how did you choose your username for the dis?

Mine is part of one of my favorite movie quotes from Star Wars :

[R2-D2 and Chewbacca are playing the holographic game aboard the Millennium Falcon]
Chewbacca: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh
C-3PO: He made a fair move. Screaming about it can't help you.
Han Solo: Let him have it. It's not wise to upset a Wookie.
C-3PO: But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid.
Han Solo: That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookies are known to do that.
Chewbacca: Grrf.
C-3PO: I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the Wookie win.

I used one of my World Of Warcraft Toon's names cause I am oh so original. The first time I picked it for the toon I got it off of a bottle of perfume from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.
If you don't mind me asking... Which realm do you play on? I have a lvl 70 Gnome Warrior on Kirin Tor, and my DH has a lvl 70 hunter.
Its the same as my Yahoo! Answers account that I use to help in the Orlando Section :P
The name is based off a certain internet joke.
There used to be a restaurant at the Polynesian called the Tangaroa Terrace and they had the best breakfast!! Anyway my favorite tiki on the property was outside the Tangaroa Terrace - TangaroaTiki :goodvibes
What a good idea for a thread. :thumbsup2

The first part, well, you already know what the first part means.

The second part, "Padawan" is from the Star Wars movies. A Padawan is someone who is training and learning to be a Jedi. :darth:

I based my entire name on the fact that I really don't know everything I want to know about Disney, yet. So in essence, I'm always learning something knew. I never quite learn everything I really want to know, unless I become an Imagineer.

To me, that's when you truly become a Jedi. A Disney Jedi that is. :laughing:
Well, I'm pretty sure everyone knows what WDW is. As for DJ it just happens to be mine and my girlfriends initials....Dwain & Juanita.
When I took up power walking a few years ago with the goal of being able to do the Disney Marathon I got a sticker for my car the had a cute stick figure girl that said WalkerGirl. Adding Disney to that seemed perfect. :cool1:
Ya mine is totally stupid like others tried to put in different names and they were taken. Got tired after the 20th time and came up with Runwad. Cause I have 3 kids active in sports and I'm always running around the town we live in. Stupid I know my husband always teases me when he see's it because it reminds him of dipwad and dumbwad.:rotfl:
Ya mine is totally stupid like others tried to put in different names and they were taken. Got tired after the 20th time and came up with Runwad. Cause I have 3 kids active in sports and I'm always running around the town we live in. Stupid I know my husband always teases me when he see's it because it reminds him of dipwad and dumbwad.:rotfl:

i get the run part, is wad the name of your town?!
my name AnotherCDNDad since that is what I am I guess! I figured, there are quite a few other Canadians on here, that might be going around the time we are, and hence be researching similar things and have some answers that affect that time slot. Can't be more specific than that I guess.
A few initials and I'm in nursing school. Seemed to make sense at 4 am.
Well, I'm originally from New York, and DH & I are huge Yankee fans, and I'm a girl! So I've been using this for years!!


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