Hillary's Christmas Wedding PJ/Disneymoon@WL!**UPDATE 1/10! ***

Hey Hillary,

I think I've peeked in a few times and I've just finished your whole TR. I have to say that everything leading up to your wedding was amazing and the few pictures you have are beatiful. You made a gorgeous bride and I can't wait to read you TR. Congratulations!! :goodvibes
I'm so glad to see a few of your pics Hillary! Everything looked fantastic and I can't wait to read your TR!! Congratulations! :)
Great pics Hillary! You looked very happy!:dance3:

Congratulations and I can't wait to see more pics and read your TR!
Hi guys!! :santa:

I hope everyone is having a wooonderful holiday, I just wanted to jump on here and say I haven't disappeared or anything, just haven't had time to update much.

I have finally uploaded all of my pictures on our computer, including honeymoon, and then we got our professional pictures back yesterday so I have SO MUCH to share!! Just with Christmas and all, and finishing up shopping and wrapping and unpacking and EVERYTHING, I just haven't had time. But I am going to TRY to get started before the end of the year. We are going out of town next weekend so I really want to start before then.

I know some of you have seen some pictures already on my myspace, haha. But I have MORE, I took almost 400 pics in Florida so trust me, it will be good.

I will be back soon, just wanted to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS, hope you all have a great one!!
I am totally jealous that you and your husband all ready have your professional pictures back, I got married the day before you and my husband and I won't be able to see our professional pics until after the first of the year.:sad: So you are lucky that you all ready have those. Congrats again your marriage! I have started my TR if you are interested.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Can't wait to hear all about the wedding and Disneymoon. I will admit I peeked at your pictures on myspace...I couldnt resist! :goodvibes
Hi everyone!!! I hope everyone had a VERY MERRY Christmas!!! I'm sorry I've been completely missing lately, but GAH, it's been crazy. We got back last Tuesday night from the honeymoon, and then I had to finish Christmas shopping, unpack, get our apt back in order, get my name change stuff done, and then we had family get togethers and a wedding to go to this past weekend. BUT I've finally got a little bit of time, before we leave Friday for my grandparent's house in Mississippi! Soooo, let the trip report begin!!

I am going to start with all the wedding stuff first, and then I'll prob start a new thread over on the trip reports board. But I didn't want to post all the wedding pictures there, so enjoy! I have a TON, you all will probably be TIRED of me soon. And it will prob take a few installments to get them all done!

Rehearsal evening...

that's Andy's mom in purple, and her sister and niece in the background. The lady in red is Beth, the wedding director, she was amazing. LOVED her.


my family. thats my hot brother to the left, and then my mom, and then my dad's parents, then my dad. This picture makes me happy.


we all look so thrilled huh?



lovely. So there ya go...the only 4 pictures that I know of from our rehearsal dinner. It was FUN though. Patrick (Andy's brother) did this crazy speech about how our ringtones for each other were "Dont Stop Believin" by Journey, and how sick of it he was after hearing Andy's phone ring. Then he sang it. And danced. It was hilarious. Our families were a little confused, namely my grandparents...but it was hilarious to everyone else, b/c they know the meaningfulness of it. And the song comes up again later...


Elizabeth and Christy insisted on coming to watch me get my hair done. They were hysterically wound up, all the ladies in the shop were cracking up...they acted more excited than I was. But I was TIRED, after getting no sleep all week, and stressed. Thus the ugly faces...





the veil...



all done!! I loved LOVED my hair. At first when she finished I wasn't sure, but I ended up LOVING it. And I love it in pictures, which is the big test. I tend to hate it when I see it in pictures later. Everyone commented on it too. It was so LONG and took forever. But its gone now...I chopped it all off the day after we got home, I couldnt wait. So it's now right above my shoulders. My wife cut I suppose.
and then I don't have anymore of us getting ready. We all got ready at the B&B the reception was at, Rosemary Hall. My mom got a room, the biggest one there by the way, that Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow stayed in when he was here a few years ago for the Tour de Georgia...anyway...Andy and I stayed there that night as well. But we had tons of room and space for all of us to get ready and all. Then we took pictures there, since I didn't have time to do bridal portraits beforehand. Here's a few of mine, and then the boys at the church..





my family at the church


me and my daddy


before ceremony, getting ready...



ast minute getting ready at the church.


our flowers, they were AMAZING.


I wanted peonies, but the lady who did my flowers, who is a very close family friend, told me not to count on it, they're out of season and hard to find. So she ended up finding them, and surprised me with them. I had no idea what I was going to have, I left all the flowers up to her. They were all ridiculously amazing, we got compliments all night, and she booked THREE weddings that night, from guests who kept talking to her at the reception.


signing my life away!! Me with Bob, the preacher, right before the big walk down the aisle!!

the church. There were shepeards hooks along the railing with candles, and also on the sides. And greenery and ribbon going up the railing as well.

one of the candles outside


the BEAUTIFUL tree in the church


the entry table






one last look..










Ok I am going to have to stop here. sheesh, that's alot. I will add more tommorow, I am about to fall asleep here!!!
Beautiful pictures. I can't wait to see more and hear more about the whole trip!

Get some sleep, but post, post, post....hehehehe:rotfl:
Wow Hillary, I have just gone through your whole report and it was a wonderful journey to share with you!! Congratulations on becoming a Mrs!!! Your photos are just lovely and you look so happy! Your dress is beautiful as are you.

Congratulations and many blessings to you and Andy!

Hillary the pictures are beautiful! I love the one with you and Andy at the railing and the one of you and your dad before walking down the asile. You all look so happy!!! Congratulations girl!!! :hug:
hillary, everything looked beautiful! most important though, you looked like you had FUN! i love the speech at your rd, that is so funny!!! your dad looks so sweet! i really like your bm dresses, they looked fantastic with the flowers! congratulations!


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