I was not allowed to use rocking chairs at Baby Care Center

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I guess breastfeeding isn't for you if you actually have to wait for a specific place to use, I think most breastfeeding moms will feed their babies when they need to be fed and not stand in line and wait for a rocking chair sulking. :rolleyes:

Talk about judging! I'm not for sure you are qualified to state what most breastfeeding moms would or would not do. I don't know how you would DARE say that bf is or isn't for someone else. I think you also need to get out there and meet some more bf moms . . . then you would not have the nerve to make such a ridiculous statement. You obviously don't know how difficult and time consuming nursing can be. However, most who do it feel the benefits outweigh the difficulties they may have. You also need to reevaluate who is sulking here . . .
One more time with feeling!

Disney does not care if you feed your baby with a bottle or ****. There is no "preference" or "favoritism."

The only preference they have is that they are not inundated with complaints from irate guests who were subjected to the sight of a **** whilst on vacation.

While the kind mothers on this thread assure us that NIP does not offend them, one can simply do a search on the DIS of the word "breastfeeding" and sift through the thousands of posts on this topic to see that some are, in fact, disgusted by it to the point of complaining to Disney.
I pretty much think almost everyone has been rude here. It has been suggested op was just overly emotional. <---- rude
it has been suggested moms with a child who needs a place to settle down away from the stimulation of the park should take them to the car <--- rude
it has been suggetsed that moms who have kids that need to be fed in a certain type of environment should stay home <---- rude
I personally have been called a liar again and again <----rude

there are too many snide, snotty, snarky comments to quote.

I would hope most moms wouldn't talk to each other in this way and would show kindness and compassion to another mom should they run into someone in need IRL.
I can't speak for everyone, but it is not that I feel like breastfeeding mothers don't deserve a place to feed or pump in private, but that bottlefeeding moms are no less worthy of being given a place to meet their baby's needs as well. Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't both needs be provided for? I don't think that one is any more real or important than the other.

Because people don't complain to Disney that they saw a mother feeding her child with a bottle on Its a Small World

I am not sure why people are still trying to make out that this is bottle versus breast. The one and only reason there is a room at all is so that Disney can show they are offering it when the complaints come in.

Yes feeding is feeding, but one involves getting your breasts out and the other does not. It is not about the quietness of the room, it is not about the rocking chairs.

The OP has said that it wasn't even the room she really wanted it was a rocking chair, and as many others have said, if you have a requirement that isn't being met, your best option is to write or speak to Disney. They don't have to supply things to meet every need but if they know about it then maybe they will.

I pretty much think almost everyone has been rude here. It has been suggested op was just overly emotional. <---- rude
it has been suggested moms with a child who needs a place to settle down away from the stimulation of the park should take them to the car <--- rude
it has been suggetsed that moms who have kids that need to be fed in a certain type of environment should stay home <---- rude
I personally have been called a liar again and again <----rude

there are too many snide, snotty, snarky comments to quote.

I would hope most moms wouldn't talk to each other in this way and would show kindness and compassion to another mom should they run into someone in need IRL.

I agree. But, I honestly thought some of your posts were rude too (as I am sure you thought some of mine were). Everyone gets worked up over this issue as well as many other parenting issues.
See, I think this is just what is so annoying. You totally disregard the whole privacy aspect and just can't get over the "well, they have something so we should too!". It is like being in Kindergarten. Well, bottlefeeding moms have a whole kitchen to heat their bottles in. I think Disney either needs to provide the bf moms with a kitchen or they should get rid of the one used by bottlefeeding moms. It isn't fair to provide for one but not the other . . .

Did you read the post before this one where I said that i did not dispute that breastfeeding moms deserved a place to feed and pump in prviate, but that this need was no more important than the need of a bottle feeding mom for a quiet place to feed???? The kitchen is open to all. The only place that isn't is the breastfeeding room, and that is fine, it should be private, but there needs to be someplace to give a child a bottle without blaring televisions and screaming children. It is not the "I want what they have" mentality, just that it would be nice if they provided a quiet place for bottle feeding moms too. I think what is getting everyone so upset is the insinuation that one groups' needs are more important than the other, and no matter what anyone tries to argue it is there agian and agian on this thread. I honestly think people do it without even thinking or realizing it sometimes, because breasfeeding is so much better for a baby than a bottle it is automatically more worthy.
Can I ask, in all seriousness, with no rude intentions whatsoever: If the nursing room had a television and the exact same kind of seating arrangement as the main room, would people still be upset?
Can I ask, in all seriousness, with no rude intentions whatsoever: If the nursing room had a television and the exact same kind of seating arrangement as the main room, would people still be upset?

Throw in the screaming kids running around playing and you have a deal. Then no one would have what they need to take care of their baby, but everyone would be equal. How ridiculous!!!!
It isn't about that. It is about needing a quiet spot. It is the privacy that everyone wants.

From my point of view.

And it is the determination of who has a need and who has a want. Also who detrmines who's need is greater.

I personally think wdw is lacking seriously in accomadating families with small children. Especially since we are a big part of their target group.

There is a huge need for family bathrooms - and as it has been clearly pointed out -companion assisted bathrooms should not be used as a family bathroom. They have now banned holding tables at qs - and ate asking families to not sit with kids while one person does the ordering. This is a step backwards on family friendliness IMO.

If they are going to provide a BCC then it should be equally set up for all families. If that involves a privete room for infant feeding only for bfing that us restricted to women only then they should create another space for the bootle feeding moms and dads.

They should also advise their BCC that bfing and bottle feeding is a sensitive topic for many - and help them to treat all guests with a more gentle kindness.

And none of my posts were intended as rude.

I also think comments like " breast is best and since we are doing what is best we deserve a few perks". Is the kind of thing that fuels the fire for bottle feeding moms to feel like they are being looked down on.
The arguement I am making is that the nursing room fulfills a PHYSICAL need (i.e., privacy) while those opposed to the nursing rooms are making an EMOTIONAL arguement. (i.e, peace and quiet). Thats all my post was pointing out, the difference between the physical and emotional need.

I don't follow your argument. How is privacy a "physical need"? It is not illegal to NIP in Florida. Privacy is not a basic human need like food, water and shelter are. Some breastfeeding mothers are uncomfortable nursing in public and some members of the public are uncomfortable seeing mothers NIP, and it might not be as easy for some mothers to NIP as it would be for them to nurse privately -- but wouldn't those be EMOTIONAL needs, too.

Your post about your engorged and leaky "bottle" was snarky, and I think it was intended to be. It seemed the point of your post was that there would be problems if you were made to wait for a chair in the nursing room (if those chairs were filled with bottle feeders.) That is about your need to feed immediately upon your baby's hunger cues. That might count as a physical need... but it has nothing to do with privacy.

ETA -- I do understand that Disney probably put in a nursing room to encourage nursing privately so they wouldn't get complaints, and I don't really have a problem with that although it was unfortunate that the OP *thought* she would be able to use it and couldn't... but your snarky post did nothing to further the privacy argument at all.
It isn't about that. It is about needing a quiet spot. It is the privacy that everyone wants.

From my point of view.

And it is the determination of who has a need and who has a want. Also who detrmines who's need is greater.

I personally think wdw is lacking seriously in accomadating families with small children. Especially since we are a big part of their target group.

There is a huge need for family bathrooms - and as it has been clearly pointed out -companion assisted bathrooms should not be used as a family bathroom. They have now banned holding tables at qs - and ate asking families to not sit with kids while one person does the ordering. This is a step backwards on family friendliness IMO.

If they are going to provide a BCC then it should be equally set up for all families. If that involves a privete room for infant feeding only for bfing that us restricted to women only then they should create another space for the bootle feeding moms and dads.

They should also advise their BCC that bfing and bottle feeding is a sensitive topic for many - and help them to treat all guests with a more gentle kindness.

And none of my posts were intended as rude.

I also think comments like " breast is best and since we are doing what is best we deserve a few perks". Is the kind of thing that fuels the fire for bottle feeding moms to feel like they are being looked down on.

A well thought out and rational post! What is this thread coming to? ;)
That's garbage! I fed my then 5 mo son in the rocking chairs WITH A BOTTLE in the MK. I just walked right in though, I didn't ask. He's similar to your son and likes a quiet environment and he needed a little break from everything. Complain again!
I did a google search and found an article about a woman who sued a Ruby Tuesday after she was told to leave or feed her baby in the restroom when she was nursing in the restaurant. This was one of the comments left in response to the article. It's likely the type of stuff that lead to Disney designating a Nursing Room.

I'd be willing to bet that she is short on money and someone told her about this law. She found the first shark attorney and bam, instant lawsuit. I work at a Disney and have seen women just whip it out and feed in the middle of lines and restaurants. Most of which don't even cover up. I've had numerous guest ask me why it's allowed, apparently most states and countries don't allow it. I think most women have the decency to cover up or go to a private spot, but not all do. I don't think this woman covered up or did anything to make herself not stand out. I'm with c_bates 100%.

Link to article:

Yes, NIP *IS* legal and should be embraced. Regardless, I am sure Disney got sick of complaints.
Those who are saying that bottle feeders need a quite private place have you ever actually been in the nursing room when it's in use??? It is not quite by any means, and the times I've been in there have been noisier then the main area. You can hear the TV in there, and when it's full and the women are talking - no quite there. Plus when I'm there with my twins one is playing on the floor in front of me while the other nurses so again no quite. The reason I like the room is that I don't have to whip my breast out in front of thousands of people. And yes I try to use a cover, but my boys where preemies and learning to nurse was a trial, and they still at over a year do not have the latching on yet so the cover does not work I have to see them and the breast to get a good latch.

I have gotten many rude comments and have been yelled at at disney so I use the nursing room to save myself that and to spare someone's snowflake from seeing my breast.
Throw in the screaming kids running around playing and you have a deal. Then no one would have what they need to take care of their baby, but everyone would be equal. How ridiculous!!!!

See, this is about the privacy aspect again though. There is no reason to exclude siblings and husbands from the bottlefeeding room. However, they are excluded from the bf room due to privacy. My kids will be used to nursing. I would have no problems with them in the bf room - I would actually prefer it in times when my DH is not also there. However, Disney does not allow this due to privacy of the other women. This aspect does not exist if there is a bottlefeeding room. So, even if they did add a bottlefeeding room, I don't think you will have the quiet you imagine with the siblings and husbands and other family members (which they couldn't exclude because it would be "discriminatory"). The bf room is not necessarily quiet either. Once you add in breastpumps, it can get pretty noisy.
I also think comments like " breast is best and since we are doing what is best we deserve a few perks". Is the kind of thing that fuels the fire for bottle feeding moms to feel like they are being looked down on.

Did you know that "Breast is Best" is actually a marketing phrase coined in by formula manufacturers? They print it on their bottles and all their marketing materials. I could go into why but won't. But, if you want to blame someone for that phrase (which I don't recall seeing here but who knows after 30 pages?!), you are blaming the wrong people.
Did you know that "Breast is Best" is actually a marketing phrase coined in by formula manufacturers? They print it on their bottles and all their marketing materials. I could go into why but won't. But, if you want to blame someone for that phrase (which I don't recall seeing here but who knows after 30 pages?!), you are blaming the wrong people.

That phrase isn't what I think is inappropriate but the "we deserve perks"

it sounds like "we are better and deserve to be treated as such". Now it may not have been intended that way - that is how it comes across.
Breastfeeding moms do have to overcome some societal stigmas, which is what I think the person you are misquoting meant. That a private area to nurse was a perk since many people complain about NIP.
That phrase isn't what I think is inappropriate but the "we deserve perks"

it sounds like "we are better and deserve to be treated as such". Now it may not have been intended that way - that is how it comes across.

What is the rationale behind giving bfing moms the 'perk' of the Nursing Only room? WHO thinks bfing moms are better and DESERVE to have a special discriminatory room to feed their baby in private? (in a room with 4 chairs inside the Baby Care Center)
Okay here is the whole post. And I sitll find it fuels the fire

Maybe I'm just cynical, but I don't even think that Disney provides the bf rooms because of complaints about NIP. They are sponsered by a formula compnay and these days formula companies are required to give lip service to "Breast is Best" -- which is why I think we have these rooms.

BTW, I NIP all the time, but I am grateful for the rooms (no matter why they are there.) Neither one of my girls would let a blanket cover them when they nurse and it is always a struggle to keep myself somewhat covered. The rooms let me just relax and not care about who I'm flashing.

I also think that while it is important that bottle-feeding moms not feel bad for the fact (and I won't say choice because I know that is not always the case) that they bottle-feed, as a society we should be encouraging people to breastfeed and it is amazing that something as natural and beneficial as breastfeeding was almost completely washed out of our culture just a generation ago. If that means that we should give some "perks" to breastfeeding moms, so be it.
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