I am so annoyed "Disney non believer"

The opposite has happened to me. I talk about Disney so much and how I love all my Disney vacations my friends have asked to come along because I make it sound like so much fun.
No her boyfriend has started this was his comment and I quote " I don't understand how you spend every single vacation day you have, at the same place... when that place is pretty much a glorafied great-adventure."

How can anyone compare the 2. There NO comparsion at all. If he tries to talk her out of this trip there will be no hope for him.

I hate people that say that. I dont judge your vacations dont you dare judge mine! I hate sitting on a beach its not my thing. Disney is my thing LEAVE ME ALONE! MY blood is boiling right NOW!

:confused3 I don't understand why you are complaining or getting angry by what he said. It is his opinion, and he has the right to hold and express that opinion. Disney isn't his thing, why do you even care? I agree with him to some extent. I don't like to vacation at the same spot. I've been to Vegas four times, and have gotten bored of the place. Other people love Vegas, to each their own.

BTW, perhaps you should read Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.
We don't have kids and are in our late 20s/early 30s (I'm 27, he's 33 and turning 34 during our upcoming trip). We were originally going to Hawaii . . . but cancelled for disney. Try explaining THAT to people :rotfl:

We're in the same boat. Hubby and I have been saving for Hawaii for years, but we switched our plans to go to WDW for various reasons. My last trip to WDW was when I was a kid, and I've always wanted to go back. However, ever since we booked it I just cannot seem to get excited about this trip. I even suggested to my hubby that we cancel, but he insisted that we go to get WDW out of my system. :rotfl: We're still going, but I don't know if this will get WDW out of my system of not.
As long as you're happy with your vacation choice, that's all that matter. The gall of people, though.

A co-worker of mine was so excited that we took a trip to Washington, D.C. and thrilled to hear how much we enjoyed it (including my 15 year old). She likes to go to Europe on vacation, visit historical sites, museums, etc. Then she said, "Does this mean from now on you'll be doing cultural vacations, instead of going to Orlando." I just gave her a really weird look and said "I don't think so. Orlando is just too much fun. I'm really surprised you even asked me that."

Another woman I work with last year after the very sad incident at SeaWorld regarding the trainer death said to me that she thought I should boycott SeaWorld and that she was going to boycott that park. I said, "Well since you never go so that wouldn't be too big a deal for you to boycott it, would it? Let's just agree to disagree on this one and talk about something else." // Shocking to me to get unsolicited vacation advice / suggestions from co-workers who are just casual friendly aquantances.

I wish more people would just watch Bambi and follow the less that if you can't some something nice, don't say anything at all. People truly truly enjoy planning their vacations and choosing their own frivilous fun and don't need / want critical unsolicited suggestions / comments.
I too don't let it bother me when others (who don't get it )bash WDW or Disney in general. I usually find it's those who have never been to WDW.

Since we live about 30 mins. from DLR and go a lot (in fact we are going tomorrow and then again on Friday-I won tix for the ST preview :goodvibes) the comment I get, all the time, is "Why do you go to WDW when you live next door to Disneyland?" Surprisingly, I seem to get this one the most while at WDW!:rotfl2:

Well tomorrow my DSis and her DH are going to WDW for their 30th anniversary. She's been once before but he has never been. When she asked him earlier this year where they were going for the anniversary (she stipulated that it had to be somewhere that required airplane travel) he said "what about WDW?" She was shocked, and booked it as soon as possible.

Now that they are going my BIL's brother and wife are planning on going in October. They too have never been. They take a 2 week vacation to Hawaii every 2 years where they spend all their time laying out by the pool. Never exploring the island, beaches, or the water. That kind of vacation would drive me crazy!:scared1:

When we go to WDW we also spend some time exploring around Florida. Now that I have a DD11 we spend a few days at the beach. She's a real beach baby and the water here in So. Cal is just so cold most of the time. She loves the beaches on the west coast of Florida.

Personally, if someone doesn't get Disney, I'm fine. The less people in the parks when I'm there the better!;)

Though it does look like I may have converted 3 over to the dark side.:laughing:
I can easily sum this up for you. The reason you spend every vacation at the same place is becuase nothing is better than going to Walt Disney World. My husband and I have this same discussion every other year when I book our Disney trip. I know he would rather go somewhere new, but why try something new when you have already found perfection!!

That's right, I believe WDW is Perfect. I would never vacation anywhere else if I could!!!
I know how you feel, I have plenty of ppl who make remarks about us spending our vacations at WDW every year.. Every one has the right to their opinion but as far as Im concerned unless I asked you for it, keep it to yourself..LOL

He does sound like he has control issues..Hope everything turns out alright..
Whoa....relax! Your blood is boiling because he disparaged Disney World? REALLY?

That ain't healthy, sister. ;)

LOL. Amen,

I can't understand why we always get upset when people say they don't like disney. Really people, some of the points are valid. It is a theme park, in the grand scheme of things its a vacation destination.

I do ask people why the go back to the same place over and over. When people go to the shore every year I do ask them why. No harm no foul.

This is her boyfriend, not some random stranger. I would expect a boyfriend, girlfriend, dh, wife to be able to be frank with their significant other.
I can easily sum this up for you. The reason you spend every vacation at the same place is becuase nothing is better than going to Walt Disney World. My husband and I have this same discussion every other year when I book our Disney trip. I know he would rather go somewhere new, but why try something new when you have already found perfection!!

That's right, I believe WDW is Perfect. I would never vacation anywhere else if I could!!!

Disclaimer Not picking on you but using your comment as a reference.

This is how many many Disney fans feel, they won't give anywhere a chance and with that they are missing many many wonderful places in the world. How is this decision not the same as someone who won't give Disney a chance??????

We love Disney and if the chance offers its self we will visit, in 5 days we will leave for our second trip which we are all very excited about. But I wouldn't give up any of my other trips to equally wonderful places we have been and only ever visit WDW.

If you want to that is your decision because it is your vacation and you can do as you please, but don't think for a second that you are any different to the "people that just don't understand"

Disclaimer Not picking on you but using your comment as a reference.

This is how many many Disney fans feel, they won't give anywhere a chance and with that they are missing many many wonderful places in the world. How is this decision not the same as someone who won't give Disney a chance??????

We love Disney and if the chance offers its self we will visit, in 5 days we will leave for our second trip which we are all very excited about. But I wouldn't give up any of my other trips to equally wonderful places we have been and only ever visit WDW.

If you want to that is your decision because it is your vacation and you can do as you please, but don't think for a second that you are any different to the "people that just don't understand"



We're not. Disney freaks are just as annoying and self righteous (in terms of disney)

I always love the "some people will never be able to understand the magic" line. Like that makes us much better human beings. LOL :rolleyes:
I love WDW plain and simple. A month ago I went on a 7 night cruise to the Eastern Carribean. I had never been on a cruise before and I def want to go again. This takes nothing away for my love of Disney. It's just a different experience that I will welcome again. I just don't care IF u like it or not as u are not paying for my trip. I hope the OP's boyfriend doesn't talk her friend out of it but don't be surprised if he does. I have taken a "few" people to WDW for the first time and they wanted to go to the pool sooo bad. I didn't ask them to go again. Disney is a loooooot of walking. I never go in the Summer and it can be stressful. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Could it be that your friend's boyfriend is just jealous about her going on vacation without him and it could be anywhere...not necessarily Disney? But since it's Disney he's trying to make it sound bad. He'd probably be insulting Paris if that's where you two were going.
For the people who think, "So he doesn't get it, big deal"... That's entirely not the point. There are loads of things I don't get. I don't get NASCAR. I don't get football. I don't get musicals, by and large.

But when someone is talking about going to one of those things, I don't take the opportunity to dump all over it. Especially when they are clearly excited.

I agree with this.

OP- I hope your trip with your friend works out and you have a wonderful time!
I think the difference between the "he's really rude" and "what's the big deal" sides of it is the tone. If it was a "Why are you going to Disney again" with more of a tone of confusion, that wouldn't be such a big deal. But when it turns more negative, more of the "Oh, God, you're going to Disney again?!?" that it gets rude.

I had a coworker who overheard DH telling another coworker about one of our trips, and declared that Disney is boring. Well, I find her pastime of going to the nightclubs and getting drunk every weekend boring, but I wouldn't rain on her parade by saying so.

I'm with you, OP. I think he's just jealous and getting nasty about it.
I'm going to move this to the theme parks community board.
Hey, your friend has never been to Disney. Maybe she thinks the same thing too... but is more open-minded about it.

Just go with your friend and ignore her boyfriend. Have fun on your trip! Then when you get back and she's caught the Disney Bug too, it'll be 2 against 1 :rotfl: And who knows? Maybe she can convince him and he'll be the one fuming at YOU for not taking him sooner! :thumbsup2
I think he's just jealous and getting nasty about it.

I agree. And I'm guessing that his dislike of Disney is not the only thing the OP doesn't like, this just adds to the fuel. I know women with boyfriends like him, and they are pouting because they're not invited. :rolleyes:

Honestly, Disney is not my favorite vacation spot...Holden Beach, North Carolina is. It's where we are fully and completely relaxed. We get a house on the beach and just sit and listen to the waves and the only sounds are the sounds of the ocean and the seagulls. The beach is never crowded when we go, and sometimes we have it to ourselves and it's awesome! But I wouldn't think it strange that someone prefers Disney over the beach at all...different strokes for different folks. :goodvibes
I get your feelings, OP. I once had a professor in college, I forget what area of study the class was in, but he spent an entire 90-minute summer session class going over why people are "idiots" and "immature" to go to Disney, even though he'd never been. I can normally brush that stuff off, but by the end I was pretty angry. I said in front of the whole class how as a child I had several eating disorders and ailments, and my treatment was quite intense. No matter what my parents did or where they tried to take me to relax, Disney was the only place where I could be a kid and be happy and relax. I told him how my parents took me there as frequently as possible, even though it was a burden as we are just working class, to relieve some of my stress. It was a place that held special meaning for me even beyond a love of Disney, because it was one of the few places I can remember always being happy & never in pain or distress. After that he really changed his tune and even apologized if he had offended anyone!

I know how it feels, like someone may be attacking you personally. But really, try to focus on the good, exciting things, like the fact you're going to Disney with your best friend! I hope you two have a wonderful time! :flower3:

I would be beyond irked if my professor in college spent 90 minutes on that. My tuition is paying for what, again?

I get bummed out when I'm excited about something and then someone comes over and rains on my parade. I'm like :\ It's not necessary to swoop in and be negative...but, there are negative people out there. And you know what? That sucks for them. Truly.

My mother does this to me from time to time. "What? You guys are going to Disney? Don't you want to go anywhere else?" She's going with me to Disney in August soo....whatever. To the OP, hope you and your friend have fun at Disney. Since she's wanted to go since you guys were kids, I highly doubt she's going to let her boyfriend talk her out of it. At least I would hope not!


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