Just a silly little TR - Run Away!!

You know, I hadn't wanted to be rude but I'm with Nebo. I expected blood at least.

That really would've been good, in shark filled waters.

Sheesh, there's injury... then there's death! Not good.

Who'd finish the TR?

Do you have an X-ray of the neck or anything? That could really spice things up.
nebo said:
Yeah, yeah, especially if he could have posted the x-ray! That would have been different from the usual pictures of the scenery.

Oh, all right. Here, you'll notice a slight swelling on the fourth vertabrae:

I think the heat's really affecting him.

Nah, he's always been a little affected.

Yeah, there you go,,, the whole classroom get's punished because of one joker.

I've never figured out why that's still being used. I remember when Elle came home in tears because she (along with the rest of the class) was punished for something a few others had done. She wanted to know why she was punished... I couldn't really give her a good answer.

Really afraid you messed up your neck? Well, ok then, that's better, those kind of things can be pretty scary at first when you don't know how much damage you just did. It's also a bit like getting hit in the groin realy, really hard: there is about a 15 second pain delay you are immediately placed on, not sure why, it's not really enought time to make out a will or anything, but the worse you get hit, usually the longer the pain delay.
I once took a slap shot when I was goalying unprotected to the groin from 10 feet away, I had time to get off the ice, and over to a snow bank where I would then spend the next 20 minutes screaming and throwing up, I would have been there longer, but I had to get back in the net because it was starting to get dark.

Good story. I'm pleased to say that I've never been 'injured' in that area as bad as that. There wasn't a pain delay with this wave, though. It was instant and in my mind there was a corresponding instant "oh crap". I really wondered if I was hurt. Then later, I kept wondering if I was going to stiffen up later. I didn't stop worrying until the next day.

But the best picture would have bveen the one in the beginning of Smidgy and the Grump,, when we had to park on a "diagonal" as the guy said to us, but meaning the GROUND was on the diagonal, and I was afraid of the car tiippping over when Smidgy got out!
That would have been a great shot, and the camera was right there in the car,,, but I jjust never thought of it.

I still haven't read that one. Some day... some day.
and I was afraid of the car tiippping over when Smidgy got out!

GGGRRRR!!! take my husband.. please!!!!:mad:
Also forgot to mention in the last chapter, that on the drive up to the North Shore we passed by these trees that we found interesting. Kind of the reverse of North American pine trees. They look like pine trees, but the ‘needles’ (if that’s what they were) and branches were pointing up instead of down. It was a bit jarring, ‘cause everything else in that area looked familiar.

if those trees were silver, they would look like may grandma's Christmas tree in the early 60's... oh wait, you have to add a light with different colored cellophane alternating past it.)

Oh my gosh. We had one of those trees. But is wasn't my grandma's it was ours. Light wheel and all. Thanks for the flashback Smidgy ! We kids hated that thing and mom just loved it. Pink ornaments and all. My oldest daughter really wishes we had it still. She loves all things retro. We saw one in an antique store last Christmas. They wanted 200 bucks for the thing. without the light wheel. they wanted another 45 for that. About that time I was wishing we still had it too.
and I was afraid of the car tiippping over when Smidgy got out!

GGGRRRR!!! take my husband.. please!!!!:mad:


Oh my gosh. We had one of those trees. But is wasn't my grandma's it was ours. Light wheel and all. Thanks for the flashback Smidgy ! We kids hated that thing and mom just loved it. Pink ornaments and all. My oldest daughter really wishes we had it still. She loves all things retro. We saw one in an antique store last Christmas. They wanted 200 bucks for the thing. without the light wheel. they wanted another 45 for that. About that time I was wishing we still had it too.

Well... yeah. If you're gonna have a silver tree, you have to have pink ornaments.
Geesh, how's the neck? I don't know for me if the neck would have kept me out of the water but the sharks (I know you get this by now) certainly would have.\

The shrimp from that truck have my mouth watering...nothing like good fresh shrimp!:thumbsup2 Those trees....they do look pretty cool!

Luggage place is closed:faint:well that can't be good:rolleyes2
Hi Ponzi! :wave2:

Didn't want you to feel left out from Neeb's TR....

Hi back atcha Your Coolness. :wave2: I guess you've been following along since you said you went to Nebo's pad from here... But welcome to the tail end (or should that be tale's end) of the TR.

Ponzi, you should see what Coolmom said about you on Nebo's TR

I did see, Marita. I just haven't had a chance to post til now. I'm heading over there to have words right after this.

Fight... fight... fight....

I love it when boys fight over me!...:teeth:

I shall defend thine honour, my lady!!

Course with my luck, I'll go in there with sword drawn and wind up like this:

Nope, Nebo and Ponzi will hoist a beer, watch MASH and sing Kumbayah

MASH? Did you say MASH? Well, I'll have to wait for a commercial before I defend Coolchick's honour, then.

Geesh, how's the neck? I don't know for me if the neck would have kept me out of the water but the sharks (I know you get this by now) certainly would have.\

The shrimp from that truck have my mouth watering...nothing like good fresh shrimp!:thumbsup2 Those trees....they do look pretty cool!

Luggage place is closed:faint:well that can't be good:rolleyes2

The neck's pretty good, now. Phew! And you'll notice there's no pics of the shrimp? Didn't we just have this conversation on your TR? :rotfl: They looked and smelled so good that there was no way I was stopping to take a shot. :laughing:
Ok, Ponzi,, Ill share the new girl with you.
Now you remebmer to be good while we are gone, no wild parties,, only one friend over at a time, Ok?
We will see you in two weeks, God and Santa Fe willing.

neebs and "she who must not be disturbed"
Ok, Ponzi,, Ill share the new girl with you.
Now you remebmer to be good while we are gone, no wild parties,, only one friend over at a time, Ok?
We will see you in two weeks, God and Santa Fe willing.

neebs and "she who must not be disturbed"

I hope you have a safe trip! I would say uneventful but that would just be lying! We'll be anxiously awaiting all your stories. popcorn::

Jill in CO
Ok, Ponzi,, Ill share the new girl with you.
Now you remebmer to be good while we are gone, no wild parties,, only one friend over at a time, Ok?
We will see you in two weeks, God and Santa Fe willing.

neebs and "she who must not be disturbed"

Awww, you guys are playing nice! Sharing...:love:

Have fun Neebs! and Diane
enjoy your time with your family... we'll take care of the Dis... wait, did you say one friend ONLY!

Ok, Ponzi,, Ill share the new girl with you.
Now you remebmer to be good while we are gone, no wild parties,, only one friend over at a time, Ok?

Can I stay up 'til 11?

We will see you in two weeks, God and Santa Fe willing.

neebs and "she who must not be disturbed"

Already said it on your TR but I'll say it again. You guys have a terrific trip and enjoy your time with Jackson. Safe travels!

Awww, you guys are playing nice! Sharing...:love:

Have fun Neebs! and Diane
enjoy your time with your family... we'll take care of the Dis... wait, did you say one friend ONLY!


That's right, we're playing nice...

Ok, Ponzi,, Ill share the new girl with you.
Now you remebmer to be good while we are gone, no wild parties,, only one friend over at a time, Ok?
We will see you in two weeks, God and Santa Fe willing.

neebs and "she who must not be disturbed"
Dis board rockanthem (to the tune of lmfao's rock anthe)
The Neebster left for the world tonight
Everybody just have a good time.
Have to wait to see what he hurts this time
But we still know they'll have a good time
Party Rock in he house tonight
everybody just have a good time
Gonna wait for nebos trip report
and wait for ponzi's sly retorts
Every day they have us chuckeling
chuckeling chuckeling,,
You know, I can’t stop singing ‘Secret Ponzi Man’ in my head…

I like how you use Photoshop to make yourself a superhero and poor Nebo has to be the Coppertone baby. You'd better hope Nebo never learns Photoshop.

Some of you wanted to see the glass sculpture I bought. I saw this and it immediately reminded my of our surfing experience and I thought it would make not only a decorative statement but also be a great reminder of what we’d done together. Anyway, here it is:

Looks beautiful! I can see why you had to have it.

Back to present day and we’re just getting in the water and Elle turns to me and says, “Dad? Are there sharks in this water?”

I screamed, “YES!!!!” and ran gibbering back to shore where I huddled beside Ruby in the shade, rocking back and forth, with my arms wrapped around my knees while softly chanting, “There’s no place like home. There’s no sharks at home.”

All right, maybe that’s not quite what happened. Besides, how could I get hurt surfing, if I don’t actually go surfing?

I gave Elle a reassuring smile and told her, “Sharks are out in the deeper water. Remember how long it took us to boat out to the cage?”

I didn’t lie. I’m sure there are sharks in deeper water. Heck, we saw ‘em! I just didn’t answer her question. The correct answer would have been, “I don’t know for sure if there are sharks near here… but yes there could be.”

But that might not have helped.

I think you played it the right way.

We were still having a good time, though. Maybe not quite as much as the first time. I’m a little concerned as well because for the last couple of months, I’d been seeing a physiotherapist (hah! You thought I was going to say psychiatrist, didn’t you?) about some neck pain that I’d been having. It was much better now, but I didn’t want to aggravate it. I also wasn’t going to let it stop me from doing the things I wanted to do. Or prevent the kids from doing. We were on vacation.

Uh oh. Sounds like Nebo.

when it happened…

Midway between myself and my kids, a large triangular shark fin broke the surface of the water.


Just out of curiosity, did anyone just have a heart attack? I’m sure I would have if it had really happened.


Hello? Where’d everybody go?


Trying to trick us again I see. Actually there have been a bunch of shark sightings close to shore at NJ beaches the last couple of weeks.

So I had just paddled over to Carol for another run, and she and I were chatting while she watched for a good wave, when it happened…

Is this going to be more exciting than the shopping story?

What usually happens is Carol will hold onto the board, aim it towards shore and then when she spots a good wave she’d give you a push and tell you to paddle.
This time, she suddenly swung my board around 180 degrees, pointed and said, “See that wave? Paddle towards it as hard as you can!”

Hunh? Okay.

I started to paddle out towards the wave that was approaching.

It was a big wave. By far the biggest wave of the day.

Did you know that waves contain a lot of energy? There are studies going on right now that are trying to harness that energy and convert it to a form that we can use.

Did you know that experienced big wave surfers have been killed by large waves?

I paddled as hard as I could and began to climb the wave. Nearing its apex, I remembered Carol’s instructions, “When heading into a wave, push down on the board and push yourself up. This will force the board to go up and over the wave.”

I pushed down as hard as I could and arched my back as much as possible.

You know, I almost made it.

The wave crest hit the board first, then me. The top of the wave was unfortunately just a little higher than my head. It slammed into me and I thought it was going to tear my head off.

Of course I was thrown off my board and I tumbled over and over in the water. I came up to the surface, grabbed my board and clambered on. I admit, I was in a bit of shock. Was my neck broken? Did I have whiplash? I gently moved my head from side to side and up and down. Yup, there was some pain there. A little more testing and … not bad…

That sounds REALLY scary.

I can't believe all these DIS board jackals are calling for blood! LOL

The second thing was, I asked Ruby if she got lots of pictures of us surfing. I figured with her just focusing on us, we’d have some good shots.

“Oh, I didn’t take any pictures. I just watched.” It’s my fault of course. When I walked down to the beach and handed her the camera, I said, “Here’s the camera.” I didn’t actually say, “And you can use it to take pictures…

of us…


My bad.

I'm afraid I can see myself doing this. Sometimes you just get caught up and forget.

I’d been waiting for something the whole trip. Sorry Laura, once again it definitely ain’t fine dining.

That's ok.

What makes the shrimp trucks so special is the freshness. They farm the shrimp in the morning and serve it that day. Kay and Ruby had eaten lunch but Elle and I had not. We were starving but we didn’t want to eat too much, since we would be eating again in just a couple of hours. I ordered one plate of shrimp scampi.

Big mistake. Kay, as I should’ve known, wanted to try some. Elle and I split the rest (Ruby’s allergic to seafood). Best shrimp I’ve ever had. So good.

Where are the pictures of the shrimp??

In some distress (didn’t want to leave), we hopped back in the car and continued down the coast. We were headed towards Kailua and another place I’d heard of that served good Italian called Baci Bistro. I was starting to look at my watch more and more often ‘cause it was getting later and later. We still had to drive to Kailua, find Baci Bistro, eat fast and get back to the hotel before 7pm to get our bags. Then we had to scoot over to the airport, drop off the rental car, check in and get through security.

I love how you make the most of every minute of your last day!

I can’t get the pump to work. Arrgh, it’s one of those ‘pay first’ places. I hate those. Usually, what I’ll do is just toss the attendant whichever card I’m using and tell him/her to hang on to it if it makes them feel better.
Not this time.

I hate those too. Luckily I live in a state that has full service gas stations.

Just a few minutes up the road we find Baci Bistro.

Looks nice.

Too nice.

We walk inside and while we wait for the hostess to notice us, we are noticing that the diners currently there are well dressed. The ladies are wearing dresses and the men are in suits. Sound at all familiar, Laura? Are you happy now that I’m not at another burger place? I’m really uncomfortable but I’m doing this just for you, you know.

Sounds very familiar.

We’re wearing T-shirts, shorts and flip flops (slippers if you’re Hawaiian, clip clops if you’re Neboese). I politely ask the hostess if we’re underdressed and should we perhaps eat elsewhere. She assures me that we are dressed just fine… and sits us outside on the empty patio.

That's where they put the riff raff.

He really helped us out by getting our orders out quite quickly. I started with the Barrata salad (salad with Barrata cheese, which I’d never heard of… but was delicious. It’s made from Mozzarella and cream) while the girls split some bruschetta. Ruby had cheese & spinach ravioli, Elle had her favourite fettuccine alfredo (which the waiter recommended and she said was even better than mine, traitor…), Kay had the seafood plate (clams, mussels, shrimp, calamari… which remained un-eaten) and I had the shrimp plate (with visions of Giovanni’s dancing in my head… but wasn’t nearly as good) All in all, though, it was a delicious meal, we’d definitely go back.

Sounds great. Where are the pictures? Looks like Ruby wasn't the only slacker.

We make it back to the hotel and it’s almost 7pm. We’ve got about 2 or 3 minutes until the luggage place closes. We race out of the parking garage, sprint across the street to the accompaniment of braying car horns, and barrel down the pathways.

We made it! There it is!

I glance at my watch… 7:02pm.

It’s closed.

A cliffhanger!

Great chapter as usual Ponzi!

Saw the video. That does look like Nebo doesn't it?

I think you need to Photoshop Nebo with some Sideshow Bob hair.

Actually there's a story behind that, and it ain't pretty. A bunch of guys from work were goofing off and posted the video on youtube. Unfortunately, they made a remark involving one of the ladies at work and apparently it was innapropriate (I didn't see the video myself, but others did). The woman in question was quite upset and as a result... no youtube at work.

We have some odd sites that are blocked at work. Facebook, Amazon, Ebay and....

Victoria's Secret.

Great chapter as usual Ponzi!
Dis board rockanthem (to the tune of lmfao's rock anthe)
The Neebster left for the world tonight
Everybody just have a good time.
Have to wait to see what he hurts this time
But we still know they'll have a good time
Party Rock in he house tonight
everybody just have a good time
Gonna wait for nebos trip report
and wait for ponzi's sly retorts
Every day they have us chuckeling
chuckeling chuckeling,,

Hey that was really good! See Thumpy? You're not the only one who's got rythm. :laughing:

I like how you use Photoshop to make yourself a superhero and poor Nebo has to be the Coppertone baby. You'd better hope Nebo never learns Photoshop.

Nah, he knows better... I can do a lot worse than Coppertone or Spike.

Looks beautiful! I can see why you had to have it.

Thanks Laura. Given your background, that means a lot. :)

Trying to trick us again I see. Actually there have been a bunch of shark sightings close to shore at NJ beaches the last couple of weeks.

Note to self... avoid Joisey.

I can't believe all these DIS board jackals are calling for blood! LOL

Yes, <sigh> the natives are getting restless.

Where are the pictures of the shrimp??

If you could've smelled them, you'd understand why I didn't pause for pics. Elle and Kay would've polished them off by the time I got the camera turned on.

I love how you make the most of every minute of your last day!

That's one way of looking at it.

We sort of looked at it as... PANIC!!!!

I hate those too. Luckily I live in a state that has full service gas stations.

That's good. I live in a state of constant confusion...

That's where they put the riff raff.

So is Elle riff and Kay raff? Or the other way around?

Sounds great. Where are the pictures? Looks like Ruby wasn't the only slacker.

By this time there was NO time for pictures. It was more like Go! Go! Go! Anybody falls behind gets LEFT behind!

Great chapter as usual Ponzi!

Thanks Laura. Great breakdown, too!

I think you need to Photoshop Nebo with some Sideshow Bob hair.

Well, I did do a quck one of him with clown stuff before. Not my best work, though.

We have some odd sites that are blocked at work. Facebook, Amazon, Ebay and....

Victoria's Secret.

Great chapter as usual Ponzi!

:lmao: Gee, was Vicki's getting a few too many hits by the male contingent?

Thanks again, Laura! :goodvibes
Don't think tman has anything to worry about. HE can spell unlike yours truely here. *thumping myself in the head"
Now I have those dancing rodents from the commercial in my head.
Don' feel too bad about the man card being lost at a movie. Lance lost his st non other than Disneyland when we suckered er um convinced him that dancing down mainstreet USA with EEyore was a good idea and that no one would know him. The girls really got him on that one. They had to use the big eyed "Please Daddy? No one here knows who you are anyway" About halfway through the parade it came to a stop so they could do their little doe see doe and sure enough we hear "Holy Smokes that's Lance from work from behind me in the crowd" I got "the daggers of death look" from him for that one. Lucky for Lance the guy has 4 daughters and understood that what happens on Mainstreet stays on Mainstreet. I mention and bore you with this because while hanging out at the hospital waiting for his surger to be done put some old camera cards into my laptop and found the 10 seconds of shame video o Thursday.
That's a hard one to answer. Ultimately of course, you'll have to decide that for yourselves. For what it's worth... my 2 cents:

As much as I'd love to know (and I know you'll probably have every Tom, Dick and Harry wanting to know too), I feel there's something magical about waiting until the baby is born. It's also fun to keep a secret and have fun both with all the guesses and then the big reveal afterward.

Ruby and I decided not to know ahead of time what ours were and I'm glad we didn't. But I also respect anyone who wants to know ahead of time. It certainly helps with all the planning that goes with having a baby!

But part of our joy was when we called grandparents, aunts and uncles and said... "It's a girl!!!"


Do I want to know? Heck, yeah! But do I think you'll have more fun keeping it to yourselves? ::yes::

And so yeah, I like your advice Pkondz. I do value your opinion which is why I posted the question in your TR. I showed your post to DH and we decided to keep it a secret from everyone until birth day. See what in the world am I going to do when you finish this TR? You must drag this sucker out, at least until Nebo gets back.

I was thisclose to meeting him, but since I can't this time due to work, maybe, just maybe we can all meet next spring....after Easter/spring break in late April? How cool would that be? Two birds with one stone!! ;) I know it may be a stretch, but that would be awesome!!

And you aren't just a firework, you are selling yourself short! You are a sparkly firework!!! ;)

Oh yes, the Pkondz thought inducing Katy Perry song was "Wide Awake".



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