How bad is June, really?

The first Saturday in June is unofficially 'Gay Day' and it's a weekend event. MK will be SUPER crowded until after the parade when many of the attendees go home to disco nap and be ready for night time partying.

I remember one time we went and it was 107 degrees waiting for the parade. I thought I was going to pass out, but I wouldn't have fallen down because the crowds were so tight, they would have kept me propped up.

After that weekend, the crowds pick up as schools let out. I don't know if the Brazillian Tour Groups start in June or July. If June, ugh... just no.
DH and I are both teachers, so we have no choice but to go during school breaks.

As a high school teacher, who also is an summer college adjunct, the open windows for traveling are very limited. When we first began planning our first trip to WDW we looked at Christmas, February, and April Breaks, all of which have peak crowds in the parks. We did look at the beginning of August and were told that is even hotter than June. We are preparing for the 3 Hs: heat, humidity, and humans. :-) afternoon breaks around the pool and napping in air conditioning will be a daily plan. We are also bringing cooling cloths. Frogg Togg as good ones.
When we had a FP+ reservation cancelled at Animal kingdom, because Everest wasn't working, we had a new FP+ to anything else in the park.
It was very hot and very crowded. Don't know any other way to say it! And, for us, there was further disappointment....our ideal time to go is the first part of November and we LOVE the water parks. The water parks are like absolute dream parks in November. Well! They are a whole different story in June. Sooooo crowded and not nearly as much fun as they are in November.

So, that whole situation compounded our disappointment with going in June.

If going during that hot, busy time is all you know, then it is what it is. But if you have gone during cooler, less busy times and then you go in June -- whoa! Look out!::yes::

It is all about perspective...being a Houston girl, I would have no problem with the weather all summer but the thought of swimming in Novemeber.....brrrrr! I can't even imagine! I would freeze!
Yes, the crowds increase day by day from the first week of June on, however the storms do break up the crowds.

Plan for the storms, pack cheap thin flip flops in a back pack and slip those on before the storms start. Then later you can put your tennis shoes back on. Soggy feet in humid weather is a bad combo. We carry small umbrellas and rain ponchos. This year we are bringing long rain coats to help us stay dry. We were so cold 2 summers ago when we got wet and then sat in the arctic air conditioning in every ride and show. If you have a stroller cover it every single time you leave it unattended. Those pop up showers are swift and soaking.

We actually prefer to go during Gay Days. There are crowds in the parks but the rides had short lines. Hopefully this summer will be similar to what we experienced 2 summers ago.
Yes June is Hot, Humid and more crowded than May, September or November. We've been every month of the year. June is not my favorite but I would do June over July or August. Or even early September (love bug season!). If you plan for the afternoon showers you'll find that often the parks clear out a bit during the rain and of course the rain has a limited cooling effect (though it doesn't last long). A mid day break is a good idea especially as the parks are open so much longer in the summer. I am hopeful when we go this year (June 7) it will be a bit less crowded as many schools in the snowy areas have many days to make up this year. This will be our 3rd or 4th June trip. Drink lots of water. We freeze bottles overnight and they're completely thawed by 11am but still mostly cold.
We vacationed at Disney the first two weeks of June for years. Loved it. Crowds aren't bad. Heat isn't bad either, but I'm guessing it depends where you're from. IMO, the first two weeks of September is hotter than the first two weeks in June, but that may be because by then, I'm just tired of the heat and can't take much more.
I've seen many posts throughout these threads about dealing with the summer heat and humidity. However, I have yet to read anything about insects. Are mosquitos and other insects a problem? Should we bring repellant to apply with the sunscreen? What about insects in your rooms? WDW is surrounded by swamps, I assume insects must be an issue.
I've seen many posts throughout these threads about dealing with the summer heat and humidity. However, I have yet to read anything about insects. Are mosquitos and other insects a problem? Should we bring repellant to apply with the sunscreen? What about insects in your rooms? WDW is surrounded by swamps, I assume insects must be an issue.

I can't recall mosquitoes around the parks or hotels. You don't need repellant. We saw a lot of crickets, not a lot of roaches, and only 1 spider after all the years we've been visiting WDW.
We are preparing for the 3 Hs: heat, humidity, and humans. :-)

:rotfl2: Priceless

It is all about perspective...being a Houston girl, I would have no problem with the weather all summer but the thought of swimming in Novemeber.....brrrrr! I can't even imagine! I would freeze!

I'm the same. My pool-loving daughter who just doesn't feel the cold might actually have a hope of seeing me in the pool a bit more this summer!

I can't recall mosquitoes around the parks or hotels. You don't need repellant. We saw a lot of crickets, not a lot of roaches, and only 1 spider after all the years we've been visiting WDW.

We've never had a bug problem at WDW. Interesting fact: in summer at home it's common to see spiders in the bathtub in our house. No idea why but we do. I have yet to actually see a bug at WDW aside from ladybugs and lovebugs and of course the crickets :)
WE too are limited when we can go. I work for the school disrict and this is the only time we can go. DS and DD will be graduating HS next year (2015) so after they walk, we will be going. We get out in May, so looks like early June, here we excited!!!
Just be prepared. Your experience has been in September and June is totally different. We usually go in Sept/Oct and went in June last year…we will never go back in the summer. It was miserable for us. I know it's only because we were spoiled with lower crowd months and I just didn't prepare myself for the crowds. As long as you go in knowing it will be more crowded and plan accordingly, I'm sure you will have a great time.

Ditto! We almost always do September. I can handle the heat but I would rather not go to disney during the summer crowds and just won't do it anymore. As an adult, I've never been when crowd levels are above four, but I know some people don't have the luxury of choosing off peak times. Honestly, I am not sure I would go during peak times if it was free. I just can't handle the crowds! However, if that is the only time you can go, I think a good touring plan and RD would make a huge difference. I wouldn't wing it in June.
I agree with the thought that if you go into it knowing what to expect, it isn't bad because you are not caught off-guard....

We went last July after MUCH hesitation as we read a lot of "NEVER AGAIN IN JUNE/ JULY" posts... We had always been in cooler weather (relatively speaking for FL) up to that point. We went prepared for awful crowds, awful heat, etc... It wasn't too bad, just required more planning.... Definitely not a trip to "wing it". Out the door for RD, back at the hotel by noon-1:00, then out later at night to casually take in another park if we felt like it.

Conserve energy and drink lots of water. OH, and we an the opposite way of the Tour Groups- that's the ONLY time we ran!!!! LOL

We had a great time :) Enough of a great time that this New Englander and her posse is going back again this July!!! :goodvibes
It is all about perspective...being a Houston girl, I would have no problem with the weather all summer but the thought of swimming in Novemeber.....brrrrr! I can't even imagine! I would freeze! Yes, the crowds increase day by day from the first week of June on, however the storms do break up the crowds.

Plan for the storms, pack cheap thin flip flops in a back pack and slip those on before the storms start. Then later you can put your tennis shoes back on. Soggy feet in humid weather is a bad combo. We carry small umbrellas and rain ponchos. This year we are bringing long rain coats to help us stay dry. We were so cold 2 summers ago when we got wet and then sat in the arctic air conditioning in every ride and show. If you have a stroller cover it every single time you leave it unattended. Those pop up showers are swift and soaking.

We actually prefer to go during Gay Days. There are crowds in the parks but the rides had short lines. Hopefully this summer will be similar to what we experienced 2 summers ago.

what a great idea with the flip flops - never thought about it and will definitely do this on our June trip!:)
We wear our flips the whole time. If you can walk in hem, forget tennis shoes all together. Your tootsies will remain cool all day ;)
We wear our flips the whole time. If you can walk in hem, forget tennis shoes all together. Your tootsies will remain cool all day ;)

Flip flops won't work for us, not enough support for all that walking. We haven't purchased anything yet, but we have been looking at hiking or running shoes that wick away the sweat, are vented for breathability, and can get wet. Something light weight and low on the ankle.
Flip flops won't work for us, not enough support for all that walking. We haven't purchased anything yet, but we have been looking at hiking or running shoes that wick away the sweat, are vented for breathability, and can get wet. Something light weight and low on the ankle.

Teva Sandals. Bought some last year for our DCL cruise. Great support.
I agree with the thought that if you go into it knowing what to expect, it isn't bad because you are not caught off-guard....

We went last July after MUCH hesitation as we read a lot of "NEVER AGAIN IN JUNE/ JULY" posts... We had always been in cooler weather (relatively speaking for FL) up to that point. We went prepared for awful crowds, awful heat, etc... It wasn't too bad, just required more planning.... Definitely not a trip to "wing it". Out the door for RD, back at the hotel by noon-1:00, then out later at night to casually take in another park if we felt like it.

Conserve energy and drink lots of water. OH, and we an the opposite way of the Tour Groups- that's the ONLY time we ran!!!! LOL

We had a great time :) Enough of a great time that this New Englander and her posse is going back again this July!!! :goodvibes

I love your positive attitude!!! :) The bottom line is that if it was that awful, NO one would do it. Hundreds of thousands flock to Disney over the summer for magical vacations :) I'm nervous but we're trying to set expectations and be prepared!
That is exactly what my husband says - if it was so absolutely horrendously impossible to go in June, the parks would be empty because no one would do it. :-) Our attitude going into this trip is that it's going to be hot, it's going to be humid, and it's going to be crowded, period. We will plan so that we have the best time possible.
We are going again this June-July. Yup . . we are teachers! June is hot but the parks are all open late. When you go in the fall there is no time for pool breaks and water parks. June 2012 we were there for Storm Debbie. Unbelievable rain for 3 straight days. We have never done The 4th. of July before, so this should be fun!:dance3:
I've only ever gone in the summer, so I can't really compare very well, but I think June is just fine! July is fine too! It's hot and crowded, but you know what to do- rope drop, leave for a rest break midday- it will be awesome! Also, if you are heat-sensitive (I tend to be), pick up one of those cooling towels (name escapes me right now).. I always take mine. You just run it under water and drape it on your neck. It cools you as the water evaporates. An hour later if you get warm, just stop off in the restroom and dampen it again. I think they're absolute lifesavers, personally. Just put them in a Ziploc in your bag. Have fun!


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