Here is how you can best voice your displeasure (or approval) regarding the Genie/Genie+ Service

The loudest voices and most active fans represent a very small percentage of overall guests. Those statistics are basically meaningless, especially since nobody has actually used the new system hands-on yet. And, negative voices are generally louder than positive voices.

Anytime there's a new piece of technology, there's going to be a group of people that claim they liked the old way better, both before and after using it. Ultimately, they'll adapt and life will go on.
The only part of this I would disagree with is that the statistics are meaningless because nobody has used the new system yet. If it angers enough people enough to change their vacation plans or if it has enough people predisposed to dislike it without giving it a chance it could impact the acceptance of the system. And there's also any new customers considering a trip that see the negative PR and opt out of trip simply based on the response of the diehards either because they are concerned with the complexity or were on the fence due to the price.

As to the fact that the blowback only represents a very small percentage of guests, I agree completely. That noted, most companies don't do well spitting in the face of their most loyal customers. It seems to me Disney is counting on any reduction in customer numbers being more than offset by an increase in per guest revenue which is probably a good short-term strategy, in the long-term I'm less confident it will benefit the company and it certainly doesn't seem in line with the image the company has projected of an experience for all the people. They have made their bet and my guess is it will pay off in the short and medium-term, in the long-term I wouldn't even hazard a guess.
People react like this to EVERY single change, from minor details to major operation changes.
No doubt and the likely reality is 95% of the people saying they won't be back will but if Disney loses 5% of their customers every time they institute a new policy that angers customers that will add up. Eventually the losses will begin to outpace the increases in revenue by which time the brand could be irretrievably diminished.
Unfortunately, they've priced it so low (relatively speaking) that many will likely purchase which will mean significant increases in lines for those that don't so the customer is shafted either way, give in and pay or have your vacation diminished. They no doubt realize this and will just ride the anger wave until it subsides and they have more of everyone's money.
That assumes people know about it and can use it appropriately. Many guests didn't use FP+ when it was free. They had it all over their website, included information in it while booking packages or emailing guests, promoted it on the MDE app, etc. I was always shocked at how many people either didn't know about it or didn't realize it was free. But that is way more common in all areas of life. Many people just don't read or seek to find out everything there is to know about all sorts of stuff in general.

Same with boarding groups. I remember seeing many of guests rolling into HS around 11am only to realize that they couldn't just get in the standby line for RotR. In our minds we think, "How could you not know this?!" But the reality is that those of us here on the boards are a very small percentage of the total number of guests who visit WDW, and while we plan and learn about all the news updates, the vast majority don't really know these details (or frankly care) because they don't see or invest in WDW news like we do.

That is the reality we live in. We exist in this strange but amazing microcosm on the internet where all of us in love with Disney can come together and share ideas. We dissect every little piece of news. We make guesses about upcoming rumors or news headlines. We crunch every little number. We talk about our strategies and upcoming / past experiences. We argue about which mountain is better. We defend or crucify the dining plan. It's crazy (and I love it!). We have all of this institutional knowledge, and yet we assume everyone has what we have. But they don't, not by a long shot. So something like this that seems so major to us probably seems quite insignificant to the vast majority of people.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'm guessing they want to drive just enough people away where the parks aren't so crowded with people that guests can have a decent experience AND the company experiences larger profits. But unfortunately, that might mean pricing people out so they can make more money with fewer people.
That assumes people know about it and can use it appropriately. Many guests didn't use FP+ when it was free. They had it all over their website, included information in it while booking packages or emailing guests, promoted it on the MDE app, etc. I was always shocked at how many people either didn't know about it or didn't realize it was free. But that is way more common in all areas of life. Many people just don't read or seek to find out everything there is to know about all sorts of stuff in general.

Same with boarding groups. I remember seeing many of guests rolling into HS around 11am only to realize that they couldn't just get in the standby line for RotR. In our minds we think, "How could you not know this?!" But the reality is that those of us here on the boards are a very small percentage of the total number of guests who visit WDW, and while we plan and learn about all the news updates, the vast majority don't really know these details (or frankly care) because they don't see or invest in WDW news like we do.

That is the reality we live in. We exist in this strange but amazing microcosm on the internet where all of us in love with Disney can come together and share ideas. We dissect every little piece of news. We make guesses about upcoming rumors or news headlines. We crunch every little number. We talk about our strategies and upcoming / past experiences. We argue about which mountain is better. We defend or crucify the dining plan. It's crazy (and I love it!). We have all of this institutional knowledge, and yet we assume everyone has what we have. But they don't, not by a long shot. So something like this that seems so major to us probably seems quite insignificant to the vast majority of people.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'm guessing they want to drive just enough people away where the parks aren't so crowded with people that guests can have a decent experience AND the company experiences larger profits. But unfortunately, that might mean pricing people out so they can make more money with fewer people.
There's definitely some truth to this, in fact 2 years ago I returned to Disney for the first time in decades as a solo traveler. I was unaware of FastPass and the RotR queue because I was going with someone with Disney experience who I trusted to know about such things but he had to cancel. I only became aware when there, however, I quickly became familiar with it during the trip. Many of the novices that only learn about it during their trip will be able to add it the day of or if they deem that to be too late they can do so for future days. For $15 it will be a modest if unpleasant and unanticipated additional cost to the trip.
I mean, literally, any newspaper article anywhere in the last 18 months talking about staff shortages would probably prove the point. You would be hard pressed to find any restaurant who hasn't raised wages and/or started using hiring bonuses in the last year. are also getting paid,go in reverse in July.
I could find more if you'd like.
That's great to hear! No sarcasm, that's really great for the workers.

The article states that they are trying to increase the average by 2024, so it's not an immediate jump right now. Also, my previous post used Denmark, who made the U.S. equivalent of $22/hr at McDonald's and their Big Mac is actually CHEAPER than ours.
This means that, regardless of price raising, McDonald's CAN afford to have a lower cost burger with workers earning a high wage. They don't NEED to raise costs to cover the new wages because their business earns such an astronomical amount of money, it really doesn't make a huge difference.
THIS is how McDonald's and Disney are different than local/small businesses, they are global empires that can afford to give their customers/employees more benefits but they are closing to take away. That's the primary issue that many here are voicing, they do not need to charge us for something that never took away from profits.
That's great to hear! No sarcasm, that's really great for the workers.

The article states that they are trying to increase the average by 2024, so it's not an immediate jump right now. Also, my previous post used Denmark, who made the U.S. equivalent of $22/hr at McDonald's and their Big Mac is actually CHEAPER than ours.
This means that, regardless of price raising, McDonald's CAN afford to have a lower cost burger with workers earning a high wage. They don't NEED to raise costs to cover the new wages because their business earns such an astronomical amount of money, it really doesn't make a huge difference.
THIS is how McDonald's and Disney are different than local/small businesses, they are global empires that can afford to give their customers/employees more benefits but they are closing to take away. That's the primary issue that many here are voicing, they do not need to charge us for something that never took away from profits.
Except that 95% of McDonalds are owned individually. yes, McDonalds overall has billions of dollars of revenue each year. But individually, each store, if run optimally every single day, makes about 150K/year profit. So, no, that guy, who owns 1 McDonalds, cannot afford to raise his wages the without raising prices. He just can't. Sure, if that same guy owns 20, maybe overall, he can afford to raise them some. But you can't lump franchises in with the 5% of company owned stores as they don't all have access to that giant stream of revenue per year. Disney, Amazon, Walmart, sure. Those are all company owned entities. So in reality, McDonalds is very different than Disney, and in fact are generally local, small businesses. At least in the US.
Except that 95% of McDonalds are owned individually. yes, McDonalds overall has billions of dollars of revenue each year. But individually, each store, if run optimally every single day, makes about 150K/year profit. So, no, that guy, who owns 1 McDonalds, cannot afford to raise his wages the without raising prices. He just can't. Sure, if that same guy owns 20, maybe overall, he can afford to raise them some. But you can't lump franchises in with the 5% of company owned stores as they don't all have access to that giant stream of revenue per year. Disney, Amazon, Walmart, sure. Those are all company owned entities. So in reality, McDonalds is very different than Disney, and in fact are generally local, small businesses. At least in the US.

Yep. $150K is about average. Not much at all.
Yep. $150K is about average. Not much at all.
Especially not when you consider that the owner is prob working 60+ hrs a week and likely has 1.2-2 million worth of loans to get a business open. And the fact that it just takes one employee who comes to work sick, or one customer to come in who has norovirus who touches everything. Then a bunch of other customers get sick, because the one came in and left germs on the door, tables, etc. But the general public doesn't think about that, they will just know (because there will be 500 facebook posts on it) that x number of people got sick at that mcdonalds or what ever restaurant, and that is literally all it takes to ruin a restaurant.
I don’t think people need to wave and boast about their ability to buy their way to the front of the line for people to know about it and resent it. It’s been all over the news here, and I would guess there will be signs in the park by every queue saying pay and skip the line. Now, instead of that guest thinking “Man, look at them going to the head of the line! I am kicking myself for not planning ahead.” they will be angry with Disney for the whole pay to play system, as well as feeling resentful towards others if they can’t afford to give their kids a better experience.

In turn, this can cause a lot more negative thinking and behavior on the part of guests, and that can carry over into how guests view other up charges like BBB, and their attitudes towards other guests in general. I picture a lot of “Who do they think they are to ________” (insert squeeze into my elevator, or other similar behavior here). and then that disgruntled guest will find some way to feel superior to another guest lower on the ladder, and it goes downhill from there. I think entitlement attitude will escalate. I remember the first time I heard about a physical fight in MK over who was first in line, and thought surely that must be a one off thing. I am concerned it could become the norm as the differences between guest’s ability to experience WDW in full becomes wider.

I really hope I am wrong, and you will be free to give me an I told you so if I am, but I don’t see this being good for the overall guest experience. People are on edge lately for a lot of reasons, and I think this could provoke some really bad behavior in the parks, even if you ignore the part where I think it’s a just money grab. It all goes back to whether the guest perceives they are getting a fair deal, and I think a lot of them won’t.

I think the distinction you're making here makes perfect sense. Even if the people who paid don't make a big deal of it, everybody still knows, and it creates a negative feeling.

Here's a comparison:
I was at DCA this weekend and my daughter wanted to see Loki at Avengers Campus. She approached a cast member and asked when he would come out. She was told that it is totally random and you just have to get lucky. Immediately after that, a Plaid walks up to the cast member and asks the same question for the little girls she was touring around. The cast member immediately produced a paper spreadsheet from his pocket that identified the character schedule and told the Plaid when to bring her party back. This is the kind of thing that really makes people feel lousy. It's just all day long upcharges and separation of the rich from everybody else and it wears people out.
Disney Genie video 1: 12000 thumbs down, 927 thumbs up : a 93% disapproval rate
Disney Genie video 2: 22000 thumbs down, 1600 thumbs up : a 93% disapproval rate
Disney Genie video 3: 8200 thumbs down, 796 thumbs up : a 91% disapproval rate

as of 9/15/21 4:40pm EST

That's 42200 thumbs down, 3323 thumbs up : a 93% overall disapproval rate

I hope when actual facts and details are announced that it wont be as bad as this. In a way I sort of do hope this convoluted G+/IA$ train wreck fails. Then again, I enjoy visiting and just want to be able to plan ahead so I can sit back and enjoy my vacation seamlessly. Is that too much to ask? If it goes well I'll either adapt, or move on sadly.... blah to the execs behind this. bunch of llamas!
Well, I realize it's not a huge help - but I felt really good completing the latest survey I received (just today, about my upcoming Jan 22 trip). When asked why I might consider cancelling, I listed the various changes that have many of us feeling frustrated (entertainment cuts, G+/LL, EMH changes, etc etc).
there used to be those waiting in line who would see guests walking by with the free fastpasses and get angry. It's not exactly a rich thing. It's a "somebody got an advantage I didn't get" thing.
Kids don’t see plane seats as better or worse. They don’t see cars as nicer or not. What they do see is people getting to cut in front of them while they are sweating, hungry, and crabby. It contradicts every lesson every parent tries to teach their children of fairness and wait your turn. Do we teach our kids life isn’t fair? Sure. But every Disney movie, show, etc since birth tries to teach them that Disney is fair.
Not sure how it's not fair. It's fair because everyone has the same opportunity to purchase it or not. Great time to teach the kiddos a lesson about choice and spending what you earn on those choices. My son once asked me why I didn't drive a nice fancy car (I drive a GMC truck...always have). I told him I chose not to spend all that money on a fancy car because it just doesn't mean that much to me. So it's about choice...not about fairness.
Not sure how it's not fair. It's fair because everyone has the same opportunity to purchase it or not. Great time to teach the kiddos a lesson about choice and spending what you earn on those choices. My son once asked me why I didn't drive a nice fancy car (I drive a GMC truck...always have). I told him I chose not to spend all that money on a fancy car because it just doesn't mean that much to me. So it's about choice...not about fairness.

And to clarify no one is cutting in line of anyone else, they are simply entering the line they "paid" for. If a child is old enough to differentiate there are two different lines that have much different wait times, they are old enough to have a conversation why. I get it $15 a day per person sounds outrageous - but at Disney one is already spending a ridiculous amount of money so re-allocate. Skip snacks and sodas - my kids grew up going to Disney and not having either. As adults now they rarely buy a snack, they don't need them and they'd rather have a nicer dinner. Skip a couple table service meals, kids are fine with quick service. Skipping a character meal could cover days of Genie+. It is all about priorities and choices one makes.
They are also taking it for granted that everyone has unlimited data plans, or even smart phones for that matter.
And what of those who stay up late to attend the after parties, or go to Disney Springs for late dinner & drinks? I don’t think they will want to be up by 7am.
the previous system let them plan their fast passes later in the day so they could sleep in.
I actually don’t have a real problem with Disney charging for fast passes, I think everyone knew it was coming. But the extra charge for “premium attractions” is just wrong in so many ways.
There is zero benefit for onsite guests (except the opportunity to spend even more money before everyone else on the “premium rides”)
And do all these people seriously want to be looking at their phone all day instead of their family, friends, and the scenery around them?
Im sorry, but bad call Disney, bad call.
Have you looked around you in a Disney ride line recently? Mom's on her phone, Dad's on his phone, older kids are on their phones, and the little ones are milling around, misbehaving because they're not getting any attention from parents who think that little box in their hand is more important than their family, friends, and scenery.
Ok here's mine.......

Dear Linda,

Thank you for taking the time to email us.

I'm sorry that you're concerned about the announcement of our Disney Genie+ service. As you've frequently visited our Resort, I can understand that you've come to understand the benefits of our Disney FastPass+ service and the ability to plan for your trip. Your frustration is understandable and I sincerely apologize for your disappointment.

I hope it's some comfort to know that our Disney Genie+ service was designed to provide Guests with an improved experience and there are many details that have yet to be shared. That being said, I want you to know that we absolutely rely on input from our Guests to help us determine when the changes we make should remain ad when we should implement something different. You can rest assured that I've shared your comments with the appropriate Leadership within our Resort so that your feedback can be considered with future decisions.

Linda, thank you again for reaching out.


Emily Bristow
Sales & Solutions
Walt Disney World Resort


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