I am so annoyed "Disney non believer"

I understand :) When you shared something special with your friend and had an amazing time, he sorta bashed your special experiance. Not cool! If he doesn't get the magic, he shouldn't offer his opinions!
Still a disproportionate reaction that hurts no one but the OP. That's how people end up stressed out and miserable.

Don't worry about what other people think about your vacation. Save your boiling blood for stuff that actually needs that level of being het up!
Eh, there are a lot of people who don't "get" Disney World. On of my philosophies is "It's a Disney thing...You wouldn't understand." Ok, so I took that from Jeep :)

I once took my cousin (same age as me) to Disney World and now he says, "I honestly could see all I wanted to see at Disney in 3 days." That's because he enjoyed the thrill rides and nothing else. His life has basically robbed him of his adult "childhood" if that makes any sense.

I guess that's a medium point of view, but there are many people who think its absurd that I go there 2-3 times a year when the whole country, nay, the world is out there to see. They just don't understand that everywhere you go, you face all of the realities of life in some manner, except when you go to Disney with the heart of a child, only then do you escape it all! But I've learned to accept and be content that Disney ain't for everyone. Like one person on this thread said, it means less crowds ;)
Hakuna Matata! It's his loss. And you and your friend are going to have a good time. My BFF goes with us and leaves her husband at home because he soooo doesn't "get" it.
My mom has asked me a similar thing: Why do we spend almost every vacation at WDW running ourselves ragged? I usually counter with: Why do you spend almost every vacation in Mexico at some all-inclusive?
We're just different. There's really no reason to get hacked off about it. He's just one less person you have to wait behind in line! Have a great trip!
He's not going on the trip apparently. Is he trying to persuade her not to go? If he isn't, and he's just blathering, then ignore him as he may just be trying to get your goat. Not sure why you should care so much what her boyfriend thinks, just be glad he isn't YOUR boyfriend.
I empathise completely.

A lot of my friends don't 'get' why I go back to WDW, and it annoys me. Not so much that they don't 'get' it (I understand, it's not for everyone), but that they put me down for going when they've NEVER BEEN. If they'd been, I think I'd have to respect their comment a little more, but really, you're trying to bash me for going to a place that I love that you've never been to? How can you possibly pass judgement? :confused3

I don't let it get to me, because they're never going to stop me going, but it does hurt a little every time someone makes a comment like that.

I hope your friend is sensible enough just to ignore her boyfriend and have an amazing time on your trip together :goodvibes
I get your feelings, OP. I once had a professor in college, I forget what area of study the class was in, but he spent an entire 90-minute summer session class going over why people are "idiots" and "immature" to go to Disney, even though he'd never been. I can normally brush that stuff off, but by the end I was pretty angry. I said in front of the whole class how as a child I had several eating disorders and ailments, and my treatment was quite intense. No matter what my parents did or where they tried to take me to relax, Disney was the only place where I could be a kid and be happy and relax. I told him how my parents took me there as frequently as possible, even though it was a burden as we are just working class, to relieve some of my stress. It was a place that held special meaning for me even beyond a love of Disney, because it was one of the few places I can remember always being happy & never in pain or distress. After that he really changed his tune and even apologized if he had offended anyone!

I know how it feels, like someone may be attacking you personally. But really, try to focus on the good, exciting things, like the fact you're going to Disney with your best friend! I hope you two have a wonderful time! :flower3:
"Well, I don't know how (friend's name) spends EVERY single day she has with you...when you are pretty much a glorified nimrod."

Don't SAY it. But LIVE it.
that he doesnt like Disney that isn't the point. The point is he is trying to talk her out of it by saying that. Its the way he is. He does it in a way of putting down the things she wants to do so she changes her mind. Yes I know that she is to blame as well. However in reagards to this he knows she doesnt like Great Adventure. But in no way is Disney like Great Adventure other than the fact that Disney has rides and so does Great Adventure. The experiences are totally different. I have been to GA many times in my life I live 15 minutes away from it. Never once could I ever compare the two.

It just really annoys me that he is starting at all. I needed to vent about it. I figured here with Disney fans would be the best place
For the people who think, "So he doesn't get it, big deal"... That's entirely not the point. There are loads of things I don't get. I don't get NASCAR. I don't get football. I don't get musicals, by and large.

But when someone is talking about going to one of those things, I don't take the opportunity to dump all over it. Especially when they are clearly excited.

There is no reason to dumb on my vacation choices. He plays video games all day doesnt really have a real job but I don't pick on his choices in life. I just dont appreciate him dumping and picking apart mine.
It is hard when someone who's never been starts to bash a place you love so much. I used to immediately jump to WDW's defense and try to explain why it's so great, thinking that if they just try it once, they'll see what I see in Disney, but it was pointless.

Now when I'm around people who do that, I just smile and feel bad for them for putting down a place they've never been to because they don't get it and probably never will. I feel bad for them because their attitude tells me that maybe they're the ones who could really use a Disney vacation to bring some magic to their lives!
Not everyone loves or even likes Disney World.

I love it and have gone there for almost all of my vacations over the last few years, and I never get tired of it.

But I do understand if others don't care for it.

I usually don't even talk to most people IRL about my Disney trips, because they already think I'm nuts to go as much as I do. LOL
I finally got my best friend to agree to go on a trip to Disney. She has never been and I know she has been dying to go since we were kids. So when I was there last week I booked a bounce back for us. No her boyfriend has started this was his comment and I quote " I don't understand how you spend every single vacation day you have, at the same place... when that place is pretty much a glorafied great-adventure."

How can anyone compare the 2. There NO comparsion at all. If he tries to talk her out of this trip there will be no hope for him.

I hate people that say that. I dont judge your vacations dont you dare judge mine! I hate sitting on a beach its not my thing. Disney is my thing LEAVE ME ALONE! MY blood is boiling right NOW!

At least he called it "great adventure" and not "six flags" :laughing:. But yeah, there is no comparison.

Some people just don't understand other people who return to the same vactions spots (and not just WDW) year after year. I get questioned all the time for returning to the same place we enjoy in PA every year.
And others just don't "get" WDW (I know plenty of those too). He seems to combine both things, though. You can't let it bother you. You just need to have the attitude that he's the poor fool who is missing out and leave it at that and not let it bother you.
My husband does the same thing. But he puts up with my and my addiction. :D I do hate it when other people try to rain on my parade. My mom thinks I am crazy for bringing the kids so many times already. She tells me they won't remember it and its so much money. Well I don't tell you where to vacation or how much you should spend so don't do the same to me!
It's just human nature. Before we got on our Disney kick which has taken us to WDW twice a year for the last 4 years, we were going to Hawaii every year. When I would tell friends of mine we were heading back to Hawaii, I'd get responses like, "Yeah, I'm sure it's nice, but I'd want to explore other places instead of going back to the same place all the time." And then they finally went to Hawaii and suddenly understood. Could be the same with WDW. We go to WDW about every 6 months and I get the same kind of comments. "People go to Florida when they retire. How come you go so much now?" Ummm, because we like it? And then when people find out we don't have kids and we go to Disney all the time, we get the "I thought Disney was for kids" comments and general amazement that two adults knocking on 40's door could enjoy WDW time and time again. So the point is, do what makes you happy and leave the naysayers at home in their sad little world. I think many of the negative comments are from people who wish they could do the things we get to do.
My husband does the same thing. But he puts up with my and my addiction. :D I do hate it when other people try to rain on my parade. My mom thinks I am crazy for bringing the kids so many times already. She tells me they won't remember it and its so much money. Well I don't tell you where to vacation or how much you should spend so don't do the same to me!

She is right, they will not remember....but YOU WILL. And should something, Jesus forbid, ever happen to one of your children, you would cherish those memories for the rest of your days. ;)
While I completely understand and respect that some people don't like (let alone love) WDW, I do not understand people who feel the need to show contempt for those who do.

I don't personally enjoy vacationing at the beach, but I would never disparage someone who was looking forward to yet another beach vacation for making a foolish vacation choice--meanwhile, it does seem like a lot of people enjoy dumping on the idea of going to WDW year after year.

If they don't want to go, fine. Don't go. But why do they get pleasure from insulting others by dismissing their vacation choice as foolish? That's immature and just plain mean-spirited--the sort of disrespectful, contemptuous behavior that should make one's blood boil.


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