Is there anything more depressing than a kids menu?

How is feeding children healthy food being "a superior parent" and not just the standard? Like adults have to have some kind of mensa membership to know that healthy foods are better for you and that kids need good food for proper brain and body development. You seem to be focusing on the wrong thing. Why are so many against having all quick service restaurants offering a better variety of healthy foods? That is the question. And me saying "why don't more parents complain about the food" is not me being "a superior parent", only one that wants the best for my kids, and other people's kids. This trend of feeding processed, over salted, and nutritionally devoid foods to children is very damaging. This is beyond a parenting choice at this point because it is becoming increasingly difficult to find any other options. We shouldn't have to "look for it" at maybe 1 or 2 places per park, it should be an option at every restaurant. I still don't understand how anyone would be against this, especially since they don't have to pick it for their kids if they don't want to. Why fight so hard against having more variety in the kid's menus? How is the consensus not "yes, I wish they would have better food available at all restaurants for our kids"???

When you say over and over again, “Why are people putting up with this horrible food for their kids,” after several people have chimed in to say, there are some good choices, check out the menus ahead of time, some counter services are better than others, you can always order off the adult menu, you can usually sub out sides if available, etc….. it comes across as very dismissive, like you’re just looking at this through a very narrow lens. It’s like you’re saying, but my child wants a kids meal, and there is absolutely nothing out there that completely suits my child and their preferences, so Disney must do better.

There are plenty of parents who value healthy eating for their children, and find relatively healthy meals for their kids at Disney without feeling the need to complain to Disney about a lack of options. That’s all.
And wow, look, here's someone who wants MORE basic kids menu items!

For reference, here's the kids menu at Steakhouse 71:

served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

Baked Fresh Fish
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

4-oz Beef Filet
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

PB&J Chicken Wings
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI® Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice
And wow, look, here's someone who wants MORE basic kids menu items!

For reference, here's the kids menu at Steakhouse 71:

served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

Baked Fresh Fish
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

4-oz Beef Filet
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

PB&J Chicken Wings
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI® Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

I threw my two cents in on that one too 🤣 FWIW PB&J chicken wings sound positively disgusting, they must be one of those things that taste better than they sound.
That was not what I said originally until others started going at me about how I fed my kids. And I have said over and over again how it is fine that they keep the stuff that they have, but to add some actual real food to every kid's menu, not just have it at 1 place per park. Why does that bother so many people to have more healthier food options. And it's funny how you all are fine with being a jerk to me and others that want better food for our kids. It has nothing to do with "superior parenting" it is a choice that we make. And our choices are just as valid as those who choose to feed their kids mac and cheese and chicken nuggets every day. If you feel that it makes me "superior", then that is you projecting. And you can't argue with medical science that shows that kids develop better on better food.
You’re right, after running into conflict about your attitude with a dozen people, it’s probably all of them and not you.
It has nothing to do with "superior parenting" it is a choice that we make.
I'm not going to say everyone is/was being the nicest but you did talk down to people too. When you're going about your comments of wishing there was food options you want you interject how others are parenting.

Two examples:

"Never mind that they are being nutritionally starved and that a child should not be making such important decisions, like getting proper nutrients, themselves."

"The point was, when they are small and starting to experience foods, don't give them the junk, like mac and cheese or other processed foods. That way, they learn to like a variety of foods and do not become addicted to the salt and additives that the processed foods have."

Both those comments are loaded with such judgement it's amazing.

It's been repeatedly said there are healthier choices including ones you've mentioned wanting. I think what happened is people found menus items, mentioned things you could do, things you could order but you kept negating that. It started to aggravate people. At one point you mentioned kids like shrimp and then when someone mentioned menus items with seafood you said good luck for people who had allergies. That's one of the best examples I can give for confusion going on here.

My best suggestion is to take the time to go through all the menus, even if you don't want to. Going back to saying it's not bad to want Disney to have exactly what you wanted was missing other people's points.

I hope your next trip (assuming you go on one) is better :)
I threw my two cents in on that one too 🤣 FWIW PB&J chicken wings sound positively disgusting, they must be one of those things that taste better than they sound.
I have to agree about the jelly part. Peanut butter not so much, I could see there being something there maybe if it wasn't straight up peanut butter. Thai foods often have a peanut butter sauce and that can be quite good. But PB&J..hmm..not sure there.
I’m curious, what quick service/fast food places do you eat at in your home town? Around here virtually none of the fast food places have healthy adult meals, nevermind kid’s meals. You’re expecting Disney to do something that most worldwide fast food corporations can’t pull off.

I never said that they or implied that they have them at places around town. This is a Disney forum and that is what we are talking about. And I expect people to actually start complaining and not just put up with the horrible food that is being offered to our kids.
And wow, look, here's someone who wants MORE basic kids menu items!

For reference, here's the kids menu at Steakhouse 71:

served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

Baked Fresh Fish
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

4-oz Beef Filet
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI®Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice

PB&J Chicken Wings
served with Small Lowfat Milk, Small DASANI® Bottled Water, or Small Minute Maid® Apple Juice
Again, we are talking about the counter service restaurants. You must have missed that part. I have no issues with the sit down restaurants.
You’re right, after running into conflict about your attitude with a dozen people, it’s probably all of them and not you.
What attitude? Why is it so wrong to want healthier options for our kids? And when did a person become the "bad guy" for wanting better for our children? People go on the offensive when they feel like they need to justify their decisions. When I said that I wished that they had better options, along with what they already had, no attitude there. That is when I started to get attacked. Most people would say, "yes, you are right, they should offer healthier food for our kids at all counter service restaurants". Instead of calling me names as if what I said was somehow wrong. Why are a few people getting so defensive about a statement about better food?
I'm not going to say everyone is/was being the nicest but you did talk down to people too. When you're going about your comments of wishing there was food options you want you interject how others are parenting.

Two examples:

"Never mind that they are being nutritionally starved and that a child should not be making such important decisions, like getting proper nutrients, themselves."

"The point was, when they are small and starting to experience foods, don't give them the junk, like mac and cheese or other processed foods. That way, they learn to like a variety of foods and do not become addicted to the salt and additives that the processed foods have."

Both those comments are loaded with such judgement it's amazing.

It's been repeatedly said there are healthier choices including ones you've mentioned wanting. I think what happened is people found menus items, mentioned things you could do, things you could order but you kept negating that. It started to aggravate people. At one point you mentioned kids like shrimp and then when someone mentioned menus items with seafood you said good luck for people who had allergies. That's one of the best examples I can give for confusion going on here.

My best suggestion is to take the time to go through all the menus, even if you don't want to. Going back to saying it's not bad to want Disney to have exactly what you wanted was missing other people's points.

I hope your next trip (assuming you go on one) is better :)

Judgement? Stating facts is now judgment? Experts have been saying the same thing for decades now. If you are feeling judged, that is on you.
Judgement? Stating facts is now judgment? Experts have been saying the same thing for decades now. If you are feeling judged, that is on you.
People aren't starving their kids, nor are they awful for their kid speaking a word about their choices, nor are they lacking proper nutrients nor are parents awful and destined to raise kids addicted to this or that cuz they had mac and cheese. I'm pretty sure it seemed known what I meant by judgement (I think that came across clear enough if not sorry about that). Right now it's like headphones are on with music on full blast here. And this thread had died down but was resurrected by you, I'm not sure why TBH because it seemed you were done with this thread and it was causing you anguish over feeling like you were being bullied. I would have probably left the thread alone and moved on if I felt that way not reactivate it. Don't take offense if I no longer respond. This topic fizzled out a week ago anyways, enjoy your day and happy new year :)
People aren't starving their kids, nor are they awful for their kid speaking a word about their choices, nor are they lacking proper nutrients nor are parents awful and destined to raise kids addicted to this or that cuz they had mac and cheese. I'm pretty sure it seemed known what I meant by judgement (I think that came across clear enough if not sorry about that). Right now it's like headphones are on with music on full blast here. And this thread had died down but was resurrected by you, I'm not sure why TBH because it seemed you were done with this thread and it was causing you anguish over feeling like you were being bullied. I would have probably left the thread alone and moved on if I felt that way not reactivate it. Don't take offense if I no longer respond. This topic fizzled out a week ago anyways, enjoy your day and happy new year :)
Happy New year.
The bottom line is that WDW is a THEME PARK and vacation for people who go there. Most people eat like crap on vacation because it's just TEMPORARY. There are plenty of fruit/veggies stands around the parks and there is no rule that you HAVE to get your kids food from the QS restaurants. There are other ways you can get healthy foods into your kids on vacation. When we go to WDW, we stay club level because our kids like fresh fruits and vegetables and yogurt and those things are readily accessible in the lounge every day. My kids are the ones who are picky (autism) and eat the staple kids meal stuff like chicken fingers, burgers, Mac and cheese. But they don't ONLY eat those foods. They eat plenty of fruits and veggies, eggs, milk, whole grain bread, grilled chicken, lean roast beef, etc. But when we are doing CS, they get whatever they want and we supplement with healthier options elsewhere. No one is exclusively feeding their kids WDW CS meals 365 days a year. It's FINE to not eat "healthy" 100% of the time.

My kids have been eating the same limited diet for over 13 and 15 years, respectively. They are 2 of the healthiest teens I know. Both healthy weights, in good physical shape, hardly ever sick, the one who eats the most "crap" is 15 and has never needed antibiotics and just had a full blood panel done to check all his levels, at my request, and has absolutely no nutritional deficiencies and his other levels are perfect.

I'm not a perfect parent, but I don't believe that there are any bad/off limit foods. Moderation in all things. My kids get dessert every day, they just learned portion control a LONG time ago and practice it faithfully.
I never said that they or implied that they have them at places around town. This is a Disney forum and that is what we are talking about. And I expect people to actually start complaining and not just put up with the horrible food that is being offered to our kids.
But you're talking about fast food restaurants at a theme park....
Why would you expect it to be any different than fast food places at home?
That was not what I said originally until others started going at me about how I fed my kids. And I have said over and over again how it is fine that they keep the stuff that they have, but to add some actual real food to every kid's menu, not just have it at 1 place per park. Why does that bother so many people to have more healthier food options. And it's funny how you all are fine with being a jerk to me and others that want better food for our kids. It has nothing to do with "superior parenting" it is a choice that we make. And our choices are just as valid as those who choose to feed their kids mac and cheese and chicken nuggets every day. If you feel that it makes me "superior", then that is you projecting. And you can't argue with medical science that shows that kids develop better on better food.
I never said that they or implied that they have them at places around town. This is a Disney forum and that is what we are talking about. And I expect people to actually start complaining and not just put up with the horrible food that is being offered to our kids.
Can't you see the issue here? You have said that you are NOT trying to act "superior" to the rest of us, but then you try to tell the rest of us how to be parents.

No offense, but you are alienating people, and therefore you are hurting your case, not helping it.
Well this thread has gone around and around and become a big knot. While I personally agree with the OP about the kids menus, we've gone to Disney probably 35 times since DD28 was 5 and although she is NOT a fan of the typical "kids" foods, we managed to survive. I think it's more interesting to consider the bigger question: Why, when, and how did the concept of "kids' food" even come into being? I know when I was a kid, there were no designated "kids" foods. There was supper, or there was cereal. You didn't argue, you ate it, and hopefully for things you didn't like (lima beans :crazy2: ) the folks would only give you a "no thank you" serving or make you use try a bite (to expand your palate, which of course now only refers to wearing braces :upsidedow). There have always been "picky" kids, but when I was growing up, that referred to kids not liking specific things, like CarolLee who wouldn't eat onions in her tuna salad (mom ground them up and mixed them in) or kids who only wanted peanut butter (the "supper or cereal" option was an acceptable solution to this). I personally had a picky eater. DD wouldn't eat meat. Didn't like the texture, didn't like the taste. Even as an adult, she approaches most meats cautiously, and while she eats and enjoys them, they are never the main focus of her meal. That was OK; I made sure that there was enough balance in the rest of the meal that she'd have a complete meal from the dishes being prepared (or eat the cereal, or, being an open-minded parent, I expanded the option to be cereal or yogurt, hahaha). I'm not saying I made healthier meals for her; NoodleRoni was a familiar side dish at our house! I also learned early on not to "insist" on something being eaten; I only ended up catching it in my lap and doing the clean up- but there was always only one meal prepared. There weren't two separate meals from two entirely different categories: Adult Food and Kids Food. I am therefore intrigued by how the entire concept of separate kids meals and kids foods have come into being so ubiquitous and such a big industry.

Anyhow... somewhat off topic, but interesting to contemplate, at least for me.
Well this thread has gone around and around and become a big knot. While I personally agree with the OP about the kids menus, we've gone to Disney probably 35 times since DD28 was 5 and although she is NOT a fan of the typical "kids" foods, we managed to survive. I think it's more interesting to consider the bigger question: Why, when, and how did the concept of "kids' food" even come into being? I know when I was a kid, there were no designated "kids" foods. There was supper, or there was cereal. You didn't argue, you ate it, and hopefully for things you didn't like (lima beans :crazy2: ) the folks would only give you a "no thank you" serving or make you use try a bite (to expand your palate, which of course now only refers to wearing braces :upsidedow). There have always been "picky" kids, but when I was growing up, that referred to kids not liking specific things, like CarolLee who wouldn't eat onions in her tuna salad (mom ground them up and mixed them in) or kids who only wanted peanut butter (the "supper or cereal" option was an acceptable solution to this). I personally had a picky eater. DD wouldn't eat meat. Didn't like the texture, didn't like the taste. Even as an adult, she approaches most meats cautiously, and while she eats and enjoys them, they are never the main focus of her meal. That was OK; I made sure that there was enough balance in the rest of the meal that she'd have a complete meal from the dishes being prepared (or eat the cereal, or, being an open-minded parent, I expanded the option to be cereal or yogurt, hahaha). I'm not saying I made healthier meals for her; NoodleRoni was a familiar side dish at our house! I also learned early on not to "insist" on something being eaten; I only ended up catching it in my lap and doing the clean up- but there was always only one meal prepared. There weren't two separate meals from two entirely different categories: Adult Food and Kids Food. I am therefore intrigued by how the entire concept of separate kids meals and kids foods have come into being so ubiquitous and such a big industry.

Anyhow... somewhat off topic, but interesting to contemplate, at least for me.
I am in no way an expert on the concept of "kid's meals" at restaurants, but to me the obvious difference is - at home, you can portion-out whatever was made for lunch/dinner/supper, so kids can have the appropriate serving size. At a restaurant, most entrees are basically one-size-fits-all - so obviously, this is a waste of money for someone paying to feed a kid with a much smaller appetite than an adult. Therefore, it seems obvious to me that is what spawned the idea of the "kids meal". As far as why there aren't just "smaller"-sized entrees of everything on the menu - probably just for the sake of simplicity for the chefs/cook staff, I assume. And I also assume that the MUCH debated "processed" foods that are the subject of this thread are the most popular among kids - otherwise the restaurants would offer something else.
Since this thread is still going. I only did kid’s meals at Magic Kingdom and Epcot so here is Animal Kingdom:
Harambe Market
Chicken Bowl-Grilled Chicken over White Rice with choice of two sides
Flame Tree Barbecue
Baked Chicken Drumstick

Pasta with Turkey and Marinara Sauce

Satuli Canteen

Cheeseburger Steamed Pod,
steamed cheeseburger pod stuffed with ground beef, ketchup, mustard, pickle, and cheddar served with vegetable chips and cuties mandarin, and choice of small water or lowfat milk
Cheese Quesadilla,
cheddar and mozzarella cheese in a tortilla served with vegetable chips and cuties mandarin

"Teylu" All-Beef Hot Dog Wrapped in Dough
All-Beef Hot Dog served with Vegetable Chips

Chopped Wood Grilled Chicken Bowl
wood-grilled chicken thighs marinated with garlic and olive oil topped with crunchy vegetable slaw and boba balls served with your choice of base

Slow-Roasted Sliced Grilled Beef Bowl
slow-roasted sliced grilled beef marinated in a blend of garlic, herbs, red pepper spice, and red wine vinegar topped with crunchy vegetable slaw and boba balls served with rice and grains or salad

Crispy Fried Tofu
crispy fried tofu seasoned with chili-spice topped with crunchy vegetable slaw and boba balls served with your choice of base


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