Is this normal???


Princess since 1975
Jun 3, 2007
I was just wondering if anybody else encounters the same "dissaproval" of going to WDW that I get. My in laws could care less about anything....especially going to WDW. My DD and I as well as my parents are very much into WDW. The in laws were all about us "wasting" money....'y'all don't need to go and throw money away like that" and so on and so forth. But of course when it came to us bringing them something back...they were all for that! Does anybody else encounter the people I'm starting to call "the bringer downers"? How do you respond to their foolishness?
While my family doesn't care DBF's parents do........they went to DLR a few months ago for a week and we are going this month for a week.....they complained about how much we were spending yada yada yada......I don't care what they think, i'm not asking them to pay for any of it! Disney makes me happy so when it comes to my trips or my pin collection i'll spend what I want when I want and they can keep their negative opinions to themselves!:lmao:
Yes, we have had a lot of people make fun of us for going to Disney so much. My husband's family shows a lot of disapproval. But we do not care. There is no where else that we would rather go on vacation to at this time. It is so, so special to us:goodvibes . SO, who cares what people think. Keep enjoying your times at Disney:goodvibes
My DHs family is kinda the same way. Although his one sister has the "Disney Fever" just like we do:thumbsup2 , his parents could almost care less.:confused3 :confused3 His mother has no idea why we dont like going there. When anyone ever says anything about not liking Disney I have narrowed it down to one or both of two reasons, 1 is that they dont like the heat, or 2 they dont like to walk. And my MILaw doesnt like the heat or to walk. The more I talk about Disney to her the more she complains about it and gets cranky, the more I make her complain the happier I get :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Im twisted I know!! haha.
I was just wondering if anybody else encounters the same "dissaproval" of going to WDW that I get. My in laws could care less about anything....especially going to WDW. My DD and I as well as my parents are very much into WDW. The in laws were all about us "wasting" money....'y'all don't need to go and throw money away like that" and so on and so forth. But of course when it came to us bringing them something back...they were all for that! Does anybody else encounter the people I'm starting to call "the bringer downers"? How do you respond to their foolishness?

My parents don't get it, but on the same token, I don't get their need to cruise every year. We're even. ;)
My family is always questioning why I don't "broaden my son's horizons" and take them somewhere else other than WDW....well, ok! We are taking our first trip out west and to DL in a couple of weeks and then saving for our first Disney Cruise on the Magic in the fall! We're happy to comply. :goodvibes
I was just wondering if anybody else encounters the same "dissaproval" of going to WDW that I get. My in laws could care less about anything....especially going to WDW. My DD and I as well as my parents are very much into WDW. The in laws were all about us "wasting" money....'y'all don't need to go and throw money away like that" and so on and so forth. But of course when it came to us bringing them something back...they were all for that! Does anybody else encounter the people I'm starting to call "the bringer downers"? How do you respond to their foolishness?

That disapproval takes on a whole new level if you buy into DVC. :sad2:
My mom doesn't get it, and isn't particularly looking forward to going, but she is because this is my dd's first trip and she wants to be there for it. I, on the other hand, am WAY more excited than my dd! :rotfl2:
I call it the Disney gene. My grandma, my great aunt, and me all have the disney gene. Sadly others in the family don't. they dont say anything disapproving, but they arent crazed or feel the need for a disney fix. When I was little my grandma and I would order the vacation dvd and watch it for fun. haha.
I appreciate my family in comparison to my fiances. He wasn;t raised disney and doesn't have the gene. The family thinks its only for children, but i think his mom is secretly a disney nut.
My fiance it good to me and goes along with my obsession. We even get to go for our honeymoon! :banana: I know ill turn him someday :rolleyes1
Oh man, my husband's family is brutal about this. We were at CBR for a week last July, and we're going again this August. Here's a little taste of what I've been hearing for the last 3 months:

"Why on EARTH would you be going there again so soon???" Cause it's the Happiest Place on Earth, of course. Why would I want to be anywhere else?

But so soon! You can't spend that kind of money! What?? I'm so sorry! I can't believe my husband asked you to pay for our trip--what? He didn't? Then shut your cake hole.

That place is for children. You'll be bored to tears! Mickey will comfort me. He's good like that.

Now, on the other side of things, my family thinks that I'm skipping my step-sister's wedding in the Bahamas to go to Disney. (In truth, the dates are about 2 weeks apart and my husband can get this week, not that week off.) It's unleashing a whole new level of Disney Distain. My dad gets it, but everyone in my step-mom's clan has it out for me. They just can't understand why we'd rather spend a week hoofing it around a theme park than lying on the beach, drinking. :confused3

Oh Well. Only 78 days 'til the hoofing begins!! :dance3:
That disapproval takes on a whole new level if you buy into DVC. :sad2:

DW and I can't decide who to tell, if anyone, once we close on our contract. We're so excited about it, and want to share our excitement, but just don't want to deal with the disapproval. :sad2:

I can hear it now: "For the price you paid, you could have a few nice trips to Europe!"

Yeah, and then what, for the next 30 years, given that we would have blown our money on three trips?
DW and I can't decide who to tell, if anyone, once we close on our contract. We're so excited about it, and want to share our excitement, but just don't want to deal with the disapproval. :sad2:

I can hear it now: "For the price you paid, you could have a few nice trips to Europe!"

Yeah, and then what, for the next 30 years, given that we would have blown our money on three trips?

I say don't tell anyone who you know would have comments about it. I made the mistake of telling my parents. Oh my.....they just know we are going to lose our house or something now. They don't know how much money we make but they do know we can't afford it.:confused3 I kept my mouth shut when we added on last year. :rotfl2:
Thanks so much y'all! Even my DH has been getting in on it. I can't handle that! I decided I would just plan a trip for me, my mom, and my DD!! So there DH! lol :cool1:
We are going again in August as a 10th anniversary (DH and me) gift to our family.:love: When I have told a few family members from my husbands side they can not believe that we are not going somewhere on our own. Nuts for spending the money, DD's 3rd trip so far, .....did I say nuts about spending the money?:rotfl:

We will be going out of town later in September - Just the two of us - Weekend away.

Like other posters have said - My money to spend, We love how we feel down there and it brings us joy to watch the DD's every time they see something new. My mother and Aunt and one our bridesmaids and her family are joining us. Every one that is going is crazed with excitement. Everyone else- Well, franckly, I choose to focus on the happiness of those going and not the nay-sayers. They just do not know what they are missing. I literally told someone the other day, " you may be negative about WDW now but wait until your child goes for the first time and then you will change your mind."
i could care less about what others think of my excitment and enjoyment of Disney.
we just shrug it off...

the way we see it is for those who understand, no explanation is necessary and for those who don't, no explanation would suffice...
My DF's family gets it. His DM is as excited as I am.
My family on the other hand.... :confused3
I don't care, not like I'm asking for them to pay for it. :scared1:
We're planning on doing something Disney every October, after all, we're getting married down there, of course our anniversary should be celebrated Disney style! :rotfl:
We've been having a tough time of it this year and we've relocating. But come November, I'm meeting my friend in Disney for Soap Weekend, and I've already ordered tickets for my DH to take the boys to Universal the same weekend (DH still can't believe I'm going to Disney without them!). No one but the friend I'm going with would understand this, since she's a single mom, and always manages to take her kids to Disney. It's my happy place, and I need it really bad. I'm just not going to tell anyone our plans. It's our business. As soon as we can, you know we'll be buying Annual Passes to enjoy the magic more often. Everyone needs a piece of the magic!pixiedust:
That's also why I've been coming here so often. I play the DISradio and read the boards. It makes me feel closer to magic!!


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