Intimidating Solo Trip....


Always Lurking
Sep 2, 2000
Ok....I'm thinking about planning a solo trip for September but I'm a bit scared of going alone.....(Worried that I'll get bored or lonely)....Do any of you solo veterans have any tips or advice on going solo?

Thanks In Advance!
Trust me you won't be lonely or board...... I have just recently booked by 4th solo trip to the world for the end of Oct'2002.

You are able to go on whatever rides you want and ride them as ofen as you wish. If you get hot or tired just find a nice ice scream stand and then relax on a bench and observe your fellow disney maniacs.

I initially found eating alone a night a issue, but after the fifth night I really did not feel out of place. I always found myself blending into the crowd.

Many of time if a find a single parent taking pictures of there child, I would always ask if they wanted me to take one of the two of them. That was a easy way to meet people.

In the evening when sitting at the outdoor bar, everyone treats you as if they have known you for a long time.

As for the rides.......well I must honestly say after the first few rides I was a little bit uncomfortable, but after that...look out I no longer had any concerns. The best part was that I could ride the same ride twice without getting anyone upset.

My DW is no longer a nut as myself, she just says "go have a good time, and I'll see ya when you get back".

I actually enjoy solo tripsnow because I can spend more time within areas that I am most interested in, exspecially epcot. I seem to spend additional time looking at other countries knick knacks.

What resort are you staying at?

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to email me.

Have a great trip, you won't regret it at all......
Hi Rick....Thanks for the advice....

I've been to WDW 13 times with my family, so it's hard for me to imagine myself there alone. I haven't decided where to stay, because I figure if I'm alone, I wont be in the room as much as I would with my family.

My hubby said I should go if I want to, so now I'm just trying to get up the nerve to buy my airplane ticket.......

Thanks Again!
Keep your eyes open for the good deals. I've noticed that the flight prices are just starting to come down again. Similar to last year.

wow 13 times.....that's great.....

I must be phone bill was a little high.....I only called home every other day, but I think for this Octobers trip I will bring my own cell phone. The cost may be in my favor.
On my solo trips, I like to treat myself to an expensive dinner or two. I always see other solo diners around. The CM's are great and usually spend time chatting a bit. It's great to have the freedom to do whatever I want. Sometimes I head for the bus stop, not knowing which one I'll get on--I go to whichever park strikes me at the moment! I like to grab a box of popcorn at the MK and sit on a bench and people watch. I like to have ice cream for lunch--Mickey bars! I like to pile all the pillows up behind me while I watch "Law & Order." I like to ride PoC 5 times in a row-- ("Again?" say the CM's with a smile as I get back in line...) I like to visit a favorite resort bar for a cold drink in the afternoon. I like to shop at DTD, just poking around in the stores taking as much, or as little time as I want. I like to stroll around Epcot at night, not necessarily to go on a ride, but just to enjoy the lights and lagoon and take in the sights. I love solo trips! :D
I just booked my fifth solo trip. Just remember, even though you know you're solo, there are so many people around you, no one else knows you're solo. At first I was afraid I'd stick out like a sore thumb being alone, but then after doing some people-watching for a while, I saw so many other people who were solo for about 10-15 minutes while someone else got a meal or went to the rest room or went on a ride. You get used to it (translation: you love it) real fast!
One other great thing: you only need to make bathroom stops when YOU need to.
I am booked for my 8th WDW trip, but this will be my 4th time solo. It's easy to do WDW solo, especially if you already know where most everything is. I called my DH every evening before I went to sleep, just to say goodnight and to tell him what I did for the day. I did sit down restaurants, but NOT character ones.
It helps a lot to have a small notebook, and your park map when you have a meal. Even when I was on a ride, I wound up telling the stranger next to me how great the ride was. Try to be outgoing when you stand next to people in line. I found that senior citizens were the friendliest, and young lovers had no interest at all in talking to anyone else but themselves.
I enjoy my solo trips so much that I intend (hopefully) to go every year for the rest of my life !!

I have been to WDW once as a solo (March 2002) and will be going back in November for Super Soap Weekend.

I had a great time by myself in March! Yes, there were times when I missed my son and husband, but I quickly got over them. I was able to go to attractions I had never seen before. Even though I had been to WDW many times before, March was the first time I visted the Haunted Mansion!

Eating alone is no problem either. I even did a character lunch at the Garden Grill at Epcot. The characters would simply sit with me for a while and I talked with them. I never felt uncomfortable sitting by myself.

In the parks, I would carry a book in my backpack and when I needed a break, I'd get something to eat and sit on a bench to read. Riding the bus was no problem either. While at OKW and the Hilton, I was always one of the first to get on the bus, so I kinda blended in with the crowd.

So go, have fun, and let us know how much you enjoyed your trip.
I took my first solo trip this past May, and had a Blast.

Honestly the only time I felt even the least bit awkward being alone was when I made the hot seat in WWTBAM. They ask you who you are with. Other than that, I had a wonderful time.

I ate in "sit down" restaurants every day for lunch. Ended up having dinner in my room each night, but that wasn't a comfort factor thing, it was "too busy to eat" thing.

Rode what I wanted to, as many times in a row as I wanted to. Saw all the shows I wanted to, most of them twice!

And had to come home waaaay to soon!

Just wondering-how did you answer the question. That's the one thing I felt a little uncomfortable about when I went solo and did WWTBAM. What would I say if I made it to the hotseat and they asked who I was with? Oh, well, didn't have to worry about it after all! But next time I want to be ready!
When you go and a CM asks "How many?" proudly raise one finger high! No, not your middle finger... :)

Actually, when you say you're a party of one, the CM seems shocked for half a second, looks around for an empty single spot, and points you that way. I've seen CMs at TOT regularly ask for single riders.
I just start back on my solo trips - and I love it!!!

Most of the time I have not had a problem getting people to talk to me - and I also take pictures of family - they want to return to the favor but I still don't like my picture taken (vanity - I am losing weight)

I don't tell anyone my name or where I am staying even if asked - there is no reason anyone should need it. and I stay in a DVC resort their studios are very single friendly - a queen bed, a double sleeper sofa, coffee table, regular table with seating for 2, a microwave, a under the counter refrigerator, and a balcony with seating for 2. So I don't need to eat out - unless I want to - and who doesn't at WDW.

I really enjoy my alone time at WDW - it recharges your life energy or it does mind - sometimes when I am with others this does not happen.

Come in December to the DisCon2 - there are several of us solos going then.
Originally posted by Simba's Mom
Just wondering-how did you answer the question. That's the one thing I felt a little uncomfortable about when I went solo and did WWTBAM. What would I say if I made it to the hotseat and they asked who I was with? Oh, well, didn't have to worry about it after all! But next time I want to be ready!

First of all, I sat there saying to myself as they posted the leader board "Please don't let it be me" Yes, I know, I could have kept my fingers off the buttons, but I never thought I'd make the hotseat.

I had read somewhere, either here or RADP, about another solo saying "600 of my newest friends" so I went with that. But I was so nervous I stumbled around that answer.

I attended three WWTBAM shows while I was there, and saw at least two other people who may or may not have been at WDW alone, but they were at the show alone, make it into the hotseat.

Next time my goal is to actually remember that I have lifelines <g>

Some of the things I like to do. (I go solo often)

1. Offer to take pictures for people so they can all be in it. My record so far is 15 in one day at MK.

2. Stop at Customer Relations on your way out and tell them what a great day you had. They have lots of complaints throughout the day. Sometimes they'll even give me a pin or something. I've met CMs from all over the world when I do this.

3. Get an ice cream, sit somewhere and people watch.

4. In line at Buzz Lightyear, I tell some of the kids the secret places to shoot and get a high score... then they can beat their parents.

5. Buy something and give it to a kid. THIS IS GREAT!

Have fun, be spontaneous and remember NOBODY KNOWS YOU AND THEY'll NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN.
I went on my first SOLO trip in 1999! Been going SOLO ever since!;) I LOVE it!;) I do what some of the other Posters above do, and really enjoy myself. I wait and people watch for the Parades, eating popcorn, and talk to some very Friendly People.:D
and recommend it highly! We have no one to watch our kids so that we can go together :( , so DH and I started taking turns with solo trips - once a year. We also take one family trip a year (well, at least one :rolleyes:).
Sometimes I miss my family, but on the other hand, I don't have to take care of 4 other people (including 3 kids and DH!) - I can do whatever I want, ride what I want to ride, eat what I want to eat, people watch, lounge by the pool, etc. It is very relaxing. The only thing I still don't feel comfortable doing on solo trips is eating at a sit-down restaurant - so I stick to counter service and fast food.
Also, solo trips tend to be only about 4-5 nights - by then I'm ready to go home!
I went solo in 97 all the way from England and the flight was the most nerve wracking bit esp. as I had a really nosy family next to me who really wanted to know why I was going on my own (because I wanted to??) I'd had a really rough time recently so on the spur of the moment on payday, arranged for my DS to go to his dads and GPs, bpught a flight and went the next day. Found a hotel when I got there, then proceeded to really enjoy myself!!!

No having to time meal breaks in, bathroom trips, bedtimes - really cool - and everyone is sooo friendly!!

This year my DH bought me a trip to DLP for my birthday, so off I flew to Paris, caught the train to my hotel, and just totally chilled out with Mickey again. No-one to moan about leaving crumbs in the bed, watching Buffy in French(surreal). 2 days of being totally selfish - great - especially lunch at Maxims on my last day and riding space mountain 5 times in one go.

Also when you get back, you get to feel good, when all your friends go - WOW you went on your own?? You're sooo brave, i could never do that!!LOL
It always seems a bit daunting to go anywhere by yourself, but NOT at WDW. Was just down there earlier this year and was really looking forward to doing all the things "I" wanted to do, but my friend decided to take time off work and spend it w/me at the world. Don't get me wrong--we had a ball and got caught up on everything, but had no time to just wander and "smell the roses" all by myself. So don't be nervous--you'll have a great time!


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