January 2009. . . Calling all Snowbirds ~ Part IV !!!

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How old is she now? Wouldn't she get tired? :rolleyes1

No way! She's Julie Andrews! She's MAGIC!!!!

WIMP! :rotfl2: You oughta come up here to visit me sometime Soleil! I'll school you on real winter! :thumbsup2 Have you ever seen COOL RUNNINGS, its a disney movie, I think, about the Jamaican bobsled team that made it to the 1988 Calgary Olympics? I think that all you Southerners would be just like that if y'all ever came up to NW Ontario! :rotfl:

nuff people say they know they cant believe, jamaica we have a bobsled team

QOTD: Not someone for me to meet, but I'd like my DH and kids to meet my mom. :angel: She died when I was in high school and it makes me sad to think she never got to know the people who mean the most to me now, and they never got to know her. Our last family vacation before she died was to WDW, so that would be fitting. :flower3:

OK, back to happy Disney thoughts! :wizard:

:hug: I wish I could make that happen for you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

I have a mental image of the two of you skipping along holding hands and singing together! Oh, the look of adoration on your face!

I know all the choreography in the Sound of Music. We could do that together.:goodvibes

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: OH Soleil! You are on a roll today girl! You got some funny in you today! :thumbsup2

Well, thanks! I do what I can.:laughing:

It breaks my heart that you just couldn't make her, since she can't sing anymore. Julie Andrews is one of my all-time favourites...such a tragedy about her surgery and her vocal chords.
I didn't know that. How very sad. She really is my favorite entertainer of all time!
Becca...what you do you mean page 8, to me it would seem that we are on page 9 and moving steadily along LOL!!!!
Jen... I am a bit nerdy too and think you have to take into account the down time on the Snowbirds Thread. Usually it's slow or dead from 11:00 to 6:00 SO..... if you subtract those 7 hours per day and then add them I think we may have at least until late Monday early Tuesday:lmao:

Phew....I checked in this morning on part 3.....left to go get DS and pop into the grocery store for about 15 items (and drop $75) and return to find you guys had left me in the dust of 10 pages.

Ya'll had me crackin' up with all the eye candy talk!

Has anyone started to think about all the little odds and ends that make a trip more comfortable? I need to get all my little stuff together.

Last trip we took a stick of Body Glide (get your minds out of the gutter) for the back of our heels. Tons of assorted baggies for Backpack organizational needs....we kept the autograph books, pens, etc. in one bag, bandaids...chapstick...kleenex in another. wet panchos in the gallon size...

Any other ideas?
Wow 9 pages already! Chatty snowbirds!

I'm off to a job interview.. my first for after I graduate with a bachelor's so fingers crossed! I suppose if it doesn't work out I always can pursue a life in disney! :rotfl:
Holy smokes, part IV already?!!!!!:scared1:

QOTD: :love: :love: It would definitely have to be James Marsden. :love: :love: I know since i'm a pastor, I should say something like Jesus or Martin Luther. But hey, i'm a woman aren't I?! :rotfl:
Jen... I am a bit nerdy too and think you have to take into account the down time on the Snowbirds Thread. Usually it's slow or dead from 11:00 to 6:00 SO..... if you subtract those 7 hours per day and then add them I think we may have at least until late Monday early Tuesday:lmao:

Phew....I checked in this morning on part 3.....left to go get DS and pop into the grocery store for about 15 items (and drop $75) and return to find you guys had left me in the dust of 10 pages.

Ya'll had me crackin' up with all the eye candy talk!

Has anyone started to think about all the little odds and ends that make a trip more comfortable? I need to get all my little stuff together.

Last trip we took a stick of Body Glide (get your minds out of the gutter) for the back of our heels. Tons of assorted baggies for Backpack organizational needs....we kept the autograph books, pens, etc. in one bag, bandaids...chapstick...kleenex in another. wet panchos in the gallon size...

Any other ideas?

Yes I must admit I did just do a straight calculation. I figure by 6:00ish tonight I will update my prediction with a more accurate statement of how many days I think it might be until new thread LOL...of course I'm sure it will be a bit slow around the Thanksgiving Holiday too!! No worries as I tweak out our equation I'm sure to find a more suitable answer for us Snowbirds LOL

I'm a nerd..I embrace it!:rotfl:
Wow 9 pages already! Chatty snowbirds!

I'm off to a job interview.. my first for after I graduate with a bachelor's so fingers crossed! I suppose if it doesn't work out I always can pursue a life in disney! :rotfl:

Yes Ma'am Good Luck!!!
QOTD: :love: :love: It would definitely have to be James Marsden. :love: :love: I know since i'm a pastor, I should say something like Jesus or Martin Luther. But hey, i'm a woman aren't I?! :rotfl:

Me thinks it is going to be a tradition that at the start of each new thread that Trixie provides us with some very delightful eye candy!!!
Rats! If DH wasn't so busy at work he could do it! :headache: But I think I'd have a tough time explaining exactly WHY I needed a pic of the good 'ole cap'n in a speedo! :rotfl2:
:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
Okay seriously....we couldn't even make it to page 10 and some released Disco Dale!!!! Quick put him away, send it home, take him to another thread LOL!!!!
Sorry he's gotta visit each thread at least once! Don't worry since Carrie is sleeping I did the honors of calling the authorities ('Ole Cap'n Jack- in a Speedo of course- hauled him back into the slammer a few minutes ago!pirate:) No worries, he's back where he belongs now.
Has anyone started to think about all the little odds and ends that make a trip more comfortable? I need to get all my little stuff together.

Last trip we took a stick of Body Glide (get your minds out of the gutter) for the back of our heels. Tons of assorted baggies for Backpack organizational needs....we kept the autograph books, pens, etc. in one bag, bandaids...chapstick...kleenex in another. wet panchos in the gallon size...

Any other ideas?
Funny you had to remind us to keep our minds out of the gutter! :laughing:
I'm just starting to think about all the details and am soooo ready to pack!
Wow 9 pages already! Chatty snowbirds!

I'm off to a job interview.. my first for after I graduate with a bachelor's so fingers crossed! I suppose if it doesn't work out I always can pursue a life in disney! :rotfl:
Good Luck! :cheer2: We're cheering for you!
Me thinks it is going to be a tradition that at the start of each new thread that Trixie provides us with some very delightful eye candy!!!
Eye Candy and a Menu- what more could a girl want!popcorn::

Thanks for posting the Coral Reef one today- we're heading there for my hubby's birthday lunch- shhhh it's a surprise. I've heard okay things about the food but I've heard great things about the atmosphere. I think the kids will like it!
Trixie... I am madly in love with John Krasinksi from The Office. Can I have a little present, too?:love:
Ummm we have already made it to page 2 already...holy moly~~~ That is crazy!!!

Page two.... heck... when I found you guys you were already at page ten... see what happens when I go to work!!! 8 more pages to read before I am up to speed with you crazy ladies...
Only if you sang along- which I KNOW you did! :lmao:

If you are ever in my area around Christmas time and you hear way too loudly I want a Hippopatumus for Christmas blaring in some woman's car and a lady rocking out to it even louder...pretend you don't know me LOL
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