Julie's continual struggle (WW thread - comments VERY welcome!!)

OMG!!! I just about died laughing at the attack of the blue-hairs!!! :rotfl2:

What on Earth was up with that? I would have been offended but I'm sure I would have been too busy laughing at them! In a way, it would motivate me to keep working out, just to tick them off more. Good for you for standing your ground!!!!

The balloon fiesta sounds so cool! They do something similar around here, albeit on a much smaller scale. It's got to be fun to look up and see them float by.

Sending :wizard: for you ankle and also for your family. I really hope everything turns out OK.
Hi Julie!!!

What a weird reaction from the people at the mall! hehe Sounds like you have definitely been keeping busy, that will be good for our team! hehe :)

Your DNiece and her baby will be in my prayers tonight! Sending goodvibes to them too! :goodvibes

Hope that you get to relax a bit tonight!
Mike :flower:
Today has been BUSY!!!

I'm still working on Ebay. Have done about 10 loads of wash, worked some in DS16's room as DH can find no black socks.....I think DS16 is taking them for his work daily, then never putting them in the hamper......, Started changing out my clothes for winter (I'll save the trying on for when DH is gone next week), and read thru some of DS16's psychology essays.

I actually stayed in PJs until about 4 p.m.

DS16 works til close which will likely be about midnight tonight as it is Balloon Fiesta.

Breakfast was 3 mini scones (4) - I'm SO GLAD they're now GONE!!!! Last time I bought them DH and the kids inhaled them, this time, I'm the only one who ate them and they are much too good, and expensive to go to waste (or waist)

DNiece was dismissed - the hospital where she was sounds AWFUL!!! She was to be monitored for 24 hours. When they moved her from L& D to the floor, they 'forgot' to hook her up for almost 6 hours. She kept buzzing and no one came. One of the tests is to collect urine for 24 hours for protein build up - they made HER pour and measure it!!! She finally saw the Dr. on call and he said to induce her protein would need to be 300+, hers was 291!

Her BP jumps if she moves from lying on her left side. Normal for her was 103/58 and it goes to upper 140's/low 90s.
Baby Kylie seems fine. I'm concerned that her urine output is VERY VERY small, but she goes frequently. Toxemia affects the kidney's(I was very toxemic w/ my first - to the point that I had to sign papers prior to inducing to prove which of us I wanted them to work on if they could only save 1 of us - and look what that dumb kid - DS19 - is doing to me now!!!!)

I think just to be cantankerous I need to include 'Mall Walking" in my weekly routine. I'm still laughing over the 'blue hairs'. It is typical of here, though. Rio Rancho, where I live was laid out and intended to be another Sun City. Then INTEL decided to move themselves here and blew the seniors plans.

Gotta run and get busy - and potty the pups. GOnna try to check out some other journals.

Food today was OP and I did 4.5 miles walking (broken in half) 70 minutes!!
Today has been a busy day, again!

I woke up with a jolt about 5 a.m. and told DH that DD had forgotten to do her homework - I thougth it was Monday. NOT a good way to start the day!

DS19 showed up at almost 10 last night and said he was sleeping here as the couch he has been sleeping on was hurting his back. He ate, watched TV and slept until almost 5 tonight.

Went to 9:30 church. Had bagel and decaf - (6) DH had his cycle and went from there to work. DS16, DD and I ran to Costco. BOO HOO - they have no more Peach Mango Salsa!!!! I did find some yummy BABY Kiwi that I had never seen before. They are the size of grapes.

Lunch was 2 roll up slices (6) and cf diet pepsi.

Did more laundry, ebay, more transferring summer to winter. Then took DD to Penny's and got her a leather jacket she had been wanting. Had been $199, was on sale for $89 + 20% off.

Dinner was BBQ (2), baked potato (4) veggies (2) and then a ff ice cream (2).

Since DH was gone I managed to do WATP 4 mi.

Now I'm off to list Ebay. DS19 is about to have DH take him back to the house his car is at. He still needs to finish trying to get it running. UGH!!!!
goldcupmom said:
I woke up with a jolt about 5 a.m. and told DH that DD had forgotten to do her homework - I thougth it was Monday. NOT a good way to start the day!

hehehehe! Ok Julie, this one had me rolling because this is totally something I would do!! Several times I have made it all the way down the hall to my office before I realized I was off by a day! LOL :goodvibes

Mike :sunny:
Oh Julie that is funny!!! Something I can say that I would do! I have had to stop and think what day it is before I run around like a crazy woman waking my husband up!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
Well, it's been an interesting morning already!

DD lost her id badge, AGAIN!!! Fortunately she was running early and we found it on time.

When DS19 left last night we talked about his needing a flu shot & recheck on his BP. He told me anytime, I just needed to come get him w/ 30 min to spare so he could get ready. Well, I called in , got an appt for 11:15 today, went over at 8:45 to let him know and he's not there. They're not positive where he is. He left last night to help push someone out of the arroyo who was stuck and then whoever he was with got stuck - or that is the story. Come home, cancel, AGAIN. Call DH - oh yeah, he said if he's not there he's at Gonzo's. (Like I know that or where Gonzo lives).

So, I finally got ebay auctions ended and I'm not gonna mess with it anymore today. It is SO frustrating!!

Had Slimfast (3) while driving. Did WATP 3 mile abs - 44 min - before 7:30 a.m. I'm going to try to do my liquid day today, but not sure I"ll make it given my stress levels.

Have a great day, ALL!! (Even Blues!!)
Wow, Julie! You had such a busy weekend. So glad you didnt' let the blue hairs intimidate you! Good job on getting in so much exercise. Where do you find the energy? Good buy on that leather jacket. I am so impressed! I just said a prayer for your niece and baby Kylie. Hope all is going well for them both.

Have a great day! :goodvibes:
Hi Julie!!

Your DD sounds like me with my ID here at the college! I lose it all the time! LOL
Good job getting that exercise in! Go Red Team!!!

Good luck at tomorrow's weigh in!
Have a happy & healthy night!
Mike :goodvibes
Hi Julie!

I hear ya about eBay... I listed 5 items last week and only one sold. :( I tried to convince my DH to have a garage sale this weekend, but he'd rather have the stuff eBayed or sold at a garage sale next year. So, we'll see what happens..

I am sending you lots of :wizard: :wizard: for your week ahead. I hope you have some Julie time scheduled. :goodvibes

Take care and have a great day! :sunny:
Here I go away for a week or two, and you've started a turf war at the Mall!! How "rebel without a cause" of you!!! ;) Please tell me you are going to invest in a leather jacket or something for your next mall walk...maybe a Pink Lady scarf?

Sounds like you're fairly busy, go I hope you find some down-time this week.

Have a great day! :)
Well, it's now 8:30 and DS19 said he'd call between 7 - 8 so I would know where to pick him up and could schedule a Dr. appt. No, I didn't believe him!

DId WATP 4 mi - 55 min. If DD wants Baskin Robbins tonight I'll make her walk with me, so I'll get in a bit more.

Down 1.5 this morning. YEAH!!!! The scale is FINALLY moving.

DNiece just called. She saw her Dr. today and they are inducing at 6 a.m. FL time tomorrow. Hopefully by tomorrow night Kylie will officially be here.

Today's plans are unsettled. If DS19 ever calls, I'll try to get him in to Dr. DH was planning to get the car transferred to DS19's name today, so I might be needed there. I most definitely have to do Ebay as our trip is now only about 3 wks away. DS16 is off work today so it will be a heavy school day until gym. I also said I'd try to take him to lunch at the Chinese place up the road as he's never home.

Who knows.

Have a good Tuesday, All!!
Yay!!! Congrats on 1.5 down!!! That's awesome! :cool1:

I hope you have a great day today. Sending :wizard: for a smooth induction and birth. How exciting!
Hi Julie!

Good chatting with you last night!! Congrats on your great loss this week, that is awesome!!!

The Red Team rocks!

Mike :goodvibes
Julie -- I am so sorry your DS19 is making your life difficult. Sending you a :hug:

Great loss this week! You ROCK!!!! Bet it feels great, right? Keep up the great work! You are really inspiring me to do so much better. And the fact that you do all of this without caffeine just really knocks my socks off! :teeth:

Have a great night, sweetie!
Congrats on getting the scale down! :cool1: Sorry, I haven't posted lately, I really have been reading in order to keep up with you. There are days that I think I am busy, then I read how busy you are, and that just about wears me out. ;)

Keep up the great work. You are doing really well dealing with all the stress and staying on track with your journey.

Have a great evening. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Today was NOT a good food day!

DS19 finally texted me about 1. Apologized for oversleeping and wanted to know about doing the car. I am very text challenged, so DS16 put it on my IM on the computer which was much more my style. Told him to stay put and I would come get him. Finally got hold of DH, got him home, they called the ins co to switch that. DH discovered that as long as DS19 is declared a dependent on our taxes, we are still liable regardless of who owns the car/insurance. Wonderful NM!

So, they went to DMV. Were told they need a SMOG inspection, and came home. The car isn't running right now, so can't do that. Neither of them bothered to point out that we live in Rio Rancho, not Albuquerque and our county doesn't require that. So, I'll have to catch DS19 tomorrow and do it. UGH!!

I made DS19 a DR. appt for 1 tomorrow. Hopefully he will be around at the appointed time. I'm SO tired of cancelling appts. It is way past time for him to get his act together. No job for a long time, no money at all. Living off friends. He owes EVERYONE, and has written bad checks all over. Got a letter from AZ DA about a 9.95 bad check. He has x days from date on letter to pay or it is a FELONY! Now the cost is $59.95. Owes the apt over $2300 in past due rent, eviction fees, breaking lease, etc. I'm just hoping and praying that he'll wake up and turn around. DH really doesn't care and if I try to even mention it to him he turns it all back on me. I'm so emotionally exhausted at the present. I really need a break, but even if I got away, I don't think I could truly relax and put it out of my mind.

I was very stressed all day and ate ALL DAY!!

Breakfast was an oatmeal square - 4 and decaf. I took DS16 to chinese lunch. I had the tofu out of hot sour soup (1), eggroll (3), veg fried rice (8) and something wicked possessed me and made me order Sweet sour chicken(4). I only ate 4 pieces, but I ATE 4 PIECES- fried, greasy, and !!!!

Then as if that wasn't enough, during the DS19 and DH 'debates', I ate FOUR chips ahoy and a York peppermint pattie and 2 sf kisses.

Then it was dinner time! DD wanted more chinese - she & DS19 ate my ss chicken when she got home from school. I ate one more piece of chicken at dinner and had TACO BELL nachos supreme - I HAD to use the coupon, you see. So, I'm WAY WAY WAY over on points today.

I have had 80 oz water and a sf lemonade (and I'm still thirsty - imagine that!)

The strange thing is that I've eaten ALL day and tonight, my scale was only up a pound from this morning. It's the lightest night weight I've had in a long time. REALLY weird, and I'm sure it will come up to haunt me!

At least we didn't also go get ice cream tonight, or I'm sure I would have had something really decadent.

Tomorrow will be a very busy day. It is Ebay package/mailing day, DS19 has to be driven to the Dr. I need to go to the bread store, get milk, get puppy piddle pads, order pics from DNiece's july wedding (before they aren't available), list ebay and end auctions, and EXERCISE!!! Plus I have to find the DMV and get the car transferred - and DH has the nerve to tell me to my face that I DO NOTHING!!! (Maybe I should start now!!)

Somewhere in there I need to submit several Psychology tests/quizzes for DS16.

DH leaves for his 'vacation' on Thursday after work. He's going to visit his friends back in KS for 5 days. I won't EVEN get started on this topic as my feelings aren't the kindest.

I'd like to crawl back in bed when DH and DD leave in the morning, but I need to hit the ground running. I WILL exercise immediately, or I know it won't get done.

Time to go finish listing Ebay and put the pups to bed.

Thanks for all your support, guys! It means SO MUCH!!!

6 hours until induction time for my DNiece in FL. She is SO excited, yet so scared. She's called me several times today. My DSis is almost insisting on being in there for delivery and DNiece REALLY wants it to be just her and her DH. I'm hoping I can convince DSis to let them be.

More in the morning!

Girl, I am sending you super strength, Energizer bunny type :wizard: :wizard:. You do so much for so many Julie. :goodvibes I hope over the next few days you can find time to do something for you. :hug: You really sound like you could use a much-deserved, much-needed break. :cloud9:

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
Whew Julie!!! You are pretty darn busy. I am so sorry for all the troubles that you are having with your DS. Here is some :wizard: that things will get better.

Hope you are having a great Thursday!


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