It's kind of fun to do the impossible - Disney with a 1 month old *new 2/13/15*

Waaahoooo!! It has started! Can't wait to see how it all turned out!! I love love Peter's t-shirt!! :rotfl2: I told my DBF I need one for him now! lol
Joining in! Was there at same time as you (home last night) so excited to hear about your trip! We had a blast- boy, was it hot!!

Part 4 - Travel Day! - Wednesday August 20th​

Time for everyone's favorite update – travel day! I will do my best to keep this to one update and add in humorous gifs as needed/not needed



In making our travel plans I briefly entertained the thought of driving – but Judi quickly shot that down as the number of stops we would have had to make with Emma would have resulted in driving for like 3 days. So on to checking different flying options knowing that transporting 3 kids and their associated equipment (3 car seats, etc.) would result in some fun times at the airport. Checked different options for flying out of different airports near us – either out of JFK/LGA or Westchester or even Newark – but the prices were a bit higher than we expected/wanted (mostly looking at Jetblue due to good experiences in the past and reasonable rates). Then I broadened the search and found good prices for times that worked for us leaving from Hartford. We had never flew out of there but some research turned up that people were really happy with it and as a smaller airport things were just less crowded, plus parking there was supposed to be easy and really cheap compared to the New York airports – ultimately I found a place for $6.95 a day (in the end, ontop of that savings we got one day free so parking for 10 days, including tax was only $65 … that's like 2 hours in NYC).

After a bit more checking it was determined the best (i.e., cheapest) flights would have us fly down late Wednesday night (landing at around 10:30pm) and then leaving early Saturday morning August 30th (flight left at 7am). Now you might be saying, but Phil, aren't you checking out of the Contemporary on Friday August 29th? And you would be right – but we found it would be cheaper to book a night at a hotel near the airport and then fly out early on Saturday than leave on Friday … plus this meant we would have more of a full Disney day on Friday – so it was a true Win-Win scenario


So we booked our flights out of there and so that meant on our travel day the first step would be driving out to Hartford - this drive should take us about 1.5 hours.


While we did a good job of makings lists and gathering all clothes, etc. we didn't really pack until this morning – our flight didn't leave until 7:30pm. For the most part it went ok … biggest thing was just deciding what to put in what bags – ultimately just kinda picked a bag and started loading things. Peter and Emma's stuff went in one bag, Olivia's in one, and mine in one and Judi's got spread out a bit. Then had one other bag for what we needed that first night after landing and then the carry-ons full of activities, etc. plus my work bag that was probably the most important as it contained all confirmation information and our magic bands, and TIW, etc.


Not sure if they were just really geeked up or what but the kids were a bit wild and made everything take like 3 times longer than it should have – and Emma didn't really get a great nap in like she normally did and we just weren't as efficient as we wanted to be and started get frustrated about that and the kids and just wasn't our shining moment. As mentioned, with no traffic it should only take 1.5 hours, but I knew there would be some traffic so figured on 2.5 hours and given that I wanted to hit the road at 3pm but we didn't get going until 3:35 – and Judi and I both felt we needed Starbucks (plus in our haste to get out we neglected to use the little boys and girls room) … unfortunately we picked a very crowded and/or slow Starbucks that pushed us back even further. Then we started hitting way more traffic that we thought we would. Ultimately we decided to take an alternate route to the airport that normally would be longer but was showing less traffic. I am really glad we did that as at least we were moving the whole time and not stuck in traffic which would have made me even more stressed.


Ultimately we arrived at the airport at 6:35 … um, yeah - so obviously running a bit late. The information for the airport indicated they offered curbside check-in so that is what we figured we would do and then I would leave Judi and the kids with just the stuff we were taking on the plane and go drop the car off. But when we got there, there was basically no one around – so no curbside check in. So we decided to break the rules a bit and I left the car parked at the curb (again, there was like literally no one there so I wasn't blocking traffic or anything), and we brought the bags to the check in desk and got all settled. Here's how we looked:


The man working the x-ray machine for the checked bags even let Olivia press the button to start the machine which she was of course thrilled about and is perhaps a new career path for her. I then brought them over to some seats near security and then went to drop the car off. I found the place no problem and they made the entire process very painless – super quick and had a shuttle waiting for me and I got back pretty much right at 7pm – on our return the process went equally smoothly so between that and the price I can definitely recommend Z Airport Parking for anyone flying out of Hartford. So from pulling up to the curb to arriving back after dropping the car off was only 25 mins – really can't complain. Then we had the joy of getting two adults, 3 kids, 4 carry-ons, 3 personal items, three car seats, and a double stroller through security. Result: really wasn't bad! The security people even helped us with everything and were super friendly. They didn't have a ton of lanes open so I did feel bad that we weren't exactly quick for the people behind us … but went better than expected and really weren't that many people – we had literally no one in front of us when we got to security … the joys of a smaller airport - and definitely different than the experience we would have on returning out of Orlando/MCO.

The gate was of course one of the furthest away, but we got there and we weren't even the last people! They were still waiting for one other person. We gate checked the stroller and two of the car seats and then got loaded. Bringing a car seat for Peter was such a great idea as he actually got in it pretty easily and seemed content – plus he was "stuck" there :D. Only issue was that our seats were 4 across – 3 on one side of the aisle and then the 4th on the other side. The plan was for Judi to sit with Emma in the single seat while I sat with the other two but that side already had someone in it with a lap infant and the rules state you can't have more than one in a group of seats – so Judi had to sit with Emma on the same side as the other two:

(get used to seeing a lot of the back of Emma's head)

The kids did great and there was another family behind us so that made it a bit less stressful (for me at least) if our kids were a tad loud or anything. The activities we brought got used somewhat and the kindle got use too – the kids watched a few episodes of Team Ummizoomi and Dora (I know, I know, should have them watch Disney Jr or something but the Amazon Prime gives us Nick Jr shows for free so that is what we have). Only hiccup is that we realized that we had left a bad in the car


In the haste to unload, etc. one bag that had shifted during the drive got left behind – wasn't the worst thing ever (wasn’t like it was the bag with the Magic Bands or anything) – but will have to make a trip to Target to replace some of the missing items. Definitely glad we have a few days before heading to Disney.

After landing (and the obligatory Fake-o-rail pic):


we accepted the offer from a staff member to help us with our bags (best $20 in tip ever spent) and we went to get the rental car and were on our way … all the way about 0.8 miles down the road to the Hampton Inn we were staying at for the night. While the building itself isn't the newest, the rooms and lobby were all recently totally redone and was plenty comfortable and came with a hot breakfast that we totally used the next morning as well. Olivia seemed happy with the room:


and we even got a nice picture of all three kids together:


.... which of course Olivia and Peter couldn't keep stay that way:


Overall we were very happy with it – it was close and just used Hilton points so was a good price too (i.e., free). After breakfast the next morning we headed down to Boca as we were spending the first few days introducing Emma to her great Aunt and Uncle and her Great Grandmother and hanging by the pool and going to the beach. The drive down was rather stressful as we needed to stop a number of times for Emma and then seemed like right after we would get going one of the kids would decide then (not like 5 minutes previous when it would have been convenient) that they needed to go to the bathroom or something. So again, a trip that should take like 2.5 hours took 3.5 but whatever, we got there safe. Oh, and one thing we figured out was that rather than taking the sunpass from the car rental place (which provided unlimited tolls but at a cost of $8/day – so would have run us $80, we just picked up a "mini" one from a local CVS and preloaded it with some money on top of the $4.99 the badge itself cost. In the end we will make up the cost of the badge in savings from reduced tolls and the whole trip will cost us like $30 instead of the $80 and save time by using the sunpass lanes.

Next post I will put together the highlights (mostly pictures) of our days down there and then get to actual Disney the post after that. Deal?

Joining in! Was there at same time as you (home last night) so excited to hear about your trip! We had a blast- boy, was it hot!!

:welcome: thanks for joining! Definitely had some hot days - though my understanding is that it was even hotter the week before

Glad you had a good time - definitely would appreciate any comments you had - especially if we happened to be in the same place the same day, etc.
I think just using a Captain Picard gif/pic is automatically a win :goodvibes

lol, I'm tired just reading about all that baggage and moving things!! Seemed like you had it well in hand though. Although scary forgetting a bag! lol, happy it wasn't anything too important!
Oh no. That' s not good foreshadowing.

I am definitely impressed with you juggling three kids and so many suitcases.

Wait I just got a good look at Peter's shirt. I am DYING. I love the Tiki Room!!
This reminds me of the trip we took when our older two were both under the age of three. Glad you made is safely with minimal stress.

Really sweet picture of the three kids! Such cuties!
Phil, back and caught up.

Loved the intros.

The travel day seemed to go rather smoothly considering you had three young ones.

The picture of the three kids laying on the bed is precious...actually both of them are (yes, that includes the one sticking out the tongues :rotfl2:).

Sorry you left a bag behind and had to stop at the store but at least it wasn't anything important as you said like the Magic Bands, etc.

Looking forward to more.
Joining in. The traveling with a one month old intrigued me, and then I was even more impressed when I saw you do it with two additional children and no grandparents. You two are already champs in my book!:rotfl::thumbsup2
First off, I love the title. That's one of my favorite quotes!!

The picture of Emma is too sweet for words!

I'm really looking forward to the adventure! Hopefully I will have time to squeeze in my update this week. The beach wore me out but it sure was fun! ;)
Wow, I actually cringed during the story of you getting to the airport. But, the important part is that you made it.

Win at not being the last people there.

Of course Peter and Olivia couldn't stay away, but can you blame them?

Ooh saving money is always good. So four for you.
Just joining in!! It was great meeting you at the Hershey DisMeet. Can't wait to see your adventures at WDW.
Great update! :thumbsup2

I think travel day is what scares me most. Since our girls are 10 and 7 and just completed their 5th trip to Disney, traveling with them is a piece of cake and they don't have a lot of gear. Their first trip was when they were 3 and 5 and we just rented a stroller when we got to disney, so have never dealt with all of the gear.

Our next trip will be in April and our baby boy will be just under 4 months old. We will have all of his stuff including stroller (we have a Chicco Cortina) and the extra bags associated with infants, so that's new to us.

At the airport, do they take your stroller when your getting on the plane or when you check your luggage? And what about when you land? I sometimes see strollers waiting once the doors are that standard? Ugh, so nervous about how that's going to go! :scared:

It looks like your travel day went pretty well though....:goodvibes
That is seriously the most empty airport I have seen in a long time!

I love reading Travel Day portions of Trip Reports! Everyone always seems to get there and do different things on their way! Some people take planes, some drive, some take auto trains, it is just fun reading all of that, at least it is for me anyway! I think that is why I spend so much time talking about what we do on our way down...hmm...maybe I should tone it down...LOL

We love to fly Jet Blue! It is definitely our favorite airline, if we had a choice, we also used to fly Air Tran a lot, but we have not flown anywhere since we flew to Seattle back in 2012. It is so expensive to fly from where we live now, and there aren't too many choices :crazy2:

Looking forward to the next post! My brother-in-law's family lives in Boca, have never been there, but curious about it nonetheless! :goodvibes
I think just using a Captain Picard gif/pic is automatically a win :goodvibes

lol, I'm tired just reading about all that baggage and moving things!! Seemed like you had it well in hand though. Although scary forgetting a bag! lol, happy it wasn't anything too important!

Thanks - figured I needed to add some fun to the travel update post :rotfl:

yeah, it was a small field operation to get everything moved - I think if we didn't have the car seats it wouldn't be as much - but having the one to keep Peter strapped in though :lmao:

Oh no. That' s not good foreshadowing.

I am definitely impressed with you juggling three kids and so many suitcases.

Wait I just got a good look at Peter's shirt. I am DYING. I love the Tiki Room!!

Thanks - basically just had to make it work ... wasn't too bad and flying out of the smaller airport definitely helped.

Thanks! I had made that (and a few others that he will be in) for our last trip and they still fit. The shirt is even more appropriate now that he is really pushing back on taking naps

This reminds me of the trip we took when our older two were both under the age of three. Glad you made is safely with minimal stress.

Really sweet picture of the three kids! Such cuties!

It is quite the experience traveling with multiple kids that young - at least Olivia was able to help out a bit

Thank you - I love that picture because it happened organically, we didn't pose them or anything ... I just grabbed the camera when I saw them like that
Oh my! I know things went relatively smoothly for you but you have made me seriously dread flying with my girls. We've never taken them both anywhere we've needed to fly and the logistics of the whole thing are intimidating. Plus, DH wants to be at the airport at least 2 hours before the flight leaves - I think he'd break out in hives if he read how close you cut it with 3 little ones :goodvibes
Phil, back and caught up.

Loved the intros.

The travel day seemed to go rather smoothly considering you had three young ones.

The picture of the three kids laying on the bed is precious...actually both of them are (yes, that includes the one sticking out the tongues :rotfl2:).

Sorry you left a bag behind and had to stop at the store but at least it wasn't anything important as you said like the Magic Bands, etc.

Looking forward to more.

Thanks for reading up Kathy - hope things are well with you and getting settled with this kids gone.

Other than the extra time it took to drive to the airport everything went much smoother than I was fearing ... the flights specifically, really couldn't have asked for things to go any better.

I do love both pictures since it definitely shows both sides to our kids and how quickly they can change moods, actions, etc./

yeah - turned out to be not a big deal just more that moment when we realized "wait, what happened to that one bag? oh no!"

Joining in. The traveling with a one month old intrigued me, and then I was even more impressed when I saw you do it with two additional children and no grandparents. You two are already champs in my book!:rotfl::thumbsup2

Thank you! Definitely wasn't always easy but we made it work and actually taught me a lot about being flexible (that's a little foreshadowing to our first day in the Disney parks.

First off, I love the title. That's one of my favorite quotes!!

The picture of Emma is too sweet for words!

I'm really looking forward to the adventure! Hopefully I will have time to squeeze in my update this week. The beach wore me out but it sure was fun! ;)

Thank you - I love quotes in general and Walt had so many good ones. I actually use them at work sometimes - recently used: "You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."

Thank you - we were really happy with that picture and how it came out - using it for our birth announcements.

I saw some of your pictures from the beach on FB - looked like you guys had a great end of summer event!
Wow, I actually cringed during the story of you getting to the airport. But, the important part is that you made it.

Win at not being the last people there.

Of course Peter and Olivia couldn't stay away, but can you blame them?

Ooh saving money is always good. So four for you.

Sorry to make you cringe - you were definitely feeling (and not concealing) what I was feeling as just more and more traffic seemed to happen. So glad we decided to take that other way to get there though

yeah, not sure if that last person made it or not - they were paging him as we boarded.

It was funny when the guy at the counter tried to sell me on getting the pass from them . He was like "but you trip will be like $20 in tolls and this is unlimited" and I responded "but at $8 a day that comes to $80 so yeah, it doesn't make sense" - getting the mini-pass was a good compromise as we came out even/ahead money wise and so much easier to not have to go to the cash lanes.

Just joining in!! It was great meeting you at the Hershey DisMeet. Can't wait to see your adventures at WDW.

Definitely great to meet you too - you all did such a great job with the meeting and looking forward to next year.

One more post of our pre-Disney activities and then onto The World!

Great update! :thumbsup2

I think travel day is what scares me most. Since our girls are 10 and 7 and just completed their 5th trip to Disney, traveling with them is a piece of cake and they don't have a lot of gear. Their first trip was when they were 3 and 5 and we just rented a stroller when we got to disney, so have never dealt with all of the gear.

Our next trip will be in April and our baby boy will be just under 4 months old. We will have all of his stuff including stroller (we have a Chicco Cortina) and the extra bags associated with infants, so that's new to us.

At the airport, do they take your stroller when your getting on the plane or when you check your luggage? And what about when you land? I sometimes see strollers waiting once the doors are that standard? Ugh, so nervous about how that's going to go! :scared:

It looks like your travel day went pretty well though....:goodvibes

Thank you! Given that we were not using ME and were getting a car, the big thing was brining 3 car seats with us as my wife had heard mixed things about the rental car seats (plus the extra cost).

Almost all of the kids gear we gate checked ... basically go up to the counter and tell them you want to gate check the baby items and they will put tags on the items and give you a receipt. Then when you walk down the connector you leave them on the ground right before you get onto the place. We gate checked 4 things: Olivia's car seat, Emma's car seat, the base for Emma's car seat, and the stroller. We took Peter's car seat on to the plane and attached it to his seat - again, largely to keep him contained.

When we landed we let everyone else off first (we were in the back anyway) and then just picked up our gate checked items right outside the plane. Worked quite well and no extra cost for this or anything. Good luck! Just remember, you aren't the first person to do this - and likely won't even be the only person on your flights and (unlike us) try to allow some extra time ... they usually let people with gate checked items on to the plane early


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