Isn't it interesting!

However, SSR certainly has skewed the system significantly at or after the 7 month window.

Undeniably. And the same was undoubtedly true as EVERY DVC resort came on line. The system will also change and evolve as AKV is rolled-out along with other resorts (DL, CR, etc.)

Whether it's good or bad depends on what you want.

Exactly, and there's no reason to object to that statement. What I do find objectionable are implications that one person's feelings toward any resort are representative of the whole. I don't believe you have done that here. Others have and will probably continue to do so.

The part of this debate that I personally find the most objectionable is the implication that DVC has violated some unwritten agreement with members in designing SSR. I trust you would be one of the first to point out that perception and reality are often two very different things when it comes to timeshare ownership. To expect DVC to run the system in such a manner as to guarantee that 2007 booking trends would mirror 2001 trends is totally unrealistic, IMO.
I agree that there is buzz or interest in this new project, at least here. For one they dangled that carrot in front of everyone until there was interest.

And hopefully I can make this statement and everyone will understand it's intent without having to defend your home. Sometimes I think on these forums home resort is somehow confused with one's children, people become so defensive about it.

That said, I think part of the interest is not so much that its DVC but DVC at an already popular deluxe resort. If you build a resort such as SSR you have to sell it on its own merit and timeshares, see I can use that word ;), do not appeal to many. But you sell a villa at a popular deluxe resort and you have an easy sell. That does not mean that SSR is not a quality product, it simply means many will stay at a deluxe resort but are not sure about time share. So it's easy for DVC to slip in a DVC into something already established and well liked and not have to market it and to some almost disguise it.

I mean when you already have a great resort, good restaurants, developed landscaping, an interesting theme, nice pool, what is there not to like about it.

Of course for me personally AKL held no appeal to me whatsoever. It is my least favorite of all Disney resorts, so adding DVC there will not appeal to me either. I can appreciate the appeal to others, just not my personal cup of tea. But I can appreciate the enthusiasm of others.
SSR = DVC cash cow. Unfortunately, since the demand for DVC was so high, Disney succumbed to the $$

Every DVC was built to make money. None of them has lost money.

Not that SSR didn't have potential, but DVC really missed the boat on turning it into something special.

Just because its not your cup of tea, why do you feel a need to go on and on and on with your whining. The resort has its own distinct personality and does stand out from the "boutique" resorts.

A previous poster hit the nail on the head stating that SSR will never be the preferred resort of those owning at BWV, BCV, VWL, or even OKW

Never...that's pretty bold and incorrect statement to make. I'm sure the all the owners at those resorts appreciate you speaking on thier behalf. Take your time and read thru previous posts, you will find lots of owners who like SSR who do not own there. To bad you ASSume nonSSR owners hate the resort as much as you. Seek some therapy and let it go.

However, there are many SSR owners who say bought to access the other DVC resorts, staying at their home as a last resort. Many of them buying sight unseen (did many do this with other DVC resorts). This is very concerning for the future of SSR.

Wow your ignorance and arrogance of Disney Vacation Club owners is pretty amazing. First, its good to see the DVC system working like it was designed. Second, I suppose those resorts that do not have Grand Villas, members should not be allowed to use the GV's in the other resorts? I guess those owners at HH and VB should be bannished completly from staying in WDW. How many members or posts have you seen "I bought SSR but never plan on staying there". And where do you find this information regarding the number of unseen purchasers at SSR? Looks like another magic show to me, pulling things out of thin air.

Now I just added on at AKV, sight unseen. I guess that makes my purchase wrong too.
That said, I think part of the interest is not so much that its DVC but DVC at an already popular deluxe resort. If you build a resort such as SSR you have to sell it on its own merit and timeshares, see I can use that word ;), do not appeal to many. But you sell a villa at a popular deluxe resort and you have an easy sell. That does not mean that SSR is not a quality product, it simply means many will stay at a deluxe resort but are not sure about time share. So it's easy for DVC to slip in a DVC into something already established and well liked and not have to market it and to some almost disguise it.

Very good way of thinking/comparing the different "buzz". SSR does feel like an Orlando timeshare albeit Disney style. It's prime selling point is its location to a very public almost generic area (outdoor mall). And then you have the nearby hotel district which gives that area more of an urban, non-Disney feel. I can see people averse to the "timeshare" moniker not caring, and of course current owners who purchased to be nearer the parks would think it was the swamps.

Also SSR has been selling at a significantly higher price than other Orlando timeshares. For instance, one week in a two-bedroom Spring & Summer in Marriott's Grande Vista goes for $19,800. If you bought a comparable number of points at SSR (316), at the incentive of $89, that is $28,124. (Prices according to what I was quoted last December.) Since off-site timeshare owners mostly bring their own cars, there had to be something more to lure a new SSR DVC owner... and that was the DVC system as a whole. I know for me a huge lure was the use of the free onsite transportation. You don't realize how important that is to a family with only one car but multiple interests.

Now AKV will have the lure of DVC and its theming. The theming is enough to capture interest from existing owners (hence buzz here).
I think the OP was trying to say that our DIS boards have not been in this much of a frenzy over a new DVC opening...until AKV.
I agree...
I have been a bit surprised at the buying/excitement these last few days.
We just haven't seen that in a long long time....:idea: ;)
Every DVC was built to make money. None of them has lost money.

I never said they did. I am saying once Disney saw how popular DVC became, they started maximizing their profits by building larger resorts.

The resort has its own distinct personality and does stand out from the "boutique" resorts.

It's so big, of course it stands out. But seriously, I'm not saying it's not a nice resort, it is and I though it was fine. I just think Disney missed an opportunity to make it into something much better. With a resort that large and spread out, they need some more things to pull it all together as one resort and community. I'm sorry, but the small resort center with the pool, spa, gift shop/CS, arcade, and check in just doesn't cut it. The hotel based resorts have the luxury of an already existing center in the hotel itself. The addition of another feature pool, and some improvements as suggested on the other thread (e.g., watersport center/dock, ice cream parlor, horses, etc.) could really pull SSR into a more cohesive resort. Right now I think it feels like POR or CBR but with nicer rooms.

Never...that's pretty bold and incorrect statement to make. I'm sure the all the owners at those resorts appreciate you speaking on their behalf. Take your time and read thru previous posts, you will find lots of owners who like SSR who do not own there.

I admit, never is a strong statement. Maybe "almost never" is more appropriate. Seriously, I never said all the other DVC owners dislike SSR (there are many who do “like” it), but I have NEVER read a VWL, BWV, OKW, or BCV owner say "man, I wish I would have waited and bought SSR instead". Add-on maybe, but not replacing as their favorite resort. OTOH, I have seen plenty of posters that have said "I bought SSR to mostly stay at the other resorts."

How many members or posts have you seen "I bought SSR but never plan on staying there". And where do you find this information regarding the number of unseen purchasers at SSR? Looks like another magic show to me, pulling things out of thin air.

Thin memory maybe, but not thin air. I will search some posts to make sure I am not talking completely out of my ****. Stay tuned, I will find and post some links to other threads.

Wow your ignorance and arrogance of Disney Vacation Club owners is pretty amazing. First, its good to see the DVC system working like it was designed.

It is quickly not working as designed, or at least marketed. Whether you blame the "little 3" as being too small, or SSR and OKW as being too big, or HHI and VB being less-expensive and off-property, because of the difference in DVC locations and size, there is an imbalance in resort demand.

Second, I suppose those resorts that do not have Grand Villas, members should not be allowed to use the GV's in the other resorts? I guess those owners at HH and VB should be bannished completly from staying in WDW.

Of course not. But they have no reason to complain if there isn't availability at the 7-month window. I want to stay at the VB beach cottage, the spacious OKW GV, HHI in the summer, BCV for SAB when the kids are older, VWL at Xmas, and AKV for a savannah view; however, I know if I want them, it is going to take patience and flexibility on MY part. Luckily there is nothing special at SSR (yet) that would draw me there (other than lack of availability somewhere else).

Now I just added on at AKV, sight unseen. I guess that makes my purchase wrong too.

As I responded to you in another post, sight unseen at an existing resort is much different than sight unseen at an empty piece of land. And I never said it was wrong, but I suspect (and yes, this is just pure ignorant conjecture on my part) that many people bought SSR sight unseen just to get into DVC, with more of a desire to stay at the other DVC resorts. This also happens with VB, HHI, and OKW resales in particular as the daily "should I buy XXX since points are cheaper even though I never want to stay there" threads.
I never said they did. I am saying once Disney saw how popular DVC became, they started maximizing their profits by building larger resorts.

Seems to me OKW was first and was large. The whole DVC thing is about profit. Eagle Pines was going to be a large resort, SSR replaced that in becoming reality. It wasn't becuase of its size, it was because it required alot less money upfront. The infastructure was already in place and the courtyard buildings were already standing. And by the way, Boardway is not a small resort.

But seriously, I'm not saying it's not a nice resort, it is and I though it was fine. I just think Disney missed an opportunity to make it into something much better. With a resort that large and spread out, they need some more things to pull it all together as one resort and community. I'm sorry, but the small resort center with the pool, spa, gift shop/CS, arcade, and check in just doesn't cut it. The hotel based resorts have the luxury of an already existing center in the hotel itself.

And what does VWL,BWV and BCV offer that make them standout? They all have pros and cons. You either like them or don't, but there is no need to single out one resort.

I don't bash thoses resort or put them down for what I think they lack. I like all the resorts and find they ALL have something unique that they bring to DVC. Its your opinion that its great for them to share amenties with a hotel. Not even thier own, but you state that as a better selling point.

Thin memory maybe, but not thin air. I will search some posts to make sure I am talking completely out of my ****. Stay tuned, I will find and post some links to other threads.

Do that, it'll be helpful for us all.

It is quickly not working as designed, or at least marketed. Whether you blame the "little 3" as being too small, or SSR and OKW as being too big, or HHI and VB being less-expensive and off-property, because of the difference in DVC locations and size, there is an imbalance in resort demand.

How so? As a home resort owner, I make reservations at 11 months. At 7 months the rest of the owners can get the leftovers. How is that different then what is designed by DVC? What were you promised, cause this is exactly how my guide pitched it to me.

Of course not. But they have no reason to complain if there isn't availability at the 7-month window. I want to stay at the VB beach cottage, the spacious OKW GV, HHI in the summer, BCV for SAB when the kids are older, and AKV for a savannah view; however, I know if I want them, it is going to take patience and flexibility on MY part. Luckily there is nothing special at SSR (yet) that would draw me there (other than lack of availability somewhere else).

At least there is some agreement here. My kids are older, teens. They love DTD as much as your youngsters will love SAB. Its all a matter of perspective and opinion.

As I responded to you in another post, sight unseen at an existing resort is much different than sight unseen at an empty piece of land. And I never said it was wrong, but I suspect (and yes, this is just pure ignorant conjecture on my part) that many people bought SSR sight unseen just to get into DVC, with more of a desire to stay at the other DVC resorts. This also happens with VB, HHI, and OKW resales in particular as the daily "should I buy XXX since points are cheaper even though I never want to stay there" threads.

Prospective owners usually learn here quickly that they should buy where they want to stay. Yes I see thoses posts also, and I know they are given sound advice about buying DVC everytime.
Well, To get back to the buzz about AKV's, I totally agree. I talked to my guide yesterday. The AKL does have a following. It is one of our favorites. We have never minded the bus rides. We are over the park marathons. I know that people in my family are interested in this DVC, and they have never been interested in DVC.
As I responded to you in another post, sight unseen at an existing resort is much different than sight unseen at an empty piece of land. And I never said it was wrong, but I suspect (and yes, this is just pure ignorant conjecture on my part) that many people bought SSR sight unseen just to get into DVC, with more of a desire to stay at the other DVC resorts. This also happens with VB, HHI, and OKW resales in particular as the daily "should I buy XXX since points are cheaper even though I never want to stay there" threads.

not me!! I bought it sight unseen after just having spent a week at ASM so I hadn't even looked at the other DVC's. I bought it with the desire to just be at WDW!!!:cloud9:
Luckily there is nothing special at SSR (yet) that would draw me there (other than lack of availability somewhere else).

After reading this entire thread, as a SSR owner, this is the best news I found yet.

AKV seems to be having a great buzz and my only hope is that it may draw
even more new DVCers into a situation of making happy family vacations with
happy Mickey memories of those DVC vacations for years to come. DVC
has enabled some wonderful vacations for my family as a whole and yes the
majority of those memories were made on those vacations at SSR.

Folks, IMO, DVC is at heart about having a wonderful and fun Disney vacation year after year
with those you love at the happiest place on EARTH! Wether, that be in a beach theme, horse theme, safari theme or otherwise. With all of the ugliness
in the world, DVCers should be happy they can offer something special and fun to their loved ones and take a small break from reality with the Mouse!

Tim - (TJ) I love you :) :hug:

I think the buzz is because AKV is totally different from any other Disney resort.

I would love to do a small add-on but $$ doesn't allow. And with the size, I don't see 7 months being a huge issue.
There was a "Buzz" when the BCV came through (hey Becca's still "buzzing") but it seems to be nothing like this. I even had a non DVC person mention something to me about it. If you don't feel that same "buzz" I am amazed.


I hope I always "buzz" about BCV!!! :goodvibes

I have to admit....the buzz of AKV has even made ME excited, and I am not a big fan of the resort. I think with the concierge option (not to mention the safari), they are adding some REALLY cool options. And, if you get the standard view...those points are CHEAP!!!

It's ALMOST enough to make us buy....but, then we stop and realize that we just couldn't tear ourselves away from BCV!!! Maybe someday we will get to try some of those "perks" without being an owner.
I hope I always "buzz" about BCV!!! :goodvibes

I have to admit....the buzz of AKV has even made ME excited, and I am not a big fan of the resort. I think with the concierge option (not to mention the safari), they are adding some REALLY cool options. And, if you get the standard view...those points are CHEAP!!!

It's ALMOST enough to make us buy....but, then we stop and realize that we just couldn't tear ourselves away from BCV!!! Maybe someday we will get to try some of those "perks" without being an owner.

Whew! You had me worried for a second there, Beca. I just can't imagine you staying anywhere except BCV.
We were just at SSR last week for the first time. It was a nice resort, but very spread out. The first part of our trip was in a 2bd located in Congress Park, the second half was in a 1bd in the Springs. It was so much nicer being close to the lobby.

We liked the Turf Club (I think that's what it was called). All 4 of us were on the DDP, but chose to split some of our meals. The Turf Club let us do this the first night, even prepared it on seperate plates so we wouldn't have to it ourselves. The second night our server refused to let us split the meals. She said it was against the rules and said who ever did it for us before should be fired. I asked for a manager to explain why we could not split, she did and we left. I was pretty bumed... they have great food!

The counter service there was great, we got on a first name bases with a castemember there.

The spa was wonderful. Two girls help give me one pedicure.... very sweet, down to earth ladies. They helped make my last day the best. I hope they are still there next time we go home.

Next time we plan to stay at BWV or OKW. Our next trip isn't until June 2008... that will be the longest stretch inbetween trips.
:lmao: That's too funny!

I have a bun in the oven for the first time... due July 4th. So, it really will be a rough time! But we are excited and looking forward to the addition.

We bought the kid's first set of ears last week. We don't know if it's a girl or boy yet... so we just had them put "Baby Gray" on the back. Planning to have "him" wear it in the hospital pictures! :rotfl2:
:lmao: That's too funny!

I have a bun in the oven for the first time... due July 4th. So, it really will be a rough time! But we are excited and looking forward to the addition.

We bought the kid's first set of ears last week. We don't know if it's a girl or boy yet... so we just had them put "Baby Gray" on the back. Planning to have "him" wear it in the hospital pictures! :rotfl2:

Well Congrats on your family addition! Now if the the other add-on's where that easy to do!


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