iTunes version


<font color=darkorchid>I'll throw some rum in the
Aug 12, 2007
Is it just me, or is the iTunes version of the Dec 18th show actually the Dec 11th audio?

Listening now, but I can't figure out how to get the mp3 DL'd from the podcast webpage into my iTunes under the DIS podcast category.... hmm...
I haven't synced my iPhone with iTunes yet today so I don't know if the Dec18th show is current or just the 11th show ( I usually sync the Dis podcasts on tuesday nights) But if you open up iTunes and you already have the Dis Unplugged as one of your 'Subscribed to' podcasts then you should just be able to go to the Podcast heading on the left upper side of your iTunes screen, double click it so that the listing of all of your podcasts opens up and highlight the Dis Unplugged podcast and then hot the update button at the bottom right side of the iTunes screen.

Hope this helps and didn't confuse anyone.
I am just getting the 11th show but it says that it is the 18th show.
I was so looking forward to listening to it tonight.
Can anyone help!! :surfweb: :confused: :confused: :confused:
same here...if that doesn't work, you can always download form the show notes page
i just hate how if you download it from the show's page and not from itunes, it doesn't show up in the podcast section of your ipod.
I think that no one of the crew actually owns an iPod. The messy tagging of their episodes, the incorrect length times in their RSS-feed, the absence of cover art, the useless description-tags and now this ... It's too bad, because it's a great podcast. It just should be more iPod- and iTunes-friendly. I also have the impression that they don't use some automatic program for their RSS-feeds, but do manual updates; hence the mistake in the track length of last week's episode, or the incorrect episode-link this week :(
they fixed it. the 12/18 podcast is now available in itunes. it does not have album artwork though. i just went to google pictures and searched for dis unplugged. i saved one of those images and use it as the artwork for the podcasts. it would be nice if they would add the orange logo to each podcast.
i just hate how if you download it from the show's page and not from itunes, it doesn't show up in the podcast section of your ipod.

My feelings exactly. I listened to the podcast mp3 yesterday downloaded from the show page, but couldn't figure out how to get it into the podcast category. Thanks to Pete & Co for uploading the fixed one to iTunes!

they fixed it. the 12/18 podcast is now available in itunes. it does not have album artwork though. i just went to google pictures and searched for dis unplugged. i saved one of those images and use it as the artwork for the podcasts. it would be nice if they would add the orange logo to each podcast.

Easy fix: In iTunes, copy the podcast art Corey (and maybe Will?) attached from a previous show, select any and all episodes without art and paste into the artwork box lower left. :goodvibes
Easy fix: In iTunes, copy the podcast art Corey (and maybe Will?) attached from a previous show, select any and all episodes without art and paste into the artwork box lower left. :goodvibes

that's a good idea. the problem is that i typically delete the old ones after i have put them on my ipod, then i delete those off the ipod after i listen to them. beggers can't be choosers, i guess.
I have to confess....I own an iPod...actually we have three in a house with two people....but I have never downloaded the podcast.

I never go back and listen to the show as it makes me self-conscious. I did listen to it once because someone accused me of saying something I didnt say...and wanted to be sure of what I really did say.

I would usually suggest that I will bring this to someone's attention but I need to ask y'all to be patient.

This website and The DIS are undergoing a huge server upgrade (it will make everything faster) and the folks that usually handle stuff like this are BUSY with the upgrade. I'm surprised they arent all bald from pulling out their hair.

Thats all ...just a bit of an explanation.

i wouldn't worry about artwork and stuff like that too much. it's just something that an OCD person like myself worries about. everything else seems to be working fine.
...And we are all grateful for getting such a quality product for Nothing. Where else does this happen?
My iTunes automatically downloaded the most recent episode but it was the 12/11 show titled as the 12/18 show. Does anyone know how to fix the problem and delete the incorrect file and download the new one so it appears in iTunes and can be downloaded on to my iPod.
My iTunes automatically downloaded the most recent episode but it was the 12/11 show titled as the 12/18 show. Does anyone know how to fix the problem and delete the incorrect file and download the new one so it appears in iTunes and can be downloaded on to my iPod.

Here's what I did. Delete the file labelled as the 18th with the 11th audio. Go to the iTunes store, search for DIS Unplugged podcast, manually download the 18th show via the "Get Episode" button and presto. Worked for me when "update" function didn't.
Here's what I did. Delete the file labelled as the 18th with the 11th audio. Go to the iTunes store, search for DIS Unplugged podcast, manually download the 18th show via the "Get Episode" button and presto. Worked for me when "update" function didn't.

same thing i did.


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