Jumping into June - June 2022 W.I.S.H. thread

So, I haven't been present because my sister who I have detached from because of her addictions and unwillingness to get help ended up in the hospital with congestive heart failure. It is a very complicated family situation, and I had to have dinner with my nephew to discuss her situation. I was able to help him get clarity on how best to handle everything going forward. It has been very triggering for me as a child and sibling of an alcoholic/addict.

During this family drama/trauma, all week was chaotic at school with yet another teacher training on Wednesday after school. (We have half days next week, and that would be the optimal time to get ALL OF MY PAPERWORK DONE, but we have math training in the afternoon!!! AAAHHHHH!!! When will this end?!). In addition was graduation rehearsal...graduation yesterday. I really can't wait to be done with school. It's just too much.
So, I haven't been present because my sister who I have detached from because of her addictions and unwillingness to get help ended up in the hospital with congestive heart failure. It is a very complicated family situation, and I had to have dinner with my nephew to discuss her situation. I was able to help him get clarity on how best to handle everything going forward. It has been very triggering for me as a child and sibling of an alcoholic/addict.

During this family drama/trauma, all week was chaotic at school with yet another teacher training on Wednesday after school. (We have half days next week, and that would be the optimal time to get ALL OF MY PAPERWORK DONE, but we have math training in the afternoon!!! AAAHHHHH!!! When will this end?!). In addition was graduation rehearsal...graduation yesterday. I really can't wait to be done with school. It's just too much.
So, I haven't been present because my sister who I have detached from because of her addictions and unwillingness to get help ended up in the hospital with congestive heart failure. It is a very complicated family situation, and I had to have dinner with my nephew to discuss her situation. I was able to help him get clarity on how best to handle everything going forward. It has been very triggering for me as a child and sibling of an alcoholic/addict.

During this family drama/trauma, all week was chaotic at school with yet another teacher training on Wednesday after school. (We have half days next week, and that would be the optimal time to get ALL OF MY PAPERWORK DONE, but we have math training in the afternoon!!! AAAHHHHH!!! When will this end?!). In addition was graduation rehearsal...graduation yesterday. I really can't wait to be done with school. It's just too much.
So sorry to hear this.
@PollyannaMom how is your husband??

What fictional place would you like to visit? This was a hard one for me but I would have to say Stars Hollow from Gilmore girls!

If you could have an unlimited lifetime supply of something (other than money), what would that be? Fosters for animals. There are never ever enough especially right now 😭

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Planning vacations!!

What is your favorite tradition or holiday? Going on the vacations that I plan!!
@PollyannaMom how is your husband??

What fictional place would you like to visit? This was a hard one for me but I would have to say Stars Hollow from Gilmore girls!

Great answer!!

He says he feels about the same as yesterday (which was a lot better than the day before). - I think he was hoping for the same kind of jump today, but I do think at least his cough isn't as loud.

His sister made us a big batch of chicken meatball soup and dropped it off. It was sooooo good.
What fictional place would you like to visit? - going with @PollyannaMom to Hogwarts!

If you could have an unlimited lifetime supply of something (other than money), what would that be? - humor by way of books and standup specials

What is your favorite guilty pleasure? - eating m&ms ever so slightly melted when they are mixed with fresh hot popcorn...preferably eaten while binging theme park you

What is your favorite tradition or holiday? - DH's family does a big Christmas Eve shindig which is becoming my favorite holiday. This weekend is also "Gaspee days" which is a local holiday celebration so this morning was the parade and it was the first time since 2019 we were able to walk with the cub scout pack. The kids had a great time and we had a wagon so when DS7 got overheated he and I rode in that for the second half of the parade, great way to people watch!
Fictional place... I've actually been contemplating this all day, and I keep coming back to visiting one of the locations of a Jane Austin novel, maybe Pride and Prejudice. Not really fictional but if I visited in the time of the novel that would count, wouldn't it? When I went to London I did a day trip to Bath and had afternoon tea at Jane's house, which was rather fun.

Life time unlimited supply... of... another tough one actually. Thinking about what I spend money on, do I need an unlimited supply of any of those things or do I just need to stop buying them? Hmmm... I guess I'll say books.

Favorite guilty pleasure... watching Survivor.

Favorite tradition or holiday... I have this thing for the 4th of July, but I have not idea why. I don't love fireworks and more often than not don't do anything special, except the past few years its been to go to my Sister's. I do love a good picnic and it is at the height of summer.
Happy Sunday!! So far I have lit a candle, drank water, worked out, loved my pets, had coffee, ate right and went for a walk!

My walk was at the spca and I have not been there in 3 weeks due to vacation and family obligations…it’s the longest time I had been away from there!!

I was so so thrilled to see lots of long timers had been adopted! In fact, the only dogs that were there today that were there when I left were the police hold cases so that’s great news!

It just started raining here now so I think we are in for a dreary evening!
It’s been a very low key day for me, due in a large part to having a tummy ache. I’ve been doing laundry and other small household things in anticipation of being gone Tuesday to Friday for the biz trip. At least I think we are still going, we’ve had another high priority work effort come up and it might not make sense to be on a trip right now. Will have to decide tomorrow, but getting ready just in case.
Today was a birthday party for my mother in law and she was actually surprised until she got to our house and saw the cars. I did NOT eat healthy but I indulged in moderation so I consider that a win.
Did a lot of tidying up before and after the party. Touched up my nails which have since chiped... will do them again later this week. Didn't have coffee as my Sunday treat is a coconut refresher from dunkin yum. And I have enough frozen fruit left over from our "tropical sangria" to make smoothies later in the week after I grab some almond milk.
I have the Tony awards recording on the DVR so I can zip through the commercials. Every year I watch and a little piece of me misses performing in live theater....the creative process was so rewarding and such a large part of my childhood and young adult life.
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Friday night we drove to my parents' house so we could do work for them Saturday. They had a long, but not too long, list for us. My dad is feeling guilty that we do so much work when we are there and don't just come for a visit anymore. We don't mind. We're happy to help them. We came home last night.

Today I had my tea and watched my youtube channels. Babysat for a couple hours, did cleaning and laundry, walked with a friend, and did yard work for 1.5 hours. DH informs me that the Oregon State baseball team plays in a few minutes so guess that's how I'll end my evening. popcorn::
Motivational Monday!!!!

Happy Happy Monday Friends!!!

As we find ourselves at the start of a new week I found myself thinking-what gets you motivated to get moving and get things done on Mondays?

They are usually the most dreaded day of the week so do you have a secret to kick the Monday blues?

Monday has become my in office day, so I definitely need some motivation to be happy and positive! I don’t sleep well the night before and I truly dread sitting here alone for 10 hours!

I don’t have a trick to Happy Mondays but I do get everything I can ready the night before so it makes things easier-coffee pot set, lunches made, clothes laid out…once I get here I am ok!
Mondays don't really start the "work week" for me, so it's mostly a mental reset as far as motivation goes. If it's been a busy weekend, it becomes more of a rest/catch-up day.

When DS was going through a particular "not liking school" phase, though, we made Mondays our Dunkin's Day - we would go on the way to school, to make the day something to look forward to.
I actually don't struggle with Mondays very much on a personal level. Mondays can be hectic work wise, but I know to just go with this and that it will clear.

This morning is a hit-the-ground-running Monday: it is before 8am I am already reaching out to people to gather info to make decisions on what work gets set aside and are we really going to travel tomorrow. Which I would really prefer not to because I'm still not feeling great.
Mondays generally aren't too bad for me...today was rough due to a nasty lod thunderstorm last night. Everything is fine but I was up for quite awhile so dragging today. DS9 had his first violin concert today so we went to that and it was a pleasant surprise. The kids sounded pretty good for saying they are all new to studying instruments.
I second @PAsFab5 with getting as much ready as possible at night which is kind of my approach every weeknight.
The trick will be when the kids have a few weeks off before extended school year starts then getting back into the routine THATS when we have trouble.
This week Monday's motivation is that it is the last Monday with students! We are soooo on countdown. It's the last week for teachers and all assistants will be done when the students are done. Staff are just tired and ready for a break. I always just plug along so I'm fine. Today I heard from the new principal and he seems really nice. I said good-bye to another office manager who really helped me when I started. It was bittersweet, but he will enjoy his grandbaby!

I also get things ready the night before to help prepare for the next day. And when the DSs were in school we pretty much kept a schedule all summer long so getting back on track wasn't too hard. Have I mentioned I really like routine?! :lmao:


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