
How many times does he wake up. That’s a hard time. Our Greg was nearly 1 before he slept through the night.
DDIL has an early schedule. He goes to bed around 7 and wakes up from 2-4.....hopefully 4.
He has allergies, so if those are bothering him, he wakes up more, other than that just 2-4
It took dgd about 2 years because of having to wake up early.
Then ds started taking her to school later.
We'll see......but he is a happy baby
Well, Happy is Great!!

Our Houston DGSs have gone home. At 4 and 5 they are happy children who have lots of interests.
I'm so tired I can hardly walk. DGS is asleep. DGD is watching TV.....she is never bored. We made slime, cookie dough for tomorrow and pizza for dinner. She even watched a scary movie with me
I did....then DGD called, she had to go to the bathroom
12, DGS cried....he needed a bottle.
3:15 he just made enough noise to wake up, but stayed asleep
4:15 he was up for good.
Had a bottle and is now playing and watching TV while I suck down tea
no naps.......they are only here until about 3:30. Of course then I have to clean up and do laundry.....and next week is crazy busy.
It was so much easier 35 year ago :rotfl:
Nancy - Tough time when they won't sleep on a schedule and keep you up!

DS was a great napper and sleeper until around 4 when he started waking up. Turned out he had sleep apnea due to enlarged tonsils and needed a T&A. Evidently his apnea was waking him up and he didn't know why!

We've been finishing up our holiday shopping and yesterday we bought a beautiful sofa bed to sit on in my TV room (and to DIS on). It is similar to the very nice ones at Hard Rock Hotel at Universal; wooden base under mattress and nice foam sections to sleep on. A bit expensive but so much nicer than the typical sofa bed.

Guess I need to start the outside decorations and then the tree this week. I was hoping to do the tree when snow is falling. Last year I trimmed and took the tree down during snowstorms; great atmosphere and inspiration.

Have a good week everyone and hope you get some good sleep Nancy!
LOL....I will. It is just one night, but I am old enough I need sleep when I can get it.

I hope to get the fall decorations down, the Christmas ones and the tree up, the cookies done and pack for Disneyland this week.
We'll see how all that goes
Good wishes on getting it all done along with helping with the kids Nancy!
Got lots done today......cookies, sides for the family dinner tomorrow, inside decorations up (except for the tree).....and got the suitcases out :yay:

But DGS has yet another (or maybe still the same) ear infection. Going to have to get ear tubes....and is probably developing asthma :(


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