How Do You Use Your OwnersLocker?

I just recently used the "Owner's Locker" and while I didn't fill it to capacity, I was happy to leave items behind that I know I'll need for my next trip in May.

Ditto on most of the items that some of you have listed and I also added a few beach towels to the box that I like to have on my trips.

As far as cost goes, I'll see how that works out for me, I did want to mention that I mailed home 2 boxes from my last trip and they ran over $40 and there wasn't much souvenier-wise in those boxes but just extra clothes I had taken along for my cruise part of my trip.
Now, I really like the idea of the Christmas Locker.

Hey Debloco,
How about this? Here's a photo of the prototype Christmas Locker that we have in the pipeline. It has a divider down the middle and it would come with a high quality 4 1/2 foot tree that fits on one side of the Locker and the other side would have space for your decorations. We're also working on a smaller Christmas Locker that will come with a 3 foot tree. This is still in the design stage so we don't have a feel for cost yet, but we're with you on the idea! What do you think?


p.s. lunch pail Bob, see post 24 for pricing info
Hey, I see they have pantiliners and tampax in there.

If I have to pack those, I'm not GOING on vacation...

but I don't think anybody put them on the list.

Maybe you wouldn't be going on vacation, but it sure could mess up a vacation if you got "surprised" without any supplies. Multiply out the number of females on a given trip and you up the odds. Believe me, husbands do NOT like to run out to a store at midnight looking for these! :lmao:
I personally have found OwnersLockers to be very, very useful, if you catch my drift. ;)


And quite comfy too......
Hi ReneeQ,

In mid-January, we asked for applications here on The DIS for people to become our Beta Trial Members. We were swamped with applications and we filled our quota of 100 in a little over a week. So I'm sorry that we're no longer offering Trial Memberships in Owner's Locker. We chose folks who come to Orlando often and (importantly) who were coming soon. This business is seriously more complicated than it looks and we wanted to fully test everything before we offered to the general public. We also wanted to solicit feedback from our Beta Trial Members so we could come closer to getting everything right before we formally launch.

Here we are at the start of Feb and we have already delivered over 50 Lockers to our Beta Trial Members and we have 10-15 Lockers out at the resorts at any one time. The test is going great and we are learning soooooo much. We gave a locker to our Trial members which is theirs to keep and we are giving them free storage and unlimited free deliveries for a two year period. We want to push the system to the max (let me tell you, there are a couple of Lockers that ought to have odometers on them already!)and pick up feedback on absolutely every aspect of Owner's Locker so it will be the best we can make it when we launch.

While the offer for Trial Memberships is closed, you can go to our website and register your interest and we'll notify you when we're about to launch. And I'm sure we'll have some sort of grand opening promotion that we'll offer to the people who have signed up prior to launch.

Thanks for answering! I somehow missed all the talk about signing up for the trial. I TRY to get to Disney twice a year, but some years it's just once. Then again, some years it's three times. We do live close enough to drive, so usually bring everything we need. But I find the whole locker idea just fascinating.

I wish you the best of luck with your locker business!
Owner's Locker is also looking toward larger units, for things like winter coats and golf clubs. I was chosen as a Beta tester, too:goodvibes and was excited enough to write and ask about the items I mentioned. After last trip, when I pulled the clubs, and wrecked my back, I would pay about anything to avoid that again!;) By the way, storage is $12.50 per month, and delivery to the hotel(after the first time) is $30.
Owner's Locker is also looking toward larger units, for things like winter coats and golf clubs. I was chosen as a Beta tester, too:goodvibes and was excited enough to write and ask about the items I mentioned. After last trip, when I pulled the clubs, and wrecked my back, I would pay about anything to avoid that again!;) By the way, storage is $12.50 per month, and delivery to the hotel(after the first time) is $30.

This is good news, would love to store 2 strollers there as well. (We hate to lug them around the Airport).
I have already posted most of this message on the operations thread for Owner's Locker. We were thrilled to be chosen as a tester for the locker. The locker was delivered as promised, we were notified at check in that it had been delivered. The locker looks very roomy but you will be surprised at how fast you can fill it. Like Doc's, the cover on our locker was pressed to close and secured with a lock. There were a few items we didn't have room to leave. By the time we arrived home from the airport there was an email telling us our locker was back in storage.

John and Brian have been great in the communication department. All questions were answered very promptly.

Most of the items we left are duplicates of items listed so far. I also left makeup and curling iron and a set of underwear (I have been in Florida while my luggage enjoyed a night in Dallas and found it miserable to start my vacation without the necessary items to begin the day). I also left a small soft sided cooler for day trips, sudoku book and paperback, and a small cross stitch kit (not that I am in the room long enough to use any of them). Could have used some of those items last year when my husband was sick for the whole time we were in Old Key West.

Was anyone / everyone else notified at check in that their locker had been delivered ? I had to go down to bell services to find my box?
Was anyone / everyone else notified at check in that their locker had been delivered ? I had to go down to bell services to find my box?

THis is quite typical, we had to ask for our (Already delivered) grocerys in december.


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