IMHO - Stupid marketing campaign

My point exactly here. Why make this attitude worse? Rude and me-me-me people are already out there, why make it worse for them? What does this campaign accomplish? Yes, it's brand awareness. But there are better way to do it without giving these self-entitled people more fuel to throw onto the fire.

Please keep in mind that these people do not annoy me :) I go to Disney for the sake of my kids and see their eyes light up. I am just slightly annoyed that Disney doesn't have the imagination to come up with more original branding campaign.

What's next - The Year of Million Character Meets
But see you're missing my point...that it doesn't matter if the campaign exists or not. If the campaign didn't exist, those attitudes would still be there. So why NOT have the campaign? Stupid people will still be stupid people, but that doesn't mean you can't give out these prizes to all the others. I just don't understand why there's so much focus on the negative people. There are far MORE people who just enjoy WDW for what it is. Someone even posted they never heard one complaint while there. So why focus everything and determine an entire campaign based on the relatively few complaints we read only on this board? I mean that's fine not to care for the campaign, but I do think that WDW would be a rather miserable place if they just did everything just to appease the negative people.

As far as originality....the 50th Celebration wasn't exactly original was just moving already existing attractions around to other parks in celebration of an anniversary that was already known. The upcoming rededication of Epcot is not exactly original since Epcot will be what is has been and it's a known anniversary that was bound to happen. I'm not complaining about either of these things, I think both ideas were/are rather nifty. But really, nothing in this world is completely original's just taking an already existing idea or method and expanding upon it.

50 times???? You got to be kidding!!!:dance3: Where do you get the money for so many trips???? Can I get in line to be adopted???:rotfl2:
HAHAHAHA!! Kathy:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
My guess (and it's only a guess) is that the poster lives relatively close and owns an annual pass. :) In about 9 months or so, DH and I are moving to Gainesville, FL...and you can guarantee we'll be there about as often too! :wizard:
::cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :dance3:
My guess (and it's only a guess) is that the poster lives relatively close and owns an annual pass. :) In about 9 months or so, DH and I are moving to Gainesville, FL...and you can guarantee we'll be there about as often too! :wizard:

That's wonderful! I'm happy for you all!!
We just can't wait to gooooo!!:cool1: counting down the days!!
Have a wonderful day!!
One poor lady posted today that her husband lost his job and his boss called him while they were on vacation at Disney. Kinda puts things in perspective.

We planned our first big family Disney trip in 1992. This was to be an awesome vacation with our daughters then 9 & 4. We planned to stay 8 days and my husband was so excited. He wanted the girls to be able to do the horseback riding and buy them anything they wanted (within reason of course :) ). He just didn't want to have to be on a budget. We had saved and paid for the vacation in advance, so we were ready to have fun. We arrived late the first day so we went to bed early to prepare for an early morning rope-drop and take in all that Disney had to offer. The next morning while getting ready to hit the parks, the Contemporary Hotel (yes, we went in style :cool1: ) room phone rings, it's a coworker calling to tell us that the aircraft maintenance shop they both worked at had just closed the doors and wished them all good that moment our world came to an utterly and complete halt. My husband just sat on the side of the bed in shock. I called the front desk to see if there was any way that we could get a refund on the vacation telling them what had just happened. They apologized profusely but weren't able to refund, so we decided since it was completely paid for that we would make the most out of it. Who knew when or if we would ever be back??? We had to be very careful with our food budget, but did allow the girls to pick out a special souvenir to remember the trip by. It was amazing they didn't want anything that was expensive at all.

Now it's 2007 and that was the best thing that could have happened to us. My husband went back to school, it was tough, but we managed, he has his Masters and is working for a government agency and absolutely loves it. Life truly does come full circle. During the "school years" we returned to Disney numerous times on a strict budget of course, but nevertheless we did it. It was too important for us to return to Disney and erase that life altering day. Boy have we ever erased it!!! :woohoo:
I like it better in the past when it's just random dreams given out to random people, unannounced, year in and year out. It's like Disney doing a marketing promotion stating "You will have a chance to meet a Disney character in one of our theme parks!" *duh* You have been doing that already.

While I disagree with you, I have to tell you about a very special meeting that happened to my niece at Disneyland this last weekend. She is 6 yrs old and wants to be jack Sparrow for halloween. She and I had spent 30 minutes on Pirate's Lair on Saturday "looking for treasure". She went back on Sunday with my daughter to find more treasure because she "knew" that there was more treasure there. While she was playing on huge treasure pile, I had called my daughter to "bring her in" for drinks and a nap. So they were were headed for the rafts when Jack Sparrow came up behind my daughter and took her water and 2 swords. My niece yells, "He STOLE your water and my swords." For the next 10 minutes, he talked with her and they had a swordfight on the treasure pile. My daughter noticed that there were no other kids around, only 6 cms, a "suit" (I mean who wears a suit when it's 100 degrees) and a photopass photographer. Then as suddenly as Jack Sparrow appeared, my niece remembered that we were waiting for her and took off, leaving the 6 cms, the "suit", the photopass photographer and Jack Sparrow standing there. So maybe we didn't get fastpasses, lanyards, ears or the DVC...but we think from a casual conversation with a cm early in the morning, my niece got her dream to meet Jack Sparrow...after all, according to her, she's his BIGGEST FAN.

I've read stories about little girls getting to spend time with their special about a little GIRL spending time with Jack Sparrow.
I think it's a marketing campaign to restore more of the Disney remind cms and guests that sprinkling some pixie dust will make someone's day.
I can tell you that we aren't going because of the YOAMD. We are going because we love Disney. If my children get lucky to have something EXTRA happen then thats wonderful. If nothing happens it won't impact our trip in a bad way what so ever.

I'm not buying a ticket in a lottery. I'm paying to enjoy WDW.

YOAMD dreams doesn't change that simple fact in the least.
I guess I'm one of the people that are being called stupid or dumb here. I felt very disappointed about the YOMD game. Was it too much to hope my daughter got a free set of 2 dollar ears or maybe a fast pass just to wear even if it was not used. No she did not hit the Disney lottery. She was left out of the fun and good feelings. She spent the whole week hoping and seeing others get dreams. Leaving me to try and explain why we were not chosen.

The person who dreamed up such a stupid ad campain must really be a sadist. They came up with something that cost Disney almost nothing in real money besides advertising it and makes thousands of loyal patrons feel left out.

The final straw was when I saw who won the Castle suite one day. It was a family from Celebration Florida. I thought Disney employees and family were excluded from promotions such as this. I guess not.

I think it would have been better if they would have done something to reward people who are loyal and visit every year. It would be simple to put a code on your reservation and have you go to city hall for your surprise gift. Maybe you could get a better prize each year.

Just for the record I do not expect things for free. But I did pay a lot of money to visit Disney only to feel slighted. It's not the money, it is the principal of how it is handled. Maybe I need to start looking for a new place to go on vacation.
The final straw was when I saw who won the Castle suite one day. It was a family from Celebration Florida. I thought Disney employees and family were excluded from promotions such as this. I guess not.

Just because they live in Celebration doesn't mean they work for Disney. :confused3 I have a few friends that live there and they do not work for Disney. They also spend a lot of money when they visit WDW. Doesn't everyone?
I know the people who won from Celebration. Not sure why it would annoy anyone that locals win. They are just like anybody else...don't work for Disney, pay good money to get into the park, etc. It was a matter of being in the right place at the right time. And better yet, they had their neighbors join them with their children...very, very sweet of them to share the dream. I'm from Celebration, too, and I sure wouldn't feel one whit of guilt to win a dream...not sure why I should be different from anyone who lives anywhere else.
Wow, I think it's a pretty blanket statement to say people who go this time of year are expecting a stay in the castle.

I didn't even know what YOAMD was when I booked this trip.

It's people that go to WDW expecting prizes [and they don't get them] that say things like this.
I understand how OP (and lots others) feel. I, too, was a little disappointed when we didn't win ANYTHING. I'm not saying it was a big deal because in the whole scheme of life, not winning a "dream" prize is miniscule.

But, I just read a post that someone won FOUR dream prizes in one trip. That just seems so unfair. Oh well.

Here's to hoping for our November trip!:wizard:
Flametamr said:
I've never seen anyone get upset over not winning the lottery either
I don't know how old she is, but maybe you could give her a simple explanation about 'sweepsstakes' and 'contests'? Without going through all the calculations again, an average of about 250 people per day per park will likely win a Year of a Million Dreams prize from the Dream Team - out of the normal 25,000+ Guests in that park that day.

The person who dreamed up such a stupid ad campain must really be a sadist. They came up with something that cost Disney almost nothing in real money besides advertising it and makes thousands of loyal patrons feel left out.
Well, there are two ways of looking at it - glass-half-empty: "Oh, poor me, why did THEY win and I didn't?"; and glass-half-full: "Oh, cool! Another YoaMD winner. Lucky them!". As for costing almost nothing in 'real' money? Well, aside from the mult-million dollar advertising campaign, the total approximate retail value of ALL the prizes in the YoaMD Giveaway is $17,412,477.

The final straw was when I saw who won the Castle suite one day. It was a family from Celebration Florida. I thought Disney employees and family were excluded from promotions such as this. I guess not.
That Disney owns Celebration in NO way means the town's residents are employed by Disney. I'm relatively certain that pretty much NO Cast Member can afford to live in Celebration.
I guess I'm one of the people that are being called stupid or dumb here. I felt very disappointed about the YOMD game. Was it too much to hope my daughter got a free set of 2 dollar ears or maybe a fast pass just to wear even if it was not used. No she did not hit the Disney lottery. She was left out of the fun and good feelings. She spent the whole week hoping and seeing others get dreams. Leaving me to try and explain why we were not chosen.

The person who dreamed up such a stupid ad campain must really be a sadist. They came up with something that cost Disney almost nothing in real money besides advertising it and makes thousands of loyal patrons feel left out.

The final straw was when I saw who won the Castle suite one day. It was a family from Celebration Florida. I thought Disney employees and family were excluded from promotions such as this. I guess not.

I think it would have been better if they would have done something to reward people who are loyal and visit every year. It would be simple to put a code on your reservation and have you go to city hall for your surprise gift. Maybe you could get a better prize each year.

Just for the record I do not expect things for free. But I did pay a lot of money to visit Disney only to feel slighted. It's not the money, it is the principal of how it is handled. Maybe I need to start looking for a new place to go on vacation.

Why did you feel slighted? They do not state anywhere that every single person who enters their parks will win something. If the $2 Mickey ears were so important to your daughter, couldn't you have purchased them?

This is supposed to be a fun thing. You might be one of the lucky ones who win something neat! It is very sad that so many people have turned this into something bad, that the only way they would like this promotion would be for Disney to guarantee them they will win. Do you buy a lottery ticket expecting to hit the big one, and then get mad when you don't?

If you don't feel the magic just being at Disney World then I agree with you. You need to find someplace else to vacation, you are missing the whole joy of being at Disney.
"the total approximate retail value of ALL the prizes in the YoaMD Giveaway is $17,412,477"

That figure has nothing to do with real value. It is like saying a fast pass is worth $5.00. You can set a value to anything but that does not make it real. The vast majority of people are only getting fast passes or certificates for something silly. I guess if I had gotten to blow the whistle on the train Disney could say that was worth a hundred bucks and put it on the list of dreams given.

Call me whatever you want but I think this was an ill concieved ad and has offended many more than it has pleased. No one likes being left out. It's kind of like buying a meal and being told you were not chosen to have a drink. Maybe if some people were not so selfish and had declined the smaller dreams since they had gotten them the past 3 days there might have been more to go around. Why does Disney only pass out dreams from 9-1030 am ? Some people have trouble getting into the parks that early for medical reasons. For me all it would have taken was a free fast pass for just one day and I would have been happy. I never even considered getting a real gift with actual value like the caste suite or the DVC thing.

In my opinion Disney wasted millions of dollars to make a few people feel good and alienate many others. The money could have been better spent building new rides.
Why did you feel slighted? They do not state anywhere that every single person who enters their parks will win something. If the $2 Mickey ears were so important to your daughter, couldn't you have purchased them?

This is supposed to be a fun thing. You might be one of the lucky ones who win something neat! It is very sad that so many people have turned this into something bad, that the only way they would like this promotion would be for Disney to guarantee them they will win. Do you buy a lottery ticket expecting to hit the big one, and then get mad when you don't?

If you don't feel the magic just being at Disney World then I agree with you. You need to find someplace else to vacation, you are missing the whole joy of being at Disney.

I could have purchased them if they were for sale. It was the point of walking around day after day seeing everyone else with Dreams and never getting any of our own. Maybe we just have incredibly bad luck.
I understand how OP (and lots others) feel. I, too, was a little disappointed when we didn't win ANYTHING. I'm not saying it was a big deal because in the whole scheme of life, not winning a "dream" prize is miniscule.:wizard:

Please note - I am the OP and I have not been to WDW since the current marketing campaign started (so I did not start the thread because I was envious) :). I was just pointing out how stupid the marketing campaign is when it is doing the exactly the same thing that Disney has been doing all the past years, giving out random dreams to random people.

Marketing got lazy.

Now, you may say this marketing campaign is a success because the park attendance is up. I would like to disagree. Park attendance is up because US dollar is down against all foreign currencies, thus, taking the words from the South Carolina Miss Teen USA, "U.S. Americans" are spending vacation money here in the States. Meanwhile, foreigners, with their higher valued currencies, are coming to the US to vacation. These are some of the main reasons why WDW's attendance is up. It's not because of this silly marketing campaign. I mean, most people even admit they go to Disney no matter what, doesn't matter the promotion. So, why do a promotion that brings nothing extra positive to the income statement, but have the potential of alienating some clients?

People here keep defending Disney saying that 1) it is a great promotion 2) we're going not because of the promotion 3) it is such a great promotion 4) oh yeah, we're happy other people won and we didn't but we didn't go to WDW because of the promotion so it's okay 5) this is such a wonderful promotion 6) why are you guys so envious of winners - you are such losers, etc etc etc.

So, a marketing campaign that people don't care about, does not change the way people spend their vacation money (it's already been decided), a lot of people admit they don't even know the promotion exists, and even those people who knew most say they go to WDW no matter what the promotion (my family included) - why even have the marketing campaign then?

Again, marketing got lazy.

I am not envious of those who won - since I have not been to the park. I am just viewing it from the marketing point of view.
I'm so upset about not winning anything that i will never go anywhere again. Because alot of places i go they have random drawing and i never win.
Give me a frigging brake. You people whining over not winning anything is so sad. If you think just because you been 5 to 10 or more time means you are going to increase your odds :rotfl2: . Whatever, lord don`t buy a lottery ticket. You may not win because the person who spent more than you will win not you.
I go to Disney to have fun and be a kid again not to win anything. People need to stop getting themselves and there kids so hyped up about YOAMD. Get over it you didn`t win a damn thing so what.
Just be happy you can afford to go. Alot of people cannot afford to go to a local fair much less than WDW.
I guess I'm one of the people that are being called stupid or dumb here. I felt very disappointed about the YOMD game. Was it too much to hope my daughter got a free set of 2 dollar ears or maybe a fast pass just to wear even if it was not used. No she did not hit the Disney lottery. She was left out of the fun and good feelings. She spent the whole week hoping and seeing others get dreams. Leaving me to try and explain why we were not chosen.

Are you kidding me? I honestly can't believe that you're daughter was left out of fun and good feelings at WDW :sad2: it sounds to me more like you let something trivial and unrelated to the whole purpose of WDW get you in a rotten mood and your daughter was left to deal with you.

It's something extra.

The person who dreamed up such a stupid ad campain must really be a sadist. They came up with something that cost Disney almost nothing in real money besides advertising it and makes thousands of loyal patrons feel left out.

In the past were you upset that families were chosen to open the park, ride rides with characters, given free things like ice cream, room upgrades etc before they tagged and made an actual "campaign"? If you believe this campaign costs nothing then I suggest you do a bit more research. Evey time they send a pin/lanyard out in the mail the postage is something like 5 dollars. Every time a pair of ears has been sent the postage hits seven. I would honestly think that a "loyal patron" would have a better grasp of what the magic of Disney is all about.

The final straw was when I saw who won the Castle suite one day. It was a family from Celebration Florida. I thought Disney employees and family were excluded from promotions such as this. I guess not.

This statement gives me clear insight into how little you as a "loyal patron" of Disney seem to know. Celebration has nothing to do with people working for Disney or even their families. Adam Vinatieri, Indianapolis Colts placekicker & four-time Super Bowl Champion as well as Michael Jordan, former Chicago Bulls basketball player have homes in Celebration. I highly doubt they are secretly working as CM's

I think it would have been better if they would have done something to reward people who are loyal and visit every year. It would be simple to put a code on your reservation and have you go to city hall for your surprise gift. Maybe you could get a better prize each year.

So you want something for nothing based on the fact that you are visiting Disney every year? Like the majority of people who visit Disney I might add.......

Just for the record I do not expect things for free. But I did pay a lot of money to visit Disney only to feel slighted. It's not the money, it is the principal of how it is handled. Maybe I need to start looking for a new place to go on vacation.

I like this last line best. You say it's not the money:rolleyes: ... but in the sentence just before this statement you say "But I did pay a lot of money"

WHINE WHINE WHINE We're going to WDW for WDW. For the fun, magic and good times. If someone's family wins the caste while i'm standing close enough to see them I would be in heaven just seeing their happiness. We plan to do some extra magical things for guest s during our time in the park as well. WDW is the dream. Being there is the happiness.
Flametamr said:
Call me whatever you want but I think this was an ill concieved ad and has offended many more than it has pleased. No one likes being left out. It's kind of like buying a meal and being told you were not chosen to have a drink.
No, it's not like that at all. Year of a Million Dreams is a Sweepstakes and a Promotion. NOT EVERY PERSON WHO ENTERS CAN WIN, whether "entry" means via postcard or via being in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Let me repeat that, in case somebody missed it: NOT EVERY PERSON WHO ENTERS CAN WIN.
We can't make it any clearer than this.
The Guest who sets themselves, or their child, up for disappointmentment by EXPECTING to win something will very likely leave disappointed (and then of course, there's the issue of the Guest who does win a prize - but not the prize they wanted... :rolleyes2:).
Flametamr said:
Why does Disney only pass out dreams from 9-1030 am ?
They don't. According to the official rules "Sponsor anticipates that potential winners will be selected at the Disney Properties between opening and 5 pm local time" (found in the How to Participate section). Disney does not select ANY winners. An independent and impartial company is operating the Sweepstakes. Disney Dream Team Members simply award the prizes where and when they are instructed. But back to your question - well, how much sense would it make to hand out Dream FastPasses at Animal Kingdom at 3:45?
And Marketing did not 'get lazy'. Are you in Marketing? Do you have better ideas/suggestions, or were/are you just bored?

So, then, Disney shouldn't have run the promotion about, what, twenty years ago when every tenth person entering the Magic Kingdom won a prize? I went. I didn't win a prize. Rotten Disney. Rotten promotion. I was there. Would it have been soooo hard for them to have given me a prize? Stupid me. I've been back thirty times.


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