How many times have you had COVID?

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Zero. My dd is the only one in our house to have had it, at least a confirmed case.
We were all sick in early May with COVID symptoms including fever. I don't remember the last time an illness spread through the whole house, if ever.
3 of us tested ourselves and came up negative. Maybe the test didn't detect it and it was COVID, who knows.
This whole thread has me knocking on wood all throughout the house!!!
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My doctor and I believe I had it in January 2020 (not confirmed but symptoms and long covid issues make it likely).

I tested positive this morning. I just felt, off, and sure enough got a faint pink line.
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Once for DH and myself. We're both vaxxed and boosted. I'm jealous of the people who have mild symptoms! We both had chills, fevers, fatigue among other things. I'm still coughing and short of breath weeks later. It was unlike any other sickness I've ever had! It was horrible. ODS and his GF had it in Jan, both vaxxed but hadn't gotten their boosters yet. ODS was sick in bed for 2 weeks, his GF had a mild case. YDS who is vaxxed and boosted hasn't had it yet
Twice. Vaxxed and boosted between the two. Everyone in my family faired better on the second except me. I'm starting to suspect I don't build immunity. I can't maintain immunity for measles either.
Once. A confirmed case just a few weeks before the vaccine became available.
Zero- I’ve traveled, my DH travels weekly, no one in our family has had it. We’re all vaxed. However, right before the initial lockdown, I got really sick, thought it was bronchitis, treated for that since Covid wasn’t a “thing” so I’m betting I posdi may have had it.
Never had it. The only one in the whole family was my older daughter who’s a teacher so not a shocker. Really haven’t restricted ourselves and just took normal precautions during the worst parts -had Pfizers and 2nd booster before my trip to WDW in late May. At 59 I feel as good as I’ve ever felt …keep ‘‘em coming as far as I’m concerned 😂
None. Not one member of my 4 person family has had it. Brother and his family has.
I know we do not have antibodies, we have tested for them
I have suspect we may have some type of natural immunity? No idea, not something we can prove I suppose?
I know positively we’ve been exposed more than once
DH and I have traveled extensively over the past 2 years and outside required mask wearing, do not mask and do not take any precautions.
We have all had all vaccines and boosters as they came available to each of our age groups. None of us carry any high risks
None. Not one member of my 4 person family has had it. Brother and his family has.
I know we do not have antibodies, we have tested for them
I have suspect we may have some type of natural immunity? No idea, not something we can prove I suppose?
I know positively we’ve been exposed more than once
DH and I have traveled extensively over the past 2 years and outside required mask wearing, do not mask and do not take any precautions.
We have all had all vaccines and boosters as they came available to each of our age groups. None of us carry any high risks
Yeah …I work in a relatively small office group of 10 people. I’m the only one who hasn’t had it for sure. So who knows…
Yeah …I work in a relatively small office group of 10 people. I’m the only one who hasn’t had it for sure. So who knows…
Same here. Small office, about 20 people. Most work as techs in the field. Maybe 10 come and go from the office. Most have have it. Most recently was my immediate boss, the owner. Last week.
So work isn’t really where I’d be in contact with many. It’s football games (100k) basketball games, (50k) baseball games (4k) and the like. Plus flights, theme parks, dining out, etc.
Once, kid got it tested positive and we didn't attempt to isolate a 4 year old and just took the free booster.
Zero that I know of. I don't get sick often. I was sick only once these last 2 years, for the evening and the following day which is typical for me, both the once in 2 years and starting to feel it in the evening and being down the following day and perfectly fine and functioning the 2nd day.

Except for over Christmas 2019. I was sicker than I'd ever been. Went on for 2 weeks. Couldn't sleep, couldn't lay down, couldn't eat. I couldn't breathe.
This isn’t directed at anybody; just anecdotal for me and some of the people I know who have had it recently. Many of us are testing positive 2 days after symptoms start and 4-5 days from exposure. I actually tested negative that morning (day 4 from exposure and day 2 of symptoms) and it lit up within seconds that afternoon. So timing on testing does matter in catching it, so if people are only testing once, they may miss it. I also only had 2 days of mild symptoms, none of which lasted more than 1/2 day on their own. Had I not known I was exposed and testing regularly, I would have never thought it was Covid.

For those who truly have avoided it, I commend you! I made it 2.5 years before getting it and the outbreak the size we had in my classroom, it was a total crapshoot on who got it and who didn’t. I was one of the unlucky ones.
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