details rather than the big headliners that makes Disney what it is and is probably the main reason I come back again and again :love:

Glad the TS Nicole didn't cause too much disruption. Lovely pictures, you sound like you are having a great time!:cool1:

Did the carrot cake cookie contain any nuts do you think? DH is allergic to walnuts and pecans so we have to be careful!

We were sooo lucky with the TS, we woke up to cloudy skies and they were still forecasting that morning all the bad weather - Miami was getting quite the soaking and sand was being distributed to most areas and the entire region was on Flood Alert. Then the storm drifted I think around 30 miles east than predicted and the worst of it stayed out off the coast, Brevard County got another inch plus of rain which I think is what we were supposed to get - they were happy with that though as I think it was forecast that they could get up to 5 inches! Definitely dodged the bullet with that storm.

With regards to the Carrot Cake and nuts I'm afraid I'm not actually sure. I don't remember any but I know it's very common for Carrot Cake to contain Walnuts. We should be back at the Studios again next week, will try to remember to pop into Writers Stop and ask :)
The Streetmosphere ladies were also working their magic as we entered the park - so many people were just bustling by them in their rush to get to the rides though, shame :( (especially as the park was so quiet anyhow)

This is Miss Victoria Trumpetto - Main Street Choir Director. :thumbsup2

Don't know the other one, sorry. Loving your updates. :)
I love this thread :lovestruc every time i see the photos i say aww and show my DH :goodvibes i only got back on tuesday but it feels like weeks ago now :sad2:
Few more pics, these are from Tuesday. I was really hoping to catch up a bit but the time...it flies...can't believe we've been here a week already!

Tuesday was a revisit to Disney Studios as we wanted to take advantage of the fact we were staying at BW, it's so much easier to do Epcot and the Studios when you can walk to them. Epcot we love anyhow so no amount of trouble is too much to get there, but Studios we're less in love with so it's always a bit of a pain to tackle the journey there when not in walking distance.

This time we stuck out the line to get our Fastpasses for Toy Story Mania and despite getting to the machines by 9:15 our window wasn't until 2 hours later. Still, all good, we're finally going to see this attraction.

As it was close by we then hit the Backlot Tour - is it just me or does this ride get shorter every year?! This time they didn't even bother with the volunteers from the audience to make the movie and just ran through a quick demo of the effects - perhaps because it was so early and there was only around 20-30 people there :confused3

Still, atleast got to see the most famous car ever...NO! Not KITT from Knightrider...Herbie of course! Though he seems to be having some split personality issues here ;)

Of course even though it's old and a bit cheesy it's also still fun to see Catastrophe Canyon!

Boy, did it start to rain too? :rotfl:

After a wander around the Villains 'after exhibit' for a bit (hmmm, feels like something is watching me...?)

We realised that we'd been in the park for close to an hour already....must be time for a coffee and snack! ;) I bullied the other half into going to Starring Rolls because I wanted to try a cupcake there, which proved to be a mistake as apparently the coffee was as weak as p...well, weak. It was pointed out repeatedly that he could see the bottom of the cup through the coffee and that Writers has nice coffee...ah well, I got my cupcake so dem's the breaks buddy ;)

Butterfinger Cupcake and below, cut open to show the gooey middle

Between you and me, the cupcake didn't really press my buttons. The chocolate cake was ok, but the white frosting stuff was pretty sickly and the Butterfingers on the outside was nice but not enough of it (I love peanut butter though). I er, forgot to mention this to his highness though that he suffered the weak coffee for nothing ;)

Still, every cloud has a silver lining and while at Starring Rolls someone at a neighbouring table gave us their Fast Passes for RocknRollercoaster which were up in about 2 mins time, result! So we trotted off to do that before wandering back slowly for our Toy Story Fastpasses.

Yay, we finally get to ride - bring that pew pew vehicle over to me baby! :)

Was great fun, I can see why people like it but still doesn't mean the whole fastpass and line situation isn't a bit crazy. Would love to ride it again if I get the chance but when nearly every other attraction in every park is walk on at the moment then I'm not going to bust a gut over it.

We decided that we wanted to do the Lights, Motors, Action but first show wasn't for another hour so we popped into Narnia as they'd just opened the doors for the next show and is right beside TS. Never seen this attraction before, somehow always forget about it so tucked away like it is. Can't say it changed my life now that I have seen it mind you, was mainly just a giant movie trailer for Prince Caspian - still, killed some time and it was in the air con so not all bad ;)

We then trekked over to the Animators Tour as we always love this cute little show - again though, it's something else that has gotten shorter and shorter over the years :( Such a shame as animation is at the heart of Disney. The featured movie in the exhibit at the end is currently "Tangled" - he looks kinda worried that we might recognise him ;)

You can also completely bypass the show and go straight to the characters at the back now. I dun do the character stuff myself but I did have the opportunity from the sidelines to take this little snap as one child left and before another moved in - sneaky me!

A busy morning by our standards and it's 1pm already so it's off to the stunt show and we know straight after that we'll be heading out the park for lunch. I like this show, it's good fun and the stunt driving is pretty cool

You can see the clouds building in the background giving a hint of what was to come later...

Lunch to follow in next post :)
Food time!

We head out the park and visit ESPN for lunch. This place can get real noisy, especially in the evenings with all the sports stuff on, but we find lunchtime not so bad and we like the atmosphere and the half decent bar food.

I don't usually drink during the day but I treated myself to a Captains MaiTai - and it came out in a pint glass...result!

We then both quite unoriginally got a hot dog. I got the Home Run Hotdog - this is basically a Chilli Cheese Dog. What they also fail to mention on the menu is that it's a foot long, yum yum, come to mamma...

His royal highness got the Italian Hotdog - topped with fried potatoes, onions, peppers and mustard, again, a foot long.

Sorry for the slightly dark/fuzzy photo's, if you've ever been in ESPN you'll know its very low light in there and aside from being slightly self conscious about photographing my dinner instead of eating it, I'm also highly aware that it can be annoying as hell for other people seeing a flash go off all the time when they're trying to enjoy themselves so I just took them without the flash.

No dessert here, we decide to make a break for our room as while we were eating the storm finally rolled in so we legged it along the Boardwalk and got back to our room more than a little damp.

Remember those photo's I took from the balcony the other day when I arrived? Well rain is hard to photograph in itself but this was the view now so you can imagine how hard the rain was falling to make things appear so 'foggy'!

Who stole my golfball?!

Think I'll be needing a yacht if it keeps coming down like this :rotfl:

After a few hours the rain did eventually let up and we decided to try our luck in the World Showcase as it wasn't far to come home if we did end up getting drenched again later. Obviously this was also because I didn't get my dessert earlier and it had become a matter of urgency that this was rectified. A quick stop at Norway and a Rice Dream with Strawberry Sauce was mine :)

Again, sorry for dark piccie, it was low light, I didn't want to appear too crazy taking a picture of a pot, and I wanted my pud asap!

One last piccie before I finish though - I think I mentioned in a previous post that Epcot was dead due to the weather, here's a picture I took in Mitsukoshi, the big department store. Tumbleweed alert!

That's all for today, tonight (really tonight, not pretend tonight from the other day this time, rofl) we're off to MNNSHP, yay, Candy time! :)

See y'all tomorrow!
It's funny saying about "kicking back and enjoying" and "an excuse for another trip" me and my DH have been 4 times and everytime i go, because we have to save so hard to go I always think it maybe our last trip so we cram loads in but do try and enjoy the atmosphere too (if we can :goodvibes) next time will be with our DD it will be her first trip and it will all be governed by her - i can't wait :) Really enjoying your trip reports and your photos, we love the halloween decs, cheers me up as the weather here (just north of Birmingham) is like we have a TS today!!! and it's cold - enjoy your second week (that's when i feel like i actually live there and all settled in - if that makes sense) :)
Hi all!

Sorry for the low profile the last couple of days since the party - my 'prime times' for uploading photo's and hitting the forums is usually either late at night when I unwind after the day, first thing in the morning while I eat brekky, or mid afternoon when I escape to cool down from the heat and get ready for the evening.

We stuck out the party till closing and I crashed into bed as soon as we got back to room, then next morning we had a lay in (we rarely set alarm when on holiday) and so when we woke a bit later we didn't hang around and then yesterday I messed up big time as we forgot to check our itinerary for the evening before we went to the pool - I thought we had a 'free night' when in fact we were supposed to be going to Sanaa at 5pm before AK EMH - I realised this at 6pm..ooops!

Fortunately was able to grab one again for tonight (I really really wanted to go here so was gutted yesterday that I'd messed it up), and I canned our ADR for Grand Floridian Cafe.

Anyhow, just uploading some pics now from Wednesday (eep, getting way behind schedule) so will post soon!
Glad you got another ADR for Sanaa, not always easy.:goodvibes
We have had it on our list and removed last 2 years, maybe next year we will keep it, looking forward to your thoughts.
Really enjoying reading your updates. hope you enjoy your meal at Sanaa it's a lovely place for a meal. We enjoyed it as it was something different.
On Wednesday we moved resorts from BW to Saratoga Springs - we love this resort for it's proximity to Downtown Disney and quietness.

We pack up the car but before we leave we head for breakfast in the Captains Grill in the Yacht Club. We quite often eat here once per trip, we've done dinner in the past which was nice but we think it's a hidden gem for breakfast as it quite uniquely offers a all you can eat buffet and a full ala carte menu. Perfect for people of every sized appetite!

His royal highness opts for the buffet, this is obviously a slightly smaller sized buffet than the normal type but has a fab selection of all the basic items - cereals, fruit, pastries, bacon, egg, pancakes, Mickey waffles etc etc.

His first plate, he went back for seconds of the egg, bacon and sausage so guess they were good, hehe

He then picked up a plate of pastries to drink with his coffee

I opted for the fruit yoghurt parfait (listed as an appetiser, I probably should know better by now that their idea of something small to start you off isn't mine)

this was yummy and light, was a berry topping, a plain yoghurt with a little honey, some melon at the bottom over some granola. As I hinted though, it was way bigger than I expected for a breakfast appetiser, I left some as I didn't want it to spoil my 'main'.

I then had The Captain's Omlette

which is an open faced cheese omlette with Lobster, potato and Chive cream. I expected it to be a hint of lobster but there was huge chunks - this was delicious and I gobbled the lot up though did leave some of the potato - while the parfait was tasty I was really regretting it when trying to hoover up my yummy omlette!

At the end our server brought us out a small cupcake and a Happy Anniversary floaty balloon! She was so excited that we were celebrating 20 years too, what a sweetie. Shame we were both so stuffed from the breakfast we could barely manage to eat any of the cake :(

We zipped over to SSR to check in. I'd already called the resort before we left our BW room - as we'd done online check in it meant I was able to find out if our room was ready as it had already been allocated. It had so we knew we'd be able to get all our luggage in the room - we were completely unpacked, laundry running (yay for 1 bedrooms) and back out the room by about 1:30pm.

We also got our request for Congress Park and bizarre of bizarre events we are either in the exact same room, or same room and a floor higher than we were in last year (I need to check which floor we were on when I get home to know which) - freaky!

Our balcony views

View left, over the quiet pool (kinda, lots of trees!)


middle-ish - that's the top of Fultons there.


To the right, Planet Hollywood - that path is the waterfront path you follow to DTD.

As you can see, while cloudy it's very far from a tropical storm! I sure ain't complaining though ;)

As this was our disrupted day I'd also planned for us to go shopping (it also suited as everyone was expecting TS Nicole to hit (it didn't though!)) so no pictures from the day as it was just spent plodding around Prime Outlets :p

We couldn't be back at SSR and not go to DTD for the evening so we trotted down the path which is quite a scenic route (well I think).


This fountain is on the junction of the DTD path and quiet pool I mentioned previously.


The DTD balloon - the weather meant it wasn't flying however it was still looking pretty at night across the lake as we pottered down the path.


Fultons is also all lit up - we love this little walk!

As breakfast was late and we'd both been little piggies, we still weren't really that hungry so rather than go for a sit down dinner, we decided to try out the Earl of Sandwich for the first time ever as I know a lot of people on the boards love this place but we'd never been!

The other half went for the Earls Club (basically a turkey club sandwich)

and I opt for the Hawaiin (Ham and Pineapple with a smokey bbq sauce)

Verdict - tasty! I'm not sure I'm quite in the league of 'omg our trip isn't complete unless we go here' but it's definitely on my short list of good places to go back to for some decent counterservice options.

After a little wander around the shops we stroll back and crash in the room. Energy needs to be saved for the next day (Thursday, I've been slacking so behind schedule with my updates!) - him indoors birthday and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party.

Hopefully if I'm not too stuffed and tired later tonight after Sanaa I'll have time to sort out more pictures and catch up a little bit :)
Glad you got another ADR for Sanaa, not always easy.:goodvibes
We have had it on our list and removed last 2 years, maybe next year we will keep it, looking forward to your thoughts.

Thanks, me too! I've been looking forward to trying it so much I'll admit I had a bit of a pout yesterday when of all days to mess up my ADR's it of course just had to be that one. Was very lucky with the ADR, bit later than I'd normally have (8:20) but I was just happy with anything at that point.

Really enjoying reading your updates. hope you enjoy your meal at Sanaa it's a lovely place for a meal. We enjoyed it as it was something different.

Really looking forward to it - I've heard so many good things, my only worry now is that my expectations are too high! *fingers crossed*
We rarely eat breakfast but that Captain's Omlette looks amazing.

You had similar thoughts to us with EofS, tasty but nothing to blow you away. I doubt we will even go back.
I'm really loving your updates :) I keep bugging DH about them when i read what you've been up to as it helps me get all giddy and excited for our up-coming trip :banana::banana:
I also tell DD about it, but at 7 months, she's a little too young to understand what her mummy is saying :rotfl: She helps me to feel all excited too and I am with her all day :lovestruc

hope your still having a great time Disneymad and look forward to hearing the next installment... even the Crown Currency unfolding news can't wipe the excited smile off my face for the upcoming 3 weeks :goodvibes


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