It's all about Rides and Rocks (the trip that nearly wasn't) TR starts page 6

Looks like the end of a great day.

I thought the same about the treehouses; although I'd love to stay in them. ;)
I really enjoyed reading about POFQ. POR is my moderate of choice for when I finally get to WDW. FWIW, Wilderness Lodge is my deluxe of choice.

I can't wait to check out Animal Kingdom! You got some great photos of the animals and general atmosphere. You were spot on with the kudu (we saw heaps in Africa). Fun fact, a group of giraffes is called a 'journey'.

Your DTD experience looked like fun too. I love the Lego stores, although the one at DLR had been renovated and wasn't as good on our last trip. I agree that you are never too old to play with Lego.

I don't think I knew the giraffe collective noun - another one to add for Trivia. We love Animal Kingdom, needed a bit longer really, getting there at 10 wasted half the morning! though there is a lot of work going on so its not fully at its best. We stayed at Wilderness Lodge in 2008 - that was my splurge trip, and it was gorgeous- I would love to go back one day. We also had a good look around AKL that time too and decided we would be equally happy there, though riding the boat to MK from Wilderness Lodge, especially early in the morning, was pretty special.

Looks like the end of a great day.

I thought the same about the treehouses; although I'd love to stay in them. ;)

I always thought we'd like the Treehouses - the boat horns did give us second thoughts. It was a very good day.
Love reading your report, especially POFQ, Crazy Cat Boy wants to stay there next time.
Sunday 26th Oct Farewell to WDW for now

Part 1: Disney Hollywood Studios

It felt we hadn’t been asleep long and it was time to wake up! DH was getting a cold after getting cold at EPCOT-damn! I finished the packing and we left – no check out needed, so easy. We left our bag with baggage services and bought a simple breakfast of fruit and yoghurt from Sassagoulas and caught the 9.30 bus. This morning was a delay at Riverside with a stuck boom-gate but finally, our driver used his sense and drove straight ahead and out the alternate gate leaving a long line of buses behind – so easy.

We got to the park around 10.15. First up a picture with the iconic hat before it disappears.

DH learning how to use the new camera to take a selfie - we get better as the trip progresses

The only characters that we saw all day!

We were in time for our FP+ at Toy Story Mania. Lots of fun but I am not posting a pic of our lousy scores!

This was my favourite toy that came with me when we emigrated from England

Next door was the Legend of Jack Sparrow and as it was just opening we were able to walk straight in. I can see why people say don’t bother, it was pretty slack, but the Jack Sparrow/classic Johnny Depp banter, was funny and we all became pirates - aaarrrr.

We had 15 mins to fill so we wandered through One Man’s Dream which was interesting but we exited before the film as I had a FP for Voyage of the Little Mermaid.

Walt’s 2nd grade school desk, with his initials carved into it

More memorabilia

Memories of DLP last year

Mask from the Lion King, fitting since we are off to see it Xmas Eve

Voyage of the Little Mermaid was another show I quite liked, comfy seats, and a nice little production with puppets and water effects. No good pics though

Next up was our favourite Star Tours and we were so excited this time we got 3 whole new sequences (after riding something like 4 times with the exact same sequences last time in DL).


Darth Vader is still fighting Padawans

I tried to find a FP kiosk next and failed totally – they are not very evident in this park and the ones marked on the map near the hat turned out to be closed down, so we wasted a bit of time walking in circles. I know I should have downloaded the app onto our phone and I kept meaning to. As it was we didn’t really need it.

Academy of Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame busts

Echo Lake

Next post: Lunch
Part 2 Lunch at 50's Prime Time Cafe

Lunch was at the 50’s Prime Time Cafe and was great fun as everyone says. I got the meatloaf and a cherry cola and DH the chicken pot pie and a beer. We had a good server. DH had a battle getting the beer as he looked “under-age”.

“Granny says eat your beans” .. me “but Granny didn’t cook them properly, they’re too hard” (they were) ..”You have to eat them…”

While lunch digested we watched the Muppets – another oldie but a goodie. There was a promotional vid from Constantine (from Muppets Most Wanted) to watch while we waited which has me wanting to see the movie.

The Muppet fountain

Don’t think I have ever seen the streets of New York so empty

We had to queue for 15 mins for the Great Movie Ride (I had been concerned it would be longer hence the hunt for the FP earlier).

I thought it was appropriate to take a pic of this hand and foot print

The ride was actually better than I remembered even though it could do with some refurb of material.

You will note that we don’t ride Tower of Terror – neither of us like losing our stomach like that although one day I must do the walk through and take the chicken exit. I had planned to finally ride Rock N Roll Coaster today going there first, but we were late and I had a dull headache and felt a bit “off” so decided not this time. It will still be waiting next Disney visit! Have to save some new experiences. We also decided today that we didn’t need to see Indiana Jones or the Stunt car show again, having seen them last year in Paris.

So it was farewell to DHS

We had quite a wait for a bus today, probably because we were leaving mid afternoon. I can see the attraction of having a car sometimes.

Back at POFQ there was time for some shopping in the gift shop (it had a good range nice and handy altogether in one place!) ..and some GF beignets…


Had a good convo with the server here who came from Iraq. Then we caught a cab up to Universal’s Royal Pacific Hotel. The driver didn’t say one word to us!! He was too busy listening to a football game but he did the trip in record time and it only cost $36 so we were not complaining.

Next post RPH: who knew how fabulous the dark side is!
What a great day at DHS.

I love your pictures. They are all fantastic!
We need to go on that walkthrough ToT together and take that chicken exit together. :thumbsup2
Looks like a delicious and fun lunch and now you make me want some beignets!

Looking forward to the fabulous dark side.
Part 3 RPH

RPH south seas theme was very pretty.

The foyer

Welcome icy tropical juice to help yourself to all day.

Our room was on the fourth floor of Tower 3 and while we had a standard room, we were lucky with view of a lily pond and lots of palm fronds.

Showing how spacious the room is

View from our window

We went exploring almost straight away – lovely pool, sandy beach by the river, nice lounge areas.

Orchid Court

View from the opposite end

A view of the pool and water play area

Sandy Beach

We got our express pass from the kiosk in the foyer and whilst Islands of Adventure was open until 8pm, I decided I really needed to do the laundry so we had a nice lazy evening napping and watching TV while the washing washed ($6 for a load to wash and dry). After it finished we went down to the lobby and decided we just wanted something light to eat so settled at the Sushi Bar. The sashimi if you like that, looked very fresh and good but not being a fan of raw fish, we settled for a selection of sushi including Tempura seafood, Californian and vegetarian varieties. OMG it was so good. I can highly recommend eating here if you like Japanese food. DH also got into some long conversations with our server who came from Canada, and who seemed keen to chat as it was very quiet.

A pic of our already half eaten sushi – this was 3 pieces served cut into sections and we had already eaten at least 4 pieces when I remembered to take a pic.

Afterwards we took a moonlit stroll around the gardens (how romantic!) – and rang Mum and Dad (reality intrudes!)

Orchid Court at night

Orchids in the foyer

The waterfall under the entrance walkway

Statues scattered around the gardens

We found the path that led to Citywalk and strolled along the river and before we knew it there was the glare of neon lights and the hustle of people so we continued strolling and ended up here:

Doesn’t the entrance look great for HNN - I really want to go one year now.

Another selfie

Universal’s globe

The IOA lighthouse

Strolling through Citywalk. They were busy building a stage for One Directions' upcoming concert.

Hard Rock Café

We caught the boat back to RPH and so to bed. The resort shop even had daytime flu tablets for DH to take, mostly to alleviate the congestion so he could breathe and thus sleep. They worked great! We do miss not having a fridge in the room though. They are progressively rolling these out, with some or all of Hard Rock Hotel now having normal fridges in their room like WDW.

I couldn’t wait to wake up early and be at USF for 7am early entry to Diagon Alley!
I have to post a couple of the frog pictures like PIO did. The little frogs playing musical instruments line the entrance walkway ...but PIO didn't quite take one at the angle I did ... do not show your children this picture - maybe its me but it looks positively R rated!!

This is a bit better!!

LOL!!! I think it was early morning when I was taking my set of pictures and my brain was definitely not in the R rated category. I wish it had been, though. That's a GREAT shot!!! :lmao:

Wish I were back at RPH now. :goodvibes
I only noticed it afterwards when looking through the pics and thought - whoa! It looks worse small scale when you can't see its a hammer he's holding.
Monday 27 Oct Harry Potter and the best dragon of all!

Part 1

Finding it very hard to cull photos for this part of the TR-so much detail to take photos of for a first time visit!

I plan to post all the photos we took in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade today even though we visited Diagon Alley each of the 3 days. Our first day was spent mostly there and in Hogsmeade in IOA so it makes sense to group pics; besides I honestly have no idea without looking at numbering which we took when.

Our day started at the early hour of 5.30am when the alarm woke us up. A quick breakie of cereal and coffee and we were down at the boat dock at 6.30am. We were the only ones there, it was still pitch dark, and it seemed like it was so much earlier than what it was. Our Captain even seemed to doubt what we were up to! It was still dark when we disembarked but as we approached the entrance of Universal Studios we were reassured others (but not many!) were hurrying through. It was almost surreal following shadowy people in front of us through the deserted streets of New York with occasional CMs (easier to use WDW lingo) directing us and making sure no-one slipped away into other areas before opening. It was also very realistic!

No time to stop and stare or take piccies, through Leicester Square station we were hurried and accompanied by the grinding of bricks we emerged into Diagon Alley.
To give a sense of geography to the tale here are some pics taken after the ride and after we re-entered “properly”.

We headed straight for Gringotts with everyone else (and since no shops were yet open, what else would you do!), put our gear in a locker and so got to walk straight through, lingering whenever possible to take photos of the amazing décor of Gringotts bank. We had the new little camera with us which zipped into a shirt pocket for the ride. The goblins are as good as they look in the pictures; the chandeliers are sparkly and authenticity is 100%.

Down the lift, through the passages past interesting doors, piles of newspaper with the headlines and moving photos of Harry and Dumbledore

and into Bill Weasley’s office with the goblin banker Blordack where you get an intro as to why today is not a good day for visiting the bank vaults!

Then the ride which is amazingly fun for a HP lover with only a tiny coaster effect at the start really, riding in Victorian-style open carts (tiered and you definitely do get slightly different impressions of the ride from different seats)-see this nicked from the internet pic.

For those who have never been to Universal, these type rides remind me a little of Indiana Jones though a bit less rough and jerky plus you have the 3D screen elements which makes it a whole lot better. Indiana Jones done in this way would have been awesome!!

Back to EFG there is brilliant 3D footage (aka Superman or Transformers but I think better again), you are cursed by Belletrix, have an encounter with Voldemort and Nagini, watch Harry, Ron and Hermione escape on the back of the dragon up through the’s perfect.

The photographers can’t take a picture for love or money though (no on ride pics as you are wearing 3D glasses). Our effort - having been tweaked in Photoshop to amend the over exposure.

When we emerged the sun had come up, the wait time was tiny, our locker was still good, so round we went for a second go. I might have done a third but DH declined. We spent the next 2 hours exploring quite a bit of DA including watching a wand ceremony in Ollivanders before heading out to see the London waterfront but this TR I will take you through it logically so cue the next post: the London waterfront.
Part 2 The London Waterfront

Very English buildings and the statue of Eros

This is an exact copy of the lights along the River Thames

The Knight Bus with a very cockney conductor and the shrunken head

Me listening to the recorded message in the phone box if you know the secret number to dial!

The bookstore

The record shop – the records all have significance, for example, Joe Sez No refers to JK Rowling having the final say on everything.

Grimmauld Place with Kreacher peeping out as I knock on the door

Outside the entrance to Diagon Alley through Leicester Square.

Looking back at the entrance to Diagon Alley.

And the dragon at the forward end.

Wheasley’s Wizard Weezes

Demonstration of Puking Pastilles in the window.

Some of the wares on sale inside


The wand show

Traversing narrow passageways lined with wands to reach the shop proper.

You can buy the RFD wands as Hermione’s, Harry’s, Dumbledore’s or an unclaimed wand (one of the 12 wands based on the woods and character of the Celtic tree calendar). The wand I like the most, the description didn’t suit my personality. I dithered and finally decided I really didn’t need to spend $50 on a wand and spend the entire 3 days engrossed in making things twirl and float in shop windows and queueing in lines for the privilege. Now if DD had been with us there would have been no question what we would have been doing……

WOW! DA is spectacular. I really need to find a way to go back and check it out.

Looks like you had a great time riding Gringotts. Twice?? Lucky you!
London looks amazing in your pictures.
Part 3 Shops and more shops

The Firebolt

Jellied Eels anyone?

Madame Malkin’s with its magic mirror that insults or complements you..first time I got something like “hmm, so you thought that was a good combination to wear?” Second time I think I got “that looks nice dear”.

Harry Potter film costumes on display. You could buy replica’s of e.g. Hermione’s dress.

This gown had changing patterns

Here is our gorgeous dragon again roaring out flames every 15 mins all day long and always a crowd stopper.

Wiseacres which is the exit for Gringotts ride. The man in gowns next door I about to use the spell wingardium leviosa on the feather in the window of Scribbulus.

Here’s a little girl doing the same:

In Wiseacres there were lots of astronomy items on display up high. Took lots of pics but will bore you with just one.

This is Horizont Alley with its golden goblin

Magical Menagerie – I loved all the toys in this shop but the architecture and window displays were pretty cool too.

Shop windows



Inside the shop. Note you can just see the Crumple-Horned Snorkack on the upper tier to the left.


My DD would have loved one of these 18 years ago.

Unfortunately Buckbeak wasn’t as cute

Watch out, it bites

Crookshanks nearly came home with me.

Talking parseltongue with a snake

Continued exploration of Horizont Alley and Carkitt Market next post
Part 4 Buying bank notes and serenaded by Celestina

Gringotts Money Exchange is also in Horizont Alley. The goblin is very intimidating – it’s hard to know what to ask him but I have since read don't ask him if he's a house elf! We exchanged some money for Gringott’s notes and spent them on souvenirs on the last day of our trip.

Pic of a banknote

Heading the opposite direction into Carkitt Market, a covered market typical of many found in the UK. An exit is also here if you don't want to go back to the entrance.

I like the way the bridges for the train look just like those in the London inner burbs like where my aunt used to live.

I am unsure of the proper name of this fountain but it shoots water when the spell is cast correctly.

Eternelle’s Elixir of Refreshment sells potions for all occasions. We never saw it doing any business. I love the gargoyles around the top.

The Hopping Pot sells beers unique to Diagon Alley like Wizard’s Brew and Dragon Scale. Don't think it sold Fire Whisky though.

The blacksmiths is a popular spot. A wave of the wand and the armour builds itself.


Several interesting shopfronts here like the Museum of Muggle Curiosities

And Gregorovitch’s wand shop which sells wands like Ollivander’s but is a lot quieter and good if you know the one you want.

Carkitt Market is home to a large stage. We watched a performance of Celestina Warbuck and the Banshees. They like to include audience participation so if you are a male don’t stand too close or you might get chosen like the elderly man next to me (DH cleverly had retreated, obviously guessing the worst) who looked awkward and embarrassed the whole time.

To the left of Gringott’s is a little area, very popular with the wand wavers (and a handy loo). The amount of water on the ground tells you what happens when a spell is cast.

Very nearby another casting spot makes the lanterns in Flimlams light up – only really notacable at twilight or if you are lucky enough to be here when it is open late, after dark. Our lit up pic is rather blurry - here it is unspelled.

The Owlry near the Leaky Cauldron

Next post Lunch at the Leaky Cauldron
Wow I must say DA looks amazing, can't wait to see it next year even more now
Part 5 Lunch at the Leaky Cauldron and Knockturn Alley

Our first day exploring we soon decided it a time we thought, for an early lunch. Where else but the Leaky Cauldron. Turned out breakfast was still being served as it was not yet 11am. Breakfast it was then!

Beckoned in

DH chose the American breakfast while I got the English. It came with a free drink. I of course got Butterbeer. DH got coffee but they poured him a Butterbeer by mistake so when he queried it she said take it anyway so he got a freebie. He found it too sweet and only drank half. I liked mine though I am hesitant to say that I thought the one at Leavensden in the UK was nicer but I might just be forgetting and back then only got to share DD’s not drink a whole one of my own.

A blurry pic of me and Butterbeer

My English breakfast. Real bacon, scrambled egg, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans, grilled tomato, and black pudding (that tasted like the black pudding we tried in Scotland), and a croissant (?? should have been toast!)

DH American-yucky American bacon, scrambled egg, sausages, fried potatoes with onions and a croissant. I know who I think got the better deal!

A pic of the inside of the Leaky Cauldron

Don’t miss the moving Wanted posters

We followed breakfast with a visit here.

Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Shop.

I tried Earl Grey and Lavender – it tasted really good! In case I didn’t like it I had it with Sticky Toffee (you get two scoops per tub) which was also good. We ate on the steps (lots of alleyways and steps that lead nowhere in DA and warrant further investigation if you visit, as I now know we missed lots of fun things in windows-but one can only do so much exploration in a few days!)

We were also right underneath the dragon’s roar and could feel the heat of the flames

Riding Hagrid’s Bike

Knockturn Alley is suitably dark and creepy. Lots of things it was too dark for pics but there are some cool shopfronts here like the tattoo shop with moving tattoos.

This one might be part of the tattooists I think

The singing shrunken heads

Cast a spell and the skeleton will mimic the spellcaster's moves.

Borgin & Burkes

The cabinet, you can hear the canary inside.

More views of the shop

Posters everywhere are worth looking at.

Back in the safety of Diagon Alley, the dragon roars.

Next Post: The Tales of Beedle the Bard
I'm loving all your pictures and the details of DA. You're making me want to run back there....!!! I wonder if I can blame you when I tell DH???


Horizont Alley? I'm pretty sure that's not in the books.
Sure - blame me; take me with you if you like!

Carkitt Markett and Horizont Alley weren't in the books but Rowling was involved in their design and naming I believe. I have read an article that talks about all the real and fake shop fronts and signage and its a bit of mish mash of canon and non-canon with some confusing ones where they could have used a shop mentioned in the books and haven't but since there is so much detail to overwhelm the visitor it will take a lot of visits to ponder all of them - like Disney detail (which unless DD gets a job in Florida and we go to to visit and stay with her is unlikely in our case!!)..


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