HHN find homies with your dates

So far I'm winning the prize for "Person travelling the farthest to go to HHN"

:banana: :cool1:
Alex, try to put a comma between the city, and state. I made a few mistakes. But since the nice, kind, and very helpful MacRaven, has the power. I am sure she will correct my shortcomings:goodvibes

I give up. Once again, I only entered city and state (and I have been using a friggin comma all along), and it wants me to live in sloatsburg, NY, wherever the frig that is ...
OK, figured it out. It doesn't like "P'burg, NJ." It seems that it translates it to wherever Sloatsburg is. Whatever. I now have 2 entries, so mac if you could and you feel like it, you can delete the one that says I'm a New Yorker. Good grief!
OK, figured it out. It doesn't like "P'burg, NJ." It seems that it translates it to wherever Sloatsburg is. Whatever. I now have 2 entries, so mac if you could and you feel like it, you can delete the one that says I'm a New Yorker. Good grief!

i edited it jodie.
right now it has phillipsburg nj.
is that correct?
do you want me to edit that one out also?
No, thanks, Phillipsburg is the right one (finally!) and that one can stay as is. Phew! Thanks!
If anyone's plans change, i will edit the dates on the first page.

If you do not list dates you are planning to attend HHN, I will only list your name below the date section.

If you want to do the RIP hhn tour, let me know and I will list you on the front page. If you are interested and looking for other homies to join you, this is a way to find others.

check it out as i will keep it current
OK, folks, mac is doing a super job, but it would sure make it easier on her if our homies would remember to post their dates they plan to attend HHN in the comments section when you sign the guest book! :)
OK, folks, mac is doing a super job, but it would sure make it easier on her if our homies would remember to post their dates they plan to attend HHN in the comments section when you sign the guest book! :)

I was so excited at the prospect of getting a pin on the map I forgot to add dates. Oops!

Can you put me down for 31st October pweeeease? :) We'll be there other nights, but not sure which ones yet. Ta!
I dont know when I'll be going. I think they're going to try and get us into the opening scaremonies for the podcast, but then again, thats work, so I'll probably go sometime before Hellweek....hopefully on a sunday night. Dont think we'll do a RIP tour though...though maybe we will....
We're looking forward to being there on October 31st:cool1:
Just signed the guestbook...we'll be there October 14th. My best friend who lives in California will be joining us. This will be her first HHN and our second. I can hardly wait! :goodvibes
Ok, so now my husband cant come with me. Was going to surprise him, with this trip. But, Because my loving MIL, will not watch the children. No go. I just love her, so much. :rolleyes: she has watched her grandchildren. Hmm, let me think maybe once. But, always watches her other son's children. Anyway, I just have to get over this. Wanted to take my husband for an anniversary gift, but she gave me some lame. The dates are when I take time off for my timeshare. This woman never even goes down to her timeshare but oh well. My mom, and dad have no more time to take off from work. So no go

I am thinking about cancelling now. But, then figured maybe I will ask my cousin to go with me. Because, I am way to scared to go to HHN alone. All those dark corners, oh hell no. I cannot do it alone, and most of my girlfriends, are uninterested. So, now I am teetering on what to do.


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