I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Congrats @Haley R!! That's a cute baby!!

Final @Haley R Baby Watch Results:
With 50 entries, no one got the actual time correct. The two closet entries were:
@LynnTH with a time of 9:22 am (so only 1 min late)
@mickey squared with a time of 9:19 am (2 min early)

The good news is 3 entries got the weight correct with 8 lb 1 oz:
@Limes96 , @jenmsmith and @Judique

The majority of the entries were too low with being in the 6-7 lb something range.

Many thanks to everyone who participated but mostly congratulations 🍾🎉🎈Haley on your new bundle of joy! Enjoy every minute with him! They grow way too fast! (I am realizing this as my 13 year old prepares to complete 8th grade and heads to high school in the fall!)

And for your correct weight guesses, you win A FREE TRIP TO DISNEY WORLD!!!

Fine Print: Trip starts May 1. No other dates available. :rotfl2:
Man you guys were busy. I made it a goal to barely use my phone in the hospital so even family was antsy and not hearing from us much. I’m gonna keep this kind of short because I’m working off fumes and the baby needs to feed again.

He was born at 9:21 am, weighed 8 lb 1 oz, and was 19 inches long. I think 2 or 3 people got the weight right. It was a very easy delivery and I only pushed for an hour. I did end up taking the epidural but no inducing. He just started cluster feeding today so that hasn’t been fun. I’m VERY sore and he just started having issues latching so we’ve been dealing with that. I’ll try to get on again sometime soon.

I’ll just drop this here... lol
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:thumbsup2 :love: :flower: :flower1::daisy::welcome::butterfly:cool1::bounce::cheer2::banana::wave2:
I interrupt this adorable lovefest with a CC spend mini-rant.
10 days ago I switched the autopay CC on a CNA insurance policy to a card for which I'm working on MSR. The $600+ premium covers a nice chunk of the MSR. Last night I get an email confirming payment charged to the prior card on the account. Today I check the card accounts, and indeed the wrong one was charged. I double check my CNA payment portal, and it has the correct information based on my update of 10 days ago. The wrong card is not there at all, though obviously it is in their system somewhere I cannot see it.
I call and speak to a very helpful rep who spends a long time working it. She reports that IT is looking into it, and she says she can refund the amount billed to the wrong account so I can make a one-time payment on the automated telephone system. Great.
But then I find the automated telephone system only accepts bank accounts, and the payment portal won't let me make a OTP because I'm enrolled in auto-pay. So the net result is I don't get the spend for the MSR, and I don't even get the spend on another rewards card, and it just hits my bank account for no benefit whatsoever.
here's my cc mini rant to add to that last post..... WHY oh WHY do I keep getting a mailed statemtent from P2's CIP telling me they can't email the info? WHY is the email on the account fine for all the other chase branded cc's but this one??
here's my cc mini rant to add to that last post..... WHY oh WHY do I keep getting a mailed statemtent from P2's CIP telling me they can't email the info? WHY is the email on the account fine for all the other chase branded cc's but this one??

I get this on one of mine and one of P2s? Haven't figured out why either. I just throw it away as soon as it comes in.
Man you guys were busy. I made it a goal to barely use my phone in the hospital so even family was antsy and not hearing from us much. I’m gonna keep this kind of short because I’m working off fumes and the baby needs to feed again.

He was born at 9:21 am, weighed 8 lb 1 oz, and was 19 inches long. I think 2 or 3 people got the weight right. It was a very easy delivery and I only pushed for an hour. I did end up taking the epidural but no inducing. He just started cluster feeding today so that hasn’t been fun. I’m VERY sore and he just started having issues latching so we’ve been dealing with that. I’ll try to get on again sometime soon.

I’ll just drop this here... lol
View attachment 491278
Congratulations! He is just so precious :lovestruc
Just want to jump in here and say that just because it hurts doesn’t necessarily mean he or you are doing something wrong. I know all the experts say that if you are doing it right it shouldn’t hurt, but that was not my experience at all. I wish they would stop saying that because it causes new moms to question whether they are doing it right and worry that the baby is not going to be able to breastfeed. My experience with both of mine was that it didn’t necessarily hurt every second of nursing at the beginning, but your skin is not used to having someone feed from and in the beginning it gets very raw, very sore, and very sensitive. Once your skin toughens up a bit, it no longer hurts at all.

Also, unless the baby is losing weight, don’t worry about your supply (it will regulate to what the baby needs). My second was a major cluster feeder for about the first 4 months, so I feel you there. Congrats again! Good luck on your journey, it’s a wild and amazing ride.
Yes, yes, and yes!
here's my cc mini rant to add to that last post..... WHY oh WHY do I keep getting a mailed statemtent from P2's CIP telling me they can't email the info? WHY is the email on the account fine for all the other chase branded cc's but this one??
I get this on one of mine and one of P2s? Haven't figured out why either. I just throw it away as soon as it comes in.
Yeah, it happens with a CIP here as well. I don't understand because all the other ones work fine :confused3
On nursing, I wanted to give up with my first (DD). She didn't gain weight initially and the pediatrician wanted her fed at least every two hours all day (including night time). And my mom insisted my nursing dd was making her fussy. I stuck with it and am so glad I did but it was tough and exhausting. DS nursed fine--maybe I was more relaxed with him.

Yeah, it happens with a CIP here as well. I don't understand because all the other ones work fine :confused3
me too
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here's my cc mini rant to add to that last post..... WHY oh WHY do I keep getting a mailed statemtent from P2's CIP telling me they can't email the info? WHY is the email on the account fine for all the other chase branded cc's but this one??

I get this too. No idea, and honestly, I haven't looked into it lol. If you figure it out, let me know too haha.
here's my cc mini rant to add to that last post..... WHY oh WHY do I keep getting a mailed statemtent from P2's CIP telling me they can't email the info? WHY is the email on the account fine for all the other chase branded cc's but this one??
Have the same situation with one of my DHs cards...2 other cards online are fine...1 isn’t :confused3
I interrupt this adorable lovefest with a CC spend mini-rant.
10 days ago I switched the autopay CC on a CNA insurance policy to a card for which I'm working on MSR. The $600+ premium covers a nice chunk of the MSR. Last night I get an email confirming payment charged to the prior card on the account. Today I check the card accounts, and indeed the wrong one was charged. I double check my CNA payment portal, and it has the correct information based on my update of 10 days ago. The wrong card is not there at all, though obviously it is in their system somewhere I cannot see it.
I call and speak to a very helpful rep who spends a long time working it. She reports that IT is looking into it, and she says she can refund the amount billed to the wrong account so I can make a one-time payment on the automated telephone system. Great.
But then I find the automated telephone system only accepts bank accounts, and the payment portal won't let me make a OTP because I'm enrolled in auto-pay. So the net result is I don't get the spend for the MSR, and I don't even get the spend on another rewards card, and it just hits my bank account for no benefit whatsoever.

Ugh! I had a similar thing happen with my auto insurance one year. If I don't tell it otherwise, it autopays about 10 days before my insurance expires to renew for the next 6 month period. I didn't get my card changed in time and it paid on the last card I was making MSR on. I called in and the company rep did get it reversed and rebilled to the card I wanted it on though (so better outcome than yours). I kept thinking that the phone rep probably thought I was juggling credit cards and couldn't pay my bill or something, but I try not to think about that. I don't really know why I worry about what some person that I don't even know thinks about my finances, but for some reason I do lol!
here's my cc mini rant to add to that last post..... WHY oh WHY do I keep getting a mailed statemtent from P2's CIP telling me they can't email the info? WHY is the email on the account fine for all the other chase branded cc's but this one??
Chase quirk. Happens to me every few months. Scares me every time lol. Letter seems so serious.
I need those good vibes. He started cluster feeding so he’s up every hour and feeds for 10-15 minutes. He’s also not latching well at all and it’s starting to hurt. We’re using a nipple shield but I’m having a lot of trouble. I think I might also be producing too much for him

All of mine cluster fed. Especially during growth spurts and has newborns. Did the hospital help you with a lactation consultant at all? I've never used a nipple shield so I can't give advice in that area. One thing that even moms forget to tell you is that the first few weeks are HARD. They are magical and special and very difficult. Sleep deprivation is a real thing and babies who are not yet used to being outside can be hard to settle. As trite as it sounds hang in there, things do start to even out eventually. Feel free to PM me if you need anything. I'm by no means an expert but I can try to give some virtual encouragement and listen to some venting and frustrations if needed. :hug:

Just want to jump in here and say that just because it hurts doesn’t necessarily mean he or you are doing something wrong. I know all the experts say that if you are doing it right it shouldn’t hurt, but that was not my experience at all. I wish they would stop saying that because it causes new moms to question whether they are doing it right and worry that the baby is not going to be able to breastfeed. My experience with both of mine was that it didn’t necessarily hurt every second of nursing at the beginning, but your skin is not used to having someone feed from and in the beginning it gets very raw, very sore, and very sensitive. Once your skin toughens up a bit, it no longer hurts at all.

Also, unless the baby is losing weight, don’t worry about your supply (it will regulate to what the baby needs). My second was a major cluster feeder for about the first 4 months, so I feel you there. Congrats again! Good luck on your journey, it’s a wild and amazing ride.

I agree with this. Even with #6 I went through some pain at the beginning again. She also had a lazy latch and it took us a few weeks to really get in sync.
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