How to turn a romantic, affordable trip for 2 into a ruckus.


Our first park day was a blast! We enjoyed checking out Fantasyland for the first time since the big expansion. The Festival of Fantasy parade was in it's first week (?) and we thought it was outstanding. By the time it was over we were feeling pretty worn down and sticky so we walked back to the resort to relax and shower. As we headed back toward MK for BOG Dinner, DD1 calls.

Her "boyfriend," that I only recently learned about, broke up with her for the second time in a month. And she filled me in on the not-so-magical details. As all moms know, when your child's heart breaks, so does yours. I do my best to reassure her that there is, indeed, someone that's just right for her and tell her I'm looking forward to he joining us in 3 days! (Of course, I have the perfect guy in mind, but no one listens to me!)

By this time, we are magic banding our way back into MK as DD2 calls to tell us it's snowing like crazy at home. And she gives us this whole dramatic sob story meant to make us feel guilty. We don't feel sorry for her -even a tiny bit.

We enjoy the heck out of our meals at BOG. I had the pork, he had steak. I realized I was shoveling my food into my mouth like a farm hand. I'm not sure if I was super hungry after all the walking or if it was because it was so delicious but I hadn't eaten with this much enthusiasm since I was breast feeding.

Afterward, we were the first and only ones in line to get some pictures with beast and as we waited the photographer snapped some photos of us "messing with" Beast's stuff...sitting in his chair, peeking in his fireplace, etc.

Then he came out and the photog snitched on us and Beast pretended to be annoyed. Then we did photos and let me tell you I got an awkwardly long and tight hug from that Beast. Like...really a grab and a hug followed by a squeeze and possibly a slight beastly twerk. Man, I love that place!

After that, as if I wasn't excited enough, practically all the attractions in Famtasyland were walk-on. So since we had 3 more MK days planned we just hung out and rode and rode. And we barely felt bad at all that we had one kid with a broken heart and ditched the other two in a Midwest blizzard.

The next day, hubby had to go to the conference so I hung out around the resort, taking photos for my painting projects and watching the boats cruise by our room. I loved it. And I snapped many to text to my daughters.

I also took this little Fisher Price security bunny we had and placed him subtly around the room so he barely showed up in the photos. Our middle daughter had 2 of these as a child (correction: she still has AND loves them)and when we found one in eBay, we brought it along with us. We planned to use it to photobomb her all over WDW until she caught us. So, I kinda took some some flat Stanley style photos with him.

I met DH and DGS at the contempo cafe for lunch. We shared an awesome St Pat theme cupcake which I was thoroughly enjoying until, for some reason, the lemon/lime combo made me think of Lemon/lime Barbasol shave cream in the yellow can. That probably spared me 200 calories!

After the conference we went to DTD and then to Cali Grill for a special dinner for two. I envisioned it as romantic and special and what would end up being the highlight of the parents-only portion of the trip.

I don't want to get overly negative in the TR but it was not a good time. It was like karma was punishing me for feeling smug about missing out on the 6 inches of snow my kids had to deal with at home and on campus. Or, maybe, I just secretly wanted to go party with the Beast again.

Oh well. Tried it. Crossed it off the Disney Bucket Lust Bucket list.
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Having more posting and photo issues so here are a few photos that go with the last TR entry.

The only time hubby didn't look too large for a chair.

The Barbasol Cupcake

Whenever the girls would send a group text, complaining about the snow, I would tell them I was looking forward to them joining us and good luck on finals. I would include a photo of sunny, warm Florida with a cameo appearance by the new Security Bunny. -they were always called "raggies" by my daughter. The other girls were aware of the new Raggy so they enjoyed the photos. Elizabeth (DD2) never noticed

Can you spot "nu-Raggy?"
Subbing in! Love your story! Keep it up! My girls had those Fisher Price Security Bunnies when they were small. The oldest (30+) still has 3 pink ones--Flopsy, Mopsy, & Cottontail. Don't get me started on why she had 3....
Thursday, 3/13/14
The last day for DH and I to have that special Couple time.

Of course the conference is going on so he needs to go to that. I did a couple loads of wash and enjoyed watching the boats go by our room. My favorite is when the little pirate kids come by. If I'm close enough for them to see me, sometimes they wave. And I think about how creepy it is the little kids are boating by looking and waving into peoples' hotel rooms. I give myself the willies and shut the curtains.

I write out the Fairy Godmailer cards that I promised to send to a Dis-er's children (cause that's not creepy at all) and mail them in the lobby. I decide there is, perhaps, a fine line between pixie dust and creepy.

I look in the CR gift shops for the Mary Blair inspired phone case I saw on Pinterest. Later I learn it's no longer made. Then I meet DH for lunch and DGS joins us again and he gives me some photography tips, which I greatly appreciate and quickly forget. When they return to the conference I head out to take photos.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I can't remember what I did all afternoon. I probably used my non-MaryBlair-adorned phone to read these boards and use MDE. Did I mention that we had no problems, whatsoever with the magic bands?

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I have a fastpass window for Soarin' rapidly approaching followed by reservations at DH's all-time favorite, Biergarten.

Finally, DH returns to the room and we head out. As we walk down the corridor he tells me, "oh yeah, I invited DGS to come with us."

He thinks I have a problem with this but I do not. I like the kid. I mean- the young man. The problem is that dinner and FP reservations have been made for two! I'm able to add him to our reservation by calling the number. But there are no Soarin' fast passes left at this late hour. On the monorail, DGS tells me that he has never been to Epcot. And that his parents took him to Disneyland once when he was tiny, for one day.

So, knowing we have another whole week and DGS has only one park day left, I trade magic bands with him and he and DH go on Soarin. And I head over to World Showcase and take photos as I make my way to Germany to check in for our reservations. They meet me just in time for dinner and it is delicious as usual. This is my time to enjoy foods just like my Grandma used to make. My favorites include pickled beets (which my grandma used to pickle hard boiled eggs), braunschweiger, (dad's favorite) sauerkraut, (very authentic. A server once told me they have it shipped in from Bavaria) and pickled herring and Rouladen. It's comfort food and it's nostalgia. And it's really quite good.

DGS has never had German food and he loves it. He takes a photo of his plate and sends it to his mom who always worries he's not eating enough. The linebacker-sized guy seated next to DH is giddy, raving about all the glorious MEATS available on the buffet, in between beer gulps. He and DH bond over the joys of Rouladen, carving station slabs, schnitzels and various wursts. I'm thinking they are just a couple chest thumps away from starting a belching contest so I push to leave even though I know DH is considering a second dessert.

We spend the remaining hour serving as tour guide for DGS and we are both happy to do it. Then we find a good spot for Illuminations.
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Oh, dear, my goodness! I had to stop reading to write! Are you a long-lost sorority sister??? I am so LOL. Annd my DH, younger of our two princesses, and I are Purdue alums. The older princess was misguided and, in an attempt to avoid our influence, chose to go to IU (gasp)! Ok, I have to continue reading now ..... Write on!
Oh, dear, my goodness! I had to stop reading to write! Are you a long-lost sorority sister??? I am so LOL. Annd my DH, younger of our two princesses, and I are Purdue alums. The older princess was misguided and, in an attempt to avoid our influence, chose to go to IU (gasp)! Ok, I have to continue reading now ..... Write on!

Well, Boiler up, girlfriend! I was not Greek but DD2 is. DD3 overslept on first day of rush rounds and I don't have to tell you how that turned out.
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Oh, AND, I really like the example painting you posted. Do you have items available for purchase? You can PM me. Thanks.
Awww!! That's so sweet, you gave DGS your FP for Soarin'!! :thumbsup2
You have an awesome username. As a result, I am subscribing to your trip report.

Pretty effective marketing strategy, eh?
I would love to see your paintings, could you PM me as well? I am loving this report!
Friday, March 14. The "children" arrive.

Ok, I admit it. By this time, I was positively giddy with excitement that my daughters were going to arrive. The Disney as a couple thing was fun but honestly, for us, it's a little more fun when the girls are with us-even now that they are grown ups. We both agree that they kind of amp up the excitement by getting into things like meeting characters, taking selfies with characters, discussing which of them is pretty enough (or not) to play a face character and cute guys working at Norway and Aloha Isle. They also crack jokes, fake fight, real fight, spend money and pout. We missed them terribly.

My husband was at the conference all day so my plan was that he and I would not have a park day. For whatever reason, the most days you could get on a conference ticket is 8 days. We'd never had more than 4-6 days in the World before so we were loving it. Eight days was fine!

The two younger girls, due in at 6-ish, would have a park day available and I was sure they would spend the evening at the Magic Kingdom. Our oldest who was driving down after work would buy herself a FL resident ticket upon arrival and she wasn't sure if she'd meet the others at the park or not.

My plan was to tidy up the room so it looked nice, which involved doing more laundry (hey-it's what I do) and preparing the ...umm... Well....

Ok. Ok. We bought the girls/women goody bags. Ok? I admit it.

I had some little Minnie Mouse gift bags that I'd picked up at the Target Valentines clearance. Ok. Busted again! Not only did I make adult women loot bags, but I had been working on them a month. Give me a break, people. I'm suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome.
A brief word about Dole Whip Proportionality
The total height of your Dole Whip is in direct proportion to how cute the dole Whip Guy thinks you are.

In other words, "my Dole whip was ginormous and yours was puny cause you're the ugly one."

At this point in the trip, I really got a phenomenal demonstration of just how magical Magic Bands are! Thanks to modern technology, the girls stepped off the Magic Express at about 6:00 and were in Adventureland, eating enormous Dole whips for dinner by 6:30.

And I was in the room, sitting on the bed, waiting for the conference to be over or for my other (now favorite) daughter to arrive and pouting because:

1. Nobody wanted a magnificently magical mommy manicure.
2. Nobody was excited about the goodie bags once they snatched their magic bands off the handles.
3. I developed an allergy to pineapple shortly after trying a Dole whip and falling in love with it in 2003.

I'd been dolewhipless for 11 years.

To console myself, I painted another hidden Mickey on my middle finger nail.
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I just found your report... first, I'm meanestmomever also! However, because your girls are older (and I have two of my own and my boyfriend's daughter too - so more like 2.5) you can wear the grand hat of being the meaner one! Second, I'm not through reading the intros but had to stop and comment because this is already hilarious and I know I'm gonna love reading! My girls call each other sissy also, I know someday they'll find a way to "surprise" me on a trip because they won't want me lonely... so yes, I'm so in like Flynn with this report - I can't wait to get back to reading!
Ok, all caught up...

first... :worship: a "beastly twerk"! That's just magical right there. You're in the elite group of something - I'll come up with it..

second, my girls still get Easter baskets and goodie bags... they eat the candy and leave all the cutesy stuff... whatever - someday their girls will do it back to them and then they'll come asking me for the little chicken that winds up and lays gumball eggs as it hops... I have nail decals from our last trip... and they're still as unopened as the day I got them in the mail... awesome.

third, that middle finger Mickey is right-on the BEST way to cure a DWD (dole whip depression) it soothes the nerves I'm sure!

Love this... it's like Real Housewives of Disney meets Modern Family and I secretly indulge in those shows and love this report! Hurry up with more please - and I love your first post after being "a few weeks" gone - it was months, girl - but whatever - you're back to writing so I'm happy!




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