"I Wanna See My Castle!" October 2013 TR *COMPLETE* **NEW TR LINK!!** 7/3

YAY for Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and Forbidden Journeys! I am glad you loved it as much as you hoped you would. I cannot wait to go back, they truly did an amazing job.

I do hope you made it on the Dragon Challenge. Though yes, the ride is the same, the queue...is not!

I got a sugar high just looking at that donut!
YAYYYY I am so so happy WWoHP was everything you hoped it would be and more :banana: The ride really is wonderful, unlike any other ride out there. LOVE all your pictures and I love your DS's fascination with the throwing up boy :lmao:

The ride is SO unique, and I love that about it because even though people tried to explain it to me, I was still completely surprised by the whole thing because it is so hard to explain!

:rotfl: He is SUCH a boy!!

Finally onto the good stuff! Park day!

I swear this is what he wanted and asked for it. :rotfl: I asked "do you want the plain or sprinkles?" He said sprinkles. That's my boy. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

This was very tough to get photos since we were walking very fast to make it to the ride. DW was leaving me in her dust as I hesitated to snap some photos. Most came out super blury because I was still moving and taking pictures on the way past.

The queue is amazing, one of the few lines where I wouldn't mind a wait just to soak in everything that was there to see in the queue.

I guess the difference to me is that I would have taken one look at that thing and grabbed a plain one without giving him the choice!!

Wasn't trying to leave you in the dust, but I was READY TO RIDE!!

WWoHP just looks amazing. I'm not as huge a Harry Potter fan but somehow have managed to see all of the movies so I can definitely appreciate the details and theming. Happy to hear you had a great time! We'll be in Universal and IoA in another 2-3 years I hope.

And that donut looks like something Homer Simpson picked out! :rotfl:

I think it really says something about an area when even people who are not huge HP fans like myself are so impressed by it. My mom has seen all the movies and really enjoys them but my dad had never been exposed to even a minute of HP material before their first visit and he thought it was great too!

Beautiful pictures of WWOHP! I love them all!

You just got me so excited for my first trip there in a couple weeks! I'm also a huge Harry Potter geek so I literally cannot wait!

I love the quene photos you took, they came out so good!

Too funny your DS wasn't a fan of the little coaster. My brother used to do the same thing when he was little, he would want to go on everything and then he always hated how fast it was haha.

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day!

Your post reads exactly like the responses I was leaving for people when they posted about their WWoHP experiences, so I totally know how you feel! Trust me, you are just going to love it!

He learned his lesson after that. :rotfl: We asked him later if he wanted to ride again and he didn't even hesitate to tell us no!!
So where is the "after" picture? You know, the one where your DS and the stroller are covered with chocolate and sprinkles. :lmao::rotfl2:

It was actually kind of miraculous how little of a mess he made! ::yes::

Meh... it's a'ight... :confused3 :rolleyes1


Seriously though, even though I'm not a big Harry Potter fan, they did an amazing job. I mean it really feels like the temperature drops when you're there just because seeing that snow on all the roofs feels so real. The level of detail there is just amazing.

I was really so impressed! I know Universal is not known for their themeing, but I think when they really go for it, they do amazing things. I have always thought the themeing of the Jurassic Park area is spot on. I knew they could pull off a perfect HP themed land.

Good luck with that. :rotfl2:

Good to know. We never actually had to use the rider swap last time so I haven't had any experience with it.

I had read that the locker situation was a giant headache, so this was a huge relief. Also, bonus that DH was able to take the big camera through the queue.

Well... at least now I know what some of these things are called... :thumbsup2

I really should watch these movies at some point.

I remember being on LiveJournal way back when the 3rd movie came out, and a girl whose posts I read went to see it in the theater 3 or 4 times, and I just kept thinking to myself, who does that?!?! Then DH finally convinced me to give the movies a try, and I was hooked. The books are even better. But I would absolutely recommend the movies to anyone who asked.

::yes:: That was extremely impressive!

And this is what I don't like about the Universal rider swap. It seems like it would be quicker than the Disney version, but taking small kids through the line is definitely not something that seems too appealing. Especially the queue for something like that or the Mummy where it is dark and just not "kid friendly."

I can see your point with that one. It definitely made him nervous in a dark line. Luckily since we were with a group of adults, this was the only attraction we had to use rider swap for. That early in the morning, it was REALLY quick, much more so than Disney's. But the good things Disney's version has going for it is, like you said not having to take the child through a queue that can be frightening, and also having the option to come back and ride later if riding back to back would take up a lot of time still.

::yes:: This is the main reason I decided one ride was good enough for me. :rotfl2: The animatronics (do they call them that there) elements and the motion of the ride vehicle were fantastic, but those movie screen portions of the ride... :sick:

Yeah...it was rough! I don't think I could have handled back to back rides, despite how much I just wanted to get right back on!

Wow, I somehow missed the start of your TR! :confused3 Don't know how that happened. Either way, I'm here now!


Ahhh, WWoHP sounds amazing. Just amazing. I almost wish there'd be one bad review of the place so I'd be a little less anxious to see it for myself. :rotfl2:
My brother went to IoA for his grad night, and he said he had the same problem with motion sickness on the Forbidden Journey. But I think it must be worth it....:goodvibes

Your resort for the night looked gorgeous. I know the Express Pass is a major advantage and the main reason to stay there, but it does look like a nice place.

Glad you made it over! And no worries, the fun is just beginning! :goodvibes

:lmao: Sorry to say, this will not be the TR for you if you are looking for any bad reviews of anything US/IoA!! We had a fantastic time. But I totally understand what you mean.

I might be convinced to even stay at a roach motel if it meant unlimited Express Pass at Universal, but Universal definitely makes it a treat "forcing" you to stay at one of their gorgeous resorts! Having stayed at 2 of the 3, I have not one complaint from any of our stays. I've never stayed at Portofino, but since that is the highest priced one, I would imagine it is just as nice if not nicer than Royal Pacific & Hard Rock!

Wow that's a pretty neat trick addressing you by name at baggage services. It's amazing how many positive things I've heard recently about the level of service at Universal.

Haha, it IS a long walk in. I remember my first time I RAN the whole way (I know you shouldn't but everyone else was, so when in ROME). I don't recommend it though.

It is so funny now to look back and remember that Disney actually passed on Harry Potter. I imagine there's a bit of regret.

You are SO LUCKY not to need the locker which is without a doubt the biggest cluster of all time.

Not a cluster however is the magnificence of this ride. OMG I am SO GLAD you FINALLY got to ride. Truly there is nothing like it anywhere.

Even on the DIS Unplugged they have been raving about the great service at Universal, and we experienced the same thing! Everyone was pleasant, helpful, and smiling.

Oh gosh, even our brisk walk had me a little sweaty! It was probably the most humid morning of our whole trip. I can't even imagine running!! lol

I bet Disney is kicking themselves. But I honestly don't know if Disney would have done as well of a job as Universal did. I think Universal needed it to be big and impressive to draw more guests through the turnstiles. Disney may have done a much smaller scale version because, while cool to have, I don't think they would have needed something so impressive because they already have the attendance. Just my opinion though, I could be wrong. But I guess we'll never know!

It is definitely a one of a kind!! It was funny about the lockers because I remember reading on a TR something about, "Don't use these lockers, use those because they are less crowded/confusing." But at the moment, I couldn't remember which lockers I was supposed to use! It passed through my mind as a, "Darn it, I should have checked on that before we left" just before the TM said we didn't need them. Whew! Crisis averted. haha

Definitely one of a kind. I hope they are able to replicate their success with the HP expansion! The guests only benefit when they try to improve upon themselves!

I read the part about CityWalk but forgot to comment. The hotel looks awesome! I am now thinking maybe we will hop here after our adults only cruise and stay onsite? IDK we will see after I get to see what Paxton gets to do. Anyway, Margaritaville looks awesome (we went to one in Vegas like 10 years ago) and it sounds like a great first evening & getting to bed on time. I totally understand now about wanting more space - so tough with younger kids going to bed earlier. i'm glad sleeping in a bed wasn't bad at all for Paxton, good idea to use the pillows.

As I had figured, there was not a TON of things for Paxton to do, but we still managed to have a really fun day, and I don't think there was any times where he was bored. With a small child, I would still probably only recommend a day. During low crowds, you don't need more than that anyway. It was probably best that we did it at the beginning of the trip also, because I think had we done it at the end, he might have been more frustrated at the lack of rides he was able to do compared to everything he is able to do in WDW.

The pillows worked perfect, and I think he liked sleeping in a kind of makeshift fort!

Moving on - how were the crowds at WWoHP overall? It sounds like they were very reasonable, esp considering the wait for Ollivander's. We never did that bc the wait was always crazy and it just didn't sound worth the wait, but I'd definitely want to do it now.

Having that extra hour in the morning was FANTASTIC! We were easily able to accomplish everything vital. And when we came back later in the day a couple of times, it wasn't extremely crowded either, although Ollivander's always had a pretty long line. I don't think FJ got over 40 minutes, which I guess is not bad considering. Given the time of year, we still could have done everything else we did without the unlimited EP, no problem. But having that bonus hour in WWoHP as resort guests made it all totally worth it.

LOVE LOVE Forbidden Journey - glad you had an amazing ride and time in Hogsmeade. How excited for the new Diagon Alley are you?! Ugh I can't wait!! I like Universal's child swap policy, seems to make things go faster than having to come all the way out, find your family, switch and go back through FP line.

Looking forward to more!

I am ECSTATIC!! Since it will be awhile before our next Disney trip, I am really hoping the expansion will be done so we can check it out then! It sounds like even just riding the train back and forth will be pretty awesome, and I can't even imagine how amazing the Gringott's coaster will be!! We only had to use child swap at FJ, and it worked extremely well. Although like Andy said upthread, DS did not like having to walk through and wait in such a dark environment, so that was about the only downfall of the rider swap experienced at Universal compared to Disney.

YAY for Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and Forbidden Journeys! I am glad you loved it as much as you hoped you would. I cannot wait to go back, they truly did an amazing job.

I do hope you made it on the Dragon Challenge. Though yes, the ride is the same, the queue...is not!

I got a sugar high just looking at that donut!

SUCH an amazing job! I still get so excited just thinking about what an amazing time we had. Even years after it opened and seeing so many pictures and reading everything about it, I was still wowed and surprised by the level of detail and themeing.

Sadly, we never did end up riding Dragon Challenge. :( Next time though we will definitely make time for it!

:rotfl: I mean really, DH should have just given DS a bag full of pure sugar for breakfast!!!
So where is the "after" picture? You know, the one where your DS and the stroller are covered with chocolate and sprinkles. :lmao::rotfl2:

Is that even a question that needs to be asked??? :confused3

You make a good point. I mean I hate waiting in line anytime, but that queue is probably the most impressive I've ever seen and it does deserve more than just a passing glance.

I had to ask with DW standing there. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: and I knew what DS would pick so it was more for DW to know hey were getting the chocolate donut. :lmao: and I was hoping DS would not eat it all so I could have some. I was partially right on that. He only ate half of the donut, but it was the top half. He ate all the chocolate and sprinkles so I got the bottom half of the donut. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: DS knows the good part.

I guess the difference to me is that I would have taken one look at that thing and grabbed a plain one without giving him the choice!!

Wasn't trying to leave you in the dust, but I was READY TO RIDE!!

I took one look and thought chocolate sprinkles it is! But I knew you were right over my shoulder so I had to ask DS that way you couldn't say no to him. I mean were on vacation perfect time to eat junk. :rotfl::rotfl2:
I felt the same way you did when I saw WWOHP for the first time. It's amazing to see how well Universal did making the books come to life.

It's even better that you got to go in for early entry, because my one qualm with the area is that it was SO CROWDED (we went the year it opened).

Forbidden Journey is just UNREAL. I love it.

I hope you made it back for some Butterbeer!
I felt the same way you did when I saw WWOHP for the first time. It's amazing to see how well Universal did making the books come to life.

It's even better that you got to go in for early entry, because my one qualm with the area is that it was SO CROWDED (we went the year it opened).

Forbidden Journey is just UNREAL. I love it.

I hope you made it back for some Butterbeer!

I couldn't believe how fantastic it was to walk in there for the first time. I just kept saying, "This is AMAZING."

Yeah, the area is fairly small and it can get congested easily. We ended up not needing the unlimited express pass really, but I still think the hotel stay was worth it just for the early entry!

I loved everything about WWoHP! If they can replicate that success with the expansion at the Studios... It's going to be epic!
City walk sounds cool with all the restaurants we've never eaten at.. is it like Universal's Downtown Disney? Do you have to be staying/going to Universal to get to it, or can you drive there to eat? (seriously know nothing about Universal)

wait I think I already commented on that update, lol... serious mommy brain!

Too excited to sleep! Must be in Disney!

Again, I know nothing about Universal OR Harry Potter... but glad you finally got to see it!! I'm glad you got to ride it first. They have child swap rooms?! I'm sorry you got motion sick though!

Ooh poor DS :( I would've been doing the same thing - praying he was too short.

LOL - he wanted to see the boy throwing up? Silly boy!
Joining in! I enjoyed reading your last TR and was excited to see that you started this new one! Sounds like this trip is off to a great start. Looking forward to reading more...:goodvibes
City walk sounds cool with all the restaurants we've never eaten at.. is it like Universal's Downtown Disney? Do you have to be staying/going to Universal to get to it, or can you drive there to eat? (seriously know nothing about Universal)

wait I think I already commented on that update, lol... serious mommy brain!

Too excited to sleep! Must be in Disney!

Again, I know nothing about Universal OR Harry Potter... but glad you finally got to see it!! I'm glad you got to ride it first. They have child swap rooms?! I'm sorry you got motion sick though!

Ooh poor DS :( I would've been doing the same thing - praying he was too short.

LOL - he wanted to see the boy throwing up? Silly boy!

It is similar to Downtown Disney, but I think it's more heavy on the restaurants than DTD is. There may be some clubs there too, I don't know, we have never been club people. :rotfl: The way Universal works is that if you are not staying there, everyone who drives in parks in a big parking garage. They check your bags before you exit the garage, and then you take those long moving walkways they have like at airports and it kind of dumps you out in CityWalk. Then you have Universal Studios to your right and IoA to your left. You have access to everything! Best thing about it is it's so easy to park hop, and since they checked your bags already, you don't have to go through bag check at each park! The hotels each have a walking path or water taxi that will take you from the hotels to a different drop off part of City Walk closer down by the IoA side with a bag check station there for people coming in that way.

I didn't use Child Swap at any other attractions, but from what I can see all of the height restricted rides have rooms for the child swap parent to wait with the child. The one at FJ had Harry Potter movies playing, I don't know if any of the other ones have movies or toys.

He's definitely ALL boy! He asked to see that throwin' up boy several times throughout the day. :lmao:

Joining in! I enjoyed reading your last TR and was excited to see that you started this new one! Sounds like this trip is off to a great start. Looking forward to reading more...:goodvibes

Welcome! I'm happy to have you along!!
Day 2 Continued: Wednesday October 23rd

When I left off, we had just finished up enjoying the heck out of our early entry hour into WWoHP. Since it was nearing 9 am, we decided to head over to Universal Studios to meet up with our family. Originally, the goal had been to get there for opening, which was supposed to be 9. But when we checked into our hotel, the times guide they gave us showed that Universal was actually scheduled to open at 8 am. I'm guessing it was because the park was closing at 5 for Halloween Horror Nights? Either way, we still made it over there by just after 9 am.

We ran into our family, who had just arrived at the Universal entrance as well, so that was perfect. Well, everyone except Katie & Mitchell, though I don't remember why they hadn't caught up to us yet. So while we waited for them, we saw some characters out greeting and decided to get in the super short line. First up, a favorite of DS's and mine both in books & TV form, Curious George!

2-036 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-037 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-039 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-041 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

I think Katie & Mitchell caught up with us by the time it was our turn to meet George. We tried to get him to go over to Woody Woodpecker and his girlfriend (who a quick Google search taught me is named Winnie Woodpecker), but he wasn't interested so Mammy & Pappy decided to get a picture with them instead.

2-042 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

There were more characters out, like Betty Boop, but no Simpsons, although we did get a picture of their camper.

2-043 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Then we had a quick discussion of what to do first, and we all decided to go on Despicable Me Minion Mayhem.

2-044 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-045 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

The wait was like 25 minutes, and DH and I totally should have used our Express Passes but since it was the first ride of the day, we decided not to. Of course, that was the ONLY attraction all day where EP would have truly benefited us, but it was fine. When we walked up, DS was too short to ride, so I asked about the stationary seat and the TM said that was fine, just to let them know at the front. Nonni volunteered to ride stationary with him since she doesn't enjoy motion simulators all that much, so it worked out perfectly. This was one DH and I thought we'd have to go through twice so we could each get a ride on the moving seats, so having a volunteer to ride stationary with DS while we both got to ride moving seats was great.

2-046 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Waiting in line​

Eventually we made it into the ride building, and it was decorated just like from the movie! Which, by the way, only DH, DS, and myself had seen out of our group. So I'm sure a lot of this attraction was lost on them, which is too bad because it's a great movie and an adorable and funny attraction!

2-047 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-048 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-049 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-050 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

There are 2 little pre-shows. One is at the end of the queue while you are still in the same area as the line and they tell you not to put your 3D glasses on until they tell you, etc. They line you up into rows at this point. DS was entranced by the movie screens, and we had a hard time getting him to move forward! :rotfl:

2-051 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Then you move into the next room which is another pre-show, but this one is more about setting up the attraction. It is a really cute little pre-show, mostly because of the minions, of course!

2-052-1 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Then of course, you move into the theater that has pods of 4 seats together. DS and Nonni were in the very front row of stationary seats and we were in the row behind them. It was kind of rough being so close to the screen, but it was still enjoyable. I saw this attraction as a kid when it was Hanna-Barbera, but stayed away from the Jimmy Neutron version, so it had been awhile. Having forgotten exactly how it worked, I couldn't believe how real they could make it feel with the seats moving! The animation was great, and the show was adorable and funny. I think they did a great job with this attraction!

After the attraction is over, you walk through an area where they have a Minion meet & greet, and there are also a few other TMs having a dance party. We decided to wait in line to meet the minion, and boy am I glad we did!

2-053 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

I couldn't believe it, but the minion actually scared DS! The TM came over to get DS out of the line to bring him over, but DS was acting nervous. So the TM said he would stand in between them. Well then DS got brave after we were all encouraging him to go give the minion a hug. So he made a wide arc to be sure to get a good look at him first, and got SO close, but then the minion moved and DS ran away! It was pretty hilarious, and I got it all on video.

VIDEO: DS Meets a Minion

Despite that, he was still willing to take a few pictures once I picked him up and kept myself between him and that terrifying minion.

2-055 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Continued in next post
Day 2 Continued: Wednesday October 23rd

After exiting, we thought we might split up for a bit. My parents wanted to take DS to see Shrek 4-D, and DH and I wanted to go ride a couple of big people rides while they did that. First, though, we made a restroom stop. There is one right down the alleyway where the Shrek movie lets out, so we headed down there. Trust me, this is all relevant in some way. :rotfl: The ladies all go into the restroom along with DS and do what we need to do. Then we come out, and the guys are nowhere to be found! After looking around confused for a second, I see DH waving at me from down the alleyway, waving me over because MEGATRON WAS OUT.

2-056 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

By the time I walked down there, DH and Mitchell had already gotten in line because Megatron was going in and the TM had told them Optimus Prime was coming out next! DS was looking a little unenthused about gigantic transformers, what with his scary minion meet so fresh in his mind. So off he went with my parents to see Shrek while we waited in line. I am not sure what my in-laws did. I only know they didn't go see Shrek and they didn't stay with us. :confused3

2-057 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-058 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
There he is!​

Katie and Mitchell went up first to have their picture taken, then DH & I.

2-059 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-060 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Then we decided to take one more of all 4 of us, because, why not, right?

2-061 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Prom pose!​

I was surprised by how interactive they were! We hung around for a second and watched him interact with other guests, and I cracked up laughing when he said in a very serious and prophetic voice, "NOW IS THE TIME..." long pause, "...for you to smile." :lmao: So while we were on a Transformers high, we decided to check out the line. It was only a 15 minute wait, but darn it, we had paid to stay onsite for a reason, so we used our Express Pass! :rotfl: Katie & Mitchell had to go through the regular line of course, and they later told us the 15 minute wait was pretty accurate if not a couple minutes less.

2-065 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-062 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-063 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

This ride was AMAZING. Like, in the way that the Spider-Man attraction is amazing with how it makes you feel like you are moving, falling, speeding, flying, etc., only with TRANSFORMERS, which no offense, Spidey, I love a lot more!! I am a huge fan of the movies, and this attraction was full of action and extremely well done! I liked that they didn't include any of the human actors from the movie, because as we have seen those can change (Looking at you, Megan Fox!).

After that, we hurried over to our other must-do-but-without-DS ride, The Mummy!!

2-064 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

I may have told this story on other TRs, but I'll say it again anyway. We kept skipping this on our honeymoon because we thought it was just an indoor ride through. Then on our last day, we decided to give it a try, but it had just come back up and running after being down for awhile, so we waited probably close to 30 minutes even with Express Pass. I kept thinking this ride better be worth the wait, and OMG WAS IT EVER!! We came off both so annoyed that we had put it off for so long, because we wouldn't have time to ride again, and it was SO FUN!

Unfortunately today, we only had time for one ride again just because we had to meet back up with my parents, who were about to come out of Shrek. But it was still just as thrilling as I remembered! They did everything right with that roller coaster, and I don't even really like the movie.

When we go to the exit for Shrek, my in-laws were there and said my parents and DS hadn't come out yet. So we walked down the alleyway to see which Transformer was out, and it was my favorite, BUMBLEBEE!!

2-066 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We didn't wait to meet him because his line was a little longer than before, but we did stick around long enough to see him dancing! I was too slow with my camera, so I didn't catch that on video. :sad1:

2-069 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-070 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

2-071 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Some pictures while we waited​

When they finally came out (I don't remember what took them so long in there?!), DS was sobbing hysterically. So immediately I go over and ask my mom if the 3D scared him that much, and she said, "No, he didn't want to give the glasses back!" :lmao: At that point, I figured his blood sugar was probably crashing after that donut, so it was about time to get this boy some lunch.

UP NEXT: Lunch in Springfield!
Wizarding World looks fantastic!! Oh my goodness, that must have been amazing.

I love that there's a Curious George meet and greet. So cute!

Motion simulators are great, especially if they're well done! If not, they make me so nauseous. Yikes! The Despicable Me one sounds awesome. I love that movie (especially the first one haha). Sounds like such a fun day so far!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
The video of DS with the Minion is too cute! :goodvibes bless him... I guess the Minion is much bigger than he'd expect from seeing them on tv ;)

looks like a fun morning in Universal Studios!

Emma princess: x
Even on the DIS Unplugged they have been raving about the great service at Universal, and we experienced the same thing! Everyone was pleasant, helpful, and smiling.

I saw that as well which really surprised me. In fact, I've seen them talk about this a few times and also about some less than enthusiastic experiences with Disney CM's. Strange that this was, for me, one of the biggest differences between Disney and Universal. Seems Uni may be turning the tide. I hope Disney is paying attention.

They really did do a fantastic job with Minion Mayhem. I did see Jimmy Neutron once, but I didn't really care much for it. I loved Minion Mayhem though.

Haha, that was so cute when DS ran away from the Minion!!! :laughing:

15 minutes for Transformers???? Wow, really low crowds. Holy smokes. I can't wait to ride it!!

Funny... I also look at Megan Fox. :rotfl2:

The Mummy is perfect. Like Everest, this is another ride I will just circle and ride over and over (and I have). Prior to Manta opening this was my number 2 in Orlando. Just awesome.
Aww Curious George is so cute!

I love the minion and Despicable Me, so it's something that I definitely have to put on my bucket list. The queue looks awesome!

Yeah, I can see why that minion might have been scary for him, if only just for the face.

Looks like you got to get in a lot of cool characters at least. Transformers aren't really my thing but it's still so cool to see what they have over there :)
Wizarding World looks fantastic!! Oh my goodness, that must have been amazing.

I love that there's a Curious George meet and greet. So cute!

Motion simulators are great, especially if they're well done! If not, they make me so nauseous. Yikes! The Despicable Me one sounds awesome. I love that movie (especially the first one haha). Sounds like such a fun day so far!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

It really was amazing, more so than I could have imagined!

Despicable Me was a GREAT motion simulator! Very smooth, so it didn't make me feel sick at all. I am the same way, if the movie is jumpy on a motion simulator ride, I can get soooooo sick! I still haven't seen the second one, but I plan to. :thumbsup2

The video of DS with the Minion is too cute! :goodvibes bless him... I guess the Minion is much bigger than he'd expect from seeing them on tv ;)

looks like a fun morning in Universal Studios!

Emma princess: x

It was so funny! I wasn't expecting him to be scared, but I guess I can see how it can be pretty frightening to a kid his size. :rotfl:

I saw that as well which really surprised me. In fact, I've seen them talk about this a few times and also about some less than enthusiastic experiences with Disney CM's. Strange that this was, for me, one of the biggest differences between Disney and Universal. Seems Uni may be turning the tide. I hope Disney is paying attention.

They really did do a fantastic job with Minion Mayhem. I did see Jimmy Neutron once, but I didn't really care much for it. I loved Minion Mayhem though.

Haha, that was so cute when DS ran away from the Minion!!! :laughing:

15 minutes for Transformers???? Wow, really low crowds. Holy smokes. I can't wait to ride it!!

Funny... I also look at Megan Fox. :rotfl2:

The Mummy is perfect. Like Everest, this is another ride I will just circle and ride over and over (and I have). Prior to Manta opening this was my number 2 in Orlando. Just awesome.

Yeah, Disney definitely needs to be stepping it up. We only had encounters with one rude CM, but the service at Universal was better than I remembered from past trips! Not that it was ever bad, but it just seemed better this time.

Minion Mayhem is excellent, and it's great that they finally put something relevant in there for kids. Jimmy Neutron was popular back when my 16 year old cousin was Paxton's age! Seeing him run from the Minion was HILARIOUS! I still laugh every time I watch that video! :lmao:

I was really surprised that Transformers had such a low wait being that is it so brand new and had HUGE wait times when it first opened. Gotta love low crowds!!

Why am I not surprised by this? :rolleyes1

We really wanted to jump right back on Mummy, but we knew we needed to get back to DS. It's such an awesome coaster!!

Aww Curious George is so cute!

I love the minion and Despicable Me, so it's something that I definitely have to put on my bucket list. The queue looks awesome!

Yeah, I can see why that minion might have been scary for him, if only just for the face.

Looks like you got to get in a lot of cool characters at least. Transformers aren't really my thing but it's still so cool to see what they have over there :)

We love Curious George in our house, and I had been really hoping we would find him at Universal. So perfect that he was right at the entrance for us when we got htere!

The queue was pretty boring outside, just lots and lots of switchbacks with some TV screens. But once you get inside, it's really fun! The TM did say they also have a smaller, non-moving Minion that comes out for guests to take pictures with but we never ended up back there.

I was surprised we did as many character meets in Universal/IoA as we did. I was kind of bummed I didn't bring DS's autograph book! It was all Disney themed, of course, but it still would have been fun to get some autographs at Universal. :goodvibes
STOP I LOVE MINIONS I'M GOING TO COLLAPSE. I want to go to Universal so badly now!!! So many great details in that queue, I love the little door that says "Minions Only"!

Sorry the minion scared DS, though :( The minion you met doesn't exactly look too happy, though...

We did US in California years ago and the Mummy ride was my favorite. I think we went three times! It is truly amazing.
Curious George is so cute! Gavin was given a stuffed George & 2 books for his birthday. George stays in my Jeep for car trips and Gavin loves to hug him. I'm sure he would love a life size one! Those pictures of George and DS are so cute!

Cute picture of your parents with the woodpeckers! I had to stare at them for a second to notice they were different. I remember Woody Woodpecker from when I was a little little kid.

I seriously must live under a rock. I haven't seen Despicable Me. DS looks really cute in his shirt! The video is too cute!

Wow it looks like there were a lot of characters out and you were able to do a lot.

(maybe some day I will have a better response to universal posts haha. I guess this is like when people who have never been to Disney World try to have a conversation about it lol)
STOP I LOVE MINIONS I'M GOING TO COLLAPSE. I want to go to Universal so badly now!!! So many great details in that queue, I love the little door that says "Minions Only"!

Sorry the minion scared DS, though :( The minion you met doesn't exactly look too happy, though...

We did US in California years ago and the Mummy ride was my favorite. I think we went three times! It is truly amazing.

:lmao: The Minions are REALLY cute, and they are definitely ALL OVER the park. I kind of obsessed over making sure to get DS a Universal-appropriate T-shirt to wear that day, and I almost got him a Curious George one but then DH saw a Minion shirt at Target and we got that one instead. I thought I was making a great choice, but when we got there, every 3rd person was also wearing a Minion shirt!! :rotfl: Not that it made it necessarily a BAD choice, I just thought I was being original. Maybe they will finally phase out those Thing 1-15 shirts all over the place, I'm so sick of those!!

Yeah, that particular Minion I can see how he was a bit frightening to a toddler.

The Mummy is awesome! If the California version is the same as Florida, I know exactly why you loved it so much!

Curious George is so cute! Gavin was given a stuffed George & 2 books for his birthday. George stays in my Jeep for car trips and Gavin loves to hug him. I'm sure he would love a life size one! Those pictures of George and DS are so cute!

Cute picture of your parents with the woodpeckers! I had to stare at them for a second to notice they were different. I remember Woody Woodpecker from when I was a little little kid.

I seriously must live under a rock. I haven't seen Despicable Me. DS looks really cute in his shirt! The video is too cute!

Wow it looks like there were a lot of characters out and you were able to do a lot.

(maybe some day I will have a better response to universal posts haha. I guess this is like when people who have never been to Disney World try to have a conversation about it lol)

We read George books before bedtime at least 2-3 times a week! So I was really excited to see him in the parks. That's so cute that Gavin has a travel George to hug. :hug: I am always on the lookout for George collections. For his second Christmas Paxton got a box with I think 6 individual books in it, and last Christmas I found a big book with 8 stories in it! They are great little books, and DS also likes watching the show sometimes.

I definitely recommend Despicable Me! It's a great little movie, funny with a very sweet ending. I only recently saw it because I wanted to make sure to see it before the trip because of the new ride. I still haven't seen the sequel but Paxton might be getting it from Santa Claus so I should be able to see it then. ;)

:rotfl: Totally okay! I have a few more posts of Universal and then it will be ALLLL Disney after that! :goodvibes
Universal/IOA look like so much fun! We're going to have to make our Orlando trip at least a week long when we do decide to include them in our itinerary.

I love Minions but I can see why your DS may have been a little freaked out about it especially if you focus on that "blegh" expression and his freakishly spiky but sparse hair! :rotfl:

Can't wait to see SPRINGFIELD!!


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