Just because we cannot see it, doesn't mean we can't believe it! LIVE TRIP REPORT!

It looks like you're having a great time. Thanks for taking the time to do a trip report, it's really appreciated. Hope you had a fab day at AK.
So today we went to animal kingdom and used the extra magic hours, we headed straight for the safari and saw so many of the animals it was great, we then had a spot to eat

I had this ^ the apple fritter with a strawberry slush! It was soooo good!

We then headed towards the dinoland area, we went on primeval whirl and dinosaur (this ride is always so great), we then foolishly decided to ride the rapids! We got drowned! Well me and the boyfriend haha everyone else only got a splash!
Lastly we headed over to, it's tough to be a bug which we got to just in time! We then headed back to the hotel for a midday break (it's the first time we have ever done this on any disney world holiday) it's been really nice though, we came back, walk to our rooms to collect the refillable mugs then walked back to the food court for some lunch, I had the Mongolian beef stir fry it was absolutely delicious and I will be having it again during my stay, my mum had the turkey sandwich with homemade chips, this was also delicious as she let me try some! Very refreshing with the salad! And my boyfriend had a make your own burger! We all enjoyed our food very much!

We then headed toward the nemo pool for a swim and ended up in there until about an hour ago! It's great such an amazing atmosphere and lots activities going on for the children! We have now showered and are having a chill out before heading to Hollywood studios this evening :-)

Here are some pictures of today, most of them were taken on the digital camera and I will post them once I'm home :-)

After relaxing for a couple of hours in the pool, we went back to our room, showered and got ready to head out to Hollywood studios, then we decided maybe we could go to downtown Disney for dinner & then go to Hollywood studios, so we headed down to downtown disney, as we were on our way it started pouring down, we were so lucky that by the time our bus had arrived at downtown disney it had stopped In just enough time for us to get out of the bus without getting soaked. We headed towards rainforest cafe and checked out the wait time, 2 hours and 45 mins ouch! No way were we waiting this long, so we then had a wander and decided to eat at the earl of sandwich (have never ate here before until now but after many recommendations on here we have it a go). Boy was it good!

I had the pulled pork sandwich and a strawberry yoghurt with strawberries and honey and almond granola.

My boyfriend had the buffalo chicken wrap, excuse the picture but he just couldn't wait to tuck in.

My mum had the beef sandwich but being the plain Jane that she is she asked for it to just have beef, no horseradish sauce or anything else for that matter. But she said it was amazing and very succulent!

After this we did a spot of shopping, me and the partner got a t-shirt, we got 3 christmas stockings for the Niece and 2 nephews, which we will be getting their names put on, we aim to fill up the stockings with bits and bobs for Walt disney world :-) then I got a new pen for all the paper work I have to do at work, some plastic cups for the children's stockings, and some goofy candy treats for the little goody bags I plan to do for the 20 girls at work when I get home :-)

After this we goofed around a little :-)

after shopping we were going to head over to Hollywood studios but the heavens opened and I witnessed the biggest and most amazing storm I've ever seen, the rain let up after while but the storm lingered so we decided to head back to the hotel for an early night! :-)

Today we will be heading to international drive and possibly the outlets then onto magic kingdom :-) super excited :-) I love shopping and I love love love magic kingdom!!!
Loving your report so far :goodvibes
We are staying in the Mermaid rooms for a couple of days at the beginning of our next trip so it's good to hear that the walk isn't really too bad ....... and what a great place for a walk anyway :thumbsup2
Loving your report so far :goodvibes
We are staying in the Mermaid rooms for a couple of days at the beginning of our next trip so it's good to hear that the walk isn't really too bad ....... and what a great place for a walk anyway :thumbsup2

Exactly yesterday we walked back and forward a few times in a row and its a really nice walk sooo fun! Music playing etc its lovely!!
Just a small update as I'm exhausted but! IM ENGAGED!

My lovely boyfriend (now fiancé) got down on one knee in front of the castle right before the electric parade! Cheers from everyone, the photographer welled up! I had the biggest grin i've ever had and my mum cried! Best day of my life ever!

I will post a full report of the day tomorrow :-D
Congratulations, looking forward to your next update :)
Oh that's so wonderful - you will certainly never forget this holiday!!
HUGE congratulations :goodvibes
OMG huge congrats on your engagement!!!! :goodvibes Really enjoying the live updates and can't wait to read about your MK proposal, I'm sure you're on :cloud9:
Thanks everyone :-) I am still on cloud 9, can't quite comprehend what happened!

The day started off by us going to international drive for some breakfast, we went to that little place that sells English food.

Whilst we were waiting for our food we all got a drink each.

My mum had her cup of tea (of course). She has a slight addiction lol!

My boyfriend had a coffee (of course) he has a slight addiction also!

And me, well I had a diet coke! (No surprises there), I'm easily pleased & not a big fan of hot drinks but I will drink anything! (I've even tried Beverly before having said that it was gross, and I'd never drink it again, but there's nothing stopping me from getting my boyfriend to try it, mwahahaha).

My mum had egg and toast, and as she said "it was cooked to perfection"

I had a sausage and bacon. Sandwich, that was super yummy epically with go sauce.

And my boyfriend had a full English, we he sat and ate in silence! (This is a good thing) when he really enjoys food he goes quiet, me on the other hand I have to tell everyone how good it is

After this we had a look in the tack shops, I pick up a pen for each if the girls at work to go into their goody bags, and just some snacks & treats!

When then decided to make our way back to the hotel, and as soon as we were back we headed straight towards magic kingdom (but not before a quick picture).

Once we got to magic kingdom we had a picture taken with Mary poppies and one of the penguins! So cute!

We then caught the dapper dans and sat watching them for a while! Those guys really are great, and make the disney experience so very magical :-)

After this we had a little look in some shops and waited the party parade thing! Lol can't remember what it was called but the one that stops and you can have a little boogie in front of the castle! I love it! :-D was quite happily dancing along even in the heat!

After this we headed towards tomorrow land, and did monster inc laugh floor and stitches great escape which were fantastic as always! We then had a quick drink and headed back to Main Street for the main parade of the day! As always it was brilliant and everyone looked like Cheshire cats :-)

We then went straight back over to tomorrow land to carry on with that area, we buzz lightyear and space Mountain, forgot how great they both were!! And we then had a spot to eat.

I had half a chicken with green beans and some fries.

My mum had the same but without the green beans, she went and got some salad from the topping station to go with hers instead.

And my boyfriend had a grilled chicken sand which with fries.

After this we went to the new story book circus area :-) its very cute and we decided To go and meet Minnie and daisy, a long queue but worth the wait :-)

Then we went into aerials grotto! It's beautiful and lots of fun, the animatronics are out of this world! We also managed to fit in philharmagic, peter pans flight, Winnie the Pooh and the haunted mansion before heading back towards the front of the park for the electrical parade.

This is when we decide to have a picture taken In front of the castle at night! After the picture was taken kev turned to me! And straight away I was like OMG ARE YOU! And with that he got down on one knee and asked me if I could make him the happiest man ever, in front of thousands of people! Beautiful moment I obviously said yes and the whole crowd cheered :-) people were coming up to us and congratulating us, giving us high 5's everything! It was very exciting! I'm still in shock now!

I didn't really take many more pictures after this haha! I just kept looking at my hand!

We did watch the parade, then the projection show and then the fireworks, I cried haha, i was a little overwhelmed by the magic I had witnessed and been part of over them past few hours!
Straight after the shows we went against the mass of people and rode splash mountain and thunder mountain, both of which were great at night :-) one of the ride attendants asked how he proposed, and once we told him, his words were "now that's some real magic right there, well done man" :-D he then handed us a fast pass so we could do it all over again, but to be fair we were so very tired that we handed it to another family to make use of!

We then headed towards the entrance whilst the electrical parade was going again so that was nice to see twice, one the way out we went to the photopass place to get a new one as our photopass plus was pretty much ruined after just 2 days, we ended up being seen to by the lady who took the pictures, she was like "hello how can I...... OMG you were the couple, oh the pictures they were amazing I got it all, I came back to check them straight away and showed everyone, soooo cute congratulations" it's very sweet that she was so excited that she got to be a part of that moment to :-D

Anyway once we got back I sat and stared at the ring for a while longer, replaying it in my head over and over! Smiling from ear to ear! I'm now his fiancé and I'm the happiest girl alive :-D

Today we are going to blizzard beach for the morning and then we see what we fancy this even :-) looking forward to posting back on here later.

Here are a couple more pictures from the day!!

Congratulations!! I am *thrilled* for you and I really can't imagine a more magical proposal. How perfect.
So today, we woke up as early as always, even though we had planned on a lay in after such a late night, we had some breakfast in the food court, me and my fiancé (sorry had to be done) had the same, it was like a steak burger type thing with egg cheese and bacon! With some potato stuff, was delicious! And my mum asked for egg on toast, be warned though the toast she got was saturated in syrup! When all she wanted was a normal slice of toasted bread! She was not impressed! Any way we had planned on going to blizzard beach but the typhoon lagoon bus arrived first so on we hopped and off we went.

I don't like water slides but I really enjoy relaxing in the water parks so I was very excited! We had a go on the crush n gusher slides then we headed onto the lazy river, after a short While my mum and Kev went off to do other stuff and I just carried on relaxing for a while! It was lovely! We met back up for some food and we saw lilo so had a picture with her on the photopass and then went off and did our own thing again me and mum sat at the edge of the wave pool waiting for the waves to roll in, whilst Kev was right up at the deep end by the rope riding the waves again.

We kind of just spent the entire morning taking it easy and not doing too much really! Now we are back at the hotel and have had some lunch, and are now showering to get ready for an evening at Epcot!! :-D
Oh my goodness, I've just caught up and what news!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to you both and how lovely for your mum to share the moment with you. Beautiful ring as well, very stylish and classic.
HUGE Congratulations on your engagement, what a lovely way to propose :)
Awwwww your engagement story just made my heart melt!!! :) I'm pregnant, hormonal and now crying cause that was just SO sweet! What a magical day! You MUST share the Photopass pics when you get them :goodvibes I'm dying to see your special moment!
Oh my goodness, I've just caught up and what news!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to you both and how lovely for your mum to share the moment with you. Beautiful ring as well, very stylish and classic.

Apparently it's not my actual ring, this one was to propose with as the other one was too expensive and he couldn't afford all that right before the holiday after what the holiday had cost, bless him :-) i have fallen in love with this ring though its Gorgeous but he keeps saying you wait till you see the other one! His one amazing man! And in proud to call him mine!


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