Just for grins.


Kari you are Awesome -
And I now have a new favorite thred. I will be checking this one daily for sure. And hopefully soon I will be designing too. My DH just gave me Photoshop Elements 6 for my birthday! I'm so excited.

I know you are really busy but any chance that you can change the Evil Stepmother design and the Snow White one to say Mum instead of Mom for us UK disers. I would be extremely grateful. If not could you tell me which font and size you used and I will attempt it myself!!! Thank you:flower3:
I know you are really busy but any chance that you can change the Evil Stepmother design and the Snow White one to say Mum instead of Mom for us UK disers. I would be extremely grateful. If not could you tell me which font and size you used and I will attempt it myself!!! Thank you:flower3:

Here you go.



Today's design:


These designs are just intended to bring a smile or a grin. I'll see if I can come up with a new one each day. I'll eventually run out of ideas so if you have an idea for me just let me know...
Thank you so much for adapting your disigns for me. It is so appreciated.
Today's design:


These designs are just intended to bring a smile or a grin. I'll see if I can come up with a new one each day. I'll eventually run out of ideas so if you have an idea for me just let me know...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!

maybe Belle taking care of the Beast's are for a nurse??? ummm daydreaming? another play on housework would be Snow White at the dwarves' home (picking up after 7 men now, come on! LMAO) Your work is awesome Kari!!! thanks for the smiles it brings
This is so perfect. we were just talking about this. The older I get, the less I care about the dust. :lmao:
Kari - you were asking for backgrounds.
Well, when I was doing my autograph cards I surfed the web four hours saving lots of different things. None of these are mine, they are all from the web. there may also be some from this board that people posted. I was just asked to remove something from my photo bucket because it belonged to someone else. I am hoping that nothing I have in these two folders belongs to someone else. If it does I apologize, :worship: :worship: , let me know & I will remove it. The making magical memories are mine, based on an idea created by someone else. they did one for 2006 or 7 & I needed one for 2008. I posted and they didn't respond, so I created my own. It was of Kermit and it took me hours to clean it up to make him a gif. :scared1: But anyway, I am hoping some of these backgrounds might inspire you to come up with some more great ideas. :rolleyes1 Of course, the more ideas you come up with, the more disigns I save. :rolleyes1

http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd181/Chaos1Cent/Background 2/?start=all
If these don't work they are in my folder (see signature) under background and background 2
Kari - you were asking for backgrounds.
Well, when I was doing my autograph cards I surfed the web four hours saving lots of different things. None of these are mine, they are all from the web. there may also be some from this board that people posted. I was just asked to remove something from my photo bucket because it belonged to someone else. I am hoping that nothing I have in these two folders belongs to someone else. If it does I apologize, :worship: :worship: , let me know & I will remove it. The making magical memories are mine, based on an idea created by someone else. they did one for 2006 or 7 & I needed one for 2008. I posted and they didn't respond, so I created my own. It was of Kermit and it took me hours to clean it up to make him a gif. :scared1: But anyway, I am hoping some of these backgrounds might inspire you to come up with some more great ideas. :rolleyes1 Of course, the more ideas you come up with, the more disigns I save. :rolleyes1

http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd181/Chaos1Cent/Background 2/?start=all
If these don't work they are in my folder (see signature) under background and background 2

My goodness, looks as if you are as addicted as me! Thank you so much for the links to the backgrounds. It's a goldmine and I truly had never seen some of these so lots of inspiration for me here! I really appreciate the links and you.:hug:

Would you be willing to post these links in a thread where people have asked for images? I know it would help a lot of the budding new designers as well.
Have a great day!
that Tink is adorable ...I would've made myself a shirt when I was expecting my DD. I'm sending it to one of my friends so he can make a shirt for his wife and give it to her on Mother's Day.
I added it to my signature and will post as I see people asking. :goodvibes
Glad it was of help. I saw I wrote "I surfed the net four (4) hours" I wish it was only 4, it was more like 40 or 50 :lmao:
I added it to my signature and will post as I see people asking. :goodvibes
Glad it was of help. I saw I wrote "I surfed the net four (4) hours" I wish it was only 4, it was more like 40 or 50 :lmao:

Thanks for posting the link! Those backgrounds are amazing!!! I too search for hours and days for my autograph and journal pics but I have never found any backgrounds as great as yours. Thanks again.

I think I remember Pat doing one with the lightning bolt but I think it didn't have any words.




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