Help please!!! Great rate but is it worth it.


Earning My Ears
Jul 11, 2001
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Hi: I posted something similar and 49 people looked at it but got only one response. I'm planning WDW vacation Dec 26 - Jan 1...I'm on a budget like most people. Our family consists of 2 adults and a 15yo son and a 9 yo daughter. the question...Hotelkingdom offers a rate of $59.90 a nite for VillaB at Star Island Resort and Country Club. The catch have to go through there presentation. I've never done this before and was wondering if any of you have been through Star Island's...Is it very high pressured...I mean to the point you feel very uncomfortable. I know that this depends on the resort as to the level of the pressure.

Please....if you've been through Star Island's let me know. The man I spoke to at hotelkingdom said it was super high pressure. He said you could bring the children.

Although I am aware that this is their job to sale and I know that since we just built a house we can't afford it...I don't want to feel so uncomfortable that I don't enjoy my stay.

Please help me and let me know what you think.

Thanks so much. Jimi
Whooops...the man at hotelkingdom said it "wasn't " high pressured.

Thanks Jimi

P.S. I see there was 30 lookers at the time I posted this...Where oh where are my comments.:( :confused:
While i have never been to that sales pitch, I have heard that most of them keep you about 2 hours to sell you their vacation. Of course, they will try to word it so that you will really want to buy im sure. As long as you stand your ground and dont mind the sales pitch, go for it if you think what you are getting in return is worth it. Good luck!!
We went to an Embassy Suite afficiated time share presentation and although we had no intention of buying, and had no problem what so ever saying no, I decided it would never be worth our time or the experience to sit through one of those again. Try priceline if you want to try and get a good deal. Disney has also had some pretty good deals, I'd do All Star's before going through a time share presentation. The only exception is the Disney Vacation Club which was no pressure and we bought.
Not only will the sales pitch take up your time, so will the traffic from there to WDW!! The road that is off of is 192 & it is terribe! There's always traffic backed up due to construction & lane closures....I think I would skip it and try for the All Stars or do Priceline *4 WDW Area only!! Good Luck............

I have never done a time-share presentation, but from all that I have read from this board, it is not something for the faint-hearted! Most of the reactions are what you have read above, that most people would try ANYTHING else rather than sit through another time share presentation. Disney Vacation Club presentations seem to be an exception to this rule though.

I know that we all would like to save money by whatever legal method that we can, but I think that you may want to try a way to save on accomodations WITHOUT having to go through a time share pitch.

Good Luck! :)
We had reservations at Star Island with the time share pres. for Dec. last year. We decided to change to the Dolphin because of the teacher rate there. I can't help you with how high pressured the sales pitch would be, but they have called us three times since Dec. making us offers, trying to get us to stay there. I, however, will not stay offsite again beacause of the traffic (except DTD hotels with great rate).

One more thing about those dates (same as we were there, we actually arrived sooner):
After Dec. 25 we stayed at the Radisson and went to Sea World and USF. Because of car trouble on the way down, we arrived a day late so we had one more day on hopper passes after arriving at the Radisson. We tried four different mornings to get into the MK, but the parking lot had closed by 10:00 AM, so we could not get in since we stayed offsite. Finally, on our last morning (Dec. 29) there we ended up at MGM (still no luck with MK) and waited in line for 20 minutes just to get through the turnstiles to get in - there were people everywhere!! I feel the experience would have been much better if we had still been at the Dolphin - at least we would have been able to go back to our hotel to duck the crowds if needed.
We did one of these in Arizona, and even though it wasn't very high pressured, the gentleman who was doing the selling became VERY unfriendly when we said we weren't interested. Nothing out of line was said to us, but the "two-hour presentation" really took up most of the day, they scheduled it for 11:00am, and it's really a little longer than two hours.
We met a couple that actually set the timer on his watch, and when it went off (2 hours) they went to the front table, signed out and left!!! Needless to say, they were old pros at this.

It's really up to you. If you have no trouble saying no, go for it. But if you think you'll feel uncomfortable, I've seen rooms on Priceline go for $50-$70/night, this might be a better bet for you! Good luck!!!:pinkbounc
Hi! I haven't been to that specific timeshare presentation, but I have taken vacations at several places at a discount to see their presentation. Some are somewhat high pressure, but I have never bought unless I wanted to. The one we did buy was the Disney Vacation Club and that was the second time we saw it. What they do is to talk about vacations, the costs of hotel rooms and how they are only going to go up. Then they show you a model and then they get to the cost. If the first cost is too high, they just happen to have a resell they can get you, then a lower cost week, then an every other year deal. We just tell them no, but we have had to get mean once. Then you see the sales manager. If you want to blow them off honestly, see the Disney presentation. First, it is top shelf, nice rooms, etc. Second, it is no pressure. Asked if we'd seen other ts, showed us the rooms, then showed us price and finance and left the room. We decided we couldn't swing it and told them no. They said ok, we'll get your video and catalog and I asked where the pressure was. They said there was none because they weren't on commission. After that, the others weren't as nice. We had no intention of buying the 2nd time either, but we could afford it so the rest is history. Two more tips to say no:
1)Many of the ts say they can trade into Disney. On paper only! The Disney resorts fill up fast and only about 1% of outside people get in, no matter what the presentation tells you.
2) Before you go, look up the resales of the resort you're going to. Disney's are higher, but many resorts are at a discount.

I sell equipment for a living, but I don't use high pressure, so I like to go the presentations. Lots of luck to you!
I quickly glanced through the reviews on TUG . It appears that the resort is very nice, although the traffic on 192 can be a problem. According to the reports, the timeshare presentation is pretty aggressive, especially if you don't already own one. One review indicated that it would "make Westgate blush". Westgate is notorious on TUG for its high pressured sales pitches. So be prepared!
Having done three timeshares, I would have to say skip it and go for the All Stars. Most of these people are top notch salespeople and VERY good at their job. A friend of our who said no way he would get hooked, ended up buying a time share and he's even in sales. Skip it.
Thanks for all your replys...who knows what I'll do?

All Stars...based on everywhere I check is sold out for the dates I'm coming. I even went to a local travel luck all is high.

For those of you who know Myers-Briggs, I'm a ESTJ...that means I'll only let them get so pushy before I do. I did confirm that the longest I have to stay is 90minutes to 2hours. Of course my contact at hotelkingdom assures me they aren't that bad. I guess if I go the presentation route and its terrible I'll know who to complain to.

One thing...I promise to let everyone know how it goes where ever I stay. I really - really appreciate all the feedback. If you have something to add, continue to post.

Thanks Jimi
Hey Jimi,

I just wanted to comment on your post. You were concered because people were reading it but not answering. Well I was one of those people. Your subject heading was kind of vague. I was curious what your post was about, but when I read it since I have never been to a presentation, I didn't have any advise. If your are more specific in your heading next time, then the people who might have the answers you are looking for will read it. :cool:

But since I am posting now...I would never stay there because I HATE people trying to sell me stuff.


Thanks for the advise! I'm new to this site so with the combination of excitement about going to WDW and the anxiety of making arrangements and budgeting...I guess I could have made it more clear. On another note...I wasn't complaining (if by chance you took it that way) - Clearly, I meant it as begging for help.

I really appreciate all the suggestions and comments I've been given. They are indeed valuable. I hope I didn't offend anyone by my plead. Please try to have patience with us newcomers.


Jimi:sunny: :earsgirl: :sunny: :earsgirl: :sunny: :earsgirl: :wave:
Plan,Plan, Plan. Personally I would skip the torture session but that is up to you.
I would call all the All Stars, every day, no five times a day, and wait for the lucky break.
Any chance you can change the dates?? Christmas week is the worst week to go in the entire year!! If you can back it up a couple of weeks,.............. everything is cheaper, there are small lines and you still see all the decorations. Find someone at work and say" hey, I'll take that dumb old second week of December and trade you for Chrstmas week, I just want your family to have a great Xmas!" Don't go when everyone else is going, be creative, work a plan. Just don't go Nov.10-Nov.20 when we will be there !!!
Let me tell you something ~ these people who want to sell you a time share are well trained. They know what they are doing and they can sell a mousetrap to a mouse. It is not worth the hassel or the time to sit through one of those. even if you can't afford, they will make you seem like you can. Seriously think about it ~ would you rather be in a time share meeting, or would you rather be in Disney??? Isn't that why you are travelling anyways?

Hi Jimmi -

Have you checked with Dreams Unlimited to see what kind of rates they can get you for offsite hotels? I think that for those dates you're really going to want EE and guaranteed park entry.....or try to change your dates. I've never been to Disney that week - but I've heard the stories!
I'm sorry I do not know. BUT how do you know how many people read your thread & don't respond?
For MAKmom...when you click on Budget Board...and then scroll down to find your post it is list beside it under "replies" and "views" or something similar...


Jimi- you may want to keep calling CRO.... they have people dropping reservations all the time- you still might be able to get into the All Stars if you try! Keep plugging away- you never know what can come up. Good luck!


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