I just won 2 million Euros!


My beast never turned into a Prince. Remember, it
Jan 16, 2005
Here's the email I just got:

Dear Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the
Lottery Winners international programs held on the 22nd of june,2005.

Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 27522465896 with serial

number 3772=5544 drew lucky numbers 7-14-18-23-31-45
which consequently won in the 2nd category, you have
therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of

For security purpose and clarity, we advise that you
keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been
processed and your money remitted to you.

This is part of our security protocol to avoid
double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.

All participants were selected through a computer
ballot system drawn from over 20,000 companies and
30,000,000 individual email addresses
and names from all over the world. This promotional
program takes place every year.

This lottery was promoted and sponsored by eminent
personalities like the Sultan of Brunei. We look
forward to your active participation in our next year USD50 million slot.

You are requested to contact our clearance office to
assist you with the claim and transfer of your
winnings fund into your instructed account by
acknowledging the receipt of this mail with the email address below.

Email luckydaylotto2005@caramail.com

Note that, all winnings must be claimed not later than one month.
After this date all unclaimed funds will be
null and void.

Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications, remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in
all correspondence.

Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as
soon as possible.

Congratulations once more and thank you for being part of our promotional


Yours faithfully,

Frank Bower.

Payment Officer

Email: luckydaylotto2005@caramail.com

And so here is my response:
Dear Frank,
Thank you so much for your lovely letter.
The money could really come in handy right about now, so do send it off to me without further delay. Tell the Sultan I said hi, and that I really enjoyed our little playtime. Tell him thanks for entering me.....in this contest.

BTW, I love quarters. Do you think that you could pay my winnings out in quarters?

Love and kisses,

And as soon as I receive my winnings and pay taxes, I'm taking ya all to Disney World!!!!!!
I just inherited what might be millions from a rich uncle I didn't even know existed. They searched high and low for any living relative and I was the first one they could find- LUCKY ME!! Please don't tell anyone, I'm supposed to keep it a secret.
Two questions:
1. Does anyone know how to Western Union money overseas??!! :rotfl2:
2. Which number on the back of my credit card is the security code??!! :rotfl2:

~I'll pay for everyone's dining when we go to WDW~
Think how much hanname you can now purchase!

..... and all I get are singles in my area that want to meet me or the chance for "enhancement".
:earseek: but but - you told!!! What if they don't send you the money now!


I've never typed Hanname before, but I wish you some!

Did you actually open an e-mail with something about a lottery in the title, I think you must be very daring!!

Bobbi :flower:
bobbiwoz said:

I've never typed Hanname before, but I wish you some!

Did you actually open an e-mail with something about a lottery in the title, I think you must be very daring!!

Bobbi :flower:

The fact that she is offering all of us a trip to WDW when she collects clearly shows her nerves of steel!!!

ColoradoBelle1 said:
Here's the email I just got:

Dear Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the
Lottery Winners international programs held on the 22nd of june,2005.

Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 27522465896 with serial

number 3772=5544 drew lucky numbers 7-14-18-23-31-45
which consequently won in the 2nd category, you have
therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of

For security purpose and clarity, we advise that you
keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been
processed and your money remitted to you.

This is part of our security protocol to avoid
double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.

All participants were selected through a computer
ballot system drawn from over 20,000 companies and
30,000,000 individual email addresses
and names from all over the world. This promotional
program takes place every year.

This lottery was promoted and sponsored by eminent
personalities like the Sultan of Brunei. We look
forward to your active participation in our next year USD50 million slot.

You are requested to contact our clearance office to
assist you with the claim and transfer of your
winnings fund into your instructed account by
acknowledging the receipt of this mail with the email address below.

Email luckydaylotto2005@caramail.com

Note that, all winnings must be claimed not later than one month.
After this date all unclaimed funds will be
null and void.

Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications, remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in
all correspondence.

Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as
soon as possible.

Congratulations once more and thank you for being part of our promotional


Yours faithfully,

Frank Bower.

Payment Officer

Email: luckydaylotto2005@caramail.com

And so here is my response:
Dear Frank,
Thank you so much for your lovely letter.
The money could really come in handy right about now, so do send it off to me without further delay. Tell the Sultan I said hi, and that I really enjoyed our little S and M playtime. Tell him thanks for entering me.....in this contest.

BTW, I love quarters. Do you think that you could pay my winnings out in quarters?

Love and kisses,

And as soon as I receive my winnings and pay taxes, I'm taking ya all to Disney World!!!!!!

Dear CB1:

I feel I must warn you that the above lottery email could be a FAKE! Yes a fake.

I am sure that you (like most of us here at DVC-C) know that Lottery Winners International (notice the CAPITAL 'I' - misspeelings are very common in email frauds!) tickets are 12 digits long with a dash in the 8th position as shown: 1234567-89012.

Also, EU (European Union) lottery serial numbers never have an equal sign ('=') in the middle, rather they have a stroke ('/') seperating the prefix from the suffix: 3772/5544.

Finally, everyone knows lucky numbers come in groupings of 7 not 6 digits!

I urge you not to reply to this email, wich also appears to be fake:
Email luckydaylotto2005@[b][u]caramail[/b][/u].com

I sure you know the correct spelling of caramel is caramel, not caramail!
European pronunciation "car-A-mel"
American pronunciation "car-mel"

Be careful!


and BTW, have a very PHEASANT day!
Perhaps 2 meelion Euros will be a MIGs at Sarastoga Sprungs?

Pleeze advise.

Hanname not HISname

Send Lottery weenings too:


Many preecoius thanks in arrears!
It can't be fake.
I've already ordered the new kidneys I need.
And I just bought 5000 DVC points so I can move up from standard studios to GVs.
And I donated $500k to the campaign to elect Rash President, cause most of them really are horse's patooties arent' they? (Besides he speaks 3 languages!)
And then I was plannig on spending a bundle of Euros on a serch party for Dr.T.

Sigh. You mean he really wasn't a Sultan???????????
But he was wearing a turban and promised to buy me a mig.

It's a sad, very sad day.
ColoradoBelle1 said:
It can't be fake.
I've already ordered the new kidneys I need.
And I just bought 5000 DVC points so I can move up from standard studios to GVs.
And I donated $500k to the campaign to elect Rash President, cause most of them really are horse's patooties arent' they? (Besides he speaks 3 languages!)
And then I was plannig on spending a bundle of Euros on a serch party for Dr.T.

Sigh. You mean he really wasn't a Sultan???????????
But he was wearing a turban and promised to buy me a mig.

It's a sad, very sad day.

Dear CB1 I still may be able to help you out!

1) What size kidneys do you need?

2) Do they have to be a matching pair?


ColoradoBelle1 said:
And I donated $500k to the campaign to elect Rash President
Money well spent. By that I mean I've spent it already. Sorry about the kidney thing. Maybe I'll pass a law or something after I'm elected.

I received an email about a relative who discovered oil in Nigeria. Unfortunately he met his demise (plane crashed, or was it his car...doesn't matter...what counts is that I get his money!)

Ok, when my check comes, I'll buy all of you AP's...so we have the trip covered, dinner, and now the AP's. Who will pony up to the bar with funding for our soveniers (ok, so I can't spell...I'll hire a secretary from the left over money). :confused3
Looks like you already spent it, darn, I was gonna sell you a bridge...
ColoradoBelle1 said:
I've already ordered the new kidneys I need.
And I just bought 5000 DVC points so I can move up from standard studios to GVs.
And I donated $500k to the campaign to elect Rash President, cause most of them really are horse's patooties arent' they? (Besides he speaks 3 languages!)
And then I was plannig on spending a bundle of Euros on a serch party for Dr.T.
Sigh. You mean he really wasn't a Sultan???????????
But he was wearing a turban and promised to buy me a mig.
It's a sad, very sad day.
yea provide them with your bank detals and wait for all your mony to be transfered to them give me your details and i will pas them on;)
I have been getting FLOODED with these "announcements" for some time, so sometimes I respond back now with something along these lines:

"Dear ____,

Thank you for contacting me for help. I would be more than happy to help you. Please let me know any information you may need from me, including my social security number, bank account information, credit card numbers, or anything else. I am happy to provide it so you can subsequently rip me off with your dishonest (and may I add stupid) scheme.


I still haven't received any replies after sending this...hmmm..... :rotfl2:


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